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Ismet Pasha in the American Press from Mudanya to Lausanne (11 October 1922 – 20 November 1922)

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 4, 1313 - 1332, 24.12.2023


Ismet Pasha stands out with his political identity, and military personality and is known by the world’s public opinion. Besides his achievements in the process of the Mudanya Armistice, his appointment as the chief delegate of Turkey that participated in the Lausanne Conference as the Minister of Foreign Affairs was effective in shaping his political personality. With this process, Ismet Pasha has become a figure closely followed by Turkey and world public opinion. In particular, the American press began to watch Ismet Pasha with interest and carried the personal characteristics and military and political achievements of Ismet Pasha to the newspaper columns. In the literature review, no scientific study was found that revealed the impressions of the American press on Ismet Pasha from the Mudanya Armistice to the Lausanne Conference. From that, the news/articles related to the participation of Ismet Pasha and Turkey in the Mudanya and Lausanne conferences in the American press were examined. Based on these news/articles, it was aimed to reveal the impressions of the American press about Ismet Pasha and his views on Turkey and thus contribute to the literature. The information and data obtained from the newspapers included in the study by using literature review, archive research and document analysis methods. Herewith, it was concluded that Ismet Pasha was closely followed by the American press from the Armistice of Mudanya to the Lausanne Conference and that he attempted to create a public opinion that successfully represented Turkey with his self-confident, determined and serious stance.


  • Allied Ultimatum Handed Kemalists, State of Siege in Constantinople Threatened by Entente High Commissioners. (1922, November 08). The Buffalo News, 1.
  • Allies Demand Turk Meet Truce Terms. (1922, November 10). The Buffalo News, 1.
  • Allies Split as Turk Grows More Hostile. (1922, November 11). Chicago Tribune, 1.
  • Allies to Unite in Siege Call for Constantinople. (1922, November 13). New York Herald, 6.
  • Allies will Confer then Meet Turks. (1922, November 15). The New York Times, 3.
  • Atatürk, K. (1927). Nutuk, Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı.
  • Bilsel, M. C. (1998). Lozan C.II, İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınları.
  • British and Turks Clash in Capital. (1922, November 09). The Buffalo News, 1.
  • British for Capitulations, but do not Plan to Present Fully Drafted Treaty to Turks. (1922, November 16). The New York Times, 3.
  • Chief Figures in Lausanne Conference. (1922, November 19). The Baltimore Sun, 16.
  • Clash Reported as Near Eastern Broil Clears Up. (1922, November 15). Daily News, 2.
  • Constantine B. (1922, November 03). Turks Regard Army as Best Bet at Parley. The Buffalo News, 3.
  • Constantine B. (1922, October 31). Turks Soviets at Parting of Ways Belief. The Buffalo News, 2.
  • Delay Means Disaster. (1922, November 09). Fall River Globe, 11.
  • Diplomats Shut Out World from Turkish Parley. (1922, November 21). Daily News, 2.
  • Fendrick, R. (1922, November 13). Turks Disappointed. Chicago Tribune, 2.
  • Fendrick, R. (1922, November 14). Hopes U. S. will Act. Chicago Tribune, 2.
  • Fendrick, R. (1922, November 15). Turks Balk at Allies’ Scheme to Fix Peace. Chicago Tribune, 3.
  • Forrest, W. (1922, November 16). Allies will Stand Together at Lausanne Poincaré Tells Ismet Pasha Leader of the Angoristas. New York Tribune, 1.
  • Get Terms of Be Hanged. (1922, November 21). Chicago Tribune, 2.
  • Henry in Paris Curzon in Paris. (1922, November 18). Chicago Tribune, 2.
  • İnönü, İ. (1998). İsmet İnönü’nün Hatıraları: Büyük Zaferden Sonra Mudanya Mütarekesi ve Lozan Antlaşması I. İstanbul: Yenigün.
  • Ismet Goes to Meeting. (1922, November 10). The New York Daily News-Times, 5.
  • Ismet is Pleased. (1922, November 16). The Bristol Herald Courier, 1.
  • Ismet Meets Poincaré. (1922, November 16). Chicago Tribune, 2.
  • Ismet Pasha Can’t Hear. (1922, December 17). The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, E5.
  • Ismet Pasha Goes to Paris, Leaves Lausanne to Discuss Conference Affairs with the French. (1922, November 15). The New York Times, 3.
  • Ismet Pasha, Head of Delegation, Tells of Stopping Victorious Army on Arbitrary Line. (1922, November 13). The Boston Globe, 18.
  • Ismet Plays up to Us, says that Turkey is Fighting for Freedom, as Colonists did. (1922, November 16). The New York Times, 3.
  • Ismet Reaches Lausanne Turkish Delegate Expresses Regret at Postponement of Conference. (1922, November 13). The New York Times, 2.
  • Ismet Renew Threat to Quit Conference. (1922, November 15). The Buffalo News, 1.
  • Ismet Says Turks Want National Rights, will Demand at Lausanne Merely to be dealt with as Responsible Government. (1922, November 14). The New York Times, 2.
  • Jaeschke, G. (1989). Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı Kronolojisi II: Mudanya Mütarekesinden 1923 Sonuna Kadar (11 Ekim 1922 – 31 Aralık 1923). Ankara: TTK Basımevi.
  • James, E. L. (1922, November 10). Kemal to Demand Allies Relinquish World War Gains. The New York Times, 3.
  • James, E. L. (1922, November 11). Allied Commission Threatens Kemal with Armed Action. The New York Times, 3.
  • James, E. L. (1922, November 13). Lausanne Conference Put Off till Nov. 20: French Premier Yielded to British Threat not to Attend the Meeting at all. The New York Times, 2.
  • James, E. L. (1922, November 21). Pious Peace Hopes Voiced at Lausanne. The New York Times, 8.
  • Karacan, A. N. (1993). Lozan Konferansı ve İsmet Paşa. Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi.
  • Medlicott, W. N., Dakin, D. ve Lambert, M. E. (Eds.). (1972). Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Meray, S. L. (1969). Lozan Barış Konferansı, Tutanaklar Belgeler, Takım I, Cilt I, Kitap I, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi, SBF Yayınları.
  • Millî Hükûmetimizin Müttefiklere Cevabı. (1922, 31 Ekim). Vakit, 1.
  • Near East Conference Date Set. (1922, October 31). The Los Angeles Times, 15.
  • Near East Meet Opens Turk Delegate Confident. (1922, November 20). The La Crosse Tribune, 1.
  • Near East Peace Parley Opens at Lausanne Today. (1922, November 20). The North Adams Transcript, 1.
  • Our Rights Ended Ismet Pasha Says. (1922, November 17). The New York Times, 3.
  • Peace in Near East Aim of Kemalists Ismet Pasha Says. (1922, November 01). The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 1.
  • Sarıhan, Z. (1996). Kurtuluş Savaşı Günlüğü IV: Sakarya Savaşı’ndan Lozan’ın Açılışına (23 Ağustos 1921 – 20 Kasım 1922). Ankara: TTK Basımevi.
  • Şimşir, B. N. (1990). Lozan Telgrafları Türk Diplomatik Belgelerinde Lozan Barış Konferansı Cilt I (Kasım 1922- Şubat1923). Ankara: TTK Basımevi.
  • Sonyel, S. R. (1991). Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı ve Dış Politika II: Büyük Millet Meclisi’nin Açılışından Lozan Anlaşmasına Kadar. Ankara: TTK Basımevi.
  • Sonyel, S. R. (2006). Gizli Belgelerle Lozan Konferansı’nın Perde Arkası, Ankara: TTK Yayınları.
  • Tansel, S. (1974). Mondros’tan Mudanya’ya Kadar IV. Ankara: Başbakanlık Basımevi.
  • TBMM Gizli Celse Zabıt Ceridesi. (1922, 2 Kasım). 1. Dönem, 3. Yasama Yılı, 3. Cilt, 131. Birleşim, 997-998.
  • TBMM Zabıt Ceridesi. (1922, 3 Kasım). 1. Dönem, 3. Yasama Yılı, 24. Cilt, 132. Birleşim, 378-386.
  • Turan, Ş. (2000). İsmet İnönü, Yaşamı, Dönemi ve Kişiliği. Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı.
  • Turkey Forced into Minor Role at Peace Parley. (1922, November 22). Daily News, 2.
  • Turkish Situation Serious, Allies Warned Delay in Holding Conference Would Mean Disaster. (1922, November 09). Times Herald, 1.
  • Turks Agree to Peace Parley in Switzerland Ismet Pasha is Foreign Minister. (1922, October 28). Chicago Tribune, 7.
  • Turks don’t Object to British at Chanak but Ismet Says They Mustn’t Stay in Constantinople or Restrict Turkish Control. (1922, November 18). The New York Times, 2.
  • Turks Reach Lausanne Amazed at Postponement. (1922, November 13). Daily News, 2.
  • Turks Unyielding Allies not Agreed. (1922, November 14). The New York Times, 2.
  • Turks Warn Allies Against Parley Delay. (1922, November 14). New York Tribune, 1.
  • Unity of Allies in Turkey Assured, French View Changing. (1922, November 08). The New York Times, 17.
  • Wales, H. (1922, November 12). Turk Ready to Talk Peace; no one to talk to, Allies Haggling Halts the Opening of Parley. Chicago Tribune, 5.
  • Wales, H. (1922, November 21). Parley On: Diplomacy Rules. Chicago Tribune, 1.
  • Wales, H. (1922, November 21). Turks Blame Wilson. Chicago Tribune, 2.
  • Wales, H. (1922, November 22). Russia Backed by Mussolini in Turk Parley, Insists Reds Have Voice in Treaty. Chicago Tribune, 3.
  • Wilson, W., (1918). Address of President Wilson to the Congress of the United States. No. 765. Washington: Woodrow Wilson Collection Library of Congress.
  • Yusuf Kemal Bey İstifa Etti. (1922, 27 Ekim). Vakit, 1.

Mudanya’dan Lozan'a Amerikan Basınında İsmet Paşa (11 Ekim 1922 – 20 Kasım 1922)

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 4, 1313 - 1332, 24.12.2023


İsmet Paşa, askerî kişiliğinin yanı sıra siyasi kimliği ile ön plana çıkan ve dünya kamuoyu tarafından tanınan bir devlet adamıdır. Mudanya Konferansı sırasındaki başarılarının yanı sıra Dışişleri Bakanı olarak Lozan Konferansı’na katılan heyetin baş delegeliğine getirilmesi siyasi kişiliğinin şekillenmesinde etkili olmuştur. Bu süreçle birlikte İsmet Paşa, Türkiye’nin yanı sıra dünya kamuoyu tarafından da yakından takip edilen bir figür hâline dönüşmüştür. Özellikle Amerikan basını İsmet Paşa’yı ilgiyle izlemeye başlamış, askerî ve siyasi başarılarının yanında İsmet Paşa’nın kişisel özelliklerini de gazete sütunlarına taşımıştır. Yapılan literatür taramasında Mudanya Mütarekesi ile Lozan Konferansı arasında geçen dönem boyunca Amerikan basınının İsmet Paşa’ya yönelik izlenimlerini ortaya koyan bilimsel bir çalışmaya rastlanamamıştır. Bu çalışmada ilgili dönemde Amerikan basınında İsmet Paşa ve Türkiye’nin Mudanya ve Lozan konferanslarına katılım süreçleri ile ilgili yer alan haber/yazılar incelenmiştir. Buradan hareketle Amerikan basınının İsmet Paşa hakkındaki izlenimlerini ve Türkiye’ye yönelik görüşlerini ortaya koymak, böylelikle literatüre katkı sunmak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada literatür taraması, arşiv araştırması ve doküman analizi yöntemleri kullanılarak gazetelerden elde edilen bilgi ve veriler irdelenmiştir. Çalışmada, Mudanya Mütarekesi’nden Lozan Konferansı’na uzanan süreçte İsmet Paşa’nın Amerikan basını tarafından yakından takip edildiği anlaşılmış, ayrıca sergilediği kendinden emin, kararlı ve ciddi duruşla Türkiye’yi başarılı bir şekilde temsil ettiği yönünde kamuoyu oluşturulmaya çalışıldığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Allied Ultimatum Handed Kemalists, State of Siege in Constantinople Threatened by Entente High Commissioners. (1922, November 08). The Buffalo News, 1.
  • Allies Demand Turk Meet Truce Terms. (1922, November 10). The Buffalo News, 1.
  • Allies Split as Turk Grows More Hostile. (1922, November 11). Chicago Tribune, 1.
  • Allies to Unite in Siege Call for Constantinople. (1922, November 13). New York Herald, 6.
  • Allies will Confer then Meet Turks. (1922, November 15). The New York Times, 3.
  • Atatürk, K. (1927). Nutuk, Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı.
  • Bilsel, M. C. (1998). Lozan C.II, İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınları.
  • British and Turks Clash in Capital. (1922, November 09). The Buffalo News, 1.
  • British for Capitulations, but do not Plan to Present Fully Drafted Treaty to Turks. (1922, November 16). The New York Times, 3.
  • Chief Figures in Lausanne Conference. (1922, November 19). The Baltimore Sun, 16.
  • Clash Reported as Near Eastern Broil Clears Up. (1922, November 15). Daily News, 2.
  • Constantine B. (1922, November 03). Turks Regard Army as Best Bet at Parley. The Buffalo News, 3.
  • Constantine B. (1922, October 31). Turks Soviets at Parting of Ways Belief. The Buffalo News, 2.
  • Delay Means Disaster. (1922, November 09). Fall River Globe, 11.
  • Diplomats Shut Out World from Turkish Parley. (1922, November 21). Daily News, 2.
  • Fendrick, R. (1922, November 13). Turks Disappointed. Chicago Tribune, 2.
  • Fendrick, R. (1922, November 14). Hopes U. S. will Act. Chicago Tribune, 2.
  • Fendrick, R. (1922, November 15). Turks Balk at Allies’ Scheme to Fix Peace. Chicago Tribune, 3.
  • Forrest, W. (1922, November 16). Allies will Stand Together at Lausanne Poincaré Tells Ismet Pasha Leader of the Angoristas. New York Tribune, 1.
  • Get Terms of Be Hanged. (1922, November 21). Chicago Tribune, 2.
  • Henry in Paris Curzon in Paris. (1922, November 18). Chicago Tribune, 2.
  • İnönü, İ. (1998). İsmet İnönü’nün Hatıraları: Büyük Zaferden Sonra Mudanya Mütarekesi ve Lozan Antlaşması I. İstanbul: Yenigün.
  • Ismet Goes to Meeting. (1922, November 10). The New York Daily News-Times, 5.
  • Ismet is Pleased. (1922, November 16). The Bristol Herald Courier, 1.
  • Ismet Meets Poincaré. (1922, November 16). Chicago Tribune, 2.
  • Ismet Pasha Can’t Hear. (1922, December 17). The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, E5.
  • Ismet Pasha Goes to Paris, Leaves Lausanne to Discuss Conference Affairs with the French. (1922, November 15). The New York Times, 3.
  • Ismet Pasha, Head of Delegation, Tells of Stopping Victorious Army on Arbitrary Line. (1922, November 13). The Boston Globe, 18.
  • Ismet Plays up to Us, says that Turkey is Fighting for Freedom, as Colonists did. (1922, November 16). The New York Times, 3.
  • Ismet Reaches Lausanne Turkish Delegate Expresses Regret at Postponement of Conference. (1922, November 13). The New York Times, 2.
  • Ismet Renew Threat to Quit Conference. (1922, November 15). The Buffalo News, 1.
  • Ismet Says Turks Want National Rights, will Demand at Lausanne Merely to be dealt with as Responsible Government. (1922, November 14). The New York Times, 2.
  • Jaeschke, G. (1989). Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı Kronolojisi II: Mudanya Mütarekesinden 1923 Sonuna Kadar (11 Ekim 1922 – 31 Aralık 1923). Ankara: TTK Basımevi.
  • James, E. L. (1922, November 10). Kemal to Demand Allies Relinquish World War Gains. The New York Times, 3.
  • James, E. L. (1922, November 11). Allied Commission Threatens Kemal with Armed Action. The New York Times, 3.
  • James, E. L. (1922, November 13). Lausanne Conference Put Off till Nov. 20: French Premier Yielded to British Threat not to Attend the Meeting at all. The New York Times, 2.
  • James, E. L. (1922, November 21). Pious Peace Hopes Voiced at Lausanne. The New York Times, 8.
  • Karacan, A. N. (1993). Lozan Konferansı ve İsmet Paşa. Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi.
  • Medlicott, W. N., Dakin, D. ve Lambert, M. E. (Eds.). (1972). Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Meray, S. L. (1969). Lozan Barış Konferansı, Tutanaklar Belgeler, Takım I, Cilt I, Kitap I, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi, SBF Yayınları.
  • Millî Hükûmetimizin Müttefiklere Cevabı. (1922, 31 Ekim). Vakit, 1.
  • Near East Conference Date Set. (1922, October 31). The Los Angeles Times, 15.
  • Near East Meet Opens Turk Delegate Confident. (1922, November 20). The La Crosse Tribune, 1.
  • Near East Peace Parley Opens at Lausanne Today. (1922, November 20). The North Adams Transcript, 1.
  • Our Rights Ended Ismet Pasha Says. (1922, November 17). The New York Times, 3.
  • Peace in Near East Aim of Kemalists Ismet Pasha Says. (1922, November 01). The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 1.
  • Sarıhan, Z. (1996). Kurtuluş Savaşı Günlüğü IV: Sakarya Savaşı’ndan Lozan’ın Açılışına (23 Ağustos 1921 – 20 Kasım 1922). Ankara: TTK Basımevi.
  • Şimşir, B. N. (1990). Lozan Telgrafları Türk Diplomatik Belgelerinde Lozan Barış Konferansı Cilt I (Kasım 1922- Şubat1923). Ankara: TTK Basımevi.
  • Sonyel, S. R. (1991). Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı ve Dış Politika II: Büyük Millet Meclisi’nin Açılışından Lozan Anlaşmasına Kadar. Ankara: TTK Basımevi.
  • Sonyel, S. R. (2006). Gizli Belgelerle Lozan Konferansı’nın Perde Arkası, Ankara: TTK Yayınları.
  • Tansel, S. (1974). Mondros’tan Mudanya’ya Kadar IV. Ankara: Başbakanlık Basımevi.
  • TBMM Gizli Celse Zabıt Ceridesi. (1922, 2 Kasım). 1. Dönem, 3. Yasama Yılı, 3. Cilt, 131. Birleşim, 997-998.
  • TBMM Zabıt Ceridesi. (1922, 3 Kasım). 1. Dönem, 3. Yasama Yılı, 24. Cilt, 132. Birleşim, 378-386.
  • Turan, Ş. (2000). İsmet İnönü, Yaşamı, Dönemi ve Kişiliği. Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı.
  • Turkey Forced into Minor Role at Peace Parley. (1922, November 22). Daily News, 2.
  • Turkish Situation Serious, Allies Warned Delay in Holding Conference Would Mean Disaster. (1922, November 09). Times Herald, 1.
  • Turks Agree to Peace Parley in Switzerland Ismet Pasha is Foreign Minister. (1922, October 28). Chicago Tribune, 7.
  • Turks don’t Object to British at Chanak but Ismet Says They Mustn’t Stay in Constantinople or Restrict Turkish Control. (1922, November 18). The New York Times, 2.
  • Turks Reach Lausanne Amazed at Postponement. (1922, November 13). Daily News, 2.
  • Turks Unyielding Allies not Agreed. (1922, November 14). The New York Times, 2.
  • Turks Warn Allies Against Parley Delay. (1922, November 14). New York Tribune, 1.
  • Unity of Allies in Turkey Assured, French View Changing. (1922, November 08). The New York Times, 17.
  • Wales, H. (1922, November 12). Turk Ready to Talk Peace; no one to talk to, Allies Haggling Halts the Opening of Parley. Chicago Tribune, 5.
  • Wales, H. (1922, November 21). Parley On: Diplomacy Rules. Chicago Tribune, 1.
  • Wales, H. (1922, November 21). Turks Blame Wilson. Chicago Tribune, 2.
  • Wales, H. (1922, November 22). Russia Backed by Mussolini in Turk Parley, Insists Reds Have Voice in Treaty. Chicago Tribune, 3.
  • Wilson, W., (1918). Address of President Wilson to the Congress of the United States. No. 765. Washington: Woodrow Wilson Collection Library of Congress.
  • Yusuf Kemal Bey İstifa Etti. (1922, 27 Ekim). Vakit, 1.
Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi
Bölüm Makaleler

Mekki Uludağ 0000-0001-6557-7917

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Uludağ, M. (2023). Mudanya’dan Lozan’a Amerikan Basınında İsmet Paşa (11 Ekim 1922 – 20 Kasım 1922). Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23(4), 1313-1332.