The Turkish army’s absolute success in World War I was the Battle of Gallipoli. Along with bravery, heroism and patriotism, successful logistical operations significantly enhanced the warfare capability of the victorious army. There is no doubt that one of the most important logistical operations is food and supply operations. This is because throughout the history, food is one of the leading factors that influence the progression of wars by affecting the warfare capability of armies. This issue was even more important in World War I, which saw significant food and supply crises become a strategic problem that would change the course of the war. In fact, one of the main problems that the Turkish army faced during the Battle of Gallipoli was the nutrition of the combat troops. In a very narrow area where there were a large number of soldiers from both sides, it was vitally important to transport the food and supply materials to the depots behind the battlefront and then to deliver them to the trenches, a difficult task that would determine the battle’s outcome. This study examines the food and supply operations of the Turkish army in the Battle of Gallipoli and aims to show how logistical operations contributed to the victory
Battle of Gallipoli I World War Turkish Army Logistics Food and Supply
Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türk ordusunun kesin başarı sağladığı yegâne cephe Çanakkale Cephesi’dir. Kazanılan bu zaferde; ordunun şecaati, kahramanlığı ve vatanperverliği yanında muharip ordunun harp kabiliyetini arttıran her türlü lojistik hizmetlerin başarılı bir şekilde yürütülmesinin büyük etkisi vardır.
Lojistik faaliyetlerin en önemli unsurlarından birini de hiç şüphesiz iaşe ve ikmal faaliyetleri teşkil etmiştir. Zira tarihi süreç içinde orduların harp kabiliyetini etkileyerek savaşın gidişatına tesir eden faktörlerin başında iaşe meselesi gelmiştir. Bu durum özellikle Birinci Dünya Savaşı gibi önemli iaşe buhranlarının yaşandığı bir dönemde daha da önem kazanarak harbin sonucu değiştirecek kadar stratejik bir mesele halini almıştır.
Çanakkale Muharebeleri esnasında Türk ordusunun yaşadığı en büyük problemlerden biri de, muharip ordunun beslenme meselesi olmuştur. Özellikle dar bir alanda, her iki taraftan yarım milyona yakın ordunun yer aldığı bir cephede, iaşe maddelerinin temini kadar bunların cephe gerisindeki depolara kadar nakledilmesi ve buradan da en uçtaki siperlere ulaştırılması harbin akıbetini tayin edecek kadar ehemmiyet kazanmıştır.
Bu çalışmada, Çanakkale Cephesi’ndeki muharip ordunun iaşe ve ikmal durumu ana hatlarıyla ele alınarak söz konusu faaliyetlerin elde edilen başarıya katkısı ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Çanakkale Cephesi, Birinci Dünya Savaşı, Türk Ordusu, Lojistik, İaşe ve İkmal
The Turkish army’s absolute success in World War I was the Battle of Gallipoli. Along with bravery, heroism and patriotism, successful logistical operations significantly enhanced the warfare capability of the victorious army.
There is no doubt that one of the most important logistical operations is food and supply operations. This is because throughout the history, food is one of the leading factors that influence the progression of wars by affecting the warfare capability of armies. This issue was even more important in World War I, which saw significant food and supply crises become a strategic problem that would change the course of the war.
In fact, one of the main problems that the Turkish army faced during the Battle of Gallipoli was the nutrition of the combat troops. In a very narrow area where there were a large number of soldiers from both sides, it was vitally important to transport the food and supply materials to the depots behind the battlefront and then to deliver them to the trenches, a difficult task that would determine the battle’s outcome. This study examines the food and supply operations of the Turkish army in the Battle of Gallipoli and aims to show how logistical operations contributed to the victory.
Key Words: Battle of Gallipoli, I World War, Turkish Army, Logistics, Food and SupplyBirincil Dil | Türkçe |
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Yayımlanma Tarihi | 30 Mayıs 2015 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2015 |