Special Issue Policy

Selçuk University Journal of Faculty of Letters (SEFAD) may publish a Special Issue once a year in October-November. The Special Issue is published entirely in English. After the topic and suggestions are approved by the Editorial Board, a decision will be made by the Management Board and an announcement will be made. You can send your proposal for a Special Issue via email to the journal (sefadkontrol@gmail.com or to the journal editor).

Proposals for Guest Editors for the Special Issue will be processed by the Journal's Editorial Board Members to ensure an impartial review procedure. The Editor-in-Chief will decide whether to accept the proposal after consulting with the Editorial Board Members. If your proposal is accepted, the Guest Editor will be responsible for planning the topic and managing the editorial review process. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the final review prior to publication

Special Issue Content

  • Special issue title,
  • Proposal text (the importance of the area on which the special issue will focus),
  • Topics likely to be addressed,
  • Special Issue team (Guest Editor Team),
  • A brief bio of all guest editors,
  • Call for Papers ( In Detail),
  • Application deadlines (Closing date for first application, deadline for final decision notification, publication date),

Blind Peer-Review Process

The selection of articles should be decided based on their scientific quality and how well they fit the topic of the special issue and the journal that publishes it.

It is crucial to take conflicts of interest into account when considering manuscripts submitted for your Special Issue. If you have recently co-authored a paper with the author(s), you may be considered biased because of your relationship with them. It is also important to avoid potential conflicts of interest among the reviewers you invite. The factors mentioned above should also be taken into account in the selection of referees to evaluate an article.

If a reviewer's personal or professional relationship with the author or co-author of a paper has the potential to bias his or her evaluation of the work, he or she should not review the paper.

The Editor-in-Chief has the sole authority to review and/or reject any manuscript through the Peer Review Process or to arrange for any manuscript(s) to undergo independent peer review before final acceptance for publication. You will generally make preliminary decisions on all manuscripts based on reviews, but all manuscripts (and revisions) will then be turned over to the Editor-in-

Chief for final pre-publication review.

All accepted articles are published on the date the special issue proposal is recommended for publication.
After all submissions have successfully passed peer review, the Guest Editor team is requested to write an editorial introductory to the Special Issue.

Ethical Responsibilities of Special Issue Editors

  • Special issues, like regular issues, are also subject to the standards of the Selçuk University Journal of Faculty of Letters.
  • The Editor reserves the right to cancel the special issue if any ethical issues are detected.
  • The Editor-in-Chief must be responsible for the content of the entire journal, including all special issues, which must fall within the scope of the journal.
  • Special issue articles must have the same editorial oversight as regular papers, including external peer review, and be clearly labelled.
  • Journals must ensure that guest editors’ credentials are checked and approved.
  • The Editor-in-Chief or dedicated board members must oversee the guest editors.
  • Papers submitted to a special issue by the guest editor(s) must be handled under an independent review process and make up no more than 25% of the issue’s total.

Special Issue Publication Policy

Submission to your own special issue: An article may be published in the Guest Editorial team's own Special Issue. To avoid potential conflicts of interest, we do not approve of any member of the Guest Editors team handling articles written by Guest Editors. Therefore, the Guest Editor team will not be able to access this article as it is processed by the journal's Editorial Board
Avoiding citation manipulation: As an Editor, you cannot ask authors to include references to enhance citations of your own or a partner's work, the journal, or another publication with which you are affiliated.
Confidentiality, transparency and process: The guest editor is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all submissions to the journal and all correspondence with referees. The guest editor will use the journal system in all communications.
Preliminary review and plagiarism check: iThenticate software is used to scan submitted publications for plagiarism if they pass the preliminary check. iThenticate is a system that tests the originality of submitted material and helps detect plagiarism. After being checked for plagiarism, those deemed suitable are evaluated by the editor-in-chief in terms of originality, methodology, importance of the topic discussed and suitability for the scope of the journal.
It should be noted that our journal imposes very strict parameters on text innovation in order to avoid possible problems of plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Studies with a similarity index greater than %15 are not taken into account.

Last Update Time: 8/20/24, 4:51:43 PM

Selcuk University Journal of Faculty of Letters will start accepting articles for 2025 issues on Dergipark as of September 15, 2024.