This study aims to examine gender distribution by using survey method at the management levels of faculties of education that train teachers who will form future generations. The information of public universities was obtained from the statistics of the Higher Education Information Management System. A total of 80 faculties of education (77 faculties of education and three faculties of educational sciences) were analyzed descriptively according to the data of the dean, vice dean, department chair, and program head. The results have revealed that the number of men in dean position is about five times higher than the number of women, and the number of men as vice deans is 2.5 times higher than that of women. Based on these results, presence of women academics in the senior management positions of the faculties of education remains strikingly minority, and the situation is not very optimistic in the middle-level management positions. Another result is the limited representation of women in management positions in departments of Mathematics Science Education, Turkish Social Science Education and Computer and Instructional Technology Education. In the last part of the study, practical implications were presented to improve the representation of women in academic management.