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Inactivation of Salmonella Enteritidis on Almonds by Pulsed Light Treatment

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 242 - 248, 22.10.2017


effect of pulsed light treatment on the inactivation of Salmonella Enteritidis PT 30 on almonds was determined based on
voltage, distance between sample and lamp and treatment time. Almonds were
spot-inoculated with 20 µL of Salmonella
Enteritidis PT 30 culture and then dried for 24 h at an ambient temperature.
Almonds were treated with pulsed light at 3000, 3400 and 3800V at distances of
14.1 or 19.1 cm for 20 or 60 s. Pulsed light treatments reduced Salmonella populations by 0.44 to 4.14
log CFU/almond. Almonds treated with 3800V at 14.1 cm distance for 60 s
resulted in a reduction by 4.14 log CFU/almond in Salmonella counts on TSAYE and 4.09 log CFU/almond on XLD agar.
After pulsed light exposure, almond surface temperature increased from 25 to
35-50ºC depending on treatment conditions. Results indicated that pulsed light had
a potential to be used in the microbial inactivation of Salmonella in almonds and other low moisture foods.


  • [1] Bialka, K.L., Demirci, A., 2008. Efficacy of pulsed UV-light for the decontamination of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp. on raspberries and strawberries. Journal of Food Science 73: M201-M207.
  • [2] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)., 2004. Outbreak of Salmonella serotype Enteritidis infections associated with raw almonds—United States and Canada, 2003–2004. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 53(22): 484–487. Available at: (Accessed October 2015).
  • [3] Charles, F., Vidal, V., Olive, F., Filgueiras, H., Sallanon, H., 2013. Pulsed light treatment as new method to maintain physical and nutritional quality of fresh-cut mangoes. Innovations in Food Science and Emerging Technologies 18: 190–195.
  • [4] Condon, S., Alvarez, I., Gayan, E., 2014. Pulsed UV Light in Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology 3: 974-981.
  • [5] Danlyuk, M.D., Harris, L.J., Schaffner, D.W., 2006. Monte Carlo simulations assessing the risk of Salmonellosis from consumption of almonds. Journal of Food Protection 69(7): 1594-1599.
  • [6] Danyluk, M.D., Uesugi, A.R., Harris, L.J., 2005. Survival of Salmonella Enteritidis PT 30 on inoculated almonds after commercial fumigation with propylene oxide. Journal of Food Protection 68: 1613–1622.
  • [7] Danlyuk, M.D., Abd, S.J., Jones, T.M., Schlitt-Dittrich, F., Jacobs, M., Harris, L.J., 2007. Prevalence and amounts of Salmonella found on raw California almonds. Journal of Food Protection 70(4): 820-827.
  • [8] Du, W.X., Abd, S.J., McCarthy, K.L., Harris, L.J., 2010. Reduction of Salmonella on inoculated almonds exposed to hot oil. Journal of Food Protection 73: 1238–1246.
  • [9] Elmnasser, N., Guillou, S., Leroi, F., Orange, N., Bakhrouf, A., Federighi, M., 2007. Pulsed-light system as a novel food decontamination technology: a review. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 53(7): 813-21.
  • [10] Federal Register. 2007. Almonds grown in California; outgoing quality control requirements. Federal Register, 72, 15021–15036 Available at: (Accessed October 2015).
  • [11] Ferrario, M., Guerrero, S., 2016. Effect of a continuous flow-through pulsed light system combined with ultrasound on microbial survivability, color and sensory shelf life of apple juice. Innovations in Food Science and Emerging Technologies 34: 214–224.
  • [12] Fine, F., Gervais, P., 2004. Efficiency of pulsed UV light for microbial decontamination of food powders. Journal of Food Protection 67: 787-792.
  • [13] Gomez-Lopez, V.M., Devlieghere, F., Bonduelle, V., Debevere, J., 2005. Factors affecting the inactivation of micro-organisms by intense light pulses. Journal of Applied Microbiology 99(3): 460-70.
  • [14] Harris, L.J., Uesugi, A.R., Abd, S.J., McCarthy, K.L., 2012. Survival of Salmonella Enteritidis PT 30 on inoculated almond kernels in hot water treatments. Food Research International 45: 1093-1098
  • [15] Hierro, E., Ganan, M., Barroso, E., Fernandez, M., 2012. Pulsed light treatment for the inactivation of selected pathogens and the shelf-life extension of beef and tuna carpaccio. International Journal of Food Microbiology 158: 42–48.
  • [16] Hillegas, S.L., Demirci, A., 2003. Inactivation of Clostridium sporogenes in clover honey by pulsed UV-light treatment. Agricultural Engineering International: The CIGR (Commission Internationale du Génie Rural) Journal of Scientific Research and Development 7: FP03-009.
  • [17] Hiramatsu, R., Matsumoto, M., Sakae, K., Miyazaki, Y., 2005. Ability of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. to survive in a desiccation model system and in dry foods. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71(11): 6657-63.
  • [18] Ignat, A., Manzocco, L., Maifreni, M., Bartolomeoli, I., Nicoli, M.C., 2014. Surface decontamination of fresh-cut apple by pulsed light: effects on structure, colour and sensory properties. Postharvest Biology and Technology 91: 122–127.
  • [19] Isaacs, S., Aramini, J., Ciebin, B., Farrar, J.A., Ahmed, R., Middleton, D., Chandran, A.U., Harris, L.J., Howes, M., Chan, E., Pichette, A.S., Campbell, K., Gupta, A., Lior, L.Y., Pearce, M., Clark, C., Rodgers, F., Jamieson, F., Brophy, I., Ellis, A., 2005. An international outbreak of salmonellosis associated with raw almonds contaminated with a rare phage type of Salmonella Enteritidis. Journal of Food Protection 68:191–198.
  • [20] Janning, B., in’t Veld, P.H., Notermans, S., Kramer, J., 1994. Resistance of bacterial strains to dry conditions: use of anhydrous silica gel in a desiccation model system. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 77: 319-324.
  • [21] Juven, B.J., Cox, N.A., Bailey, J.S., Thomson, J.E., Charles, O.W., Shutze, J.V., 1984. Survival of Salmonella in dry food and feed. Journal of Food Protection 47: 445-448.
  • [22] Keklik, N.M., Demirci, A., Puri, V.M., 2009. Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes on unpackaged and vacuum packaged chicken frankfurters using pulsed UV-light. Journal of Food Science 74: M431–M439.
  • [23] Keller, S., Grasso, E., Halik, L., Fleischman, G., Chirtel, S., Grove, S., 2012. Effect of growth on the thermal resistance and survival of Salmonella Tennessee and Oranienburg in peanut butter, measured by a new thin-layer thermal death time device. Journal of Food Protection 75: 1125-1130.
  • [24] Kramer, B., Wunderlich, J., Muranyi, P., 2016. Recent findings in pulsed light disinfection. Journal of Applied Microbiology 122: 830-856.
  • [25] Munoz, A., Palgan, I., Noci, F., Morgan, D.J., Cronin, D.A., Whyte, P., Lyng, J.G., 2011. Combinations of high intensity light pulses and thermosonication for the inactivation of Escherichia coli in orange juice. Food Microbiology 28: 1200–1204.
  • [26] Ozer, N.P., Demirci, A. 2006. Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes inoculated on raw salmon fillets by pulsed UV-light treatment. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 40: 1-7.
  • [27] Podolak, R., Enache, E., Stone, W., Black, D.G., Elliott, P.H., 2010. Sources and risk factors for contamination, survival, persistence, and heat resistance of Salmonella in low-moisture foods. Journal of Food Protection 73: 1919–1936.
  • [28] Ramos-Villarroel, A.Y., Martin-Belloso, O., Soliva-Fortuny, R., 2011. Bacterial inactivation and quality changes in fresh-cut avocado treated with intense light pulses. European Food Research and Technology 233: 395–402.
  • [29] Ramos-Villarroel, A.Y., Aron-Maftei, N., Martin-Belloso, O., Soliva-Fortuny, R., 2012. Influence of spectral distribution on bacterial inactivation and quality changes of fresh-cut watermelon treated with intense light pulses. Postharvest Biology and Technology 69: 32–39.
  • [30] Sharma, R.R., Demirci, A., 2003. Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on inoculated alfaalfa seeds with pulsed ultra violet light and response surface modelling. Journal of Food Science 68:1448-1453.
  • [31] U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 1996. Pulsed light for the food treatment. 21 CFR 179.41. Available at: (Accessed October 2015).
  • [32] Xu, W., Chen, H., Huang, Y., Wu, C., 2013. Decontamination of Escherichia coli O157: H7 on green onions using pulsed light (PL) and PL–surfactant–sanitizer combinations. International Journal of Food Microbiology 166: 102–108.
  • [33] Pala, C.U., Toklucu, A.K., 2010. Ultraviyole ışın (UV) teknolojisinin meyve sularına uygulanması. Akademik Gıda 8(1): 17-22.
  • [34] Harguindeguy, M., 2016. Efficacy of pulsed light technology for the inactivation of Salmonella Enteritidis PT 30 on almond kernel surface. MSc Thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL, USA.
  • [35] Bialka, K.L., Demirci, A., 2007. Decontamination of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Enterica on blueberries using ozone and pulsed uv-light. Journal of Food Science 72(9): M391-M396.

Atımlı Işık Uygulaması ile Bademde Salmonella Enteritidis İnaktivasyonu

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 242 - 248, 22.10.2017


ışık uygulamasının badem yüzeyindeki
Enteritidis PT 30 inaktivasyonuna etkileri farklı voltaj, numune ile lamba
mesafesi ve işlem süresi bakımından değerlendirilmiştir. Bademlerin yüzeyine 20
Salmonella Enteritidis PT 30
kültürü ekimi yapılıp, sonra 24 saat oda sıcaklığında kurumaya bırakılmıştır. Ekim
yapılmış bademlere, üç değişik voltajda (3000, 3400 ve 3800V); iki farklı
numune ile lamba mesafesinde (14.1 ve 19.1 cm) 20 ya da 60 s süresince atımlı
ışık uygulanmıştır. Badem yüzeyindeki
populasyonu 0.44 ile 4.14 log CFU/badem oranında azalmıştır. Proses
faktörlerinden 3800 V, 14.1 cm ve 60 s ile atımlı ışık uygulaması
Salmonella miktarını TSAYE’de 4.14 log, XLD
agarda ise 4.09 log CFU/badem azaltmıştır. Atımlı ışık yöntemi, uygulanan
proses faktörlerine bağlı olarak, badem yüzeyindeki sıcaklığı 25’den 35-50ºC’ye
kadar yükseltmiştir. Bu çalışmaya göre atımlı ışık teknolojisi badem gibi nem
oranı düşük olan gıdaların
mikrobiyal inaktivasyonda uygulanabileceği belirlenmiştir.


  • [1] Bialka, K.L., Demirci, A., 2008. Efficacy of pulsed UV-light for the decontamination of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp. on raspberries and strawberries. Journal of Food Science 73: M201-M207.
  • [2] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)., 2004. Outbreak of Salmonella serotype Enteritidis infections associated with raw almonds—United States and Canada, 2003–2004. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 53(22): 484–487. Available at: (Accessed October 2015).
  • [3] Charles, F., Vidal, V., Olive, F., Filgueiras, H., Sallanon, H., 2013. Pulsed light treatment as new method to maintain physical and nutritional quality of fresh-cut mangoes. Innovations in Food Science and Emerging Technologies 18: 190–195.
  • [4] Condon, S., Alvarez, I., Gayan, E., 2014. Pulsed UV Light in Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology 3: 974-981.
  • [5] Danlyuk, M.D., Harris, L.J., Schaffner, D.W., 2006. Monte Carlo simulations assessing the risk of Salmonellosis from consumption of almonds. Journal of Food Protection 69(7): 1594-1599.
  • [6] Danyluk, M.D., Uesugi, A.R., Harris, L.J., 2005. Survival of Salmonella Enteritidis PT 30 on inoculated almonds after commercial fumigation with propylene oxide. Journal of Food Protection 68: 1613–1622.
  • [7] Danlyuk, M.D., Abd, S.J., Jones, T.M., Schlitt-Dittrich, F., Jacobs, M., Harris, L.J., 2007. Prevalence and amounts of Salmonella found on raw California almonds. Journal of Food Protection 70(4): 820-827.
  • [8] Du, W.X., Abd, S.J., McCarthy, K.L., Harris, L.J., 2010. Reduction of Salmonella on inoculated almonds exposed to hot oil. Journal of Food Protection 73: 1238–1246.
  • [9] Elmnasser, N., Guillou, S., Leroi, F., Orange, N., Bakhrouf, A., Federighi, M., 2007. Pulsed-light system as a novel food decontamination technology: a review. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 53(7): 813-21.
  • [10] Federal Register. 2007. Almonds grown in California; outgoing quality control requirements. Federal Register, 72, 15021–15036 Available at: (Accessed October 2015).
  • [11] Ferrario, M., Guerrero, S., 2016. Effect of a continuous flow-through pulsed light system combined with ultrasound on microbial survivability, color and sensory shelf life of apple juice. Innovations in Food Science and Emerging Technologies 34: 214–224.
  • [12] Fine, F., Gervais, P., 2004. Efficiency of pulsed UV light for microbial decontamination of food powders. Journal of Food Protection 67: 787-792.
  • [13] Gomez-Lopez, V.M., Devlieghere, F., Bonduelle, V., Debevere, J., 2005. Factors affecting the inactivation of micro-organisms by intense light pulses. Journal of Applied Microbiology 99(3): 460-70.
  • [14] Harris, L.J., Uesugi, A.R., Abd, S.J., McCarthy, K.L., 2012. Survival of Salmonella Enteritidis PT 30 on inoculated almond kernels in hot water treatments. Food Research International 45: 1093-1098
  • [15] Hierro, E., Ganan, M., Barroso, E., Fernandez, M., 2012. Pulsed light treatment for the inactivation of selected pathogens and the shelf-life extension of beef and tuna carpaccio. International Journal of Food Microbiology 158: 42–48.
  • [16] Hillegas, S.L., Demirci, A., 2003. Inactivation of Clostridium sporogenes in clover honey by pulsed UV-light treatment. Agricultural Engineering International: The CIGR (Commission Internationale du Génie Rural) Journal of Scientific Research and Development 7: FP03-009.
  • [17] Hiramatsu, R., Matsumoto, M., Sakae, K., Miyazaki, Y., 2005. Ability of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. to survive in a desiccation model system and in dry foods. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71(11): 6657-63.
  • [18] Ignat, A., Manzocco, L., Maifreni, M., Bartolomeoli, I., Nicoli, M.C., 2014. Surface decontamination of fresh-cut apple by pulsed light: effects on structure, colour and sensory properties. Postharvest Biology and Technology 91: 122–127.
  • [19] Isaacs, S., Aramini, J., Ciebin, B., Farrar, J.A., Ahmed, R., Middleton, D., Chandran, A.U., Harris, L.J., Howes, M., Chan, E., Pichette, A.S., Campbell, K., Gupta, A., Lior, L.Y., Pearce, M., Clark, C., Rodgers, F., Jamieson, F., Brophy, I., Ellis, A., 2005. An international outbreak of salmonellosis associated with raw almonds contaminated with a rare phage type of Salmonella Enteritidis. Journal of Food Protection 68:191–198.
  • [20] Janning, B., in’t Veld, P.H., Notermans, S., Kramer, J., 1994. Resistance of bacterial strains to dry conditions: use of anhydrous silica gel in a desiccation model system. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 77: 319-324.
  • [21] Juven, B.J., Cox, N.A., Bailey, J.S., Thomson, J.E., Charles, O.W., Shutze, J.V., 1984. Survival of Salmonella in dry food and feed. Journal of Food Protection 47: 445-448.
  • [22] Keklik, N.M., Demirci, A., Puri, V.M., 2009. Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes on unpackaged and vacuum packaged chicken frankfurters using pulsed UV-light. Journal of Food Science 74: M431–M439.
  • [23] Keller, S., Grasso, E., Halik, L., Fleischman, G., Chirtel, S., Grove, S., 2012. Effect of growth on the thermal resistance and survival of Salmonella Tennessee and Oranienburg in peanut butter, measured by a new thin-layer thermal death time device. Journal of Food Protection 75: 1125-1130.
  • [24] Kramer, B., Wunderlich, J., Muranyi, P., 2016. Recent findings in pulsed light disinfection. Journal of Applied Microbiology 122: 830-856.
  • [25] Munoz, A., Palgan, I., Noci, F., Morgan, D.J., Cronin, D.A., Whyte, P., Lyng, J.G., 2011. Combinations of high intensity light pulses and thermosonication for the inactivation of Escherichia coli in orange juice. Food Microbiology 28: 1200–1204.
  • [26] Ozer, N.P., Demirci, A. 2006. Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes inoculated on raw salmon fillets by pulsed UV-light treatment. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 40: 1-7.
  • [27] Podolak, R., Enache, E., Stone, W., Black, D.G., Elliott, P.H., 2010. Sources and risk factors for contamination, survival, persistence, and heat resistance of Salmonella in low-moisture foods. Journal of Food Protection 73: 1919–1936.
  • [28] Ramos-Villarroel, A.Y., Martin-Belloso, O., Soliva-Fortuny, R., 2011. Bacterial inactivation and quality changes in fresh-cut avocado treated with intense light pulses. European Food Research and Technology 233: 395–402.
  • [29] Ramos-Villarroel, A.Y., Aron-Maftei, N., Martin-Belloso, O., Soliva-Fortuny, R., 2012. Influence of spectral distribution on bacterial inactivation and quality changes of fresh-cut watermelon treated with intense light pulses. Postharvest Biology and Technology 69: 32–39.
  • [30] Sharma, R.R., Demirci, A., 2003. Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on inoculated alfaalfa seeds with pulsed ultra violet light and response surface modelling. Journal of Food Science 68:1448-1453.
  • [31] U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 1996. Pulsed light for the food treatment. 21 CFR 179.41. Available at: (Accessed October 2015).
  • [32] Xu, W., Chen, H., Huang, Y., Wu, C., 2013. Decontamination of Escherichia coli O157: H7 on green onions using pulsed light (PL) and PL–surfactant–sanitizer combinations. International Journal of Food Microbiology 166: 102–108.
  • [33] Pala, C.U., Toklucu, A.K., 2010. Ultraviyole ışın (UV) teknolojisinin meyve sularına uygulanması. Akademik Gıda 8(1): 17-22.
  • [34] Harguindeguy, M., 2016. Efficacy of pulsed light technology for the inactivation of Salmonella Enteritidis PT 30 on almond kernel surface. MSc Thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL, USA.
  • [35] Bialka, K.L., Demirci, A., 2007. Decontamination of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Enterica on blueberries using ozone and pulsed uv-light. Journal of Food Science 72(9): M391-M396.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Manolya Eser Öner

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Ekim 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Ekim 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Eser Öner, M. (2017). Atımlı Işık Uygulaması ile Bademde Salmonella Enteritidis İnaktivasyonu. Akademik Gıda, 15(3), 242-248.
AMA Eser Öner M. Atımlı Işık Uygulaması ile Bademde Salmonella Enteritidis İnaktivasyonu. Akademik Gıda. Ekim 2017;15(3):242-248. doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.345257
Chicago Eser Öner, Manolya. “Atımlı Işık Uygulaması Ile Bademde Salmonella Enteritidis İnaktivasyonu”. Akademik Gıda 15, sy. 3 (Ekim 2017): 242-48.
EndNote Eser Öner M (01 Ekim 2017) Atımlı Işık Uygulaması ile Bademde Salmonella Enteritidis İnaktivasyonu. Akademik Gıda 15 3 242–248.
IEEE M. Eser Öner, “Atımlı Işık Uygulaması ile Bademde Salmonella Enteritidis İnaktivasyonu”, Akademik Gıda, c. 15, sy. 3, ss. 242–248, 2017, doi: 10.24323/akademik-gida.345257.
ISNAD Eser Öner, Manolya. “Atımlı Işık Uygulaması Ile Bademde Salmonella Enteritidis İnaktivasyonu”. Akademik Gıda 15/3 (Ekim 2017), 242-248.
JAMA Eser Öner M. Atımlı Işık Uygulaması ile Bademde Salmonella Enteritidis İnaktivasyonu. Akademik Gıda. 2017;15:242–248.
MLA Eser Öner, Manolya. “Atımlı Işık Uygulaması Ile Bademde Salmonella Enteritidis İnaktivasyonu”. Akademik Gıda, c. 15, sy. 3, 2017, ss. 242-8, doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.345257.
Vancouver Eser Öner M. Atımlı Işık Uygulaması ile Bademde Salmonella Enteritidis İnaktivasyonu. Akademik Gıda. 2017;15(3):242-8.

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