Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 8/30/24

Year: 2024

The Journal of Turkish Dental Research (J Turkish Dent Res) is the official publication of Ondokuzmayıs University Faculty of Dentistry. Our journal covers current research, technical advancements, professional information and announcements in the field of dentistry.
The aim of the journal is to contribute and add value to existing literature in the basic area of health sciences by publishing original studies in the field of dentistry.

The Journal of Turkish Dental Research is a high quality an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of full-length original research papers, reviews, and case studies related to all areas of dentistry.

Publishing Guidelines
• Articles must be original and unpublished elsewhere.
• Neither the editor(s) nor the publisher endorse any product or service advertised in the publication.
• Direct quotations, tables or images contained in copyrighted material must be accompanied by appropriate permissions for their use from the copyright owner and authors.
The statements or opinions contained in the articles published on J Turkish Dent Res reflect the views of the author(s), not the views of the editors, editorial board or publisher. The editors, editorial board, and publisher disclaim all responsibility for such material. Authors are ultimately responsible for the content they publish.

Article submission
By submitting an article to The Journal of Turkish Dental Research, authors acknowledge that they have read and accepted the journal's publication policies and publication ethics.
To submit an article to The Journal of Turkish Dental Research, the URL: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/turkishjdentres should be used. Only articles sent to this address are processed. From this address, you can follow every action pertaining to your articles.

Preparation of the Manuscript
Main Document:

Authors must adhere to the following guidelines when submitting their articles:
• Submit the article as a Word document.
• Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double spacing.
• Set margins to 2 cm on all sides.
• Page numbers should be placed at the bottom right of each page, except for the cover page, which should remain unnumbered.
Cover Letter
Include a cover letter and complete contact information for the corresponding author (affiliation, postal/mail address, email address, and telephone number) and whether the authors have published, posted, or submitted any related papers from the same study.
Title Page
This page should contain a clear Turkish and English title appropriate to the content of the article. In the title, every word except conjunctions must begin with a capital letter.
• The names and surnames of the author(s) should be placed at the bottom and in the middle of the title, and the surnames should be written in capital letters.
• Academic title(s) of the authors, the names of the institutions they work for, the symbols to be placed at the end of the surname (according to the international symbol system *, †, ‡, ††, #, §, ¶, **, etc.) should be noted at the bottom of the first page (cover page). ORCID numbers of the authors must also be included.
• A short title, not exceeding five words, should be written on the cover page.
• The author's address, telephone number, and email address should be provided in the contact address for correspondence regarding the article.
• The contribution rates of all authors should be clearly stated in the submitted article.
• If the study was presented at any scientific meeting, the name, date, place, and presentation method of the event should be mentioned. If the study was supported by an institution or organization, this should be stated at the end of the page.
The abstract should be prepared in both Turkish and English on separate pages. It should not exceed 250 words for research and compilations, and 100 words for case reports.
Turkish Abstract
The Turkish abstract should include the following sections: Amaç, Gereç (Birey) ve Yöntem, Bulgular, and Sonuç.
English Abstract
The English abstract should consist of the following sections: Aim, Material (Subjects) and Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
These section headings should be written in bold at the beginning of the lines, with the first letters capitalized. It is not necessary to include all sections in the abstracts of reviews and case reports.
At the end of both Turkish and English abstracts, include at least three and at most five keywords in accordance with "Dental Index" and "Index Medicus". Separate each keyword with a semicolon (;).


Original Articles
Original articles should present new information derived from original research. The main text should be organized under the following subtitles: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Findings, Discussion, Conclusion, Conflict of Interest, and Author Contributions.
This section should clearly address why the study was conducted, what the purpose of the study is, and state the hypothesis of the study.
Materials and Methods
In this section, describe the equipment and methods used in the study, clearly explaining the experimental mechanism and statistical methods. Specify the commercial names of the materials and devices used in parentheses. For example: Dental Plaster (Fujirock Optixscan, GC, Leuven, Belgium).
Statistical Evaluation
Statistical tests should be briefly described in the Materials and Methods section (e.g., ANOVA or Fisher's exact test). Such descriptions should include appropriate references to the original literature, especially for less common statistical tests and methods. The p-values should be clearly stated in the articles (e.g., p=0.025; p=0.524). For normally distributed data, use mean and standard deviation (SD); for non-normally distributed data, use minimum-maximum values, ranges (R), or interquartile ranges (IQR). Submitted manuscripts are checked by a biostatistics editor if deemed necessary. It is the authors' responsibility to ensure that their manuscripts comply with biostatistical rules.
In this section, the obtained results should be presented clearly and concisely. Tables, graphs, figures, and images can be used for this purpose.
In this section, the significance of the findings should be explained and supported by current literature, without repeating the introduction and without using too many abbreviations.
In this section, the conclusions drawn from the study should be emphasized without repeating the data.
References should be numbered according to their order of appearance in the text and should be indicated as "Superscript" immediately after the punctuation marks at the end of sentences. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the format used in Index Medicus. All references (books, journals, etc.) should be written in accordance with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors-Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (http://www.nlm.nih.gov)(https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html). For PubMed PMID citations, the PubMed PMID numbers should be added at the end of the references obtained from the PubMed database.

Conference presentations, personal experiences, and unpublished theses cannot be cited as references but may be mentioned in the article.

For journal articles, the author(s)' last name, first initial(s), article title, abbreviated journal name (according to the list provided in "Index Medicus"), year, volume number, and first and last page numbers should be provided.
Tulga A, Saraç D. Effects of Dentin Surface Treatments on Hypersensitivity to Bond Strength of Restorations: An In Vitro Study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2015;35:66-74.
For books, the author(s)' last name, first initial(s), book title, edition number, place of publication, publisher, year, and first and last page numbers should be provided.
Anusavice KJ, Shen C, Ralph Rawls H. Phillips’ Science of Dental Materials. 12th ed. USA: Elsevier –Saunders, 2013, 257-60.
Book Chapters
For book chapters, the last name and first initial(s) of the relevant chapter author(s), chapter title, last name and first initial(s) of the editor(s), book title, place of publication, publisher, year, and first and last page numbers should be provided.
Bayne SC, Taylor DF. Dental materials. In: Sturdevant CM, Roberson TM, Heymann HO, Sturdevant JR, eds. The art and science of operative dentistry. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, Inc; 1995:206-87.
Electronic Journal Article:
For an electronic journal article, provide the author(s)' last name, first initial(s), article title, journal name, year, volume number(issue number), and first and last page numbers. Additionally, include the PMID (PubMed ID) if available.
Gage BF, Fihn SD, White RH. Management and dosing of warfarin therapy. Am J Med. 2000;109(6):481-8. PMID: 11042238.
Journal Article Published Online Before Print:
For a journal article published online before print, provide the author(s)' last name, first initial(s), article title, journal name, DOI (Digital Object Identifier), and publication date.
Doğan GM, Sığırcı A, Akyay A, Uğuralp S, Güvenç MN. A Rare Malignancy in an Adolescent: Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor. Turkiye Klinikleri J Case Rep. 10.5336/caserep.2020-77722. Published online: 31 December 2020.

Journal Supplement:
For a journal supplement, provide the author(s)' last name, first initial(s), article title, journal name, year, volume number(issue number), and first and last page numbers. Additionally, include the PMID if available.
Lagios MD. Evaluation of surrogate endpoint biomarkers for ductal carcinoma in situ. J Cell Biochem. 1994;19(Suppl):186-8. PMID: 7823590.
Journal Issue Part:
For a journal issue part, provide the author(s)' last name, first initial(s), article title, journal name, year, volume number(issue number), and first and last page numbers. Additionally, include the PMID if available.
Newman KM, Jean-Claude J, Li H, Ramey WG, Tilson MD. Cytokines that activate proteolysis are increased in abdominal aortic aneurysms. Circulation. 1994;90(5 Pt 2):II224-7. PMID: 7955258.
Same Author and Editor:
For a book where the author and editor are the same, provide the author(s)' last name, first initial(s), book title, edition number, place of publication, publisher, and year.
Demirkılıç U. Extracorporeal Circulation. 2nd Edition. Ortadogu Advertising Promotion Inc.; 2021.
Different Author and Editor:
For a book where the author and editor are different, provide the author(s)' last name, first initial(s), chapter title, editor(s)' last name, first initial(s), book title, edition number, place of publication, publisher, year, and page numbers.
Keleş E. Physiopathology of allergic rhinitis. Keleş N, editor. ENT Expert Series 1: Allergic Rhinitis. 1st Edition. Ankara: Ortadogu Advertising Promotion Inc.; 2018. p.13-23.
Translated Book:
For a translated book, provide the editor(s)' last name, first initial(s), book title, edition number, place of publication, publisher, year, and page numbers.
Davila GW, Ghoniem GM, Wexner SD, eds. Seçkin B, Ergen A, Aydur E, İnci K, translation editors. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: A Multidisciplinary Approach. 1st Edition. Ankara: Ortadogu Advertising Promotion Publishing Inc.; 2008. p.109-12.
Thesis Source:
For a thesis source, provide the author's last name, first initial(s), thesis title, thesis type, city name, university name, year, access date, and access link.
Author's Last Name, First Initial(s). Thesis Title [Thesis type]. City Name: University Name; Year. [Access date]. Access link
For a homepage or website, provide the website name, publication information, access date, and access link.
Dijital Akademi [Internet]. Ortadoğu Promotion Publishing Tourism Education Construction Industry and Trade Inc. ©2021 [Access date: 28 January 2021]. Access link: https://dijitalakademi.turkiyeklinikleri.com
Section of a Homepage/Website:
For a section of a homepage or website, provide the website name, publication information, access date, section title, and access link.
Dijital Akademi [Internet]. Ortadoğu Promotion Publishing Tourism Education Construction Industry and Trade Inc. ©2021 [Access date: 28 January 2021]. Tüm yayınlar. Access link: https://dijitalakademi.turkiyeklinikleri.com/tum-yayinlar/tr-index.html


Tables should be numbered with Roman numerals according to their order of appearance in the article and their placement should be indicated within the text. Each table should be written on a separate page and have its own title. Tables must be in MS Word document format. Each table should be self-explanatory and should not repeat the text. Sources of previously published information or tables should be indicated with a footnote attached to the relevant table.

Figure and Image Captions

Figures and images should be numbered according to their order of appearance in the text, and their placement should be indicated within the text. Figure and image captions should be provided on a separate page at the end of the article. The meaning of any numbers, symbols, and letters used in the figures or images should be clearly explained. For histological section photographs, the magnification and staining technique should be specified.
Figures and Images
All images (graphics, drawings, photographs, or radiographs) should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, ...) and have sufficient contrast and clarity to show details. Electronically created figures should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, be in JPG format, and be at least 5 inches (12.7 cm) wide. Figures should not be embedded within the Word document but should be submitted as separate files. The double-blind review rule should be followed for figures as with the rest of the text. Any information that could identify an individual or institution in the images should be concealed.

Review Articles

The journal will consider three types of review articles. The type of review must be indicated in the title. For limitations on articles, please refer to Table 1.

- Systematic Reviews (excluding meta-analyses): Requires a comprehensive systematic review of the literature using multiple databases covering various years and an assessment of the quality of the cited evidence. Systematic reviews without meta-analyses are published as "Reviews"; those with meta-analyses are published as "Original Research."
- Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment: Requires a comprehensive systematic review of the literature, but only those published in the last five years should be reviewed. While evaluating the quality of evidence is recommended, it is not mandatory.
- Traditional Reviews: Do not require a rigorous literature search but must be evidence-based and written by leading experts in the field.
Structure: Abstract, Relevant Topics, Conflict of Interest and Author Contributions, References.

Case Reports

Case reports are scientific articles that provide brief descriptions of previously undocumented diseases, unique manifestations or treatments of known diseases, or unique complications of treatments or treatment regimens that have not been previously reported. For limitations on articles, please refer to Table 1.
Structure: Abstract, Introduction, Subjects and Methods, Discussion, Conflict of Interest, References.
When submitting a revised version of an article based on recommendations, the author must provide a "Response to Reviewers" detailing how each question from the reviewers was addressed and where changes can be found (including each reviewer's comment, the author's response, and the line numbers where changes were made). Additionally, an annotated copy of the main document should be submitted. Revised manuscripts must be submitted within 30 days of the decision letter date. If the revised manuscript is not submitted within the given timeframe, the revision option may be canceled.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The Journal of Turkish Dental Research / Türk Diş Hekimliği Araştırma Dergisi is the scientific publication of Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Dentistry. The abbreviated name of our journal is “J Turkish Dent Res.” This journal publishes original scientific research, case reports, reviews, and letters to the editor in both Turkish and English. J Turkish Dent Res is a national/international, scientific, open-access, and periodic journal published with double-blind peer review principles. All publication rights of the articles published in this journal belong to the Journal Publication Committee of Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Dentistry.
The Journal of Turkish Dental Research is published three times a year (January, May, September), with each volume comprising three issues.

Ethical Procedures

The Journal of Turkish Dental Research fully adheres to the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and the Council of Science Editors (CSE).
For experimental, clinical, and drug/device studies, research protocols must be approved by an ethics committee in accordance with international agreements (World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki "Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects," last update: 2013, www.wma.net).
Articles related to experimental research involving humans must include a statement confirming that written informed consent was obtained from patients and volunteers. Information regarding patient consent, the name of the ethics committee, date, and approval number should be provided in the "Materials and Methods" section and also on the last page of the article.
It is the authors' responsibility to ensure the careful protection of patients' privacy. If photographs that could reveal the patient's identity are used, signed permissions from the patient or legal representative must be obtained and included, and publication approval should be stated in the "Materials and Methods" section.

Ethical Procedures for Studies Involving Experimental Animals

The Journal of Turkish Dental Research adheres to the ethical principles for animal research as stated in the Basel Declaration and follows the ethical guidelines of the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS). Experimental research involving laboratory animals, including experiments and field studies, must be conducted with the approval of an ethics committee and in accordance with the relevant guidelines.

At the submission stage, a similarity detection software report must be uploaded along with the article. If plagiarism is detected in the article, the editorial board reserves the right to make evaluations in accordance with COPE guidelines.


An "author" is considered to be someone who has made an independent intellectual contribution to a published work. All names listed as authors in submissions must qualify as authors, and those who meet these criteria should be listed in order of contribution to the study. Authors should be prepared to explain the author list if needed. Contributions that do not meet the authorship criteria can be acknowledged in the "Acknowledgments" section.

Corresponding Author

The Journal of Turkish Dental Research requires one author to be solely responsible for all correspondence. Any conflicts of interest, financial support, grants, and other acknowledgments (such as statistical analysis, language editing) and/or technical assistance, if any, should be disclosed at the end of the text.

Conflict of Interest

• It must be clearly stated whether any material and/or moral support has been received from a pharmaceutical company, medical device, instrument, and material supplier or manufacturer, or any commercial company directly related to the subject of the research, which could negatively affect the decision during the evaluation process of the study.
• Any potential conflicts of interest related to the authors and/or their family members, such as membership or relationships with scientific and medical committees, consultancy, expert testimony, employment in any company, shareholding, and similar situations, should be explicitly disclosed.
• It should be clearly stated if there is any conflict of interest in data collection, interpretation of results, and writing of the article.
• If the proposed publication is related to a commercial product, the author(s) must include a statement indicating whether they have any financial or other interest in the product or disclose the nature of any relationship (including consultancies) between the author(s) and the product's manufacturer or distributor.
• The "Conflict of Interest Statement" in the author forms must be signed by all authors.

Correction and Retraction Requests

Articles published by J Turkish Dent Res represent the final version of the text. Therefore, correction requests after publication are evaluated by the Editorial Board according to COPE guidelines.
Errors in author names, affiliations, article titles, abstracts, keywords, and digital object identifiers (DOIs) can be corrected with an "erratum."
Retraction requests are also subject to the approval of the Editorial Board.


The statements or opinions expressed in the articles published in The Journal of Turkish Dental Research reflect the views of the author(s) and not those of the editors, editorial board, or publisher. The editors, editorial board, and publisher do not accept any responsibility or liability for such materials. The final responsibility for the published content lies with the authors.

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The Journal of Turkish Dental Research is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Our journal accepts publications from the field of Dentistry. Submissions from other fields are not considered for evaluation.