

The Journal for Turkish-German Legal Studies is intended to be a forum of information and jurisprudential analysis for scholars and practitioners of law interested in legal positions and developments in Turkey and Germany, and specifically in Turkish-German legal relations.

The Journal for Turkish-German Legal Studies will be published in Turkish or German, exceptionally also in English. Turkish-language contributions will include a German-language summary and vice versa. The journal will be published twice a year and will mainly contain essays on current topics or topics of practical interest. The articles may be primarily scientific in nature or of a more reporting approach. Special attention shall be paid to the practice of jurisprudence (annotations on court decisions), as well as to new scientific publications (reviews). Also concerns of legal education and promotion of young lawyers can be given space. Each issue will be divided into sections.

The Journal for Turkish-German Legal Studies is managed by an editorial board at the Faculty of Law of the Turkish-German University (TDU), which is advised by an international advisory board; it is also supported by an editorial board at the TDU. The editors decide on the acceptance or rejection of offered manuscripts after conducting an anonymous review process. Formalities and procedures as well as legal requirements and conditions of publication in the Journal for Turkish-German Legal Studies are laid down in a set of rules.

Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Philip Kunig
Prof. Dr. Ali Kemal Yıldız