Ataöv A. and Haider J. ( 2006) “From participation to empowerment: critical reflections on a participatory action research project with street children in Turkey”. Children, Youth and Environments, 16, No. 2, 131–156.
Chamboredon, J.C. and J. Prévot (1975) ”Changes in the social definition of early childhood and the new forms of symbolic violence”, Theory and Society, 2, 3313
Coleman, J (2000) “Young people in Britain at the beginning of a new century”. Children and Society. 14. 230-242.
Frİnes, I. (1997) “The transformation of childhood. Children and families in postwar Norway”, Acta Sociologica, vol. 40, no 1, pp. 17-30.
Grew, R. (2005) “On seeking global history’s inner child’, Journal of Social History. Vol. 38 Issue 4, p. 849-858, 10p; (AN 17404292)
Heywood, C. (2002) “A history of childhood: children and childhood in the west from medieval to modern times”, Polity Pres
Hill, M. Davis, J., Prout, A. and Tisdall, K. (2004) “Moving the participation agenda forward”, Children and Society, 18, 77–96.
James, A. and A. Prout (eds) (1997) “Constructing and reconstructing childhood: Contemporary issues in the sociological study of childhood”. London: Falmer Press.
James, A. Jenks, C. and Prout, A. (1998) “Theorizing childhood”, Oxford: Polity Press, James, A. (2007) “Giving voice to children’s voices: practices and problems, pitfalls and potentials”. American Anthropologist 109(2):261-272
Leonard, M. (2005) “Children, childhood and social capital: Exploring the links”, Sociology, 39, 4, 605-622.
Patrinos, Harry A. and Shafiq, M. Najeeb, (2008) A positive stigma for child labour? World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, Vol. , pp 1-14
Percy-Smith, B. (2006) “From consultation to social learning in community participation with young people, Creating ‘spaces’ for young people’s participation in neighbourhood development using dialogue and social learning”, Children Youth and Environments, 16 (2), 153-179
Prout, A. (2000) “Children’s participation: control and self-realisation in British late modernity.” Children and Society 14: 304-315.
Prout, A. (2002) “Researching children as social actors: an introduction to the children 5-16. programme”, Children & Society 16 (2): 67-76.
Skivenes, M. & Strandbu A. (2006) “A child perspective and children's participation”. Children, Youth and Environments. 16 (2), 10–27
Stevens, I. (2006) “Enabling participation in residential child care: Consulting youth about residential care environments in Scotland.” Child, Youth and Environments, 16(2), 51-74.
Waller, T. (2006) “Don’t Come Too Close to My Octopus Tree’: Recording and Evaluating Young Children’s Perspectives of Outdoor Learning.” Children, Youth and Environments 16(2): 75-104.
Wyness, M. et al., (2004) “Childhood, politics and ambiguity: Towards an agenda for children’s political inclusion”, Sociology 38: 81-99
Merkez’in Çocukları: İstanbul Sokaklarında Çalışan Çocukların Bakış Açısı ile Sokaklar
Sokakta çalışan çocuklar ülkemizin önemli sosyal sorunlarındandır Günlerinin büyük bölümünü sokakta geçiren bu çocukların sokağa ilişkin algılarına dair yapılmış olan araştırmalar yok denecek kadar azdır Bu makalenin konusunu İstanbul’da sokakta çalışan 15 çocuk ile yapılan derinlemesine görüşmelerin bulguları oluşturmaktadır Araştırma sonuçları çocuğun sokakta çalışma nedeninin yalnızca yoksulluk olmadığını çocuğun kent yaşamına katılımının da bir aracı olarak ortaya çıktığını göstermektedir Yaygın araştırma yöntemleri çocuğun sesini duyurmakta yetersiz kalmaktadır Bu araştırmanın sonuçları çocuğun özgün sesinin duyurulabilmesi için araştırmaların çocukların üzerine değil çocuklarla birlikte yapılmasının ve nitel araştırmaların önemini ortaya koymaktadır Çocukların üzerine değil onlarla birlikte yapılan araştırmalar onların gerçeğine bakış açılarına dair çok önemli bilgiler sağlamaktadır Çocukların aktif katılımı ile yapılan araştırmalar ve çocukların gerçeğinin bizzat çocuklardan öğrenilmesi bir taraftan çocukların toplumsal ve politik yaşama aktif katılımlarının önünü açarken bir taraftan da onların yüksek yararı için geliştirilen uygulama ve politikaların sadece yetişkin bakış açısı ile çocuğun gerçeğinin uzağında değil gerçekçi olmasını sağlayacaktır Anahtar Sözcükler: Sokakta Çalışan Çocuklar Çocuk Çalışmaları Aktif Katılım
Ataöv A. and Haider J. ( 2006) “From participation to empowerment: critical reflections on a participatory action research project with street children in Turkey”. Children, Youth and Environments, 16, No. 2, 131–156.
Chamboredon, J.C. and J. Prévot (1975) ”Changes in the social definition of early childhood and the new forms of symbolic violence”, Theory and Society, 2, 3313
Coleman, J (2000) “Young people in Britain at the beginning of a new century”. Children and Society. 14. 230-242.
Frİnes, I. (1997) “The transformation of childhood. Children and families in postwar Norway”, Acta Sociologica, vol. 40, no 1, pp. 17-30.
Grew, R. (2005) “On seeking global history’s inner child’, Journal of Social History. Vol. 38 Issue 4, p. 849-858, 10p; (AN 17404292)
Heywood, C. (2002) “A history of childhood: children and childhood in the west from medieval to modern times”, Polity Pres
Hill, M. Davis, J., Prout, A. and Tisdall, K. (2004) “Moving the participation agenda forward”, Children and Society, 18, 77–96.
James, A. and A. Prout (eds) (1997) “Constructing and reconstructing childhood: Contemporary issues in the sociological study of childhood”. London: Falmer Press.
James, A. Jenks, C. and Prout, A. (1998) “Theorizing childhood”, Oxford: Polity Press, James, A. (2007) “Giving voice to children’s voices: practices and problems, pitfalls and potentials”. American Anthropologist 109(2):261-272
Leonard, M. (2005) “Children, childhood and social capital: Exploring the links”, Sociology, 39, 4, 605-622.
Patrinos, Harry A. and Shafiq, M. Najeeb, (2008) A positive stigma for child labour? World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, Vol. , pp 1-14
Percy-Smith, B. (2006) “From consultation to social learning in community participation with young people, Creating ‘spaces’ for young people’s participation in neighbourhood development using dialogue and social learning”, Children Youth and Environments, 16 (2), 153-179
Prout, A. (2000) “Children’s participation: control and self-realisation in British late modernity.” Children and Society 14: 304-315.
Prout, A. (2002) “Researching children as social actors: an introduction to the children 5-16. programme”, Children & Society 16 (2): 67-76.
Skivenes, M. & Strandbu A. (2006) “A child perspective and children's participation”. Children, Youth and Environments. 16 (2), 10–27
Stevens, I. (2006) “Enabling participation in residential child care: Consulting youth about residential care environments in Scotland.” Child, Youth and Environments, 16(2), 51-74.
Waller, T. (2006) “Don’t Come Too Close to My Octopus Tree’: Recording and Evaluating Young Children’s Perspectives of Outdoor Learning.” Children, Youth and Environments 16(2): 75-104.
Wyness, M. et al., (2004) “Childhood, politics and ambiguity: Towards an agenda for children’s political inclusion”, Sociology 38: 81-99
Bademci, Y. H. (2013). Merkez’in Çocukları: İstanbul Sokaklarında Çalışan Çocukların Bakış Açısı ile Sokaklar. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22(1), 323-336.