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Huzurevinde ve Evde Yaşayan Yaşlılarda Yaşam Kalitelerinin Karşılaştırılması ve Bu Durumun Sosyo‐Demografik Faktörlerle İlişkisi

Yıl 2018, , 552 - 561, 27.12.2018


Amaç: Hızla artan yaşlı nüfusta yaşam kalitesinin iyileştirilmesi, iyi sağlık standardı için anahtar rol

oynamaktadır. Araştırmamızda huzurevinde ve kendi evinde yaşayan yaşlıların yaşam kalitelerini

etkileyen faktörler tespit edilmesi hedeflenmiştir.

Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmaya Mart-Kasım 2014 tarihleri arasında Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Hastanesi Aile

Hekimliği Polikliniğine başvuran 65 yaş ve üstü 198 birey ile huzurevinde yaşayan 202 birey olmak üzere

toplam 400 kişi alındı. Araştırmamızda kişilerin sosyodemeografik bilgilerini sorgulayan bir anket formu

ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından geliştirilen yaşam kalitesi ölçeği kısa formunun Türkçe versiyonu


Bulgular: Çalışmamıza 188’i (%47,00) erkek ve 212’si (%53,00) kadın olmak üzere toplam 400 hasta

katıldı. Bunların 202'sini (%50,50) kendi evinde kalan bireyler 198'ini (%49,50) ise huzurevinde kalan

bireylerdi. Hastaların yaş ortalaması kendi evinde kalanlarda 73,266,68 iken huzurevinde kalanlarda

73,197,27 idi. Kendi evinde yaşayanların bedensel, ruhsal, sosyal ilişkiler ve çevre alanı skoru

huzurevinde kalanlardan anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulundu (p<0,001).

Sonuç: Araştırmamıza göre kendi evinde yaşayanların yaşam kalitesi huzurevinde yaşayanlardan daha

yüksektir. Kendi evinde yaşayan bireylerde ileri yaşın, medeni durumun, yüksek eğitim düzeyi, yüksek

gelir düzeyi, çocuk sahibi olmama; huzurevinde yaşayan bireylerde ise ileri yaşın, kadın cinsiyet ve

kronik hastalık varlığı yaşam kalitesini olumsuz etkilemekteydi


  • 1- Turkish Geriatrics Society National Elderly Week Press Release [Internet]. (Erişim Tarihi: 09.08.2018)
  • 2- [Internet] Available from: Erişim Tarihi: 09.08.2018.
  • 3- Arslan S, Kutsal YG. A Multigenter Epidemiological Study to Evaluate the Prevalance of Disability in the Elderly. Turkish J Geriatrics 1999;3:103-14.
  • 4- Altay B, Avcı A. The relation between the self care strength and life satisfaction of the elderly living in nursing home. Dicle Medical Journal 2009;4:275-82.
  • 5- Kanauchi M, Kubo A, Kanauchi K, Saito Y. Frailty, health-related quality of life and mental well-being in older adults with cardiometabolic risk factors. Int J Clin Pract. 2008 Sep; 62(9): 1447-51. (doi: 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2008.01830). 6- Sivertsen H, Bjorklof GH, Engedal K, Selbaek G, Helvik AS. Depression and quality of life in older persons: a review. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2015; 40(5-6): 311-39. (doi: 10.1159/000437299). 7- Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policy. Service institutions for old age. [Internet]. . (Erişim Tarihi: 10.08.2018).
  • 8- Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policy. Aged Care Services. [Internet] (Erişim Tarihi: 19.08.2018).
  • 9- [Internet]. (Erişim Tarihi: 06.12.2018).
  • 10- Sucaklı MH, Bakan B, Çelik M. Evaluation of the quality of life and affecting factors in the elderly living in nursing homes. Turkish Journal of Family Practice 2013;17(3):96-100.
  • 11- Simeão SFAP et al. Comparative study of quality of life of elderly nursing home residents and those attneding a day Center. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2018; 23(11):3923-3934. (doi: 10.1590/1413-812320182311.21742016).
  • 12- Serbim AK, Figueiredo AEPL. Qualidade de vida de idosos em um grupo de convivência. Scientia Medica 2011; 21(4):166-72.
  • 13- Vitorino LM, Paskulin LMG, Vianna LAC. Quality of life of seniors living in the community and in long term care facilities: a comparative study. Rev Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2013; 21(Spec):3-11.
  • 14- Araujo GS, Gatti MAN, De Conti MHS, De Vitta A, Marta SN, Simeão SFAP. Qualidade de vida de idosos residentes na Vila Vicentina de Bausu/SP. Salusvita 2014; 33(1):57-75.
  • 15- Vitorino LM, Paskulin LMG, Vianna LAC. Quality of life among older adults resident in long-stay care facilities. Rev Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2012; 20(6):1186- 95.
  • 16- Aydın S, Karaoğlu L. The Quality of Life and the Influencing Factors Among the Population Over 65 Living in Gaziantep City Center. Turkish J Geriatrics 2012;15(4):424-33.
  • 17- Işıklı B, Kalyoncu C, Arslantaş D. Quality of Life Among 35 Years or Older People Living in Mahmudiye Eskişehir. Community Medicine Newsletter 2007;26:7-12.
  • 18- Yılmaz F, Çağlayan Ç. The effects of healthy lifestyle on the quality of life among elderly. Turkish Journal of Family Practice 2016;20(4):129-40.
  • 19- Altay B, Çavuşoğlu F, Çal A. Associated Factors Affecting Quality of Life in Elderly. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 2016;15(3):181-9.
  • 20- Altuğ F, Yağcı N, Kitiş A, Büker N, Cavlak U. Analyzing of factors affecting the quality of life in elderly at home. Elderly Issues Research Journal 2009;1:48-60.
  • 21- Güngör Tavşanlı N, Özçelik H, Karadakovan A. Examine of quality of life of elderly indivudals suffering pain. The journal of the Turkish Society of Algology (Agri) 2013;25(3):93-100.
  • 22- Onat Şahin Ş. The Effect of Sociodemographic Characteristics and Cognitive Functions to Quality of Life in Elderly Individuals. Turk J Osteoporosis 2013;19(3):90 -3.
  • 23- Sun W, Aodeng S, Tanimoto Y, Watanabe M, Han J, Wang B, et al. Quality of life (QOL) of the community-dwelling elderly and associated factors: A population-based study in urban areas of China. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2015;60:311-6.
  • 24- İlhan N, Arpacı S, Havaoğlu D, Kalyoncuoğlu H, Sarı P. Quality of Life and Factors Affecting the Quality of Life of Elderly Nursing Home Residents. Clin Exp Health Sci 2016;6(2):56-65.
  • 25- Molzahn A, Skevington S, Kalfoss M, Makarof MS. The importance of facets of quality of life to older adults: an international investigation. Qual Life Res 2010;19:293-8.
  • 26- Khader F. Quality of life in the nursing homes in Jordan: perspectives of residents. Care Manag J 2011;12:149-62.

Comparison of Quality of Life of Elders Living in Nursing Homes and in Their Homes and Its Relationship with Socio-demographic Factors

Yıl 2018, , 552 - 561, 27.12.2018


Objectives: Improving
the quality of life for the rapidly growing elderly population plays a key role
in good health standards. This study aims to compare the quality of life of
elderly people living in their home and senior centers, and to determine
socio-demographic factors that could affect their quality of life.
Materials and Methods: In this
study, we enrolled 400 people aged ≥65 years; 198 of them were elderly who
applied for any reason to Etfal Training and Research Hospital Family Medicine
Policlinic, between February-October 2014; and 202 of them were living in
Nursing Homes. The survey questioned socio-demographic features and the Turkish
version of quality of life developed by World Health Organization was applied.
Results: We examined 400 people
[188(47%) males and 212(53%) females]. Of these, 202 (50.50%; average age=73.3±6.7
years) were living in their homes and 198(49.50%; average age: 73.2±7.3 years)
in senior centers. Furthermore, the physical, psychological, social and
environmental field scores of people living in their homes were significantly
higher than those living in senior centers (P < 0.001).
Conclusion: This study
reveals that the quality of life is higher in elderly who live in their homes
than those who live in nursing homes. The older age, marital status, higher
education level, increase in the income, and not having children negatively
affect the quality of life in individuals living in their homes. In elderly people
living in senior centers, advanced age, female gender and having a chronic
illness negatively affect the quality of life.


  • 1- Turkish Geriatrics Society National Elderly Week Press Release [Internet]. (Erişim Tarihi: 09.08.2018)
  • 2- [Internet] Available from: Erişim Tarihi: 09.08.2018.
  • 3- Arslan S, Kutsal YG. A Multigenter Epidemiological Study to Evaluate the Prevalance of Disability in the Elderly. Turkish J Geriatrics 1999;3:103-14.
  • 4- Altay B, Avcı A. The relation between the self care strength and life satisfaction of the elderly living in nursing home. Dicle Medical Journal 2009;4:275-82.
  • 5- Kanauchi M, Kubo A, Kanauchi K, Saito Y. Frailty, health-related quality of life and mental well-being in older adults with cardiometabolic risk factors. Int J Clin Pract. 2008 Sep; 62(9): 1447-51. (doi: 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2008.01830). 6- Sivertsen H, Bjorklof GH, Engedal K, Selbaek G, Helvik AS. Depression and quality of life in older persons: a review. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2015; 40(5-6): 311-39. (doi: 10.1159/000437299). 7- Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policy. Service institutions for old age. [Internet]. . (Erişim Tarihi: 10.08.2018).
  • 8- Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policy. Aged Care Services. [Internet] (Erişim Tarihi: 19.08.2018).
  • 9- [Internet]. (Erişim Tarihi: 06.12.2018).
  • 10- Sucaklı MH, Bakan B, Çelik M. Evaluation of the quality of life and affecting factors in the elderly living in nursing homes. Turkish Journal of Family Practice 2013;17(3):96-100.
  • 11- Simeão SFAP et al. Comparative study of quality of life of elderly nursing home residents and those attneding a day Center. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2018; 23(11):3923-3934. (doi: 10.1590/1413-812320182311.21742016).
  • 12- Serbim AK, Figueiredo AEPL. Qualidade de vida de idosos em um grupo de convivência. Scientia Medica 2011; 21(4):166-72.
  • 13- Vitorino LM, Paskulin LMG, Vianna LAC. Quality of life of seniors living in the community and in long term care facilities: a comparative study. Rev Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2013; 21(Spec):3-11.
  • 14- Araujo GS, Gatti MAN, De Conti MHS, De Vitta A, Marta SN, Simeão SFAP. Qualidade de vida de idosos residentes na Vila Vicentina de Bausu/SP. Salusvita 2014; 33(1):57-75.
  • 15- Vitorino LM, Paskulin LMG, Vianna LAC. Quality of life among older adults resident in long-stay care facilities. Rev Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2012; 20(6):1186- 95.
  • 16- Aydın S, Karaoğlu L. The Quality of Life and the Influencing Factors Among the Population Over 65 Living in Gaziantep City Center. Turkish J Geriatrics 2012;15(4):424-33.
  • 17- Işıklı B, Kalyoncu C, Arslantaş D. Quality of Life Among 35 Years or Older People Living in Mahmudiye Eskişehir. Community Medicine Newsletter 2007;26:7-12.
  • 18- Yılmaz F, Çağlayan Ç. The effects of healthy lifestyle on the quality of life among elderly. Turkish Journal of Family Practice 2016;20(4):129-40.
  • 19- Altay B, Çavuşoğlu F, Çal A. Associated Factors Affecting Quality of Life in Elderly. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 2016;15(3):181-9.
  • 20- Altuğ F, Yağcı N, Kitiş A, Büker N, Cavlak U. Analyzing of factors affecting the quality of life in elderly at home. Elderly Issues Research Journal 2009;1:48-60.
  • 21- Güngör Tavşanlı N, Özçelik H, Karadakovan A. Examine of quality of life of elderly indivudals suffering pain. The journal of the Turkish Society of Algology (Agri) 2013;25(3):93-100.
  • 22- Onat Şahin Ş. The Effect of Sociodemographic Characteristics and Cognitive Functions to Quality of Life in Elderly Individuals. Turk J Osteoporosis 2013;19(3):90 -3.
  • 23- Sun W, Aodeng S, Tanimoto Y, Watanabe M, Han J, Wang B, et al. Quality of life (QOL) of the community-dwelling elderly and associated factors: A population-based study in urban areas of China. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2015;60:311-6.
  • 24- İlhan N, Arpacı S, Havaoğlu D, Kalyoncuoğlu H, Sarı P. Quality of Life and Factors Affecting the Quality of Life of Elderly Nursing Home Residents. Clin Exp Health Sci 2016;6(2):56-65.
  • 25- Molzahn A, Skevington S, Kalfoss M, Makarof MS. The importance of facets of quality of life to older adults: an international investigation. Qual Life Res 2010;19:293-8.
  • 26- Khader F. Quality of life in the nursing homes in Jordan: perspectives of residents. Care Manag J 2011;12:149-62.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırmalar

Beray Gelmez Taş

Dilek Toprak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Gelmez Taş, B., & Toprak, D. (2018). Comparison of Quality of Life of Elders Living in Nursing Homes and in Their Homes and Its Relationship with Socio-demographic Factors. Ankara Medical Journal, 18(4), 552-561.
AMA Gelmez Taş B, Toprak D. Comparison of Quality of Life of Elders Living in Nursing Homes and in Their Homes and Its Relationship with Socio-demographic Factors. Ankara Med J. Aralık 2018;18(4):552-561. doi:10.17098/amj.499637
Chicago Gelmez Taş, Beray, ve Dilek Toprak. “Comparison of Quality of Life of Elders Living in Nursing Homes and in Their Homes and Its Relationship With Socio-Demographic Factors”. Ankara Medical Journal 18, sy. 4 (Aralık 2018): 552-61.
EndNote Gelmez Taş B, Toprak D (01 Aralık 2018) Comparison of Quality of Life of Elders Living in Nursing Homes and in Their Homes and Its Relationship with Socio-demographic Factors. Ankara Medical Journal 18 4 552–561.
IEEE B. Gelmez Taş ve D. Toprak, “Comparison of Quality of Life of Elders Living in Nursing Homes and in Their Homes and Its Relationship with Socio-demographic Factors”, Ankara Med J, c. 18, sy. 4, ss. 552–561, 2018, doi: 10.17098/amj.499637.
ISNAD Gelmez Taş, Beray - Toprak, Dilek. “Comparison of Quality of Life of Elders Living in Nursing Homes and in Their Homes and Its Relationship With Socio-Demographic Factors”. Ankara Medical Journal 18/4 (Aralık 2018), 552-561.
JAMA Gelmez Taş B, Toprak D. Comparison of Quality of Life of Elders Living in Nursing Homes and in Their Homes and Its Relationship with Socio-demographic Factors. Ankara Med J. 2018;18:552–561.
MLA Gelmez Taş, Beray ve Dilek Toprak. “Comparison of Quality of Life of Elders Living in Nursing Homes and in Their Homes and Its Relationship With Socio-Demographic Factors”. Ankara Medical Journal, c. 18, sy. 4, 2018, ss. 552-61, doi:10.17098/amj.499637.
Vancouver Gelmez Taş B, Toprak D. Comparison of Quality of Life of Elders Living in Nursing Homes and in Their Homes and Its Relationship with Socio-demographic Factors. Ankara Med J. 2018;18(4):552-61.