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Pre-service English Teachers' Acceptance and Use of Social Networks for Learning and Teaching Purposes

Yıl 2018, , 189 - 203, 28.12.2018


Online learning opportunities provide students
with a chance to have education regardless of time and space. Accordingly,
prospective teachers should be familiar with the use of social networks for
both their own learning and also for teaching purposes. In this way, they can
utilise social networks efficiently to improve their teaching and the first
step in this is the attitudes. Accordingly, this study aims to unearth
prospective English teachers’ acceptance and use of online social networks for learning
and teaching purposes. 140 prospective English teachers studying at two state
universities in Istanbul and Sakarya in the academic year of 2017-2018 make up
the participants. The participants are selected through convenience sampling.
As for data collection, The Scale of Acceptance and Use of Social Networks for
Learning Purposes, developed by Kuzu-Demir and Akbulut (2017), was used. The
data collected through this scale was analysed using percentage, frequency,
independent sample t-test and variance analysis. The findings are discussed and
evaluated to offer implications for second language teacher training, the use
of social networks for learning purposes and education contexts in general.  


  • Acar, S. & Yenmiş, A. (2014). Eğitimde sosyal ağların kullanımına ilişkin öğrenci görüşlerini belirlemeye yönelik bir araştırma: Facebook örneği [A study to identify the attitudes of students towards social networks in education: The case of Facebook]. Electronic Journal of Vocational Collages (BÜROKON Special Issue), 55-66.Allam, M. & Elyas, T. (2016). Perceptions of Using Social Media as an ELT Tool among EFL Teachers within the Saudi Context. English Language Teaching, 9(7), 1-9.Aydın, S. (2007) Attitudes of EFL learners towards the Internet. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 6(3), 18-26.Aydın, S. (2014). EFL Writers' Attitudes and Perceptions toward F-Portfolio Use. TechTrends, 58(2), 59-77.Başöz, T. (2016). Pre-service EFL Teachers’ Attitudes towards Language Learning through Social Media. International Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language, GlobELT 2016, 14-17 April 2016, Antalya, Turkey.Becit İşçitürk, G. (2012). Öğretmen adaylarının bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerini kabul ve kullanımlarının çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi (PhD Dissertation) [The study of pre-service teachers’ acceptance and use of information and communication technologies with regard to various variables]. Anadolu University, Eskişehir.Birch, A. (2003). Preservice teachers’ acceptance of information and communication technology integration in the classroom: Applying the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model (Master’s thesis). Victoria University, Melbourne.Cakır, A., & Atmaca, Ç. (2015). Pre-service teacher perceptions about the use of Facebook in English language teaching. Digital Culture & Education, 7(2), 110-130.Dogoriti, E., Pange, J. & Anderson, G. S. (2014). The use of social networking and learning management systems in English language teaching in higher education. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 31(4), 254-263.Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C. & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of facebook “friends:” social capital and college students’ use of online social network sites. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12, 1143-1168.Eren, Ö. (2012). Students’ attitudes towards using social networking in foreign language classes: A Facebook example. Public Relations Journal, 4(3), 288-294.Fauzi, A. (2017). The effect of edmodo on students’ writing skill in recount text. International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education, 1(2), p. 73-79.Gülbahar, Y., Kalelioğlu, F. & Madran, O. (2010). Sosyal Ağların Eğitim Amaçlı Kullanımı [The use of social networks for educational purposes]. XV. Türkiye’ de İnternet Konferansı, İstanbul: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi.Harmandaoğlu Baz, E. (2016) Attitudes of Turkish EFL Student Teachers towards Technology Use. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 15(2), 1-10.İşman, A. ve Hamutoğlu, N. B. (2013). Sosyal ağların eğitim-öğretim sürecinde kullanılması ile ilgili karma öğrenme öğrencilerinin görüşleri: Sakarya Üniversitesi örneği [The views of blended learning students regarding the use of social networks in education: The case of Sakarya University]. International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education, 2(3), 61-67.Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), 59-68.Karal H., Kokoç M., & Çakır Ö. (2017). Impact of the educational use of Facebook group on the high school students’ proper usage of language, Education and Information Technologies, 22, 677-695.Kuzu Demir, E. B. & Akbulut, Y. (2017). Çevrimiçi sosyal ağların öğretim amaçlı kabul ve kullanımı ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi [The development of a scale of acceptance and use of online social networks for teaching purposes]. Türk Bilgisayar ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, 8(1), 52-82.Li, V. (2017). Social Media in English Language Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 3(2), 148-153.Lie, A. (2013). Social Media in a Content Course for The Digital Natives. TEFLIN Journal, 24(1), 48-62.Murray, C. (2008). Schools and social networking: Fear or education? Synergy Perspective: Local, 6(1), 8-12.Özgür, H. (2013). Sosyal ağların benimsenmesi ve eğitsel bağlamda kullanımı arasındaki ilişkinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi [The study of the relationship between the adoption of social networks and their use in education settings regarding various variables]. Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(10), 169-182.Özmen, F., Aküzüm, C., Sünkür, M. & Baysal, N. (2011). Sosyal ağ sitelerinin eğitsel ortamlarındaki işlevselliği [The uses of social networks in educational contexts]. 6th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’11), 16-18 May 2011, Elazığ, Turkey, 42-47.Razak, N. A., Saeed, M., & Ahmad, Z. (2013). Adopting Social Networking Sites (SNSs) as Interactive Communities among English Foreign Language (EFL) Learners in Writing: Opportunities and Challenges. English Language Teaching, 6(11), 187.Rezaei, S. & Meshkatian, M. A. (2017). Iranian Teachers’ Attitude towards Using Social Media and Technology to Increase Interaction amongst Students inside or outside the Classroom. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 7(6), 419-426.Salameh, Z. (2017). Attitudes towards Facebook and the Use of Knowledge and Skills among Students in the English Department at the University of Hail. Journal of Education and Practice, (8)8, 1-6. Solmaz, B., Tekin, G., Harzem, Z. & Demir, M. (2013). İnternet ve sosyal medya kullanımı üzerinde bir uygulama [An application on the use of the internet and social media]. Selçuk İletişim, 7(4), 23-32.Tiryakioğlu, F. & Erzurum, F. (2011). Bir eğitim aracı olarak ağların kullanımı [The use of networks as an educational tool]. 2nd. International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications. 27-29 April 2011, Antalya-Turkey, 1031-1047.Venkatesh, V., & Zhang, X. (2010). Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology: U.S. vs. China. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 13(1), 5-27.Yağcı, M. & Işık, M. (2015). Ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin sosyal ağ kullanım düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi [The study of secondary school students’ social network use with regard to various variables]. International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences, 6(21), 136-148.Yang, P. L. (2013). Discourse Analysis of EFL College Learners’ Online Social Interaction and Attitudes towards Facebook. International Journal of English Linguistics, 3(6), 64-72.Yanpar, T. (2008). Öğretim teknolojileri ve materyal tasarımı [Educational technology and material design]. Ankara: Anı Publishing.

İngilizce Öğretmeni Adaylarının Sosyal Ağları Öğrenme ve Öğretme Amaçlı Kabul ve Kullanımı

Yıl 2018, , 189 - 203, 28.12.2018


Çevrimiçi öğrenme imkanları öğrencilere zaman ve mekan sınırı olmaksızın
eğitim alma şansı sağlar. Dolayısıyla, öğretmen adayları sosyal ağları hem
kendi öğrenmeleri için hem de öğretme amaçları için kullanmayla aşina
olmalıdır. Bu şekilde, onlar kendi öğretme becerilerini geliştirebilirler ve
bunun ilk aşaması da tutumlardır. Bu yüzden, bu çalışma İngilizce öğretmen
adaylarının sosyal ağların öğrenme ve öğretim amaçları için kullanım ve
kabulünü araştırmayı hedeflemektedir. İstanbul ve Sakarya’daki iki devlet
üniversitesinde 2017-2018 akademik yılında eğitim alan 140 İngilizce öğretmen
adayı bu çalışmanın örneklemini oluşturmaktadır. Katılımcılar elverişlilik
örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilmiştir. Veri toplama Kuzu-Demir ve Akbulut’un (2017)
geliştirdiği Çevrimiçi Sosyal Ağların Öğretim Amaçlı Kabul ve Kullanımı Ölçeği
ile yapılmıştır. Bu ölçek ile elde edilen veriler yüzdelik, frekans, bağımsız
örneklem t-testi ve varyans analizi aracılığıyla analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular
ikinci dil öğretmen eğitimi, sosyal ağların öğrenim amaçlı kullanımları ve
genel olarak eğitim bağlamlarına çıkarımlar yapmak için tartışılmış ve


  • Acar, S. & Yenmiş, A. (2014). Eğitimde sosyal ağların kullanımına ilişkin öğrenci görüşlerini belirlemeye yönelik bir araştırma: Facebook örneği [A study to identify the attitudes of students towards social networks in education: The case of Facebook]. Electronic Journal of Vocational Collages (BÜROKON Special Issue), 55-66.Allam, M. & Elyas, T. (2016). Perceptions of Using Social Media as an ELT Tool among EFL Teachers within the Saudi Context. English Language Teaching, 9(7), 1-9.Aydın, S. (2007) Attitudes of EFL learners towards the Internet. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 6(3), 18-26.Aydın, S. (2014). EFL Writers' Attitudes and Perceptions toward F-Portfolio Use. TechTrends, 58(2), 59-77.Başöz, T. (2016). Pre-service EFL Teachers’ Attitudes towards Language Learning through Social Media. International Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language, GlobELT 2016, 14-17 April 2016, Antalya, Turkey.Becit İşçitürk, G. (2012). Öğretmen adaylarının bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerini kabul ve kullanımlarının çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi (PhD Dissertation) [The study of pre-service teachers’ acceptance and use of information and communication technologies with regard to various variables]. Anadolu University, Eskişehir.Birch, A. (2003). Preservice teachers’ acceptance of information and communication technology integration in the classroom: Applying the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model (Master’s thesis). Victoria University, Melbourne.Cakır, A., & Atmaca, Ç. (2015). Pre-service teacher perceptions about the use of Facebook in English language teaching. Digital Culture & Education, 7(2), 110-130.Dogoriti, E., Pange, J. & Anderson, G. S. (2014). The use of social networking and learning management systems in English language teaching in higher education. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 31(4), 254-263.Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C. & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of facebook “friends:” social capital and college students’ use of online social network sites. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12, 1143-1168.Eren, Ö. (2012). Students’ attitudes towards using social networking in foreign language classes: A Facebook example. Public Relations Journal, 4(3), 288-294.Fauzi, A. (2017). The effect of edmodo on students’ writing skill in recount text. International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education, 1(2), p. 73-79.Gülbahar, Y., Kalelioğlu, F. & Madran, O. (2010). Sosyal Ağların Eğitim Amaçlı Kullanımı [The use of social networks for educational purposes]. XV. Türkiye’ de İnternet Konferansı, İstanbul: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi.Harmandaoğlu Baz, E. (2016) Attitudes of Turkish EFL Student Teachers towards Technology Use. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 15(2), 1-10.İşman, A. ve Hamutoğlu, N. B. (2013). Sosyal ağların eğitim-öğretim sürecinde kullanılması ile ilgili karma öğrenme öğrencilerinin görüşleri: Sakarya Üniversitesi örneği [The views of blended learning students regarding the use of social networks in education: The case of Sakarya University]. International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education, 2(3), 61-67.Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), 59-68.Karal H., Kokoç M., & Çakır Ö. (2017). Impact of the educational use of Facebook group on the high school students’ proper usage of language, Education and Information Technologies, 22, 677-695.Kuzu Demir, E. B. & Akbulut, Y. (2017). Çevrimiçi sosyal ağların öğretim amaçlı kabul ve kullanımı ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi [The development of a scale of acceptance and use of online social networks for teaching purposes]. Türk Bilgisayar ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, 8(1), 52-82.Li, V. (2017). Social Media in English Language Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 3(2), 148-153.Lie, A. (2013). Social Media in a Content Course for The Digital Natives. TEFLIN Journal, 24(1), 48-62.Murray, C. (2008). Schools and social networking: Fear or education? Synergy Perspective: Local, 6(1), 8-12.Özgür, H. (2013). Sosyal ağların benimsenmesi ve eğitsel bağlamda kullanımı arasındaki ilişkinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi [The study of the relationship between the adoption of social networks and their use in education settings regarding various variables]. Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(10), 169-182.Özmen, F., Aküzüm, C., Sünkür, M. & Baysal, N. (2011). Sosyal ağ sitelerinin eğitsel ortamlarındaki işlevselliği [The uses of social networks in educational contexts]. 6th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’11), 16-18 May 2011, Elazığ, Turkey, 42-47.Razak, N. A., Saeed, M., & Ahmad, Z. (2013). Adopting Social Networking Sites (SNSs) as Interactive Communities among English Foreign Language (EFL) Learners in Writing: Opportunities and Challenges. English Language Teaching, 6(11), 187.Rezaei, S. & Meshkatian, M. A. (2017). Iranian Teachers’ Attitude towards Using Social Media and Technology to Increase Interaction amongst Students inside or outside the Classroom. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 7(6), 419-426.Salameh, Z. (2017). Attitudes towards Facebook and the Use of Knowledge and Skills among Students in the English Department at the University of Hail. Journal of Education and Practice, (8)8, 1-6. Solmaz, B., Tekin, G., Harzem, Z. & Demir, M. (2013). İnternet ve sosyal medya kullanımı üzerinde bir uygulama [An application on the use of the internet and social media]. Selçuk İletişim, 7(4), 23-32.Tiryakioğlu, F. & Erzurum, F. (2011). Bir eğitim aracı olarak ağların kullanımı [The use of networks as an educational tool]. 2nd. International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications. 27-29 April 2011, Antalya-Turkey, 1031-1047.Venkatesh, V., & Zhang, X. (2010). Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology: U.S. vs. China. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 13(1), 5-27.Yağcı, M. & Işık, M. (2015). Ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin sosyal ağ kullanım düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi [The study of secondary school students’ social network use with regard to various variables]. International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences, 6(21), 136-148.Yang, P. L. (2013). Discourse Analysis of EFL College Learners’ Online Social Interaction and Attitudes towards Facebook. International Journal of English Linguistics, 3(6), 64-72.Yanpar, T. (2008). Öğretim teknolojileri ve materyal tasarımı [Educational technology and material design]. Ankara: Anı Publishing.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Hakkı Bağcı

Cihat Atar

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Mayıs 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Bağcı, H., & Atar, C. (2018). Pre-service English Teachers’ Acceptance and Use of Social Networks for Learning and Teaching Purposes. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, UBEK-2018, 189-203.