The aim of this study was to develop a scale for determining students’ attitude towards writing in Turkish as a foreign language. For this purpose, an item pool with 50 items was generated via literature review. 3 items were removed after expert opinion. Additionally, 4 items were revised in line with expert opinion in order not to cause ambiguity. The study group consisted of 377 students (201 females and 176 males) learning Turkish as a foreign language. 237 Turkish as a second language students, 128 females and 109 males, studying in Hatay in 2017-2018 academic year were included in pilot study. Furthermore, 140 students, 73 of whom were females and 67 of whom were males, were included in the main study. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed to ensure construct validity of the scale, and Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was calculated for providing reliability. As a result of the factor analyses, a scale with 3 components and 20 items was obtained. The components were defined as “writing overview”, “incompetence in writing” and “competence in writing”. The scale was named as “Scale of Attitude towards Writing in Turkish as a Foreign Language”. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of the scale was found to be 0.653; thus, it was regarded as quite reliable.