Writing Rules




Instructions to Authors of Manuscripts

1. The Turkish Journal of Fashion Design and Management; is an international peer-reviewed journal and published three issues in a year as in February, June and October via  “http://www.dergipark.org.tr”.

2. The publication language of the journal is English and Turkish.

3. The journal publishes original research articles and review studies in Fashion, Cloth Design, Service Design, Product Design, Industrial Design, Visual Arts, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Architecture, Fashion Marketing, Marketing, Fashion Management, Fine Arts, Design Law, Business Administration and Design Philosophy which are not previously published elsewhere. The journal’s special issues publish studies that have been peer-reviewed and previously included in a conference abstract book or in the conference proceedings. The articles that are prepared in the form of “Letter to the Editor” will not be accepted.

4. If the first authors are the same in the manuscripts, only two of them are accepted for the publication in the same issue. Authors are responsible for the scientific content of the manuscripts to be published.

5. The journal holds the copyright of the published articles, and does not pay a copyright fee to the authors.

6. The journal holds the publishing rights of the published articles, and they cannot be published elsewhere without the permission of the board of the journal.

7. Application of the manuscripts should be done via web address; “https://dergipark.org.tr/”

8. The research or rewiev articles should be prepared in English or Turkish under the main headings; Title, Abstract in Turkish and English, Keywords in Turkish and English, Introduction, Material and Methods, Findings, Discussion, Results and References. Results and Discussion can also be written in a single title as “Results and Discussion”.

9. The references used in the articles should be up-to-date for preserving the originality and the currency of the study with the latest research. For the studies that keep their currency, earlier research can be used as references.

10. The submitted manuscripts must not be published elsewhere or should not be under review by another journal at the time of submission. This issue is considered to be within the responsibility of the authors.

11. Any citation in your articles to at least one article among the previous papers published in our journal has a great importance for Turkish Journal of Fashion Design and Management.

Author Guidelines

1. Manuscripts (except for special issues) must be submitted in Word with the extension of “.docx”. All parts of the manuscript must be typewritten, single column, double-spaced, with margins of at least one inch on all sides. Number manuscript pages consecutively through-out the paper and not to exceed 25 pages in total.

2. The author must use “12” point Times Roman for text. The main body of the manuscript should have a line spacing of 1,5 lines and after each paragraph a “6 nk” spacing should be followed. After each heading, the paragraph spacing should be “6 nk”. All paragraphs and headings should start at the left margin and no spacing should be left for the indentation. The text should be fully justified. There should be no hyphenation (cutting words). If it is possible, text lightning should not be done with the use of bold of underlined text. The authors are discouraged from highlighting text with the use of bold or underlined fonts.

3. The English and Turkish title of the manuscript should be in written with capital letters in “14” pt, bold and centered in the page. The name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s) should be written under the title in “12” pt, bold and centered.



Ece Nüket Öndoğan1, Ziynet Öndoğan2

1Asst.of Prof.Dr., Ege University, Faculty of Fashion and Design, Izmir-Turkey, E-mail: ece.nuket.ondogan@ege.edu.tr, Orchid: 0000-0000-0000

2Prof.Dr., Ege University, Faculty of Fashion and Design, Izmir-Turkey, E-mail: ziynet.ondogan@ege.edu.tr, Orchid: 0000-0000-0000

Corresponding author: Ece Nüket Öndoğan

Article Information

Number        :                                  Received  :                                       Accepted  :

All the authors of the submitted papers must obtain an “orcid” number and these numbers should be provided under their names in their articles. The articles of the authors without Orc ID cannot be published in our journal.

The name of the author(s) should be adjusted under the title after “6 nk” space, in 12 pt, bold, centered, without personal title. The name of the author(s) should start with a capital letter, and the surname(s) should be written in capitals. If the article has multiple authors, then, their names should be separated by “comma (,)”.

Title, institution information, orcid numbers of the authors should be numbered with the superscript and should be written in “10” font size under the names. Moreover, the correspondent author’s name should be provided in the same place.

4. There should be at most three types of level titles in the submitted manuscripts. First level titles (Main Title) should be written in “14” pt, bold, in capitals. Second level titles, should be in “12” pt, aligned left and each word’s first letter should be in capitals. Third level titles, which will be used if necessary, should be in “12” pt, aligned left and the first letter of the first word should be written with a capital letter.

5. Sections of “Özet” and “Abstract” should include the aim of the study and the findings. The abstract should not exceed 250 words. In these sections, the authors should not use references, tables, summaries or any type of graphics including pictures.

6. Keywords: Keywords should be given after the abstract and the total number of keywords should be minimum 3 and maximum 5. Appropriate keywords should be chosen to help other researchers in their literature searches and find your paper as a relevant study.

7. The Turkish section of “Özet” of the manuscripts written in English and submitted by foreigner researchers, will be prepared by the journal’s editorial board.

8. In the article, decimal fractions should be separated by commas and the numbers should be separated with dots (eg. 1.529,50 or 1.25.485,57).

9. Photographs, Pictures, Drawings and similar representations should be named as ''Figures'', numerical values (Tables) should be named as ''Charts''. 

The titles of the figures should be given below the representations and aligned left, the title of the charts should be given over the representations and aligned right.

Numbering of Figures and Tables should be done in order and written in bold. The given representations should be cited in the text as (Figure 1., Chart 2. etc). If the  article is in Turkish, it should be written in English under the pictures, drawings, figures, graphs, and if the article is in English, it should be written in Turkish.

10. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered. The numbers should be given below the page and it should be centered. The font of the page numbering should be “Times New Roman” and it should be in “11” pt.

11. Citations in the text should be done using square brackets. A number enclosed in square brackets is placed in the text indicating the relevant reference. Citations are numbered in the order in which they are given in the references. Each referenced source in the text must also be given in the list of references. The references should be listed according to the alphabetical order and in the APA style. If an author is cited more than one in the same text, then in the reference list the author’s articles should be ordered based on their publication dates (the prior publication should be given first). First letter of each word for the titles of the books and book chapters should be in capital. If the cited reference is an institutional publishing, then a publishing number for Institutional publishing or publisher's name and address should be given. If not, the name of the printing house and the city information should be given. Journal titles must be written in full. Each entry in the references must be justified (distributed evenly between the margins), hanging indentation should be enabled and inner rows should start after 1.0 cm spacing. Some examples are given below for the styling of references:




Basic format (with one author)

Author AA. Year. Title of article. Journal Title volume(issue),  pages.

Two or more authors

Author AA, Author B, Author C. Year. Title of article Journal Title volume(issue), pages.

Article published online ahead of placement in an issue

Author A. Year. Title of article. Journal Title  Advance online publication. [Retrieved from URL] or [DOI]


Basic format  (with one author)

Author AA. Year. Title of book. Place: Publisher.

Two authors

Author AA,  Author B. Year. Title of book. Place: Publisher.

Chapter in an edited book

Author AA. Year. Chapter title. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book. Place: Publisher, pages.



Author AA. (Ed.). Year, Month.  Proceedings of the XXX Symposium, City, Country.

Paper in proceedings

Author AA,  Author B. Year, Month. Title of the paper. In E.E. Editor  (Ed.), Proceedings of the XXX symposium (pages). City, Country.



Author AA. Year. Title of doctoral dissertation (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from/Available from Name of database. (Accession or Order number)

Author AA. Year. Title of doctoral dissertation (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Name of Institution, Location.


Author AA. Year. Title of a master’s thesis (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from/ Available from Name of database. (Accession or Order number)

Author AA. Year. Title of a master’s thesis (Unpublished master’s thesis). Name of Institution, Location.

Technical report


Author AA. Year. Title of work (Report No. xxx). Place: Institution.

Online Sources

Web page

Author AA. Year, Month Day. Title of document [Format description]. Retrieved from http://URL

Other reference types


Reviewer RR. Year. Title of review [Review of the publication Title of the publication, by A. A. Author]. Periodical Title, Volume(issue), pages.


Inventor AA. Year of the issue. Patent Number. Place: Office Issuing the Patent.

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Akkaya DA, 1991. "Marka İmajı Bileşenleri, Otomobil Sektöründe Bir Uygulama", 4. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi, Hatay

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İkiz F ve Ark., 2000. "İstatistiğe Giriş", Barış Yayınları Fakülteler Kitabevi, İzmir, ss.219-221.

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Last Update Time: 2/28/24, 1:54:30 PM

Turkish Journal of Fashion Design and Management (TJFDM) Dergisi, Ege Üniversitesi Moda ve Tasarım Yüksekokulu tarafından yayınlanmaktadır.