Repository and Archiving

The rules of the Journal for Turkish-German Legal Studies allow authors to use contributions submitted to, accepted by or published in the journal in institutional and/or other directories and databases under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International licence. In this context, authors may archive their articles in public and/or commercial subject-based archives without any embargo period. Authors can store all versions of articles (submitted version, accepted version, published version) in an institutional or other repository of the author's choice without embargo. However, authors must cite the original source where the article was published and provide appropriate links or citations.
In addition DSpace@Türk-Alman digitally stores academic resources such as books, articles, dissertations, bulletins, reports, research data published directly or indirectly by Türk-Alman University in international standarts, helps track the academic performance of the university, provides long term preservation for resources and makes publications available to Open Access in accordance with their copyright to increase the effect of publications.
Articles published in the Journal of Turkish-German Legal Studies are archived on the journal website. In addition, the Journal of Turkish-German Legal Studies also uses the LOCKSS archiving system offered by DergiPark.

Last Update Time: 1/7/25, 11:16:04 AM