04.08.1970 tarihinde Ankara’da doğdu. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Ekonometri Bölümünden 1993 yılında bölüm birincisi olarak mezun oldu. 1998 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Ekonometri Anabilim Dalında Yüksek Lisans, 2002 yılında Doktora eğitimini tamamladı. 1994 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Ekonometri Bölümü Yöneylem Araştırması Anabilim Dalında Araştırma Görevlisi olarak göreve başladı. 2002 yılında aynı bölümde Öğretim Görevlisi Dr. 2004 yılında ise Yardımcı Doçent Dr. ve 2011 yılında Doç. Dr. ve 2017 yılında Profesör oldu. Halen yurt içinde çeşitli uluslararası ve ulusal dergilerde yayınlamış olan 73 makalesi, çeşitli ulusal ve uluslararası kongre ve seminerlerde sunulmuş olan 116 tane bildirisi, 22 kitabın bazı bölümlerde katkısı, 4 tane Gazi Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu projesi, 4 tane AB tarafından fonlanan projesi, 32 adet farklı kuruluşlara hazırlanan projesi vardır. Yöneylem Araştırması, Etkinlik ve Verimlilik Analizleri, İstatistiksel Analizler, Ekonometri, Stratejik Planlama, Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Çalışan ve Müşteri Memnuniyeti Değerlendirmesi, Proje Değerlendirme, Anket Analizi, Etki Analizi vb. alanlarda çalışmalar yapmaktadır.
Satar Bakhsh, He graduated PhD in International Economics at University of international business and economics (UIBE), Beijing, China. Currently, he works as a postdoctoral fellow in School of Economics and Management, under the supervision of distinguished Professor: Dr. Wei Zhang at China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China. Satar’s research integrates advanced empirical methods with theoretical insights to address critical issues in Climate Change, Green Finance, Digital Finance, Energy Economics, Economic Policy Uncertainty. Notably, his research has been published in international peer-reviewed journals including Journal of Environmental Management, Technological Forecast & Social Change, Energy Strategy Review, Resources Policy and he is a reviewer for Journal of Environmental Management, Financial Innovation, Economic Policy and Analysis, Finance Research Letter, Sustainable Development, Resources Policy, Economic Change and Restructuring, FIIB Business Review, International journal of finance and economics, and Technological forecasting and social change, At the China University of Geosciences, Satar is part of the Key Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China” (Grant No. 21AZD113) involved with distinguished Professor Wei Zhang, where he continues to explore Research on the policy framework and innovation path of green finance to promote the realization of carbon neutrality goal.
Maksym Zhyvko was born on January 23, 1988 in Ternopil. In 2005, he graduated from the Ternopil Specialized School of the I-III degrees No. 5 with advanced study of foreign languages. He received his higher education at the Ternopil National University of Economics (now the Western Ukrainian National University, Ternopil) majoring in "International Economics", qualification - specialist in foreign language knowledge (2005-2010).
Maksym Zhyvko has been working at this institution of higher education since 2011 as a research intern, acting senior laboratory assistant, teacher, senior teacher of the Department of International Economic Relations. Since September 2019 - Deputy Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations named after Bohdan Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations.
In July-August 2013 at the University of Lodz (Lodz, Republic of Poland) and July-August 2014 at the University of National and World Economy (Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria) he was a participant in the framework program of the European Union named after Marie Curie IRSES-GA 2011-295050 "Functioning of local production systems in conditions of economic crisis" (comparative analysis and benchmarking of EU countries and their neighbors)".
In 2019, Maksym Zhyvko defended his candidate's thesis on the topic: "New economics in the development of the potential of European civilizational and integration processes." Since September 1, 2020, he works as a part-time associate professor of the Department of International Economic Relations.
Maksym Zhyvko is the author of more than 38 scientific publications on issues of the new economy, international economic relations, alternative sources of energy, civilizational integration processes, implementation of customs policy at the national and supranational levels.
Maksym Zhyvko participated in the implementation of 5 research projects.
Developed recommendations for central and local authorities on the development of the new economy in Ukraine. The results of M. A. Zhyvko scientific research were implemented in the work of the Ternopil Regional State Administration, Agromashinvest LLP, Rada Capital LLP, Ternopil City Council.