Research Article
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Trust within organisations: A cross-cultural research on the role of character perception

Year 2018, , 23 - 37, 10.12.2018


Prior research has amply demonstrated that employees’
relationships with their immediate manager and their organisation influences
their trust in it. In this three-country investigation, we examine how
employees’ perceptions of their manager's character, and the character of
senior management influences their trust in their manager and their
organisation. Results draw on data from ICT organisations in Australia, Turkey
and the Ukraine (n-541) and reveal that workers’ perceptions of character
matter for trust in manager and trust in the organisation. Furthermore, sub-components
of trust and communication with the immediate manager mediate the relationship
between perceptions of character and organisational outcomes. Overall, our
findings create a new avenue for trust research by advancing the idea that
perceptions of character are an important antecedent of workers’ trust in


  • Adler, P. (2001). "Market, Hierarchy, and Trust: The Knowledge Economy and the Future of Capitalism." Organization Science 12(2): 215-234.Albrecht, S. and P. Sevastos (2000). Dimensions and structure of trust and trustworthiness in senior management. Inaugural Newcastle Conference Trust in the Workplace - Beyond the Quick Fix, The University of Newcastle, The University of Newcastle.Albrecht, S. and P. Stevastos (1999). New measures of trust in senior management. 2nd Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference. Brisbane, Australia.Bass, B. (1985). Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations. New York, The Free PressBecker, T. (1998). "Integrity in Organizations: Beyond Honesty and Conscientiousness." Academy of Management Review 23(1): 154-161.Burns, J. (1978). Leadership. New York, Harper and Row.Butler, J. and R. Cantrell (1984). "A Behavioural Decision Theory Approach to Modelling Dyadic Trust in Superiors and Subordinates " Psychological Reports 55: 19-28.Chin, W. (2010). How to Write Up and Report PLS Analyses. Handbook of Partial Least Squares: Concepts, Methods and Applications. V. Vinzi, W. Chin, J. Henseler and H. Wang. New York, Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht: 655-690.Chung, Y. and S. Jackson (2011). "Co-worker trust and knowledge creation: A multilevel analysis." Journal of Trust Research 1(1).Ciulla, J. (1998). Leadership Ethics: Mapping the Territory. Ethics, The Heart of Leadership. J. Ciulla. Westport, Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.Clark, M. and R. Payne (1997). "The nature and structure of workers' trust in management." Journal of Organizational Behavior 18: 205-234.Colquitt, J., B. Scott and J. LePine (2007). "Trust, trustworthiness, and trust propensity: A meta-analytic test of their unique relationships with risk taking and job performance." Journal of Applied Psychology 92: 909–927Colquitt, J., J. LePine, C. Zapata and R. Wild (2011). "Trust in Typical and High-Reliability Contexts: Building and Reacting to Trust Among Firefighters." Academy of Management Journal 54(5): 999-1015.Cummings, L. and P. Bromiley (1996). The Organizational Trust Inventory (OTI): Development and validation. Trust in organizations: Frontiers of theory and research. R. Kramer and T. Tyler. Thousand Oaks, Sage.Currall, S. and T. Judge (1995). "Measuring trust between organizational boundary role persons." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process 64(2): 151-170.Dineen, B., R. Lewicki and E. Tomlinson (2006). "Supervisory Guidance and Behavioral Integrity: Relationships With Employee Citizenship and Deviant Behavior." Journal of Applied Psychology 91(3): 622-635.Dirks, K. and D. Ferrin (2002). "Trust in leadership: meta-analytic findings and implications for research and practice." Journal of Applied Psychology 87(4): 611-628.Dunphy, D. and D. Stace (1990). Under new management: Australian organizations in transition. Roseville, McGraw-Hill Book Company of Australia Pty Ltd.Dunphy, D. and D. Stace (1993). "The Strategic Management of Corporate Change." Human Relations 46(8): 905-914.Efron, B. and R. Tibshirani (1986). "Bootstrap Methods for Standard Errors, Confidence Intervals, and Other Measures of Statistical Accurcy." Statistical Science 1(1): 54-77.Ferres, N. (2003). The Development and Validation of the Workplace Trust Survey (WTS): Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies Masters of Applied Psychology, University of Newcastle.Ferres, N. and T. Travaglione (2003). Measuring trust from different levels of analysis: Development and validation of the Workplace Trust Scale (WTS). APROS International Colloquium, Oaxaca, Mexico, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana.Ferrin, D., M. Bligh and J. Kohles (2008). "It takes two to tango: An interdependence analysis of the spiraling of perceived trustworthiness and cooperation in interpersonal and intergroup relationships." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 107: 161-178.Fornell, C. and D. Larcker (1981). "Evaluating structural equation models with unobserved variables and measurement error." Journal of Marketing Research 18: 39–50.Frenkel, S., M. Korczynski, K. Shire and M. Tam (1999). On the Front Line: Organisation of Work in the Information Economy. New York, Cornell University Press.Frenkel, S., M. Korczynski, L. Donoghue and K. Shire (1995). "Re-constituting Work: trends Towards Knowledge Work and Info-normative Control." Work, Employment and Society 9(4): 773-796.Gefen, D., D. Straub and M. Boudreau (2000). "Structural Equation Modeling and Regression: Guidelines for Research Practice." Communications of AIS 7(7): 1-78.Giampetro-Meyer, A., T. Brown, S. Browne and N. Kubasek (1998). "Do We Really Want More Leaders in Business?" Journal of Business Ethics 17(15): 1727-1736.Gillespie, N. (2003). Measuring Trust in Working Relationships. Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, Submitted to Journal of Applied Psychology.Hoffman, J., M. Hoelscher and K. Sherif (2005). "Social Capital, Knowledge Management and Sustained Superior Performance." Journal of Knowledge Management 9(3): 93-100.Jennex, M. (2007). Knowledge Management in Modern Organizations. Hershey PA, Idea Group Publishing.Korsgaard, M., H. Sapienza and D. Schweiger (2002). "Beaten Before Begun: The Role of Procedural Justice in Planning Change." Journal of Management 28(4): 497-516.Levin, S. (1999). Development of an instrument to measure organizational trust EdD, The George Washington University.Locke, E. (2003). Good Definitions: The Epistemological Foundation of Scientific Progress. Organizational Behavior: The State of The Science. J. Geenberg. Mahwah, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Mayer, R. and J. Davis (1999). "The Effect of the Performance Appraisal System on Trust for Management: A Field Quasi-Experiment." Journal of Applied Psychology 84(1): 123-136.Mayer, R. and M. Gavin (2005). "Trust in management: and performance: who minds the shop while the employees watch the boss?" Academy of Management Journal 48(5): 874-888.Mayer, R., J. Davis and F. Schoorman (1995). "An integrative model of organizational trust." The Academy of Management Review 20(3): 709 - 723.Mazmanian, M, Orlikowski, W, Yates, J. (2006) “Crackberries: The Social Implications of Ubiquitous Wireless E-Mail Devices “ Conference Paper for EGOS 2006 Sub-theme 14. Technology, Organization and Society: Recursive Perspectives Mazmanian, M, Orlikowski, W, Yates, J. (2013) “The Autonomy Paradox: The Implications of Mobile Email Devices for Knowledge Professionals” Organization Science 24 (5): 1337–1357McEvily, B. and M. Tortoriello (2011). "Measuring trust in organisational research: Review and recommendations." Journal of Trust Research 1(1): 23-63.McGregor, D. (1967). The Professional Manager. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company.McLoughlin D. (2014). Knowledge Worker Trust Within Organisations. Sydney, Ithikos Pty Ltd.Morgan, D. and R. Zeffane (2003). "Employee involvement, organizational change and trust in management." The International Journal of Human Resource Management 14(1): 55-75.Parry, K. and S. Proctor-Thomson (2002). "Perceived integrity of transformational leaders in organisational settings." Journal of Business Ethics 35(2): 75-96.Pocock, B, Skinner, N. (2013) “Morning, Noon and Night: The infiltration of work email into personal and family life”. Centre for Work + Life, University of South AustraliaRieke, M. and S. Guastello (1995). "Unresolved Issues in Honesty and Integrity Testing." American Psychologist 50: 458-459.Rousseau, D., S. Sitkin, R. Burt and C. Camerer (1998). "Not So Diferent After All: A Cross-Discipline View of Trust." Academy of Management Review 23(3): 393-404.Schoorman, F., R. Mayer and J. Davis (1996). Empowerment in vetinary clinics: The role of trust in delegation. 11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, California.Simons, T. (2002). "Behavioral Integrity: The perceived alignment between managers' words and deeds as a research focus." Organization Science 13(1): 18-35.Sison, A. (2003). The Moral Capital of Leaders: Why Virtue Matters. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.Towers, I, Duxbury, L, Higgins, C, Thomas, J (2006),"Time thieves and space invaders: technology, work and the organization", Journal of Organizational Change Management, 19(5): 593 - 618Yukl, G. (1998). Leadership in Organizations. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.Yukl, G. and Van Fleet, D. (1992). Theory and research on leadership in organizations. Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology. D. Dunnette and L. Hough. Palo Alto CA, Consulting Psychologists Press. 3: 147–197.
Year 2018, , 23 - 37, 10.12.2018



  • Adler, P. (2001). "Market, Hierarchy, and Trust: The Knowledge Economy and the Future of Capitalism." Organization Science 12(2): 215-234.Albrecht, S. and P. Sevastos (2000). Dimensions and structure of trust and trustworthiness in senior management. Inaugural Newcastle Conference Trust in the Workplace - Beyond the Quick Fix, The University of Newcastle, The University of Newcastle.Albrecht, S. and P. Stevastos (1999). New measures of trust in senior management. 2nd Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference. Brisbane, Australia.Bass, B. (1985). Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations. New York, The Free PressBecker, T. (1998). "Integrity in Organizations: Beyond Honesty and Conscientiousness." Academy of Management Review 23(1): 154-161.Burns, J. (1978). Leadership. New York, Harper and Row.Butler, J. and R. Cantrell (1984). "A Behavioural Decision Theory Approach to Modelling Dyadic Trust in Superiors and Subordinates " Psychological Reports 55: 19-28.Chin, W. (2010). How to Write Up and Report PLS Analyses. Handbook of Partial Least Squares: Concepts, Methods and Applications. V. Vinzi, W. Chin, J. Henseler and H. Wang. New York, Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht: 655-690.Chung, Y. and S. Jackson (2011). "Co-worker trust and knowledge creation: A multilevel analysis." Journal of Trust Research 1(1).Ciulla, J. (1998). Leadership Ethics: Mapping the Territory. Ethics, The Heart of Leadership. J. Ciulla. Westport, Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.Clark, M. and R. Payne (1997). "The nature and structure of workers' trust in management." Journal of Organizational Behavior 18: 205-234.Colquitt, J., B. Scott and J. LePine (2007). "Trust, trustworthiness, and trust propensity: A meta-analytic test of their unique relationships with risk taking and job performance." Journal of Applied Psychology 92: 909–927Colquitt, J., J. LePine, C. Zapata and R. Wild (2011). "Trust in Typical and High-Reliability Contexts: Building and Reacting to Trust Among Firefighters." Academy of Management Journal 54(5): 999-1015.Cummings, L. and P. Bromiley (1996). The Organizational Trust Inventory (OTI): Development and validation. Trust in organizations: Frontiers of theory and research. R. Kramer and T. Tyler. Thousand Oaks, Sage.Currall, S. and T. Judge (1995). "Measuring trust between organizational boundary role persons." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process 64(2): 151-170.Dineen, B., R. Lewicki and E. Tomlinson (2006). "Supervisory Guidance and Behavioral Integrity: Relationships With Employee Citizenship and Deviant Behavior." Journal of Applied Psychology 91(3): 622-635.Dirks, K. and D. Ferrin (2002). "Trust in leadership: meta-analytic findings and implications for research and practice." Journal of Applied Psychology 87(4): 611-628.Dunphy, D. and D. Stace (1990). Under new management: Australian organizations in transition. Roseville, McGraw-Hill Book Company of Australia Pty Ltd.Dunphy, D. and D. Stace (1993). "The Strategic Management of Corporate Change." Human Relations 46(8): 905-914.Efron, B. and R. Tibshirani (1986). "Bootstrap Methods for Standard Errors, Confidence Intervals, and Other Measures of Statistical Accurcy." Statistical Science 1(1): 54-77.Ferres, N. (2003). The Development and Validation of the Workplace Trust Survey (WTS): Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies Masters of Applied Psychology, University of Newcastle.Ferres, N. and T. Travaglione (2003). Measuring trust from different levels of analysis: Development and validation of the Workplace Trust Scale (WTS). APROS International Colloquium, Oaxaca, Mexico, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana.Ferrin, D., M. Bligh and J. Kohles (2008). "It takes two to tango: An interdependence analysis of the spiraling of perceived trustworthiness and cooperation in interpersonal and intergroup relationships." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 107: 161-178.Fornell, C. and D. Larcker (1981). "Evaluating structural equation models with unobserved variables and measurement error." Journal of Marketing Research 18: 39–50.Frenkel, S., M. Korczynski, K. Shire and M. Tam (1999). On the Front Line: Organisation of Work in the Information Economy. New York, Cornell University Press.Frenkel, S., M. Korczynski, L. Donoghue and K. Shire (1995). "Re-constituting Work: trends Towards Knowledge Work and Info-normative Control." Work, Employment and Society 9(4): 773-796.Gefen, D., D. Straub and M. Boudreau (2000). "Structural Equation Modeling and Regression: Guidelines for Research Practice." Communications of AIS 7(7): 1-78.Giampetro-Meyer, A., T. Brown, S. Browne and N. Kubasek (1998). "Do We Really Want More Leaders in Business?" Journal of Business Ethics 17(15): 1727-1736.Gillespie, N. (2003). Measuring Trust in Working Relationships. Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, Submitted to Journal of Applied Psychology.Hoffman, J., M. Hoelscher and K. Sherif (2005). "Social Capital, Knowledge Management and Sustained Superior Performance." Journal of Knowledge Management 9(3): 93-100.Jennex, M. (2007). Knowledge Management in Modern Organizations. Hershey PA, Idea Group Publishing.Korsgaard, M., H. Sapienza and D. Schweiger (2002). "Beaten Before Begun: The Role of Procedural Justice in Planning Change." Journal of Management 28(4): 497-516.Levin, S. (1999). Development of an instrument to measure organizational trust EdD, The George Washington University.Locke, E. (2003). Good Definitions: The Epistemological Foundation of Scientific Progress. Organizational Behavior: The State of The Science. J. Geenberg. Mahwah, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Mayer, R. and J. Davis (1999). "The Effect of the Performance Appraisal System on Trust for Management: A Field Quasi-Experiment." Journal of Applied Psychology 84(1): 123-136.Mayer, R. and M. Gavin (2005). "Trust in management: and performance: who minds the shop while the employees watch the boss?" Academy of Management Journal 48(5): 874-888.Mayer, R., J. Davis and F. Schoorman (1995). "An integrative model of organizational trust." The Academy of Management Review 20(3): 709 - 723.Mazmanian, M, Orlikowski, W, Yates, J. (2006) “Crackberries: The Social Implications of Ubiquitous Wireless E-Mail Devices “ Conference Paper for EGOS 2006 Sub-theme 14. Technology, Organization and Society: Recursive Perspectives Mazmanian, M, Orlikowski, W, Yates, J. (2013) “The Autonomy Paradox: The Implications of Mobile Email Devices for Knowledge Professionals” Organization Science 24 (5): 1337–1357McEvily, B. and M. Tortoriello (2011). "Measuring trust in organisational research: Review and recommendations." Journal of Trust Research 1(1): 23-63.McGregor, D. (1967). The Professional Manager. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company.McLoughlin D. (2014). Knowledge Worker Trust Within Organisations. Sydney, Ithikos Pty Ltd.Morgan, D. and R. Zeffane (2003). "Employee involvement, organizational change and trust in management." The International Journal of Human Resource Management 14(1): 55-75.Parry, K. and S. Proctor-Thomson (2002). "Perceived integrity of transformational leaders in organisational settings." Journal of Business Ethics 35(2): 75-96.Pocock, B, Skinner, N. (2013) “Morning, Noon and Night: The infiltration of work email into personal and family life”. Centre for Work + Life, University of South AustraliaRieke, M. and S. Guastello (1995). "Unresolved Issues in Honesty and Integrity Testing." American Psychologist 50: 458-459.Rousseau, D., S. Sitkin, R. Burt and C. Camerer (1998). "Not So Diferent After All: A Cross-Discipline View of Trust." Academy of Management Review 23(3): 393-404.Schoorman, F., R. Mayer and J. Davis (1996). Empowerment in vetinary clinics: The role of trust in delegation. 11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, California.Simons, T. (2002). "Behavioral Integrity: The perceived alignment between managers' words and deeds as a research focus." Organization Science 13(1): 18-35.Sison, A. (2003). The Moral Capital of Leaders: Why Virtue Matters. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.Towers, I, Duxbury, L, Higgins, C, Thomas, J (2006),"Time thieves and space invaders: technology, work and the organization", Journal of Organizational Change Management, 19(5): 593 - 618Yukl, G. (1998). Leadership in Organizations. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.Yukl, G. and Van Fleet, D. (1992). Theory and research on leadership in organizations. Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology. D. Dunnette and L. Hough. Palo Alto CA, Consulting Psychologists Press. 3: 147–197.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Makaleler

Dominic Mcloughlin This is me

Maryna Salun This is me

Emrah Özsoy

Carroll R. This is me

Kateryna Zaslavska This is me

Osman Uslu

Publication Date December 10, 2018
Submission Date October 8, 2018
Acceptance Date December 6, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Mcloughlin, D., Salun, M., Özsoy, E., R., C., et al. (2018). Trust within organisations: A cross-cultural research on the role of character perception. Yorum Yönetim Yöntem Uluslararası Yönetim Ekonomi Ve Felsefe Dergisi, 6(3), 23-37.
AMA Mcloughlin D, Salun M, Özsoy E, R. C, Zaslavska K, Uslu O. Trust within organisations: A cross-cultural research on the role of character perception. Yorum-Yönetim-Yöntem (JIMM). December 2018;6(3):23-37. doi:10.32705/yorumyonetim.468342
Chicago Mcloughlin, Dominic, Maryna Salun, Emrah Özsoy, Carroll R., Kateryna Zaslavska, and Osman Uslu. “Trust Within Organisations: A Cross-Cultural Research on the Role of Character Perception”. Yorum Yönetim Yöntem Uluslararası Yönetim Ekonomi Ve Felsefe Dergisi 6, no. 3 (December 2018): 23-37.
EndNote Mcloughlin D, Salun M, Özsoy E, R. C, Zaslavska K, Uslu O (December 1, 2018) Trust within organisations: A cross-cultural research on the role of character perception. Yorum Yönetim Yöntem Uluslararası Yönetim Ekonomi ve Felsefe Dergisi 6 3 23–37.
IEEE D. Mcloughlin, M. Salun, E. Özsoy, C. R., K. Zaslavska, and O. Uslu, “Trust within organisations: A cross-cultural research on the role of character perception”, Yorum-Yönetim-Yöntem (JIMM), vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 23–37, 2018, doi: 10.32705/yorumyonetim.468342.
ISNAD Mcloughlin, Dominic et al. “Trust Within Organisations: A Cross-Cultural Research on the Role of Character Perception”. Yorum Yönetim Yöntem Uluslararası Yönetim Ekonomi ve Felsefe Dergisi 6/3 (December 2018), 23-37.
JAMA Mcloughlin D, Salun M, Özsoy E, R. C, Zaslavska K, Uslu O. Trust within organisations: A cross-cultural research on the role of character perception. Yorum-Yönetim-Yöntem (JIMM). 2018;6:23–37.
MLA Mcloughlin, Dominic et al. “Trust Within Organisations: A Cross-Cultural Research on the Role of Character Perception”. Yorum Yönetim Yöntem Uluslararası Yönetim Ekonomi Ve Felsefe Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 3, 2018, pp. 23-37, doi:10.32705/yorumyonetim.468342.
Vancouver Mcloughlin D, Salun M, Özsoy E, R. C, Zaslavska K, Uslu O. Trust within organisations: A cross-cultural research on the role of character perception. Yorum-Yönetim-Yöntem (JIMM). 2018;6(3):23-37.

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