Etik İlkeler ve Yayın Politikası

Ethical Principles

The El-Cezerî Journal of Science and Engineering (ECJSE) follows the guides and politics published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for ethical rules and responsibilities of authors, journal editors, reviewers, and publishers.

The manuscripts submitted to ECJSE must be original, must have not been published elsewhere, and must not be simultaneously considered in another journal. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure that the publication of the paper has been approved by all co-authors. The manuscript should not contain any statements that are contrary to the law and will result in a violation of the rights. By submitting the manuscript, all authors acknowledge that the journal does not have any responsibility for its results and interpretations of it.

Ethics approval is needed for studies on vulnerable populations, policies, confidential data, ethical business/marketing practices, clinical research on human subjects, research using animals, and retrospective subjects. Ethics committee approval should be stated together with the board name, date, and number in both the “Method” section of the manuscript as well as its last page.

All manuscripts submitted to ECJSE are first assessed by the Editor to find out their suitability for the Journal. Suitable manuscripts are then scanned by the similarity software as described in the Anti-Plagiarism Policy section of the journal website. Appropriate manuscripts are sent to at least two expert reviewers to assess the scientific level of the paper. ECJSE adopts a single-blind review system in which the reviewers’ identities remain anonymous to the authors. Manuscripts are expected to meet certain standards of scientific excellence to get published in the Journal.

ECJSE is an open-access journal publishing original research papers and review articles in both Turkish and English. The evaluation of the initial article submission is expected to take an average of three months. Authors can publish their articles in ECJSE free of charge, and readers can also access the published articles at no charge.

Declaration of Ethical Standards:

If the study does not require Ethics Approval, the following declaration can be used:

“The author(s) of this article declares that the materials and methods used in this study do not require ethical committee permission and/or legal-special permission.”

Otherwise, please declare the board name granting ethics approval, approval date, and approval number.

Publication Policy

1. El-Cezeri Science and Engineering Journal is a national and international indexed scientific research journal with referees, which has been published in the areas of engineering sciences and design applications three times in a year including in January, May and September regularly since 2014.

2. The full-length original scientific research articles written in English language are published. It is essential that the information created in scientific study needs to be new, suggest new method or give a new dimension to an existing information.

3. Case studies, questionnaire studies and surveys are also published in the journal.

4. The full-length original scientific research articles written in English language have the priority of publication.

5. Articles submitted to the journal for publication are evaluated by national and/or international reviewers. The final decision is made by the editors.

6. Names of reviewers evaluating the articles aren’t informed to the authors (blind peer review). The names of the authors not to be seen by the reviewers (double-blind peer review) is left to the preference of the authors. The authors using this preference should delete the lines of name and address in the article.

7. It is expected that the reviewers evaluate the articles in 60 days. If this time is exceeded, the editorial board appoint a new reviewer.

8. Accept-decline decision about the article is taken by the editorial board. According to the reviewers reports, major revision or minor revision can be decided. The articles, which aren’t reached intended level or aren’t seemed enough in terms of scientific perspective, are declined.

9. After the decision of major or minor revision about the article, the necessary changes should be made by the authors in 40 days for major revision, in 20 days for minor revision; else it is declined.

10. Articles submitted to the journal for publication must not be published in another journal or must not be sent another journal to be published.

11. All responsibility of the articles belong to the authors. The articles should be prepared in accordance with the international scientific ethics rules. If necessary, a copy of the ethics committee report must be added.

12. Articles submitted for a possible publication in the journal have been checked with iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software package program to compose similarity report since January 1, 2016. This report is sent to the editorial board to be checked. If the program detects more than 30 percentage similarity except that the references, the editorial board requests the revisions from the authors. If the necessary changes does not make in 20 days, the article is declined. If the similarity rate is very high, the article is declined, too.

13. The Copyright for all authors have been accepted to transfer for the accepted articles in the journal by automatically.

14. Articles submitted to the journal for publication must be prepared to the article writing format of the journal.

15. The authors must be declared to Conflicts of Interest in the submission process.

16. The articles prepared by the article writing format of the journal has no limited number of pages. Abstract should include at least 100 words and the number of keywords must be at least 3 to 7.

17. Journal does not charge any publication or processing fee.

18. For articles admitted for publication into the journal, the corresponding author has 30 days for copyediting, 10 days for proofreading. If the corresponding author do not return in time, the article is declined.

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