About The Ethics Committee Permission

In line with the decisions taken by Ulakbim TR Dizin, Ethics Committee Permission is sought for articles to be published since 2020. If your study requires Ethics Committee Permission, you must upload your Ethics Committee document along with your article file while uploading your study to our journal. In addition, information about the permission (name of the board, date, number, no, etc.) should be included in the article. If your work does not require the permission of the ethics committee, you should state this during the article application and in your article text.

Studies Requiring Ethics Committee Permission
- all kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
- use of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
- clinical studies on humans,
- research on animals,
- retrospective studies in accordance with the law on protection of personal data.

Note: If the field research of your study was conducted before 2020; if you have articles that have been produced from master's / doctoral studies (must be specified in the article), if you have published articles that were submitted to the journal in the previous year, accepted but not yet published, ethics committee permission is not required for these studies. Please state that your work carries this situation during the application and in the text of the article.

Last Update Time: 1/28/21, 9:48:30 PM