Writing Rules

Instructions to Authors:

1. Temâşâ Journal of Philosophy (ISSN: 2148-371X, e-ISSN: 2651-5148) is an international refereed journal that started its publication life within the Department of Philosophy of Erciyes University and is published semi-annually in June and December.

2. It includes original research products within the scope of philosophy disciplines, text publications and translations, and book reviews. Theoretical articles on other fields of humanities and social sciences (which do not require the permission of the Ethics Committee) are taken into consideration with editorial evaluation.

3. In order for the articles sent for evaluation to be accepted, it is required that they have not been published anywhere before.

4. The written languages of the journal are Turkish and English; In addition, German and French works are decided as a result of editorial evaluation.

5. Submitted articles are first reviewed by secretaries, editors and editorial board. In this process, the article is evaluated according to the criteria of its compliance with Temâşâ writing rules, its quality in terms of subject and content, its originality and strength in terms of composition and argumentation, whether the primary and secondary literature directly related to the subject is considered, and finally whether it takes into account the qualified studies made in our country.

6. In the refereeing process, a blind referee system is applied, and all articles are evaluated by two referees. In case of a referee disagreement, the decision to publish the article is left to editorial evaluation or, if necessary, to a third referee. The publication of an article is subject to the approval of the referees and the authors are obliged to make the necessary corrections requested by the referees.

7. While preparing the articles, national and international ethical rules should be followed. After the application of the articles is accepted, they are passed through the plagiarism screening program (iThenticate or Turnitin). Articles that do not comply with research and publication ethics or that have a risk of plagiarism are not evaluated.

8. Format Specifications:

a. Studies that need to be prepared in A4 size should be arranged as follows:

b. Paper Size: A4 Vertical, Top Margin: 2.5 cm, Bottom Margin: 2.5 cm, Left Margin: 2.5 cm, Right Margin: 2.5 cm.

c. Font: Times New Roman, Font Style: Normal, Justified.

9. The work should include the following sections:

a. Title: Bold, centered and first letters are capital, 14 pt.

b. Author Information: The title is written with a single space, centered, initials in capital letters, 12 points. The footnote of the name should include the title, institution, e-mail address information.

c. ORCID: Under the name of the author (ORCID: 0000-0000-0000-0000) centered, 10 pt. should be entered.

d. Abstract: There should be an abstract of ORCID, with one line space and between 150-250 words, with 10 pt.

e. Keywords: Keywords between 5-8 words should be included in the abstract with one line space, justified, and the title in bold.

f. Secondary Heading: One line space from the keywords, bold, centered, 10 pt. [If the main language of the study is Turkish, the secondary ones should be English, otherwise Turkish.]

g. Secondary Abstract: It should have the same form as the primary abstract. [Due to translation problems, the secondary abstract should have a condition of compatibility with the primary Abstract, not a word limit.]

h. Secondary Keywords: Must have the same format as primary keywords.

i. Introduction: The title should be unnumbered and in the same format as the main text. This section should include the problem, literature review, purpose, method and limitations.

j. Main Text: The text part is in the form of main and sub-headings and primary level . should be numbered 1st, 2nd; secondary level 1.2, 1.2. et al.

k. In the text; 12 pt, paragraph spacing 6 pt first – then 6 pt, first line paragraph indent 0.5 cm, line spacing 1.50.

l. In the footnote; 10 point, paragraph spacing 0 nk – then 0nk, no paragraph indent, line spacing 1.

m. In Long Quote: 11 pt, paragraph spacing 6 nk first – then 6 nk, paragraph indent 0.5 for all lines, line spacing 1.

n. Result: The title should be unnumbered, in the same format as the main text. The conclusion should not be in the nature of a summary, but should include an explanation of the main argument based on the findings of the study and recommendations.

o. Bibliography: Title should be unnumbered, bold, centered, 12 pt, paragraph indent 0.5 cm from the second line, line spacing should have the same format as the first main text.

10. The spelling and punctuation of the articles should be based on the Turkish Language Association's Spelling Guide.

11. The Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition should be used for reference. For the details of the Turkish version, see the "Citations and Bibliography" section.

12. More than one article of the author cannot be published in a single issue.

13. Manuscripts prepared in accordance with the above-mentioned principles and spelling rules are sent through DergiPark. Articles sent to the authors to be developed and/or corrected in line with the reports are sent back to the journal within 15 days at the latest after the necessary arrangements are made.

14. Due to the 2018 Ulakbim (TR Index) criteria, researchers who want to publish articles in our journal must have an ORCID number. The number to be used in order to avoid confusion arising from the name in citation systems can be obtained free of charge from https://orcid.org/

15. Temâşâ Journal of Philosophy (ISSN: 2148-371X, e-ISSN: 2651-5148) accepts articles written in accordance with the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style for citation and bibliography.

Last Update Time: 11/19/24, 11:49:58 AM