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A Structural Equation Model of Writing Anxiety, Writing Motivation and Academic Motivation of Students

Yıl 2024, , 365 - 385, 29.01.2024


Writing anxiety causes various problems in the writing process, makes it difficult for the person to produce text and can prevent the act of writing. Writing motivation supports writing skills by affecting the writing process positively. The purpose of this research is to determine relationships between students' writing anxiety, writing motivation and academic motivation. The research was carried out with the correlational desing in the quantitative method. The population of this research consist of secondary school students and the sample consist of 1037 secondary school students, 577 of whom are females (55.64%) and 460 of them are males (44.36%) in Elazig province centre in 2020-2021 academic year. As a result of the correlation test, hierarchical regression analysis, it was determined that students' writing anxiety meaningful was predicted the writing motivation (r=-.65/strong) and academic motivations (r=-.37/medium) by 53%. Structural equation model fit was verified. While writing process, avoidance and writing pleasure latent variables explain 11% of consubstantiated extrinsic motivation, this rate increased to 45% when writing motivation was added to the equality. Although writing process, avoidance and writing pleasure variables explained 39% of the unmotivation and 32% of the extrinsic motivation reflected internal, it was observed that the regression coefficient for the two equations increased to 70% with the addition of writing motivation as the predictive variable.


  • Akbarov, A., & Aydoğan, H. (2018). The relationships between writing anxiety, motivation for English learning and self-reported English skills. Journal of Linguistic Intercultural Education, 11(1), 7-21.
  • Akyol, H., & Aktaş, N. (2018). The relationship between fourth-grade primary school students' story-writing skills and their motivation to write. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6(12), 2772-2779.
  • Alico, C. J. (2016). Writing anxiety and language learning motivation: Examining causes, indicators, and relationship. Communication and Linguistics Studies, 2(1), 6-12.
  • Ames, C. A. (1990). Motivation: What teachers need to know. Teachers college record, 91(3), 409-421.
  • Amrai, K., Motlagh, S. E., Zalani, H. A., & Parhon, H. (2011). The relationship between academic motivation and academic achievement students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 399-402.
  • Aston, J. A. (1994). Collaborative planning and the classroom context: tracking, banking, and transformations. Making thinking visible: writing, collaborative planning and classroom inquiry. L. Flower, D. L. Wallance, L. Norris & R. E. Burnett (Ed.). National Council of Teachers of English.
  • Boscolo, P., Favero L. D., & Borghetto, M. (2006). Writing on an interesting topic: Does writing foster interest. Writing and motivation. 73-91. S. Hidi, & P. Boscolo (Ed.). Elsevier.
  • Bozgün, K., & Akın Kösterelioğlu, M. (2022). İlkokul Dördüncü Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Yazma Motivasyonu. [Writing Motivation of Primary School Fourth Grade Students]. Journal of Mother Tongue Education/Ana Dili Egitim Dergisi, 10(1), 119-135.
  • Brouwer, K. L. (2010). Writing motivation of students with specific language impairments (Order No.3411993). Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska, Nebraska. Retrieved from:
  • Siska, S., Syahid, A., & Miftah, M. Z. (2021, December). The correlations among writing motivation, anxiety and proficiency. In Proceedings of International Conference on English Language Teaching (INACELT) (Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 139-151).
  • Burning, R., & Horn, C. (2000). Developing motivation to write. Educational Psychologist, 35(1), 25-37.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, O. E. Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. [Scientific research methods]. Pegem Akademi.
  • Çakır, İ. (2010). Yazma becerisinin kazanılması yabancı dil öğretiminde neden zordur? [Why ıs wrıtıng skıll dıffıcult to gaın ın foreıgn language teachıng?] Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1(28), 1-12.
  • Cao, G. (2022). Toward the favorable consequences of academic motivation and L2 enjoyment for students' willingness to communicate in the second language (L2WTC). Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 997566.
  • Can, A. (2016). SPSS ile bilimsel arastirma surecinde nicel veri analizi. [Quantitative data analysis in scientific research process with SPSS]. Pegem Akademi.
  • Canıtezer, A. (2014). 8. sınıf öğrencilerinin yazma motivasyonları ile yazılı anlatım beceri düzeyleri üzerine bir araştırma. [The writing motivations of eight grade students and their levels of success in writing]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Necmettin Erbakan University. Institute of Education Sciences, Konya.
  • Cheung, Y. L. (2018). The effects of writing instructors' motivational strategies on student motivation. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online), 43(3), 55. DOI 10.14221/ajte.2018v43n3.4
  • Christensen, L. B., Johnson, B., & Turner, L. A. (2015). Araştırma yöntemleri: Desen ve analiz. Anı.
  • Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G., & Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2012). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik: SPSS ve LISREL uygulamaları. [Multivariate statistics for social sciences: SPSS and LISREL applications]. (2nd. Ed.). Pegem.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2018). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. SAGE.
  • Deniz, H. (2018). Öğrencilerin yazma kaygılarının yazma eğilimleriyle ilişkisi. [The relation between students' writing anxiety with writing disposition]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Firat University. Institute of Education Sciences, Elazig.
  • Deniz, H., & Demir, S. (2019). Development of the Writing Anxiety Scale: reliability and validity study. International Journal of Turkish Literature Culture Education (TLCE). 8(2), 10.7884/teke.4414
  • Deniz, H., & Demir, S. (2020). Development of the Writing Motivation Scale: reliability and validity study. Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 6(3-4), 269–286.
  • Ersoy, E., & Çetin, D. (2023). Investigation of the Relationship between the Writing Autonomy and Writing Skill of Students Learning Turkish as a Foreign Language. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11, 114-131.
  • Eysenck, M. W., Derakshan. N., Santos. R., & Calvo. M. G. (2007). Anxiety and cognitive performance: attentional control theory. Emotion. 7(2). 336-353.
  • Fathi, J., Rahimi, M., & Liu, G. Z. (2023). A preliminary study on flipping an English as a foreign language collaborative writing course with video clips: Its impact on writing skills and writing motivation. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39(2), 659-675.
  • Fidan, M., & Eren, A. (2017). Relationships between the profiles of middle school students’ attitudes towards Turkish course and motivations for education. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 32(2), 480-493.
  • Fillmore, L. W. (1976). The second time around: Cognitive and social strategies in second language acquisition. Stanford University.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2011). How to design and evaluate research in education. McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages.
  • Freud, S. (2019). İcguduler ve baskilama. [Instincts and their vicissitudes (1915)]. (D. Öztürk Trans.). Tutku.
  • Garcia, J. N., & de Caso, A. M. (2004). Effects of a motivational intervention for improving the writing of children with learning disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 27(3), 141-159.
  • Gömleksiz, M. N., & Serhatlıoğlu, B. (2014). Prospective teachers’ perceptions of academic motivation levels. The Journal of Turkish Social Research, 17(3), 99-128.
  • Gottfried, A. E. (1982). Relationships between academic intrinsic motivation and anxiety in children and young adolescents. Journal of School Psychology, 20(3), 205-215.
  • Graham, S., Daley, S. G., Aitken, A. A., Harris, K. R., & Robinson, K. H. (2018). Do writing motivational beliefs predict middle school students' writing performance? Journal of Research in Reading, 41(4), 642-656. DOI:10.1111/1467- 9817.12245
  • Heydarnejad, T., Tagavipour, F., Patra, I., & Farid Khafaga, A. (2022). The impacts of performance-based assessment on reading comprehension achievement, academic motivation, foreign language anxiety, and students’ self-efficacy. Language Testing in Asia, 12(1), 1-21.
  • Iran-Nejad, A., Watts, J. B., Venugopalan, G., & Xu, Y. (2007). The wholetheme window of dynamic motivation in writing to learn critical thinking: a multiple—source perspective. Writing and motivation. 31-50. S. Hidi & P. Boscolo (Ed.). Elsevier.
  • Jung, C. G. (2016). Analitik psikoloji Sözlüğü. (N. Nirven Trans.). Pinhan Yayıncılık.
  • Karagöz, Y. (2017). SPSS ve AMOS uygulamalı nitel-nicel-karma bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri ve yayın etiği. [SPSS and AMOS applied qualitative-quantitative-mixed scientific research methods and publication ethics]. Nobel.
  • Latif, M. M. A. (2019). Unresolved issues in defining and assessing writing motivational constructs: A review of conceptualization and measurement perspectives. Assessing Writing, 42.
  • Liao, M. T., & Wong, C. T. (2010). Effects of dialogue journals on L2 students’ writing fluency, reflections, anxiety, and motivation. Reflections on English Language Teaching, 9(2), 139-170.
  • Ling, G., Elliot, N., Burstein, J. C., McCaffrey, D. F., MacArthur, C. A., & Holtzman, S. (2021). Writing motivation: A validation study of self-judgment and performance. Assessing Writing, 48, 100509.
  • Magnifico, A. M. (2013). “Well, I have to write that:” a cross-case qualitative analysis of young writers’ motivations to write. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 2(1), 19-55.
  • Martinez, C. T., Kock, N., & Cass, J. (2011). Pain and pleasure in short essay writing: Factors predicting university students' writing anxiety and writing self‐efficacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 54(5), 351-360.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological review, 50(4), 370.
  • Murray, H. A. (1960). Historical trends in personality research. Perspectives in Personality Research, 3-39. Springer Science+ Business Media.
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Öğrencilerin Yazma Kaygıları, Yazma Motivasyonları ve Akademik Motivasyonlarına İlişkin Bir Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli

Yıl 2024, , 365 - 385, 29.01.2024


Yazma kaygısı, yazma sürecinde çeşitli sorunlara yol açmakta, kişinin metin üretimini zorlaştırmakta ve yazma eylemini engelleyebilmektedir. Yazma motivasyonu, yazma sürecini olumlu yönde etkileyerek yazma becerisini desteklemektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, öğrencilerin yazma kaygıları, yazma motivasyonları ve akademik motivasyonları arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemektir. Araştırma nicel yöntemde korelasyonel model ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu araştırmanın evrenini 2018-2019 eğitim-öğretim yılında Elazığ il merkezinde bulunan 577'si kız (%55,64) ve 460'ı erkek (%44,36) olmak üzere 1037 ortaokul öğrencisi, örneklemini oluşturmaktadır. Korelasyon testi, hiyerarşik regresyon analizi sonucunda, öğrencilerin yazma kaygısının yazma motivasyonunu (r=-.65/güçlü) ve akademik motivasyonlarını (r=-.37/orta) %53 oranında anlamlı olarak yordadığı belirlenmiştir. . Yapısal eşitlik modeli test edilmiş ve model uyumu doğrulanmıştır. Yazma süreci, kaçınma ve yazma zevki gizil değişkenleri dışsal motivasyonun %11'ini açıklarken, eşitliğe yazma motivasyonu eklendiğinde bu oran %45'e çıkmaktadır. Yazma süreci, kaçınma ve yazma keyfi değişkenleri içsel motivasyonsuzluğun %39'unu ve içsel olarak yansıtılan dışsal motivasyonun %32'sini açıklasa da, yordayıcı değişken olarak yazma motivasyonunun eklenmesiyle iki denklem için regresyon katsayısının %70'e yükseldiği görülmüştür.


  • Akbarov, A., & Aydoğan, H. (2018). The relationships between writing anxiety, motivation for English learning and self-reported English skills. Journal of Linguistic Intercultural Education, 11(1), 7-21.
  • Akyol, H., & Aktaş, N. (2018). The relationship between fourth-grade primary school students' story-writing skills and their motivation to write. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6(12), 2772-2779.
  • Alico, C. J. (2016). Writing anxiety and language learning motivation: Examining causes, indicators, and relationship. Communication and Linguistics Studies, 2(1), 6-12.
  • Ames, C. A. (1990). Motivation: What teachers need to know. Teachers college record, 91(3), 409-421.
  • Amrai, K., Motlagh, S. E., Zalani, H. A., & Parhon, H. (2011). The relationship between academic motivation and academic achievement students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 399-402.
  • Aston, J. A. (1994). Collaborative planning and the classroom context: tracking, banking, and transformations. Making thinking visible: writing, collaborative planning and classroom inquiry. L. Flower, D. L. Wallance, L. Norris & R. E. Burnett (Ed.). National Council of Teachers of English.
  • Boscolo, P., Favero L. D., & Borghetto, M. (2006). Writing on an interesting topic: Does writing foster interest. Writing and motivation. 73-91. S. Hidi, & P. Boscolo (Ed.). Elsevier.
  • Bozgün, K., & Akın Kösterelioğlu, M. (2022). İlkokul Dördüncü Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Yazma Motivasyonu. [Writing Motivation of Primary School Fourth Grade Students]. Journal of Mother Tongue Education/Ana Dili Egitim Dergisi, 10(1), 119-135.
  • Brouwer, K. L. (2010). Writing motivation of students with specific language impairments (Order No.3411993). Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska, Nebraska. Retrieved from:
  • Siska, S., Syahid, A., & Miftah, M. Z. (2021, December). The correlations among writing motivation, anxiety and proficiency. In Proceedings of International Conference on English Language Teaching (INACELT) (Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 139-151).
  • Burning, R., & Horn, C. (2000). Developing motivation to write. Educational Psychologist, 35(1), 25-37.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, O. E. Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. [Scientific research methods]. Pegem Akademi.
  • Çakır, İ. (2010). Yazma becerisinin kazanılması yabancı dil öğretiminde neden zordur? [Why ıs wrıtıng skıll dıffıcult to gaın ın foreıgn language teachıng?] Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1(28), 1-12.
  • Cao, G. (2022). Toward the favorable consequences of academic motivation and L2 enjoyment for students' willingness to communicate in the second language (L2WTC). Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 997566.
  • Can, A. (2016). SPSS ile bilimsel arastirma surecinde nicel veri analizi. [Quantitative data analysis in scientific research process with SPSS]. Pegem Akademi.
  • Canıtezer, A. (2014). 8. sınıf öğrencilerinin yazma motivasyonları ile yazılı anlatım beceri düzeyleri üzerine bir araştırma. [The writing motivations of eight grade students and their levels of success in writing]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Necmettin Erbakan University. Institute of Education Sciences, Konya.
  • Cheung, Y. L. (2018). The effects of writing instructors' motivational strategies on student motivation. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online), 43(3), 55. DOI 10.14221/ajte.2018v43n3.4
  • Christensen, L. B., Johnson, B., & Turner, L. A. (2015). Araştırma yöntemleri: Desen ve analiz. Anı.
  • Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G., & Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2012). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik: SPSS ve LISREL uygulamaları. [Multivariate statistics for social sciences: SPSS and LISREL applications]. (2nd. Ed.). Pegem.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2018). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. SAGE.
  • Deniz, H. (2018). Öğrencilerin yazma kaygılarının yazma eğilimleriyle ilişkisi. [The relation between students' writing anxiety with writing disposition]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Firat University. Institute of Education Sciences, Elazig.
  • Deniz, H., & Demir, S. (2019). Development of the Writing Anxiety Scale: reliability and validity study. International Journal of Turkish Literature Culture Education (TLCE). 8(2), 10.7884/teke.4414
  • Deniz, H., & Demir, S. (2020). Development of the Writing Motivation Scale: reliability and validity study. Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 6(3-4), 269–286.
  • Ersoy, E., & Çetin, D. (2023). Investigation of the Relationship between the Writing Autonomy and Writing Skill of Students Learning Turkish as a Foreign Language. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11, 114-131.
  • Eysenck, M. W., Derakshan. N., Santos. R., & Calvo. M. G. (2007). Anxiety and cognitive performance: attentional control theory. Emotion. 7(2). 336-353.
  • Fathi, J., Rahimi, M., & Liu, G. Z. (2023). A preliminary study on flipping an English as a foreign language collaborative writing course with video clips: Its impact on writing skills and writing motivation. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39(2), 659-675.
  • Fidan, M., & Eren, A. (2017). Relationships between the profiles of middle school students’ attitudes towards Turkish course and motivations for education. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 32(2), 480-493.
  • Fillmore, L. W. (1976). The second time around: Cognitive and social strategies in second language acquisition. Stanford University.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2011). How to design and evaluate research in education. McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages.
  • Freud, S. (2019). İcguduler ve baskilama. [Instincts and their vicissitudes (1915)]. (D. Öztürk Trans.). Tutku.
  • Garcia, J. N., & de Caso, A. M. (2004). Effects of a motivational intervention for improving the writing of children with learning disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 27(3), 141-159.
  • Gömleksiz, M. N., & Serhatlıoğlu, B. (2014). Prospective teachers’ perceptions of academic motivation levels. The Journal of Turkish Social Research, 17(3), 99-128.
  • Gottfried, A. E. (1982). Relationships between academic intrinsic motivation and anxiety in children and young adolescents. Journal of School Psychology, 20(3), 205-215.
  • Graham, S., Daley, S. G., Aitken, A. A., Harris, K. R., & Robinson, K. H. (2018). Do writing motivational beliefs predict middle school students' writing performance? Journal of Research in Reading, 41(4), 642-656. DOI:10.1111/1467- 9817.12245
  • Heydarnejad, T., Tagavipour, F., Patra, I., & Farid Khafaga, A. (2022). The impacts of performance-based assessment on reading comprehension achievement, academic motivation, foreign language anxiety, and students’ self-efficacy. Language Testing in Asia, 12(1), 1-21.
  • Iran-Nejad, A., Watts, J. B., Venugopalan, G., & Xu, Y. (2007). The wholetheme window of dynamic motivation in writing to learn critical thinking: a multiple—source perspective. Writing and motivation. 31-50. S. Hidi & P. Boscolo (Ed.). Elsevier.
  • Jung, C. G. (2016). Analitik psikoloji Sözlüğü. (N. Nirven Trans.). Pinhan Yayıncılık.
  • Karagöz, Y. (2017). SPSS ve AMOS uygulamalı nitel-nicel-karma bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri ve yayın etiği. [SPSS and AMOS applied qualitative-quantitative-mixed scientific research methods and publication ethics]. Nobel.
  • Latif, M. M. A. (2019). Unresolved issues in defining and assessing writing motivational constructs: A review of conceptualization and measurement perspectives. Assessing Writing, 42.
  • Liao, M. T., & Wong, C. T. (2010). Effects of dialogue journals on L2 students’ writing fluency, reflections, anxiety, and motivation. Reflections on English Language Teaching, 9(2), 139-170.
  • Ling, G., Elliot, N., Burstein, J. C., McCaffrey, D. F., MacArthur, C. A., & Holtzman, S. (2021). Writing motivation: A validation study of self-judgment and performance. Assessing Writing, 48, 100509.
  • Magnifico, A. M. (2013). “Well, I have to write that:” a cross-case qualitative analysis of young writers’ motivations to write. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 2(1), 19-55.
  • Martinez, C. T., Kock, N., & Cass, J. (2011). Pain and pleasure in short essay writing: Factors predicting university students' writing anxiety and writing self‐efficacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 54(5), 351-360.
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Toplam 77 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Türkçe Eğitimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Hacer Deniz 0000-0002-2604-1893

Sezgin Demir 0000-0002-0466-2218

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Ocak 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Deniz, H., & Demir, S. (2024). A Structural Equation Model of Writing Anxiety, Writing Motivation and Academic Motivation of Students. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 14(1), 365-385.
AMA Deniz H, Demir S. A Structural Equation Model of Writing Anxiety, Writing Motivation and Academic Motivation of Students. AJESI. Ocak 2024;14(1):365-385. doi:10.18039/ajesi.1316766
Chicago Deniz, Hacer, ve Sezgin Demir. “A Structural Equation Model of Writing Anxiety, Writing Motivation and Academic Motivation of Students”. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International 14, sy. 1 (Ocak 2024): 365-85.
EndNote Deniz H, Demir S (01 Ocak 2024) A Structural Equation Model of Writing Anxiety, Writing Motivation and Academic Motivation of Students. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International 14 1 365–385.
IEEE H. Deniz ve S. Demir, “A Structural Equation Model of Writing Anxiety, Writing Motivation and Academic Motivation of Students”, AJESI, c. 14, sy. 1, ss. 365–385, 2024, doi: 10.18039/ajesi.1316766.
ISNAD Deniz, Hacer - Demir, Sezgin. “A Structural Equation Model of Writing Anxiety, Writing Motivation and Academic Motivation of Students”. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International 14/1 (Ocak 2024), 365-385.
JAMA Deniz H, Demir S. A Structural Equation Model of Writing Anxiety, Writing Motivation and Academic Motivation of Students. AJESI. 2024;14:365–385.
MLA Deniz, Hacer ve Sezgin Demir. “A Structural Equation Model of Writing Anxiety, Writing Motivation and Academic Motivation of Students”. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, c. 14, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 365-8, doi:10.18039/ajesi.1316766.
Vancouver Deniz H, Demir S. A Structural Equation Model of Writing Anxiety, Writing Motivation and Academic Motivation of Students. AJESI. 2024;14(1):365-8.