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Ticari ve Ev Yapımı Tereyağlarının Kimyasal Özellikleri ve Yağ Asidi Kompozisyonlarının Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2024, , 205 - 214, 18.12.2024


Bu çalışmada, inek sütünden elde edilen ev yapımı (n=10) ve ticari tereyağı örneklerinin (n=10) kimyasal özellikleri, yağ asidi kompozisyonu ve konjuge linoleik asit (KLA) seviyeleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Ev yapımı tereyağı örnekleri, Burdur ilindeki çeşitli köylerde kendi hayvanlarını besleyen yerel üreticilerden, ticari tereyağı örnekleri ise çeşitli ulusal ve yerel marketlerden temin edilmiştir. Ortalama kuru madde içeriğinin ticari tereyağlarında (%84.15) ev yapımı örneklerden (%82.60) önemli ölçüde daha yüksek (p<0.05) olduğu, ticari (%84.08) ve ev yapımı (%82.98) tereyağı örneklerinin ortalama yağ içerikleri arasındaki farkın ise önemsiz olduğu bulunmuştur (p>0.05). Bu çalışma, kuru madde içeriği, titre edilebilir asitlik ve KLA içeriği bakımından ev yapımı ve ticari tereyağı örnekleri arasında önemli farklılıklar olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Özellikle benzer yağ asidi bileşimlerine rağmen, ev yapımı tereyağının daha yüksek KLA içeriğine sahip olması, bu tereyağı türleri arasındaki potansiyel beslenme ve kalite farklılıklarını öne çıkarmaktadır.


The authors thank to Prof. Dr. Hale Seçilmiş from the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Arts and Science of Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University for her valuable support in fatty acid analyses.


  • [1] Statistica (2024): (Access Date: 06.01.2024).
  • [2] Ledoux, M., Chardigny, J.M., Darbois, M., Soustre, Y., Sébédio, J.L., Laloux, L. (2005). Fatty acid composition of French butters, with special emphasis on conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 18(5), 409-425.
  • [3] Kolayli, S., Tarhan, O., Kara, M., Aliyazicioglu, R., Kucuk, M. (2011). An investigation of frequently consumed edible oils in Turkey in terms of omega fatty acids. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 47(3), 347-351.
  • [4] Dilvin, İ. (2020). Microbiological quality of homemade butters sold in Ezine region’s bazaars. The Black Sea Journal of Sciences, 10(2), 315-323.
  • [5] Turkish Food Codex (TGK) (2005). Communiqué on Butter, Other Milk Fat Based Spreads and Ghee (Communiqué No: 2005/19), Ankara, Türkiye.
  • [6] Mortensen, B.K. (2011). Butter and other milk fat products: Encyclopedia of dairy sciences (2nd ed., Vol. 1), Ed.: Fuquay, J. W., Fox, P.F., McSweeney, P.L.H., Oxford: Academic, pp. 492-499.
  • [7] German, J.B., Dillard, C.J. (2006), Composition, structure and absorption of milk lipids: a source of energy, fat-soluble nutrients and bioactive molecules. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 46(1), 57–92.
  • [8] Baer, R. J., Ryali, J., Schingoethe, D.J., Kasperson, K.M., Donovan, D.C., Hippen, A.R., Franklin, S.T. (2001). Composition and properties of milk and butter from cows fed fish oil. Journal of Dairy Science, 84(2), 345-353.
  • [9] Laučienė, L., Andrulevičiūtė, V., Sinkevičienė, I., Kašauskas, A., Urbšienė, L., Šernienė, L. (2019). Impact of technology and storage on fatty acids profile in dairy products. Mljekarstvo, 69(4), 229-238.
  • [10] Mensink, R.P., Zock, P.L., Kester, A.D., Atan, M.B. (2003). Effects of dietary fatty acids and carbohydrates on the ration of serum total to HDL cholesterol and on serum lipids and apolipoproteins: a meta-analysis of 60 controlled trials. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77(5), 1146–1155.
  • [11] Hillbrick, G., Augustin. M.A. (2003). Milkfat characteristics and functionality: Opportunities for improvement. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 57(1), 45-51.
  • [12] Miller, A., Stanton, C., Murphy, J., Devery, R. (2003). Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)-enriched milk fat inhibits growth and modulates CLA-responsive biomarkers in MCF-7 and SW480 human cancer cell lines. British Journal of Nutrition, 90(5), 877-885.
  • [13] Benito, P., Nelson, G.J., Kelley, D.S., Bartolini, G., Schmidt, P.S., Simon, V. (2001). The effects of conjugated linoleic acid on plasma lipoproteins and tissue fatty acid composition in humans. Lipids, 36(3), 229-236.
  • [14] Cherian, G., Georger, M.P., Ahn, D.U. (2002). Dietary conjugated linoleic acid with fish oil alter yolk n-3 and trans fatty acid content and volatile compounds in raw, cooked and irradiated eggs. Poultry Science, 81(10), 1571-1577.
  • [15] MacGibbon, A.K.H., Taylor, M.W. (2006). Composition and Structure of Bovine Milk Lipids: Advanced dairy chemistry, Volume 2: Lipids, third edition. Ed.: Fox P. F., McSweeney, P.L.H., Springer, New York, pp. 1-42.
  • [16] Pariza, M.W. (1977). Conjugated linoleic acid and other carcinogenic agents of bovine milk fat. Journal of Dairy Science, 82, 1339-1349.
  • [17] Gürsoy, O., Fatma, I., Kınık Ö. (2003). Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and its izomers as functional food components in milk and milk products. Akademik Gida, 1(2), 28-34.
  • [18] Kurban, S., Mehmetoğlu, İ. (2006). Conjugated linoleic acid metabolism and its physiological effects. Journal of Turkish Clinical Biochemistry, 4(2), 89-100.
  • [19] Lawson, R.E., Moss, A.R., Givens, D.I. (2001). The role of dairy products in supplying conjugated linoleic acid to man's diet: a review. Nutrition Research Reviews, 14(1), 153-172.
  • [20] Stanton, C., Lawless, F., Kjellmer, G., Harrington, D., Devery, R., Connolly, J.F., Murphy, J. (1997). Dietary influences on bovine milk cis‐9, trans‐11‐conjugated linoleic acid content. Journal of Food Science, 62(5), 1083-1086.
  • [21] Muller, L.D., Delahoy, J.E. (2005). Conjugated linoleic acid implications for animal production and human health. Dairy and Animal Science, DAS 04-88.
  • [22] AOAC International (1995). 16th Ed., March 1998 Revision, Gaithersburg, MD, sec. 33.2.27.
  • [23] Metin, M., Öztürk, G.F. (2016). In Turkish: Süt ve Mamülleri Analiz Yöntemleri, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 10. Baskı, İzmir, Türkiye.
  • [24] Renner, E. (1993). Milchpraktikum Skriptum zu den Übüngen, Justus Liebig Universitat, Giesen, Germany, 76p.
  • [25] Yılmazer, M, Seçilmiş, H. (2006). Investigation of the conditions in the derivatization of some free fatty acids in methanolic HCl environment. III National Analytical Chemistry Congress, Çanakkale, Türkiye.
  • [26] Tahmas Kahyaoğlu, D., Çakmakçı, S. (2018). A comparative study on some properties and oxidation stability during storage of butter produced from different animals’ milk. The Journal of Food, 43(2), 283-293.
  • [27] Tavella, M., Peterson, G., Espeche, M., Cavallero, E., Cipolla, L, Perego, L., Caballero, B. (2000). Trans fatty acid content of a selection of foods in Argentina. Food Chemistry, 69, 209-213.
  • [28] Povolo, M., Contarini, G. (2003). Comparison of solid-phase microextraction and purge-and-trap methods for the analysis of the volatile fraction of butter. Journal of Chromatography A, 985(1-2), 117-125.
  • [29] Akgül, H.İ., Şengül, M., Ürkek, B., Kotan, T.E. (2021). Determination of physicochemical and microbiological properties and fatty acid composition of butter produced in Trabzon, Turkey. Acta Scientiarum.Technology, 43, e48905.
  • [30] Berhe, T., Seifu, E., Kurtu, M.Y. (2013). Physicochemical properties of butter made from camel milk. International Dairy Journal, 31(2), 51-54.
  • [31] Demirkol, A., Guneser, O., Yuceer, Y.K. (2016). Volatile compounds, chemical and sensory properties of butters sold in Çanakkale. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(1), 99-108.
  • [32] Ozkan, G., Simsek, B., Kuleasan, H. (2007). Antioxidant activities of Satureja cilicica essential oil in butter and in vitro. Journal of Food Engineering, 79(4), 1391-1396.
  • [33] Keskin Çavdar, H. (2022). Assessment of physicochemical characteristics, oxidative, and thermal properties of butters. The Journal of Food, 47(2), 169-182.
  • [34] Okur, Ö.D., Seydim, Z.B.G. (2005). Determination of quality properties and fatty acid profiles of milk and dairy products sold in Isparta. Süleyman Demirel University, Institute of Science, Master of Science Thesis, Isparta, Türkiye.
  • [35] Seçkin, A.K., Gursoy, O., Kinik, O., Akbulut, N. (2005). Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) concentration, fatty acid composition and cholesterol content of some Turkish dairy products. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 38(8), 909-915.
  • [36] Méndez-Cid, F.J., Centeno, J.A., Martínez, S., Carballo, J. (2017). Changes in the chemical and physical characteristics of cow’s milk butter during storage: Effects of temperature and addition of salt. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 63, 121-132.
  • [37] Ceylan, O., Ozcan, T. (2020). Effect of the cream cooling temperature and acidification method on the crystallization and textural properties of butter. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 132, 109806.
  • [38] Anwar F., Bhanger M.I., Iqbal S., Sultana B. (2006). Fatty acid composition of different margarines and butters from Pakistan with special emphasis on trans unsaturated contents. Journal of Food Quality, 29, 87-96.
  • [39] Serim, F. (1987). Beslenmede bitkisel yağların yaşamsal önemi. Atatürk University Journal of Agricultural Faculty, 18(1-4), 143-148.
  • [40] Draman H. (2004). A study on the determination of cis-trans isomers of fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid levels in some Turkish dairy products collected from different markets in Izmir by a capillary gas choromatographic method. The Journal of Food, 29(5), 381-389.
  • [41] İrkin, R., Vapur Eren, U. (2008). The health importance of conjugated linoleic acid in dairy products which is produced by some probiotic bacteria. The Journal of Food, 33(2), 83-89.
  • [42] Shantha, N.C., Ram, L.N., O'leary, J.O.E., Hicks, C.L., Decker, E.A. (1995). Conjugated linoleic acid concentrations in dairy products as affected by processing and storage. Journal of Food Science, 60(4), 695-697.

Comparison of Chemical Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Artisanal and Commercial Butters

Yıl 2024, , 205 - 214, 18.12.2024


This study compares the chemical properties, fatty acid composition, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) levels of artisanal (homemade) (n=10) and commercial butter samples (n=10) produced from cow’s milk. Artisanal butters were collected from local producers who maintain their own livestock across various villages within the Burdur province in Türkiye, while commercial samples were acquired from various national and local markets. On average, the dry matter content was significantly higher in commercial butters (84.15%) than artisanal samples (82.60%) (p<0.05). However, the difference in the mean fat contents of commercial (84.08%) and artisanal (82.98%) butter samples was insignificant (p>0.05). Furthermore, the mean titratable acidity values of commercial and artisanal butters were found as 0.30% and 0.51% (percent lactic acid), respectively (p<0.05). Interestingly, artisanal butters exhibited a significantly higher mean CLA content (6.89 mg/g fat) compared to their commercial counterparts (4.11 mg/g fat) (p<0.05). However, there were no statistically significant differences in the relative ratios of polyunsaturated fatty acids between commercial and artisanal butters, with respective values of 3.32% and 4.01% (p>0.05). In conclusion, this study showed significant differences in the dry matter content, titratable acidity, and CLA content between artisanal and commercial butter samples, indicating potential nutritional and quality variations between the two types of butter, particularly emphasizing the higher CLA content observed in artisanal butter despite comparable fatty acid composition.


  • [1] Statistica (2024): (Access Date: 06.01.2024).
  • [2] Ledoux, M., Chardigny, J.M., Darbois, M., Soustre, Y., Sébédio, J.L., Laloux, L. (2005). Fatty acid composition of French butters, with special emphasis on conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 18(5), 409-425.
  • [3] Kolayli, S., Tarhan, O., Kara, M., Aliyazicioglu, R., Kucuk, M. (2011). An investigation of frequently consumed edible oils in Turkey in terms of omega fatty acids. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 47(3), 347-351.
  • [4] Dilvin, İ. (2020). Microbiological quality of homemade butters sold in Ezine region’s bazaars. The Black Sea Journal of Sciences, 10(2), 315-323.
  • [5] Turkish Food Codex (TGK) (2005). Communiqué on Butter, Other Milk Fat Based Spreads and Ghee (Communiqué No: 2005/19), Ankara, Türkiye.
  • [6] Mortensen, B.K. (2011). Butter and other milk fat products: Encyclopedia of dairy sciences (2nd ed., Vol. 1), Ed.: Fuquay, J. W., Fox, P.F., McSweeney, P.L.H., Oxford: Academic, pp. 492-499.
  • [7] German, J.B., Dillard, C.J. (2006), Composition, structure and absorption of milk lipids: a source of energy, fat-soluble nutrients and bioactive molecules. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 46(1), 57–92.
  • [8] Baer, R. J., Ryali, J., Schingoethe, D.J., Kasperson, K.M., Donovan, D.C., Hippen, A.R., Franklin, S.T. (2001). Composition and properties of milk and butter from cows fed fish oil. Journal of Dairy Science, 84(2), 345-353.
  • [9] Laučienė, L., Andrulevičiūtė, V., Sinkevičienė, I., Kašauskas, A., Urbšienė, L., Šernienė, L. (2019). Impact of technology and storage on fatty acids profile in dairy products. Mljekarstvo, 69(4), 229-238.
  • [10] Mensink, R.P., Zock, P.L., Kester, A.D., Atan, M.B. (2003). Effects of dietary fatty acids and carbohydrates on the ration of serum total to HDL cholesterol and on serum lipids and apolipoproteins: a meta-analysis of 60 controlled trials. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77(5), 1146–1155.
  • [11] Hillbrick, G., Augustin. M.A. (2003). Milkfat characteristics and functionality: Opportunities for improvement. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 57(1), 45-51.
  • [12] Miller, A., Stanton, C., Murphy, J., Devery, R. (2003). Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)-enriched milk fat inhibits growth and modulates CLA-responsive biomarkers in MCF-7 and SW480 human cancer cell lines. British Journal of Nutrition, 90(5), 877-885.
  • [13] Benito, P., Nelson, G.J., Kelley, D.S., Bartolini, G., Schmidt, P.S., Simon, V. (2001). The effects of conjugated linoleic acid on plasma lipoproteins and tissue fatty acid composition in humans. Lipids, 36(3), 229-236.
  • [14] Cherian, G., Georger, M.P., Ahn, D.U. (2002). Dietary conjugated linoleic acid with fish oil alter yolk n-3 and trans fatty acid content and volatile compounds in raw, cooked and irradiated eggs. Poultry Science, 81(10), 1571-1577.
  • [15] MacGibbon, A.K.H., Taylor, M.W. (2006). Composition and Structure of Bovine Milk Lipids: Advanced dairy chemistry, Volume 2: Lipids, third edition. Ed.: Fox P. F., McSweeney, P.L.H., Springer, New York, pp. 1-42.
  • [16] Pariza, M.W. (1977). Conjugated linoleic acid and other carcinogenic agents of bovine milk fat. Journal of Dairy Science, 82, 1339-1349.
  • [17] Gürsoy, O., Fatma, I., Kınık Ö. (2003). Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and its izomers as functional food components in milk and milk products. Akademik Gida, 1(2), 28-34.
  • [18] Kurban, S., Mehmetoğlu, İ. (2006). Conjugated linoleic acid metabolism and its physiological effects. Journal of Turkish Clinical Biochemistry, 4(2), 89-100.
  • [19] Lawson, R.E., Moss, A.R., Givens, D.I. (2001). The role of dairy products in supplying conjugated linoleic acid to man's diet: a review. Nutrition Research Reviews, 14(1), 153-172.
  • [20] Stanton, C., Lawless, F., Kjellmer, G., Harrington, D., Devery, R., Connolly, J.F., Murphy, J. (1997). Dietary influences on bovine milk cis‐9, trans‐11‐conjugated linoleic acid content. Journal of Food Science, 62(5), 1083-1086.
  • [21] Muller, L.D., Delahoy, J.E. (2005). Conjugated linoleic acid implications for animal production and human health. Dairy and Animal Science, DAS 04-88.
  • [22] AOAC International (1995). 16th Ed., March 1998 Revision, Gaithersburg, MD, sec. 33.2.27.
  • [23] Metin, M., Öztürk, G.F. (2016). In Turkish: Süt ve Mamülleri Analiz Yöntemleri, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 10. Baskı, İzmir, Türkiye.
  • [24] Renner, E. (1993). Milchpraktikum Skriptum zu den Übüngen, Justus Liebig Universitat, Giesen, Germany, 76p.
  • [25] Yılmazer, M, Seçilmiş, H. (2006). Investigation of the conditions in the derivatization of some free fatty acids in methanolic HCl environment. III National Analytical Chemistry Congress, Çanakkale, Türkiye.
  • [26] Tahmas Kahyaoğlu, D., Çakmakçı, S. (2018). A comparative study on some properties and oxidation stability during storage of butter produced from different animals’ milk. The Journal of Food, 43(2), 283-293.
  • [27] Tavella, M., Peterson, G., Espeche, M., Cavallero, E., Cipolla, L, Perego, L., Caballero, B. (2000). Trans fatty acid content of a selection of foods in Argentina. Food Chemistry, 69, 209-213.
  • [28] Povolo, M., Contarini, G. (2003). Comparison of solid-phase microextraction and purge-and-trap methods for the analysis of the volatile fraction of butter. Journal of Chromatography A, 985(1-2), 117-125.
  • [29] Akgül, H.İ., Şengül, M., Ürkek, B., Kotan, T.E. (2021). Determination of physicochemical and microbiological properties and fatty acid composition of butter produced in Trabzon, Turkey. Acta Scientiarum.Technology, 43, e48905.
  • [30] Berhe, T., Seifu, E., Kurtu, M.Y. (2013). Physicochemical properties of butter made from camel milk. International Dairy Journal, 31(2), 51-54.
  • [31] Demirkol, A., Guneser, O., Yuceer, Y.K. (2016). Volatile compounds, chemical and sensory properties of butters sold in Çanakkale. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(1), 99-108.
  • [32] Ozkan, G., Simsek, B., Kuleasan, H. (2007). Antioxidant activities of Satureja cilicica essential oil in butter and in vitro. Journal of Food Engineering, 79(4), 1391-1396.
  • [33] Keskin Çavdar, H. (2022). Assessment of physicochemical characteristics, oxidative, and thermal properties of butters. The Journal of Food, 47(2), 169-182.
  • [34] Okur, Ö.D., Seydim, Z.B.G. (2005). Determination of quality properties and fatty acid profiles of milk and dairy products sold in Isparta. Süleyman Demirel University, Institute of Science, Master of Science Thesis, Isparta, Türkiye.
  • [35] Seçkin, A.K., Gursoy, O., Kinik, O., Akbulut, N. (2005). Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) concentration, fatty acid composition and cholesterol content of some Turkish dairy products. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 38(8), 909-915.
  • [36] Méndez-Cid, F.J., Centeno, J.A., Martínez, S., Carballo, J. (2017). Changes in the chemical and physical characteristics of cow’s milk butter during storage: Effects of temperature and addition of salt. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 63, 121-132.
  • [37] Ceylan, O., Ozcan, T. (2020). Effect of the cream cooling temperature and acidification method on the crystallization and textural properties of butter. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 132, 109806.
  • [38] Anwar F., Bhanger M.I., Iqbal S., Sultana B. (2006). Fatty acid composition of different margarines and butters from Pakistan with special emphasis on trans unsaturated contents. Journal of Food Quality, 29, 87-96.
  • [39] Serim, F. (1987). Beslenmede bitkisel yağların yaşamsal önemi. Atatürk University Journal of Agricultural Faculty, 18(1-4), 143-148.
  • [40] Draman H. (2004). A study on the determination of cis-trans isomers of fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid levels in some Turkish dairy products collected from different markets in Izmir by a capillary gas choromatographic method. The Journal of Food, 29(5), 381-389.
  • [41] İrkin, R., Vapur Eren, U. (2008). The health importance of conjugated linoleic acid in dairy products which is produced by some probiotic bacteria. The Journal of Food, 33(2), 83-89.
  • [42] Shantha, N.C., Ram, L.N., O'leary, J.O.E., Hicks, C.L., Decker, E.A. (1995). Conjugated linoleic acid concentrations in dairy products as affected by processing and storage. Journal of Food Science, 60(4), 695-697.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Oğuz Gürsoy 0000-0002-5907-4595

Kübra Kocatürk Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3385-614X

Ayşe Deniz Bu kişi benim 0009-0007-2850-4250

Hande Özge Güler Dal 0000-0002-6386-7432

Yusuf Yılmaz Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5061-0005

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Gürsoy, O., Kocatürk, K., Deniz, A., Güler Dal, H. Ö., vd. (2024). Comparison of Chemical Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Artisanal and Commercial Butters. Akademik Gıda, 22(3), 205-214.
AMA Gürsoy O, Kocatürk K, Deniz A, Güler Dal HÖ, Yılmaz Y. Comparison of Chemical Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Artisanal and Commercial Butters. Akademik Gıda. Aralık 2024;22(3):205-214. doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.1603850
Chicago Gürsoy, Oğuz, Kübra Kocatürk, Ayşe Deniz, Hande Özge Güler Dal, ve Yusuf Yılmaz. “Comparison of Chemical Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Artisanal and Commercial Butters”. Akademik Gıda 22, sy. 3 (Aralık 2024): 205-14.
EndNote Gürsoy O, Kocatürk K, Deniz A, Güler Dal HÖ, Yılmaz Y (01 Aralık 2024) Comparison of Chemical Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Artisanal and Commercial Butters. Akademik Gıda 22 3 205–214.
IEEE O. Gürsoy, K. Kocatürk, A. Deniz, H. Ö. Güler Dal, ve Y. Yılmaz, “Comparison of Chemical Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Artisanal and Commercial Butters”, Akademik Gıda, c. 22, sy. 3, ss. 205–214, 2024, doi: 10.24323/akademik-gida.1603850.
ISNAD Gürsoy, Oğuz vd. “Comparison of Chemical Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Artisanal and Commercial Butters”. Akademik Gıda 22/3 (Aralık 2024), 205-214.
JAMA Gürsoy O, Kocatürk K, Deniz A, Güler Dal HÖ, Yılmaz Y. Comparison of Chemical Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Artisanal and Commercial Butters. Akademik Gıda. 2024;22:205–214.
MLA Gürsoy, Oğuz vd. “Comparison of Chemical Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Artisanal and Commercial Butters”. Akademik Gıda, c. 22, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 205-14, doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.1603850.
Vancouver Gürsoy O, Kocatürk K, Deniz A, Güler Dal HÖ, Yılmaz Y. Comparison of Chemical Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Artisanal and Commercial Butters. Akademik Gıda. 2024;22(3):205-14.

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