In the current practice, only the name of the publisher was included in the journal pages, but with the new regulation, a publisher page,
which plays an important role in index applications, has been created. In order to keep this page up to date, a DergiPark user authorized by the
Coordinator of Scientific Publishing is required. The process is as follows:
- The publisher must have an e-mail address authorized by the Coordinator of Scientific Publishing.
- A new user account must be created in DergiPark with this e-mail address.
- The application process is started by logging in from this account.
- You must associate your account with your e-Government account before application.
- For University and Public Publishers, the signed official document authorizing the Coordinator of Scientific Publishing must be sent to the kep address ( via EBYS.
- For other publishers, the Coordinator of Scientific Publishing Authorization Document is created by the system by extracting the name, surname and T.R. Identity Number information from the associated e-Government account.
- The authorization document will be signed with e-sign. Click here for detailed information.
- It will not be allowed to update the e-mail address of the authorized account and merge it with another account.
- Since this account will represent the Publisher, personal transactions such as author, editor, reviewer transactions will not be carried out through this account.
In order to submit a Publisher Application, first of all, please register to DergiPark with an e-mail address belonging to the Coordinator of Scientific Publishing where publisher transactions will be carried out.
Click here for detailed information.