Z Kuşağının Markalarla İlgili İçerik Üretme Nedenlerine ve Alışkanlıklarına Yönelik Analiz
Yıl 2023,
, 771 - 794, 27.09.2023
Ayşe Sarıtaş
Mesude Canan Ozturk
Son yıllarda markalarla ilgili kullanıcı türevli içerik kavramı hem uygulamacıların hem de literatürün dikkatini çekmektedir. Markalar tüketicileri kendileri hakkında olumlu içerik üretmeye teşvik etmek istemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Z kuşağı tüketicileri özelinde motivasyonların içerik üretme davranışına etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Yani Z kuşağı hangi motivasyonlarla markalar için hangi içerikleri üretiyor? sorusuna cevap aranmıştır. Çalışmada kavramsal bir model önerisinde bulunulmuş ve çalışmanın hipotezlerini test etmek için yapısal eşitlik analizi kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, benlik motivasyonunun aktif içerik üretme davranışını etkilediği buna rağmen pasif içerik üretme davranışıyla ilişkisi olmadığı görülmemektedir. Ortak yaratım ve teşvik motivasyonunun ise aktif içerik üretme davranışıyla ilişkisi yokken pasif içerik üretme davranışını etkilediği ortaya çıkmıştır. Marka sadakati motivasyonu içerik üretme davranışını aktif ve pasif olarak etkilemektedir. Bu çalışma konunun kavramsallaştırılmasında ve markalarla ilgili kullanıcı türevli içerik oluşturma motivasyonları ve davranışlarıyla ilgili Türkçe bir ölçek geliştirmiş olmasıyla literatüre katkı sunmaktadır.
- Altuntuğ, N. (2012). Kuşaktan kuşağa tüketim olgusu ve geleceğin tüketici profili. Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 203-212. Erişim adresi: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/151016
- Azar, S. L., Machado, J. C., Vacas-De-Carvalho, L. ve Mendes, A. (2016). Motivations to ınteract with brands on facebook–towards a typology of consumer–brand ınteractions. Journal of Brand Management, 23(2), 153-178. doi:10.1057/bm.2016.3
- Berthon, P., Pitt, R. L. ve Campbell C. (2008). Ad lb: when customers create the ad. California Management Review, 50(4), 6-30. doi:10.2307/41166454
- Blank, G. (2013). Who creates content? stratification and content creation on the internet, information. Communication & Society, 16(4), 590-612. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2013.777758
- Bloemer, J., De Ruyter, K. O. ve Wetzels, M. (1999). Linking perceived service quality and service loyalty: a multi-dimensional perspective. European Journal of Marketing, 33(11/12), 1082-1106. doi: 10.1108/03090569910292285
- Bowman, D. ve Narayandas, D. (2001). Managing customer-initiated contacts with manufacturers: the impact on share of category requirements and word-of-mouth behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 38, 281-297. Erişim adresi: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1558524?seq=2
- Bronner, F. ve De Hoog, R. (2010). Vacationers and ewom: who posts, and why, where and what. Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), 15-26. doi: 10.1177/0047287509355324
- Bumgarner, B. A. (2007). You have been poked: exploring the uses and gratifications of facebook among emerging adults. First Monday, 12(11). doi: 10.5210/fm.v12i11.2026
- Buzeta, C., Pelsmacker, P. D. ve Dens, N. (2020). Motivations to use different social media types and their ımpact on consumers' online brand-related activities (cobras). Journal of Interactive Marketing, 52, 79-98. doi: 10.1016/j.intmar.2020.04.004
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Anket geliştirme. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 133-151. Erişim adresi: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/256394
- Cheong, H. J. ve Morrison, M. A. (2013). Consumers’ reliance on product ınformation and recommendations found in ugc. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 8(2), 38-49. doi:10.1080/15252019.2008.10722141
- Choi, B. ve Choi, B. J. (2014). The effects of perceived service recovery justice on customer affection, loyalty, and word-of-mouth. European Journal of Marketing, 48(1/2), 108-131. doi:10.1108/EJM-06-2011-0299
- Chrıstodoulıdes, G., Jevons, C. ve Bonhomme, J. (2012). Memo to marketers: quantitative evidence for change how user-generated content really affects brands. Journal of Advertising Research, 52(1), 53-65. doi:10.2501/JAR-52-1-053-064
- Çalışkan, S. (2018). Üniversite öğrencilerinin sosyal medyada içerik üretimi üzerine bir çalışma. Research Studies Anatolia Journal, 2(4), 31-54. doi: 10.33723/rs.509808
- Daugherthy, T., Eastin, M. S. ve Bright, L. (2008). Exploring consumer motivations for creating user-generated content. Journal of Interactive Adversiting, 8(2), 16-25. doi:10.1080/15252019.2008.10722139
- De Matos, C.A. ve Vargas Rossi, C.A. (2008). Word-of-mouth communications in marketing: a meta-analytic review of the antecedents and moderators. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 36(4), 578-596. doi:10.1007/s11747-008-0121-1
- Dholakia, U.M., Bagozzi, R.P. ve Pearo, L. (2004). A social influence model of consumer participation in network- and small-group-based virtual communities. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 21(3), 241–263. doi:10.1016/j.ijresmar.2003.12.004
- Ding, Y., Phang, C. W., Lu, X., Tan, C.-H. ve Sutanto, J. (2014). The role of marketer- and user-generated content in sustaining the growth of a social media brand community, 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, HI, USA, (s. 1785-1792). doi:10.1109/HICSS.2014.226.
- Gallegos, J. A. (2017, 12 Aralık). 9 things we learned from the 2018 user generated content report study. Erişim adresi: Https://Www.Tintup.Com/Blog/9-Things-Learned-2018-Usergenerated-Content-Report
- Gao, Q. ve Feng, C. (2016). Branding with social media: user gratifications, usage patterns and brand message content strategies. Computer in Human Behaviour, 63, 868-890. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.06.022
- Gensler, S., Völckner, F., Liu-Thompkins, Y. ve Wiertz, C. (2013). Managing brands in the social media environment. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27(4), 242- 256. doi:10.1016/j.intmar.2013.09.004
- Geurin, A. ve Burch, L. M. (2016). User-generated branding via social media: an examination of six running brands. Sport Management Review, 20, 273–284. doi:10.1016/j.smr.2016.09.001
- Hennıg-Thurau, T., Gwınner, K. P., Walsh, G. ve Gremler, D. D. (2004). Electronic word-of-mouth via consumer-opinion 187 platforms: what motivates consumers to articulate themselves on the internet?. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(1), 38-52. doi:10.1002/dir.10073
- Hood, B. (2012). Benlik Yanılsaması. E. Özdemir (Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
- Huang, N., Burtch, G., Gu, B., Hong, Y., Liang, C., Wang, K., Fu, D. ve Yang, B. (2018). Motivating user-generated content with performance feedback: evidence from randomized field experiment. Management Science, Articles Inadvance, 65(1), 327-345. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2971783
- Kim, A. J. ve Johnson, K.P. (2016). Power of consumers using social media: examining the influences of brand-related user-generated content on facebook. Computers In Human Behavior, 58, 98-108. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.12.047
- Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H. ve Setiawan, I. (2017). Pazarlama 4.0. N. Özata (Çev.). İstanbul: Optimist Yayın.
- Kuran, E. (2019). Z kuşağını anlamak. İstanbul: Mundi Yayınları.
- Lenhart, Duggan, M. A., Lampe, C. ve Ellison, N. B. (2015, 16 Temmuz). Parents and social media. Erişim adresi: Http://Www.Pewinternet.Org/2015/07/16/Parents-And-Social-Media/
- Liu, X., Burns, A. C. ve Hou, Y. (2017). An investigation of brand-related user-generated content on Twitter. Journal of Advertising, Special Section: Big Data in Advertising, 46(2), 236-247. doi:10.1080/00913367.2017.1297273
- Liu-Thompkins, Y., Maslowska, E., Renc, Y. ve Kim, H. (2020). Creating, metavoicing, and propagating: a road map for understanding user roles in computational advertising. Journal of Advertising, 49(4), 394-410. doi:10.1080/00913367.2020.1795758
- Lu,W. ve Stepchenkova, S. (2015). User-generated content as a research mode in tourism and hospitality applications: topics, methods, and software. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 24, 119-154. doi:10.1080/19368623.2014.907758
- Matikainen, J. (2015). Motivations for content generation in social media participations. Journal of Audience &Reception Studies, 12(1), 41-58. Erişim adresi: https://helda.helsinki.fi/bitstream/handle/10138/232990/4.pdf?sequence=1
- Muniz, A. M. ve T. O’guinn. (2001). Brand community. Journal of Consumer Research, 27(4), 412-432. doi:10.1086/319618
- Nardi, B.A., Schiano, D.J., Gumbrecht, M. ve Swartz, L. (2004). Why we blog. Communications of the ACM, 47(12), 41-46. doi:10.1145/1035134.1035163
- OECD (2007). Participative web: user-generated content. doi:10.1787/9789264037472-en
- Özdamar, K. (2017). Ölçek ve test geliştirme yapısal eşitlik modellemesi. Eskişehir: Nisan Kitabevi.
- Öztürk, M. C. (2015). Sosyal medya ve kurumsal iletişim. M. C. Öztürk (Ed.), Dijital iletişim ve yeni medya içinde (s. 120-53). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
- Papacharissi, Z. (2007). Audience as media producers: content analysis of 260 blogs. M. Tremayne (Ed.), Blogging, citizenship and the future of media içinde (s. 21-38). New York: Routledge.
- Papacharissi, Z. ve Rubin, A.M. (2000). Predictors of internet use. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 44(2), 175-196. doi:10.1207/s15506878jobem4402_2
- Piehler, R.; Schade, M.; Kleine-Kalmer, B. ve Burmann, C. (2019). Consumers' online brand-related activities (cobras) on sns brand pages. European Journal of Marketing, 53(9), 1833-1853. doi:10.1108/EJM-10-2017-0722
- Poch, R. ve Martin, B. (2014). Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on user-generated content. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 23(4), 305-317. doi:10.1080/0965254X.2014.926966
- Prensky, M. (2001). Dijital natives, digital immigrants. Mcb University Press, 9(5), 1-6. Erişim adresi: https://www.marcprensky.com/writing/Prensky%20-%20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigran ts%20-%20Part1.pdf
- Prosumer Report (2018). Erişim adresi: http://www.prosumer-report.com/blog/category/digital-and-the-new-consumer
- Puiu, S. (2017). Generation z-an educational and managerial perspective. Revista Tinerilor Economişti, 14(29), 62-72. Erişim adresi: https://eds.s.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=0&sid=779c2a68-fc72-4630-8f2d-28118e73f369%40redis
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Analyzing the Reasons and Habits of Generation Z for Producing Brands Related Content
Yıl 2023,
, 771 - 794, 27.09.2023
Ayşe Sarıtaş
Mesude Canan Ozturk
In recent years, the concept of brands releated user generated concent has attracted the attention of both practitioners and the literature. Brands want to encourage the consumers to producer positive content about themselves. The aim of this study is put forth to effect of user motivations on user generated content behaviour. In other words, an answer will be sought to the question of which content Z generation produces for brands with which motivations. A conceptual model has been proposed and has used structural equalty modeling for testing hypotheses of study. In conclusion ego affects active user generated content behaviour and there is no relationship between ego and passive user generated content behaviour. While there is no relationship between co-creation and incentive and active user generated content behaviour, co-ceration and incentive affects passive user generated content behaviour. Finally, brand loyalty affects positively both active and passive user generated content. This study is important because it contributes to the conceptualization of the subject. It also contributes to the literature by developing a Turkish scale about the motivations and behaviors of brands related user generated content.
- Altuntuğ, N. (2012). Kuşaktan kuşağa tüketim olgusu ve geleceğin tüketici profili. Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 203-212. Erişim adresi: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/151016
- Azar, S. L., Machado, J. C., Vacas-De-Carvalho, L. ve Mendes, A. (2016). Motivations to ınteract with brands on facebook–towards a typology of consumer–brand ınteractions. Journal of Brand Management, 23(2), 153-178. doi:10.1057/bm.2016.3
- Berthon, P., Pitt, R. L. ve Campbell C. (2008). Ad lb: when customers create the ad. California Management Review, 50(4), 6-30. doi:10.2307/41166454
- Blank, G. (2013). Who creates content? stratification and content creation on the internet, information. Communication & Society, 16(4), 590-612. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2013.777758
- Bloemer, J., De Ruyter, K. O. ve Wetzels, M. (1999). Linking perceived service quality and service loyalty: a multi-dimensional perspective. European Journal of Marketing, 33(11/12), 1082-1106. doi: 10.1108/03090569910292285
- Bowman, D. ve Narayandas, D. (2001). Managing customer-initiated contacts with manufacturers: the impact on share of category requirements and word-of-mouth behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 38, 281-297. Erişim adresi: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1558524?seq=2
- Bronner, F. ve De Hoog, R. (2010). Vacationers and ewom: who posts, and why, where and what. Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), 15-26. doi: 10.1177/0047287509355324
- Bumgarner, B. A. (2007). You have been poked: exploring the uses and gratifications of facebook among emerging adults. First Monday, 12(11). doi: 10.5210/fm.v12i11.2026
- Buzeta, C., Pelsmacker, P. D. ve Dens, N. (2020). Motivations to use different social media types and their ımpact on consumers' online brand-related activities (cobras). Journal of Interactive Marketing, 52, 79-98. doi: 10.1016/j.intmar.2020.04.004
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Anket geliştirme. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 133-151. Erişim adresi: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/256394
- Cheong, H. J. ve Morrison, M. A. (2013). Consumers’ reliance on product ınformation and recommendations found in ugc. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 8(2), 38-49. doi:10.1080/15252019.2008.10722141
- Choi, B. ve Choi, B. J. (2014). The effects of perceived service recovery justice on customer affection, loyalty, and word-of-mouth. European Journal of Marketing, 48(1/2), 108-131. doi:10.1108/EJM-06-2011-0299
- Chrıstodoulıdes, G., Jevons, C. ve Bonhomme, J. (2012). Memo to marketers: quantitative evidence for change how user-generated content really affects brands. Journal of Advertising Research, 52(1), 53-65. doi:10.2501/JAR-52-1-053-064
- Çalışkan, S. (2018). Üniversite öğrencilerinin sosyal medyada içerik üretimi üzerine bir çalışma. Research Studies Anatolia Journal, 2(4), 31-54. doi: 10.33723/rs.509808
- Daugherthy, T., Eastin, M. S. ve Bright, L. (2008). Exploring consumer motivations for creating user-generated content. Journal of Interactive Adversiting, 8(2), 16-25. doi:10.1080/15252019.2008.10722139
- De Matos, C.A. ve Vargas Rossi, C.A. (2008). Word-of-mouth communications in marketing: a meta-analytic review of the antecedents and moderators. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 36(4), 578-596. doi:10.1007/s11747-008-0121-1
- Dholakia, U.M., Bagozzi, R.P. ve Pearo, L. (2004). A social influence model of consumer participation in network- and small-group-based virtual communities. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 21(3), 241–263. doi:10.1016/j.ijresmar.2003.12.004
- Ding, Y., Phang, C. W., Lu, X., Tan, C.-H. ve Sutanto, J. (2014). The role of marketer- and user-generated content in sustaining the growth of a social media brand community, 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, HI, USA, (s. 1785-1792). doi:10.1109/HICSS.2014.226.
- Gallegos, J. A. (2017, 12 Aralık). 9 things we learned from the 2018 user generated content report study. Erişim adresi: Https://Www.Tintup.Com/Blog/9-Things-Learned-2018-Usergenerated-Content-Report
- Gao, Q. ve Feng, C. (2016). Branding with social media: user gratifications, usage patterns and brand message content strategies. Computer in Human Behaviour, 63, 868-890. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.06.022
- Gensler, S., Völckner, F., Liu-Thompkins, Y. ve Wiertz, C. (2013). Managing brands in the social media environment. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27(4), 242- 256. doi:10.1016/j.intmar.2013.09.004
- Geurin, A. ve Burch, L. M. (2016). User-generated branding via social media: an examination of six running brands. Sport Management Review, 20, 273–284. doi:10.1016/j.smr.2016.09.001
- Hennıg-Thurau, T., Gwınner, K. P., Walsh, G. ve Gremler, D. D. (2004). Electronic word-of-mouth via consumer-opinion 187 platforms: what motivates consumers to articulate themselves on the internet?. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(1), 38-52. doi:10.1002/dir.10073
- Hood, B. (2012). Benlik Yanılsaması. E. Özdemir (Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
- Huang, N., Burtch, G., Gu, B., Hong, Y., Liang, C., Wang, K., Fu, D. ve Yang, B. (2018). Motivating user-generated content with performance feedback: evidence from randomized field experiment. Management Science, Articles Inadvance, 65(1), 327-345. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2971783
- Kim, A. J. ve Johnson, K.P. (2016). Power of consumers using social media: examining the influences of brand-related user-generated content on facebook. Computers In Human Behavior, 58, 98-108. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.12.047
- Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H. ve Setiawan, I. (2017). Pazarlama 4.0. N. Özata (Çev.). İstanbul: Optimist Yayın.
- Kuran, E. (2019). Z kuşağını anlamak. İstanbul: Mundi Yayınları.
- Lenhart, Duggan, M. A., Lampe, C. ve Ellison, N. B. (2015, 16 Temmuz). Parents and social media. Erişim adresi: Http://Www.Pewinternet.Org/2015/07/16/Parents-And-Social-Media/
- Liu, X., Burns, A. C. ve Hou, Y. (2017). An investigation of brand-related user-generated content on Twitter. Journal of Advertising, Special Section: Big Data in Advertising, 46(2), 236-247. doi:10.1080/00913367.2017.1297273
- Liu-Thompkins, Y., Maslowska, E., Renc, Y. ve Kim, H. (2020). Creating, metavoicing, and propagating: a road map for understanding user roles in computational advertising. Journal of Advertising, 49(4), 394-410. doi:10.1080/00913367.2020.1795758
- Lu,W. ve Stepchenkova, S. (2015). User-generated content as a research mode in tourism and hospitality applications: topics, methods, and software. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 24, 119-154. doi:10.1080/19368623.2014.907758
- Matikainen, J. (2015). Motivations for content generation in social media participations. Journal of Audience &Reception Studies, 12(1), 41-58. Erişim adresi: https://helda.helsinki.fi/bitstream/handle/10138/232990/4.pdf?sequence=1
- Muniz, A. M. ve T. O’guinn. (2001). Brand community. Journal of Consumer Research, 27(4), 412-432. doi:10.1086/319618
- Nardi, B.A., Schiano, D.J., Gumbrecht, M. ve Swartz, L. (2004). Why we blog. Communications of the ACM, 47(12), 41-46. doi:10.1145/1035134.1035163
- OECD (2007). Participative web: user-generated content. doi:10.1787/9789264037472-en
- Özdamar, K. (2017). Ölçek ve test geliştirme yapısal eşitlik modellemesi. Eskişehir: Nisan Kitabevi.
- Öztürk, M. C. (2015). Sosyal medya ve kurumsal iletişim. M. C. Öztürk (Ed.), Dijital iletişim ve yeni medya içinde (s. 120-53). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
- Papacharissi, Z. (2007). Audience as media producers: content analysis of 260 blogs. M. Tremayne (Ed.), Blogging, citizenship and the future of media içinde (s. 21-38). New York: Routledge.
- Papacharissi, Z. ve Rubin, A.M. (2000). Predictors of internet use. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 44(2), 175-196. doi:10.1207/s15506878jobem4402_2
- Piehler, R.; Schade, M.; Kleine-Kalmer, B. ve Burmann, C. (2019). Consumers' online brand-related activities (cobras) on sns brand pages. European Journal of Marketing, 53(9), 1833-1853. doi:10.1108/EJM-10-2017-0722
- Poch, R. ve Martin, B. (2014). Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on user-generated content. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 23(4), 305-317. doi:10.1080/0965254X.2014.926966
- Prensky, M. (2001). Dijital natives, digital immigrants. Mcb University Press, 9(5), 1-6. Erişim adresi: https://www.marcprensky.com/writing/Prensky%20-%20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigran ts%20-%20Part1.pdf
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