Temâşâ Journal of Philosophy (ISSN: 2148-371X, e-ISSN: 2651-5148) is a platform that started its publication life in order to contribute to philosophy studies and intellectual life in the world and in Turkey, to create a philosophical discussion environment, and to enable a dynamic environment where both ancient and contemporary problems can be discussed.
For this purpose, the works to be published are subject to many criteria through detailed forms, and the editorial and referee evaluation processes are operated meticulously.
In addition to the evaluation processes, it is important to refer to the philosophical studies made in our country in terms of literature review and bibliography in order for our philosophers to have a dialogue through their works, as per the publication policy.
The studies to be sent to our journal should not have been published elsewhere before or should not be in the process of being evaluated for publication.
Temâşâ Philosophy Journal (ISSN: 2148-371X, e-ISSN: 2651-5148), covers the basic disciplines of philosophy and indirectly the studies of human and social sciences that can be evaluated in this way. In this framework, it includes text publications, translations and book reviews, mostly original articles and compilation studies.