UPA Strategic Affairs is an open access, peer-reviewed online (electronic) international academic journal that is published twice a year.
UPA Strategic Affairs is established in 2020 by the founders of UPA (Uluslararası Politika Akademisi-International Political Academy), a well-known foreign policy initiative in Turkey that was initiated in 2012.
ISSN: 2718-0182
UPA Strategic Affairs encourages all Social Sciences scholars, students, and researchers to send their scientific articles for publication.
UPA Strategic Affairs aims to appeal to a wide scholarly audience by welcoming all Social Sciences works without a geographic or topic-based limitation.
UPA Strategic Affairs publishes theoretical, methodological, and research-based articles in addition to original op-eds and book reviews.
UPA Strategic Affairs publishes only Turkish, English, and French articles.
UPA Strategic Affairs follows academic ethic procedures proposed by ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). This applies to editors, authors, and referees.
All published articles are archived in UPA website (http://politikaakademisi.org/archive/).
UPA Strategic Affairs will take necessary steps to be cited in Turkish and international indexes.