Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 12/31/21

Year: 2021

The Journal of Sakarya University Business Institute aims to publish original and scientific studies on the basic sub-disciplines and functions of the business. In this direction, it aims to bring the studies that will contribute to the theoretical, empirical and practical development in the relevant fields of the business to the world of science and working life.

The Journal of Sakarya University Business Institute publishes original and scientific theoretical and empirical studies conducted in fields such as Management and Organization, Production, Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Health Management, International Trade, Management Information Systems, Organizational Behavior, Organization Theory, Strategic Management, Human Resources Management, Management Information Systems, Operations and Supply Chain Management, which are directly related to business science.

1. Papers to be sumbitted to The Journal of Sakarya University Business Institute should be written by leaving blank 1,5 cm from the top, 1,5 cm from the bottom; 1,5 cm from the left and 1,5 cm from the right in the A4 page format. The papers sent to the journal should be careful not to exceed 5000 words, including bibliography and tables.

2. Article Title should be written as Calibri (Body) 14 pt, bold and left-aligned on the page, before 0 pt, after 0 pt and 1 (one) line spacing. Title should not exceed 4 lines. Before English summary, title of study in English should be written in 10 pt, bold and centered on the page.

3. Author/s name and surname should be written in Calibri (Body) 12 pt, bold and left-aligned on the page, before 0 pt, after 0 pt and 1 (one) line spacing. The organization and contact information of authors should be Calibri (Body) 7.5 pt normal font, left-aligned on the page, before 0 pt, after 0 pt and 1 (one) line spacing.

4. Abstract and Key Words: Turkish and English abstract should be designed as up to 300 words and include the purpose, methods, findings and results of the study. At least 3 to 5 key words (in Turkish and English) should be given under Turkish and English abstracts. Keyword titles should be written in Italic.

5. Titles should be Calibri (Body) 10 pt (bold), left-aligned, before 6 pt, after 6 pt and 1 (one) line spacing. Abstract titles should be centered on the page, before 0 pt, after 0 pt, 1 (one) line spacing and Bibliography titles should be left-aligned, before 6 pt, after 6 pt and 1 (one) line spacing. Subtitles: Calibri (Body) 8 pt (Bold) justified, before 6 pt, after 6 pt and 1 (one) line spacing.

6. Texts should be written in Calibri (Body) 8 pt (normal)  justified, before 0 pt, after 0 pt and 1 (one) line spacing. Original research articles and observation type papers should be presented in the form of subtitles as introduction, methods, findings, discussion and conclusion. Tables, graphs and figures thought to be given should be presented in the text where it should be shown and numbered accordingly.

7. The table titles should be written on the table, Calibri (Body) 8 pt (bold), in the middle of the page, before 6 pt, after 0 pt, 1 (one) line spacing. If available, resource should be written in 8 point Calibri (Body) under the table.

8. Pictures and figures titles should be written under the picture and figure, Calibri (Body) 8 pt (Italic), in the middle of the page, before 6 pt, after 0 pt and 1 (one) line spacing. If required, page form can be used horizontally for the tables and figures. If available, resource is written in Calibri (Body) 8 pt under figure or picture.

In-text Citation

Citation in the text should be as shown in the following explanations and examples: For one author readings: Example: Example: (Burger, 2006). Page number should be included in direct references. Example: (Burger, 2006: 58).

For references with two authors: Example: (Jonason & Webster, 2010).

For references with three authors: Example (Furnham, Richards & Paulhus, 2013).

For references with more than three authors: after the first author's last name 'and others' words, if the reference is in a foreign language 'et al.' abbreviations should be used. Example: (Levenson et al., 1995).


References should be written at the end of the text, Calibri (Body) 8 pt (normal) Justified, before 0 pt, after 0 pt, 1 (one) line spacing in accordance with the examples below. For each source, there will be 1 cm indentation from the second line.

- Articles:
The first letter of the name of the article and special words in the title of the article should be written in upper case, and other concepts should be written in lower case. The name and number of the journal in which the article was published should be written in italics. The first letters of the journal name must be capital. Examples for the article are as follows:

Author (s) surname (s) and first letter (s) of the first name (s). (Year). Article name. Journal name, Volume (Number), Page numbers. Journal name and volume should be italic.

Single Author;

Güner, S. (2015). Investigating infrastructure, superstructure, operating and financial efficiency in the management of Turkish seaports using data envelopment analysis. Transport Policy, 40(2), 36-4.

Two Authors;

Turan, A, H., & Palvia, P. C. (2014). Critical information technology issues in Turkish healthcare. Information & Management, 51(1), 57–68.

Three and more;

Bayram, M., Ungan, M, C., & Ardıç, K (2017). The relationships between OHS prevention costs, safety performance, employee satisfaction and accident costs. International Journal of Occupatıonal Safety and Ergonomics, 23(2), 285-296.

If the article has been published but its issue has not been assigned, the doi number must be included.

Schimmenti, A., Jonason, P. K., Passanisi, A., La Marca, L., & Gervasi, A. M. (baskıda). Measuring the Dark Side of personality: Psychometric properties of the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen in an Italian sample. Current Psychology. doi:10.1007/s12144-017-9588-6

If it has been published but has not been assigned a number and does not have a doi number, the URL must be included.

Amarat, M., Akbolat, M., Ünal, Ö., & Kararkaya, B. G. (2018). The mediating role of work alienation in the effect of workplace loneliness on nurses’ performance. Journal of Nursing Management (Erişim, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jonm.12710)

- Books:

The first letter of the book name and special words in the title should be written in capital letters, other concepts should be written in lower case and italic. Examples for the book are as follows:

Single Author;

Rosenberg, M. (1965). Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Two Authors;

Christie, R., & Geis, F. (1970). Studies in Machiavellianism. New York, NY: Academic Press.

Three or more;

Tengilimoğlu, D., Akbolat, M., & Işık, O. (2015). Health Business Management. 7.Baskı, Istanbul: Nobel Publishing.

- Edited book:

Özbek, M. (Ed.) (2005). Public Space. Istanbul: Hil Publications.

- Chapter in an edited book:

Oberwittler, D., & Per-Olof, W. H. (2009). Why Small Is Better: Advancing the Study of the Role of Behavioral Contexts in Crime Causatio. in Putting Crime in Its Place Editors: Weisburd, D .; Bruinsma, G.J .; & W. Bernasco, W., Dordreht: Springer.

- Theses:

Onay, Ö. A. (2018). Examining the relationship between leadership styles and Narcissism. (Unpublished master's thesis). Sakarya University / Graduate School of Business, Sakarya.

- Papers:

Bogomolov, A., Lepri, B., Staiano, J., Oliver, N., Pianesi, F., & Pentland, A. (2014, November). Once upon a crime: towards crime prediction from demographics and mobile data. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference On Multimodal Interaction, Istanbul.

- Internet Resources:

Display of Articles with the Author and the Name of the Web Page

Author (s) surname (s) and first letter (s) of the first name (s). (Year,). Text / work name (italic), Web Page Name, Access address; url.

Killinger, B. (2011). Understanding the dynamics of workaholism, Psychology Today, Retrieved from, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-workaholics/201112/understanding-the-dynamics-workaholism

- Electronic Resources with an Unknown Author:

Title (Year, if there is no year information on the page where the article is located, the year to which the access date belongs is written). Web page name if available, Access address, url
Personality Disorders (2019). Retrieved from, https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/personality-disorders/types-of-personality-disorder/#.XQk_XuszY_4

- Technical and Research Reports:

Hershey Foods Corporation. (2001, March 15). 2001 Annual Report. Retrieved from, http://www.hersheysannualreport.com/2000/index.htm

- Online Newspaper Articles:

Becker, E. (2001, August 27). Prairie farmers reap conservation's rewards. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com

Guidelines and policies made by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), were taken into consideration in determining the ethical principles of the journal. (For further information, see also; www.publicationethics.org)

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
Editors are responsible for each article published in the journal. In this context, the general roles and responsibilities of the editors are as follows;
*to make an effort to meet the needs and requests of authors and readers for information related to the journal,
*continuously contribute to improving the journal,
*ensure the quality of articles published in the journal,
*ensure the authors’ freedom of expression
*non-compromise of intellectual property rights and ethical standards,
*being transparent in expressing the issues of correction, explanation, apology, and publication retractions fort he articles published in the journal,
*not demanding article processing charge (APC) from authors.

Duties and Responsibilities to Readers
*readers should be informed about the financing of the studies or the role of funders for the study.
*editors should consider that the articles in the journal contribute to the academic literature and should be original.

Duties and Responsibilities to Authors
*editors’ decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based only on the paper’s importance, originality and clarity, and the study’s relevance to the remit of the journal.
*an author guide should be published covering each subject expected from authors in detail.
*the principles regarding the review and evaluation process applied in the journal should be published, and the editors should stick to these principles. It should be ensured that these principles apply to all authors in the same way.

Duties and Responsibilities to Reviewers
*editors must respect the reviewer's decisions unless they contain serious mistakes.
*providing information and guidance to reviewers who may need it during the review process.
*choose reviewers according to the subject of the study.
*editors must consider whether there is a conflict of interest between the authors and the reviewers.
*keeping the identity information of reviewers confidential during the review.
*encouraging reviewers to be neutral and objective.
*to make reminder notifications to the reviewers assigned to the articles sent by authors.
*striving to create a large pool of reviewers.

Duties and Responsibilities to Editorial Board
*should be in regular interaction with the editorial board.
*editorial board members should be assigned from academics who can contribute to the journal and have the right qualifications.

Protection of Personal Information
Editors are supposed to protect the personal information related to the subjects or visuals in the studies being reviewed and to reject the study if there is no documentation of the subjects' consent. Furthermore, editors are supposed to protect the personal information of the authors, reviewers, and readers.

Ethical Rules and Protection of Human and Animal Rights
Editors are supposed to protect human and animal rights in the studies being reviewed and must reject the experimental studies which do not have ethical and related committee’s approval about the population given in such studies.
*ethics committee approval must be obtained for studies conducted in all disciplines including social sciences and for studies on clinical and experimental human and animals requiring ethical committee decision, this approval must be specified and documented in the article.
*Information on ethics committee approval should be provided to editors, reviewers, and authors.
*a statement of compliance with research and publication ethics should be included in the submitted manuscript.
*in articles requiring ethics committee approval, information about the approval (name of the ethics board, date, and number) should be included in the methods section.
*copyright regulations must be respected for intellectual and artistic works given publicity in articles.

Plagiarism Detection
For each manuscript uploaded to the journal, a similarity report (intihal.net) must be uploaded separately. Manuscripts with a similarity rate of over 20%will not be accepted for the review process.

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers
*review in an unbiased and confidential manner.
*review the manuscript objectively and only in terms of its content and ensure that nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs, and economic apprehension do not influence the review.
*review the manuscript they have agreed to review on time and following the ethical rules stated above.

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Authors
*authors must make the in-text and end-text references wholly and accurately.
*people who have not contributed to the study at the intellectual level should not be indicated as an author.
*at the end of the manuscript, authors should present the contribution rates of authors, supports and acknowledgments, and conflict of interest among authors if necessary.
*authors can not submit their manuscript more than one journal at a time. The manuscripts sent to the journal should be those that were not published in another journal before.
*if the manuscripts submitted by the authors to the journals are a part of/ or derived from a postgraduate thesis, or presented as a proceeding at a symposium/congress, this should be stated on the first page of the article.

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