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Current Issue

Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 3/25/25

Year: 2025

Turkish Journal of Geosciences (TURKGEO) is a double peer-reviewed (blind), international, journal, established in 2020.

TURKGEO aims to promote the theory and practice from the integration of instruments, methodologies, and technologies and their respective uses in the environmental and other natural sciences.

TURKGEO is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes from diverse fields and disciplines.

TURKGEO welcomes, but not limited to, the papers from the following topics:

  • Earth and Environmental Sciences,
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Remote Sensing,
  • Photogrammetry,
  • Geostatistics
  • GNSS,
  • LIDAR and Laser Scanning,
  • Spatial Data Infrastructure,
  • Spatial Decision Support Systems
  • Climate Change,
  • Geology,
  • Geomorphology,
  • Hidrogeology
  • Geophysics,
  • Hydrology and Water Resources.

Authors should get ORCID ID (https://orcid.org/register) before submitting their manuscripts.

Template Download Available

Copyright Form Download Available

Reviewer Suggestion Form Download Available

Organize your manuscript as follows:


The entire editorial workflow is performed using the Dergipark Online Manuscript Tracking System.

Once a manuscript is submitted, it is assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. Please read and follow these instructions carefully; doing so will ensure that the publication of your manuscript is as rapid and efficient as possible. The Publisher reserves the right to return manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with these instructions.

Manuscript preparation

- The complete manuscript should contain full text, figures, tables and references. MS word document with file  extension ".doc" or ".docx" is preferred.

- All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least two referees.

Manuscripts should be typed single-spaced on A4 size paper in Cambria, with 20 mm margins including references, table titles and figure captions.

Change of authorship request form (The authors should use this form to request adding/removing authors or changing the order.)

In the scientific articles sent to the Turkish Journal of Geosciences (TURKGEO), the guidelines of Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) set for the Editors and Authors should be taken into consideration.

Duties of the Authors

The authors of the original research paper should present the importance of the study. The basic data should be correctly displayed in the article. The article should include sufficient details and references to allow others to replicate the work. Plagiarism or deliberate misrepresentation creates unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

The authors may be asked to provide the raw data of their work with the article for editorial review and, if applicable, must be prepared so that the data is public.

The authors will only present completely original works and will properly cite other works. Publications that are effective in determining the quality of the article should also be mentioned.

In general, articles describing the same research should not be published in more than one journal. Submitting the same article to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. Articles published as copyrighted material elsewhere cannot be submitted.

Anyone who contributes significantly should be listed as a co-author. The relevant author ensures that all contributing co-authors are found and those who have never been included in the list of authors are not added. The relevant author also confirms that all co-authors have approved the final version of the article and agree to be submitted for publication.

When the author discovers that there is a material error or mistake in his published work, he is obliged to notify the journal editor or publisher immediately and to collaborate with the editor to withdraw or correct the article.

Responsibilities of the Authors

Before and/or in the process of submission;

Make sure all research submitted is original, fully referenced, and all authors are correctly represented. Posting should be private and should not be evaluated elsewhere.

Provide the correct contact information for a designated author, who is deemed to be fully responsible for the authorship of the article and all communications related to the article's moral status and originality.

Provide the source of all data and third party materials, including works not previously published by the authors. Any element that could jeopardize the originality of the presentation should be clearly prevented and / or discussed with the editorial office in the first place.

Identify the contribution of any third party to which they intend to be included in their articles, and obtain written permission from the respective copyright owners for reuse in each case. These permissions should be sent when the article is accepted or requires minor changes to be accepted.

Look forward to transparency, efficiency and respect from the publisher and editor during the submission process. Stay in good communication with both the publisher and the editor.

Collaborate if the articles that are found to be unethical, misleading or harmful have been withdrawn, and if they are published incorrectly. Stay in good communication with the editor(s), publisher and other authors. Also consider the principles stated below;

1. In our journal, scientific articles in the original research category, which are original in English, are published. Of the articles in this category; It is expected that the information produced will be such as being new, suggesting a new method or adding a new dimension to the previously existing information.
2. Our journal does not include letters to the editor, discussion and case reports.
3. Manuscripts found suitable for evaluation in terms of spelling and publication principles are directed to the referees. At least two referees are appointed to evaluate each article that passes the editor's approval.
4. In our journal, blind refereeing is applied in article evaluations. The names of the referees evaluating the articles are not informed to the authors. Referees are also provided to evaluate the articles without seeing their author names.
5. The articles sent to the referees are expected to be evaluated within 15 days. If this period is exceeded, the editor reminds the referee and gives an additional 15 days. If this period is exceeded, the editor will appoint a new referee and withdraw the request from the old referee.
6. The article that receives at least two positive referee reports from the article evaluation is entitled to be published. The letter, which receives a positive negative referee report, is sent to two more referees. The final decision about the article is made by the editors.
7. The decision to accept and reject the article is made by the editors. A major (re-send for evaluation) or minor (revision required) decision is made to develop articles that are not considered sufficient in line with the referee's suggestions. Articles that do not reach the desired level and are not considered scientifically sufficient are rejected.
8. After the "resubmit for evaluation" or "correction is required" decision about the article, the changes requested by the referees must be made within 30 days for the "resubmit for evaluation" decision and within 15 days for the "correction required" decision. Otherwise, the article is rejected.
9. It is obligatory that the articles submitted for publication should not be published anywhere or sent to any journal to be published.
10. All responsibility of the articles belongs to the relevant authors. Articles should be checked with plagiarism detection software to check their originality before being submitted in accordance with internationally accepted science ethics. Where necessary, a copy of the Ethics Committee Report should be attached.
11. Articles submitted for publication in our journal should be prepared according to journal article writing format. Otherwise, the article is rejected.
12. Articles submitted for evaluation should be prepared according to journal article writing format.
13. No evaluation and application fee is collected from the articles sent to be published in the TURKGEO.
14. In the article submission stage, the authors will first upload the necessary files for the blind reviewer. Articles that are ACCEPTED after the referee process, The information left blank during the first upload such as the names of the authors, mail, institution information, ORCID etc. will be filled and will be uploaded to the system by the author in the format that is ready for publication, with the final version accepted by the referees. After these processes are completed, the articles will be queued for publication.

Responsibilities of the Editors

The editor is responsible for deciding which articles will be published in the journal. The editorial reviews the authors regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship or political philosophy. The decision will be based on the importance, originality and clarity of the article, the relevance of the study and its relevance to the scope of the journal. Current legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism should also be considered.

The editor and any editorial staff should not disclose any information about a manuscript submitted to anyone other than the relevant author, referees, potential referees, other editorial consultants and publisher.

Unpublished materials described in a submitted article will not be used by the editor or editorial board members for their own research purposes without the express written permission of the author.

Responsibilities of the Referees

The referee review process helps the editor and the editorial board make editorial decisions and can also serve the author in the development of the article.

Any referee who is not qualified to review the research reported in an article or who knows that it will be impossible to review it immediately should report to the editor and withdraw from the review process.

Articles submitted for review should be treated as confidential documents. It should not be shared or discussed with others unless authorized by the editor.

Comments should be made objectively. Referees should express their views openly with supporting arguments.

Referees should determine the situations in which the relevant published work mentioned in the article is not specified in the reference section. They should indicate whether observations or discussions from other publications accompany the relevant sources. The referees will inform the editor that there is a significant similarity or overlap between the evaluated article and other published articles with personal information.

Privileged information or ideas obtained through the evaluation of the referee should be kept confidential and should not be used for personal advantage. Referees should not take into account articles that they have conflicts of interest resulting from their relationship with competitive, collaborative or other authors, agencies or institutions associated with newspapers.


Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Yükseköğretim Kurumları Bilimsel Araştırma Ve Yayın Etiği Yönergesi (Higher Education Institution Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive).

The journal publishes research and review papers, professional communication, and technical notes and does not charge any article submission and processing fees.