Submissions must be uploaded to the journal's system in accordance with the writing guidelines. To submit an article, the necessary steps must be followed through the "Submit Article" button, and the required information and documents must be uploaded to the system. The uploaded files should include the author(s)’ names, affiliations, email addresses, and ORCID information. These details will be removed by the editorial team during the evaluation process in line with the principles of double-blind peer review. If the article is derived from any thesis or other scientific work, this must be indicated in a footnote on the first page of the article.
Anonymous sources that have not undergone scientific scrutiny should not be used in the submissions. All articles submitted to the journal must be original and not involved in any other process.
Papers presented at conferences and published in full text are not accepted. Authors will not be paid royalties. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject articles, request revisions, or reorganize them if they do not comply with the rules.
Authors must prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the layout template using Microsoft Office Word 2016 or a later version. Submissions that do not conform to the template will not be considered for the review process.
Authors are also required to upload the copyright agreement along with their manuscript file to the system.
Submissions uploaded to the system will undergo a preliminary check for compliance with document, information, and format requirements, followed by an editorial pre-assessment.
A one-time correction request will be made for works that do not comply with the following rules. If the work remains non-compliant, it will be rejected outright.
We strictly do not accept the use of automatic citation and bibliography insertion tools such as Endnote, Zotero, Mendeley, or Microsoft Office Word. In-text citations and bibliographies must be manually prepared without using any software.The text of the work, including everything, must be at least 5,000 and at most 12,000 words, in accordance with the template.
For all works to be published from Volume 5, Issue 2, in 2025 onwards, an extended summary in English, approximately 1,000 words, must be prepared.
Titles in the Article
The article must have both a Turkish and an English title. The title should be written in Book Antiqua, 12-point font, single line spacing, and justified alignment. The Turkish title should be written first, followed by the English title. Subheadings within the article should be numbered, with the first letters capitalized and bold, and aligned to both sides. Sub-subheadings should be numbered systematically. The headings for the Abstract, Introduction, and Conclusion should be written without numbering.
Author(s)’ Information
The author(s)’ names and surnames should be written one line below the title, in Book Antiqua, 11-point font, bold, right-aligned, with 1.5 line spacing. The author(s)’ titles, affiliations, email addresses, and ORCID numbers should be given as footnotes (9-point font, Book Antiqua). Other explanatory footnotes should be numbered within the text and provided at the bottom of the page.
After the author’s name, a Turkish and English abstract (maximum of 200 words) that expresses the scope and originality of the article should be included. Below both abstracts, 3-5 keywords representing the scope of the text should be listed. The abstracts should be written in Book Antiqua, 10-point font, with 0 pt before and after, and single line spacing. Abstracts should never exceed the first page of the template.
Writing Style and Page Layout
For works prepared as an MS Word document, paragraph indents should be 1.25 cm, 12-point font, justified alignment, with 6 pt spacing before and after paragraphs, and single line spacing, using the Book Antiqua font.
The Introduction section should focus on the hypothesis and scope of the paper. The Development section should support the Introduction with subheadings, data, opinions, comments, and discussions. The Conclusion section should explain the results reached in the article, supported by recommendations.
Tables, Figures, and Visuals
Figures, images, maps, graphs, tables, and other visuals should be numbered. The title of the visual should be placed above it, and the source should be indicated below. The titles, content, and references of such visuals should be written in Book Antiqua, 10-point font.
Citations and References
APA 6th edition format and the in-text citation method should be used in the writings. Direct quotations in the text should be written within quotation marks and in italics. For block quotations, the text should begin 1 cm indented from both the right and left, using single line spacing, 10-point font, italics, and within quotation marks.
In-text citations should use a reference system that includes the author’s surname, date, and page number (e.g., Babahanoğlu, 2024: 53). For works with two or three authors, use (Akbaş, Babahanoğlu, and Çelik, 2022: 87). For sources with four or more authors, use the first author’s surname followed by "et al." (e.g., Akbaş et al., 2023: 75). When multiple sources are cited within the same parentheses, they should be separated by a semicolon (e.g., Akbaş and Çaylı, 2009: 125; Babahanoğlu, 2016: 146). The same rule applies to citations from edited or compiled books (consisting of articles). For encyclopedia entries and law articles, the publication name, year, and page number should be given (e.g., Meydan Larousse, 1998: 1256; Turkish Civil Code, 2015: 124). When citing works published by the same author in the same year, the citations should be distinguished by using "a" and "b" (e.g., Babahanoğlu, 2016a: 125; Babahanoğlu, 2016b: 256).
Explanations related to certain points in the text may be provided as footnotes at the bottom of the page, and such footnotes should be numerically sequential. However, it is recommended to minimize their use. Citation of sources should never be given as footnotes or endnotes.
Babahanoğlu, V. (2024). “Russian Foreign Policy and Ukraine in the Putin Era: Mackinder’s Heart of the Heartland”, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 19(2), 378-400.
Babahanoğlu, V., Akbaş, Z. (2023). “Turkey's Regional Playmaker Role and Its Possibilities and Capabilities for Order Building: The Case of the Organization of Turkish States”, Bingol University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 7(Prof. Dr. Muammer ERDOĞAN Anısına Kongre Özel Sayısı), 243-268.
Akbaş, Z. (2011). Irak, Ankara: Barış Kitap.
Babahanoğlu, V. ve Örselli, E. (2022). Küresel Jeopolitik: 21. Yüzyılda Dönüşen Dünya Değişen Türkiye, Bursa: Dora Yayıncılık.
Chapter in an Edited Book;
Babahanoğlu, V. (2023). “Egypt and The Palestinian Issue”, (Ed. H. M. Boyraz, S. Yeşiltaş ve N. Gürel), The Palestinian Issue and Regional Actors (pp. 39-58), İstanbul: Aktif Yayınları.
Babahanoğlu, V. ve Aydın, F. (2024). “Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Büyük Güçlerin Yayılmacı Politikaları: Rusya ve Çin Örneği”, (Ed. Z. Akbaş, V. Babahanoğlu ve M. F. Argın), Uluslararası Çatışma Bölgeleri: Aktörler, Eylemler ve Dönüşümler (pp. 655-676), Bursa: Dora Yayıncılık.
Translated Books;
Heywood, A. (2013). Küresel Siyaset, (Trans. N. Uslu ve H. Özdemir), Ankara: Adres Yayınları.
Baylis, J., Smith, S. ve Owens, P. (2021). Küreselleşen Dünya Siyaseti Uluslararası İlişkilere Giriş, (Trans. H. B. Yalçın vd.), İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
Master’s / Doctoral Theses;
Çelik, A. H. (2007). Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarının Türk Dış Politikasına Etkisi, (Unpublished Master’s Thesis), Konya: Selçuk University.
Akbaş, Z. (2009). Irak Sorununun Uluslararası Boyutu ve Türkiye, (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis), İstanbul: Marmara University.
Online Sources;
Çelik, A. H. (2022). “Libya'da Tekrar Başlayan Çatışmalar ve Türkiye'nin Barış Çabaları”, Anadolu Ajansı,, (Erişim Tarihi: 16.08.2024).
T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı (t.y.). “Türkiye’nin Uluslararası Enerji Stratejisi”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 16.08.2024).
- The Journal of International Relations and Politics (ULIPOD) publishes book reviews of academic works in the fields of international relations and political science in Turkish or English.
- Book reviews are not summaries of the book. Book reviews should critically analyze the book in question. The subject, purpose, scope and place of the book in the literature should be stated and the strengths and weaknesses of the book should be emphasized. The author's thesis and main arguments should be emphasized and the contribution of the work to the relevant field should be discussed. In translated books, evaluations can also be made about the success level of the translation.
- The book to be evaluated must be an academic work published in the last 5 years.
- Subjective opinions and statements about the book or the author that are not suitable for scientific style should be avoided.
- Book reviews should be written according to APA 6 in accordance with the general format requirements of the journal.
- Book reviews should be between 1500 - 2000 words all inclusive. The publication of articles exceeding the maximum word limit is decided as a result of editorial evaluation. A 50-75 word Turkish abstract, a 50-75 word English abstract, and 5 keywords should be added at the beginning of the article.
- The title of the book review should include the title of the book, author(s), city and publishing house, year of publication, edition, page information and ISBN number.
- The Editorial Board of the Journal is the final decision-making body for the publication of all manuscripts submitted to the journal.
Sample Writing Template:
Book Title (Bold, Left Justified)
Name and Surname of the Author or Editor, Place of Publication, Publisher, Year of Publication, Edition Information, Page Information and ISBN Number (Left Justified)
Name and Surname of the Reviewer ( Bold, Right Justified)*
Cover Image of the Reviewed Book (Centered)
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Book Review ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
*Title of the Book Reviewer, institution, e-mail address and ORCID number must be written. (9-Point, Footnote Style).