Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 29, 33 - 55, 31.01.2022



  • ASCA (2012). The ASCA National Model: A framework for school counselling programs (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Author.
  • Bailey, D. F., Getch, Y. Q., & Chen-Hayes, S. F. (2003). Professional school counselors as social and academic advocates. In B. T. Erford (Ed.), Transforming the school counseling profession (pp. 411-434). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice-Hall.
  • Baker, S.B., Robichaud, T.A., Westforth Dietrich, V.C., Wells, S. C., & Schreck, R.E. (2009). School counselor consultation: a pathway to advocacy, collaboration, and leadership. Professional School Counselling,12(3),200-206.
  • Bemak, F., & Chung, R.C.Y. (2005). Advocacy as a critical role for urban school counselors: working toward equity and social justice. Professıonal School Counselıng In Urban Settıngs, 8 (3),196-202.
  • CACREP (2019). Core standards for rehabilitation counselor education programs.
  • Chory, R. M. (2007). Enhancing student perceptions of fairness: the relationship between ınstructor credibility and classroom justice. Communication Education, 56(1),89-105.
  • Chory- Assad, R.M., & Paulsel, M. L. (2004). Classroom justice: student aggression and resistance as reactions to perceived unfairness. Communication Education, 53(3), 253–273.
  • Cropanzano, R., & Greenberg, J. (1997). Progress in organizational justice: Tunneling through the maze. International Review of İndustrial and Organizational Psychology, 12, 317-372.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2018). Nitel arastırma yontemleri (4. Baskı) (Cev. Edts. M. Butun ve S. B. Demir). Siyasal Kitabevi
  • Colquitt, J. A., Greenberg, J., & Zapata-Phelan, C. P. (2005). What is organizational justice? A historical review. In J. Greenberg & J. A. Colquitt (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Justice. USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Dahir, C. A. (2009). School counselling in the 21st century: where lies the future? Journal of Counselling & Development, 87,3-5.
  • Demir, E. ve Kose, M. (2017). Okullarda kıyafet serbestligine iliskin ogrenci gorusleri.
  • The Journal of International Lingual, Social and Educational Sciences, 3 (2), 159-176.
  • Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y.S. (1998). The landscape of qualitative research: theories and ıssues. Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Dixon, A. L, Tucker, C. & Clark, M.A. (2010). İntegrating social justice advocacy with national standards of practice: implications for school counselor education. Counselor Education & Supervision, 50,103-118.
  • Erkan, S. (2017). Psikolojik danısma ve rehberlikte program gelistirme. Pegem Akademi
  • Field, J. E., & Baker, S. (2004). Defining and examining school counselor advocacy. Professional School Counselling, 8(1), 56-63.
  • Galassi, J.P. & Akos, P (2004). Developmental advocacy: twenty-first century School Counselling. Journal of Counselling & Development, 82, 146-157.
  • Green, E. J., McCollum, V.C., & Hays, D. G. (2008). Teaching advocacy counselling within a social justice framework: ımplications for school ccounsellors and educators. Journal for Social Action in Counselling and Psychology, 1(2), 14-30.
  • Gokmen, G. (2020). The role of school counselor in ınclusive education: advocacy. Journal of Inclusive Education in Research and Practice, 1(1), 55-73.
  • Gultekin, F. (2004). Bir savunucu olarak okul psikolojik danısmanı. Eurasian Journal of Educational Reseacrh, 4(15), 56-65.
  • Hall, R. V., & Houten, R. V. (1983). Managing behavior, behavior modification: The measurement of behavior. Austin: Pro-ed.
  • Hayli, R.G. ve Durmus, E. (2015). Cinsel istismar vakalarında rehber ogretmenin rolu. 20. Ergen Gunleri Konferansı, Malatya.
  • Horan, S.M., Chory, R. M., & Goodboy, A. K. (2010). Understanding students’ classroom justice experiences and responses. Journal Communication Education, 59(4), 453-474.
  • House, R. M., & Hayes, R. L. (2002). School ccounsellors: becoming key players in school reform. Professional School Counselling, 5 (4), 249-256.
  • House, R. M., & Martin, P. J. (1998). Advocating for better futures for all students: A New Vision for School Ccounsellors. Education, 119, 284–91.
  • House, M. R., & Sears, S. J. (2002). Preparing school ccounsellors to be leaders and advocates: A critical need in the new millennium. Theory into Practice, 41(3), 154-162. doi:10.1207/s15430421tip4103_3
  • Kagnici, D. Y. (2017). Suriyeli multeci cocukların kulturel uyum surecinde okul psikolojik danısmanlarına dusen rol ve sorumluluklar. İlkogretim Online, 16(4), 1768-1776. doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2017.342990
  • Kapucu, S., & Sezgin, F. (2015). Liselerde serbest kıyafet uygulamasının cok perspektifli analizi. Pegem Egitim ve Ogretim Dergisi, 5(5), 681-704,
  • Keklik, İ. (2010). Psikolojik danısma alanının hak savunuculugu baglamında birey otesi sorumlulukları. Turk Psikolojik Danısma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4 (33), 89-99.
  • Kepekcioglu, E. S. (2015). Universite ogrencilerinin ogretim elemanlarının inanılırlıgı algısı ve sınıfta adalet algısı arasındaki iliski (Yayınlanmamıs doktora tezi, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Universitesi).
  • Kose, A. (2015). Okul psikolojik danısmasında liderlik arastırmaları icin yeni bir analitik cerceve: dagıtımcı liderlik. Turk Psikolojik Danısma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 5(43) 137-146.
  • Lewis, J. A., Ratts, M. J., Paladino, D. A., & Toporek, R. L. (2011). Social justice counselling and advocacy: Developing new leadership roles and competencies. Journal for Social Action in Counselling and Psychology, 3(1), 5-16.
  • Martin, P.J. (2002) Transforming school counselling: a national perspective. Theory ınto Practice, 41(3), 148-153, DOI: 10.1207/s15430421tip4103_2
  • Miles, M.B., & Huberman, A.M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. London: Sage
  • MYK (2017). Ulusal meslek standardı okul psikolojik danısmanı seviye 7. Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu. Ankara.
  • Nazli, S. (2007). Psikolojik danısmanların degisen rollerini algılayısları. Balıkesir Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 10 (18), 1-17.
  • OERHGM (2018). Rehberlik hizmetleri plan hazırlama kitapcıgı. Ankara: MEB file:///C:/Users/hp/Desktop/Haksavunuculugu/Egitim%20ve%20bilim/01135552_rehberlik_plan_hazirlama_kitapcigi.pdf
  • Paulsel, M. L., & Chory-Assad, R. M. (2005). Perceptions of instructor interactional justice as a predictor of student resistance. Communication Research Reports, 22, 283-291.
  • Patton, M.Q. (2014). Nitel arastırma ve degerlendirme yontemleri. (M. Butun ve S. B. Demir, cev. edts.), Pegem Akademi
  • Spencer, L., & Ritchie, J. (2012). In Pursuit of Quality. In D. Harper and A.R. Thompson (Eds.) Qualitative research methods in mental health and psychotherapy (pp. 227-242). Willey - Blackwell
  • Stone, C., & Clark, M. (2001). School ccounsellors and principals: Partners in support of academic achievement. NASSP Bulletin, 85(624), 46–53.
  • Svec, H. (1987). Youth advocacy and high school dropout. The High School Journal, 70 (4) 185-192.
  • Tarhan, S. (2017). İhtiyac, yeterlik ve mesleki doyum baglamında rehber ogretmenlerin gorev algıları. Bartın Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 6(3), 1385- 1408.
  • Tarhan, S. (2018). Turkish secondary education students’ perceptions of justice and their experiences of unjustice. Journal of Education and Learning, 7(2), 247-260. doi:10.5539/jel.v7n2p247
  • Toporek, R. L., Lewis, J. A., & Crethar, H. C. (2009). Promoting systemic change through the ACA advocacy competencies. Journal of Counselling and Development, 87 (3), 260-268.
  • Trusty, J. & Brown, D. (2005). Advocacy competencies for professional school counsellors. Professional School Counselling, 8 (3), 259- 265.
  • Ugurlu, C. T., Dogan, S., Togcu, İ., & Demir, A. (2015). Serbest kıyafet uygulaması: Kim ne soyledi? Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Yonetimi, 21(2), 213-246.
  • Yalcin, İ. (2006). 21.yy da psikolojik danısman. Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Dergisi, 39 (1), 117-133.
  • Yesilyaprak, B. (2013). 21.yuzyılda egitimde rehberlik hizmetleri. Nobel Yayınevi
  • Yildirim, A., & Simsek, H. (2011). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel arastırma yontemleri. Seckin Yayıncılık

School Counsellors’ Perceptions of School Justice and Awareness of Advocacy Duties

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 29, 33 - 55, 31.01.2022


The purpose of this study is to examine school counsellors' awareness of their advocacy responsibilities in relation to distributive, procedural, and interactional justice. The participants in this case study were 14 school counsellors working in secondary schools. They were selected using criterion sampling and maximum variation. Research data were collected using a semi-structured interview form and analyzed using content analysis. According to the findings, school counsellors described their school environments as fair considering the democratic attitudes of principals and teachers. Participating counsellors reported that students complain about various issues regarding favoritism, discriminatory attitudes, problematic communication, and unfair grading. They also reported that when students experience injustice at school, they show emotional reactions such as anger, unhappiness, and helplessness, in addition to aggression towards teachers, school objects, or themselves. School counsellors stated that they encourage such students to share their feelings, claim their rights, and talk to their teachers. However, school counsellors who encouraged students to claim their rights rarely talked to teachers to solve such problems. It can be said that school counsellors who strive to prevent student victimization have played a mediating role rather than being an advocate. Future studies can explore the advocacy practices at private and public schools.


  • ASCA (2012). The ASCA National Model: A framework for school counselling programs (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Author.
  • Bailey, D. F., Getch, Y. Q., & Chen-Hayes, S. F. (2003). Professional school counselors as social and academic advocates. In B. T. Erford (Ed.), Transforming the school counseling profession (pp. 411-434). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice-Hall.
  • Baker, S.B., Robichaud, T.A., Westforth Dietrich, V.C., Wells, S. C., & Schreck, R.E. (2009). School counselor consultation: a pathway to advocacy, collaboration, and leadership. Professional School Counselling,12(3),200-206.
  • Bemak, F., & Chung, R.C.Y. (2005). Advocacy as a critical role for urban school counselors: working toward equity and social justice. Professıonal School Counselıng In Urban Settıngs, 8 (3),196-202.
  • CACREP (2019). Core standards for rehabilitation counselor education programs.
  • Chory, R. M. (2007). Enhancing student perceptions of fairness: the relationship between ınstructor credibility and classroom justice. Communication Education, 56(1),89-105.
  • Chory- Assad, R.M., & Paulsel, M. L. (2004). Classroom justice: student aggression and resistance as reactions to perceived unfairness. Communication Education, 53(3), 253–273.
  • Cropanzano, R., & Greenberg, J. (1997). Progress in organizational justice: Tunneling through the maze. International Review of İndustrial and Organizational Psychology, 12, 317-372.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2018). Nitel arastırma yontemleri (4. Baskı) (Cev. Edts. M. Butun ve S. B. Demir). Siyasal Kitabevi
  • Colquitt, J. A., Greenberg, J., & Zapata-Phelan, C. P. (2005). What is organizational justice? A historical review. In J. Greenberg & J. A. Colquitt (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Justice. USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Dahir, C. A. (2009). School counselling in the 21st century: where lies the future? Journal of Counselling & Development, 87,3-5.
  • Demir, E. ve Kose, M. (2017). Okullarda kıyafet serbestligine iliskin ogrenci gorusleri.
  • The Journal of International Lingual, Social and Educational Sciences, 3 (2), 159-176.
  • Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y.S. (1998). The landscape of qualitative research: theories and ıssues. Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Dixon, A. L, Tucker, C. & Clark, M.A. (2010). İntegrating social justice advocacy with national standards of practice: implications for school counselor education. Counselor Education & Supervision, 50,103-118.
  • Erkan, S. (2017). Psikolojik danısma ve rehberlikte program gelistirme. Pegem Akademi
  • Field, J. E., & Baker, S. (2004). Defining and examining school counselor advocacy. Professional School Counselling, 8(1), 56-63.
  • Galassi, J.P. & Akos, P (2004). Developmental advocacy: twenty-first century School Counselling. Journal of Counselling & Development, 82, 146-157.
  • Green, E. J., McCollum, V.C., & Hays, D. G. (2008). Teaching advocacy counselling within a social justice framework: ımplications for school ccounsellors and educators. Journal for Social Action in Counselling and Psychology, 1(2), 14-30.
  • Gokmen, G. (2020). The role of school counselor in ınclusive education: advocacy. Journal of Inclusive Education in Research and Practice, 1(1), 55-73.
  • Gultekin, F. (2004). Bir savunucu olarak okul psikolojik danısmanı. Eurasian Journal of Educational Reseacrh, 4(15), 56-65.
  • Hall, R. V., & Houten, R. V. (1983). Managing behavior, behavior modification: The measurement of behavior. Austin: Pro-ed.
  • Hayli, R.G. ve Durmus, E. (2015). Cinsel istismar vakalarında rehber ogretmenin rolu. 20. Ergen Gunleri Konferansı, Malatya.
  • Horan, S.M., Chory, R. M., & Goodboy, A. K. (2010). Understanding students’ classroom justice experiences and responses. Journal Communication Education, 59(4), 453-474.
  • House, R. M., & Hayes, R. L. (2002). School ccounsellors: becoming key players in school reform. Professional School Counselling, 5 (4), 249-256.
  • House, R. M., & Martin, P. J. (1998). Advocating for better futures for all students: A New Vision for School Ccounsellors. Education, 119, 284–91.
  • House, M. R., & Sears, S. J. (2002). Preparing school ccounsellors to be leaders and advocates: A critical need in the new millennium. Theory into Practice, 41(3), 154-162. doi:10.1207/s15430421tip4103_3
  • Kagnici, D. Y. (2017). Suriyeli multeci cocukların kulturel uyum surecinde okul psikolojik danısmanlarına dusen rol ve sorumluluklar. İlkogretim Online, 16(4), 1768-1776. doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2017.342990
  • Kapucu, S., & Sezgin, F. (2015). Liselerde serbest kıyafet uygulamasının cok perspektifli analizi. Pegem Egitim ve Ogretim Dergisi, 5(5), 681-704,
  • Keklik, İ. (2010). Psikolojik danısma alanının hak savunuculugu baglamında birey otesi sorumlulukları. Turk Psikolojik Danısma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4 (33), 89-99.
  • Kepekcioglu, E. S. (2015). Universite ogrencilerinin ogretim elemanlarının inanılırlıgı algısı ve sınıfta adalet algısı arasındaki iliski (Yayınlanmamıs doktora tezi, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Universitesi).
  • Kose, A. (2015). Okul psikolojik danısmasında liderlik arastırmaları icin yeni bir analitik cerceve: dagıtımcı liderlik. Turk Psikolojik Danısma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 5(43) 137-146.
  • Lewis, J. A., Ratts, M. J., Paladino, D. A., & Toporek, R. L. (2011). Social justice counselling and advocacy: Developing new leadership roles and competencies. Journal for Social Action in Counselling and Psychology, 3(1), 5-16.
  • Martin, P.J. (2002) Transforming school counselling: a national perspective. Theory ınto Practice, 41(3), 148-153, DOI: 10.1207/s15430421tip4103_2
  • Miles, M.B., & Huberman, A.M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. London: Sage
  • MYK (2017). Ulusal meslek standardı okul psikolojik danısmanı seviye 7. Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu. Ankara.
  • Nazli, S. (2007). Psikolojik danısmanların degisen rollerini algılayısları. Balıkesir Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 10 (18), 1-17.
  • OERHGM (2018). Rehberlik hizmetleri plan hazırlama kitapcıgı. Ankara: MEB file:///C:/Users/hp/Desktop/Haksavunuculugu/Egitim%20ve%20bilim/01135552_rehberlik_plan_hazirlama_kitapcigi.pdf
  • Paulsel, M. L., & Chory-Assad, R. M. (2005). Perceptions of instructor interactional justice as a predictor of student resistance. Communication Research Reports, 22, 283-291.
  • Patton, M.Q. (2014). Nitel arastırma ve degerlendirme yontemleri. (M. Butun ve S. B. Demir, cev. edts.), Pegem Akademi
  • Spencer, L., & Ritchie, J. (2012). In Pursuit of Quality. In D. Harper and A.R. Thompson (Eds.) Qualitative research methods in mental health and psychotherapy (pp. 227-242). Willey - Blackwell
  • Stone, C., & Clark, M. (2001). School ccounsellors and principals: Partners in support of academic achievement. NASSP Bulletin, 85(624), 46–53.
  • Svec, H. (1987). Youth advocacy and high school dropout. The High School Journal, 70 (4) 185-192.
  • Tarhan, S. (2017). İhtiyac, yeterlik ve mesleki doyum baglamında rehber ogretmenlerin gorev algıları. Bartın Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 6(3), 1385- 1408.
  • Tarhan, S. (2018). Turkish secondary education students’ perceptions of justice and their experiences of unjustice. Journal of Education and Learning, 7(2), 247-260. doi:10.5539/jel.v7n2p247
  • Toporek, R. L., Lewis, J. A., & Crethar, H. C. (2009). Promoting systemic change through the ACA advocacy competencies. Journal of Counselling and Development, 87 (3), 260-268.
  • Trusty, J. & Brown, D. (2005). Advocacy competencies for professional school counsellors. Professional School Counselling, 8 (3), 259- 265.
  • Ugurlu, C. T., Dogan, S., Togcu, İ., & Demir, A. (2015). Serbest kıyafet uygulaması: Kim ne soyledi? Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Yonetimi, 21(2), 213-246.
  • Yalcin, İ. (2006). 21.yy da psikolojik danısman. Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Dergisi, 39 (1), 117-133.
  • Yesilyaprak, B. (2013). 21.yuzyılda egitimde rehberlik hizmetleri. Nobel Yayınevi
  • Yildirim, A., & Simsek, H. (2011). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel arastırma yontemleri. Seckin Yayıncılık
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Sinem Tarhan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 29

Kaynak Göster

APA Tarhan, S. (2022). School Counsellors’ Perceptions of School Justice and Awareness of Advocacy Duties. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi(29), 33-55.
AMA Tarhan S. School Counsellors’ Perceptions of School Justice and Awareness of Advocacy Duties. Derginin Amacı ve Kapsamı. Ocak 2022;(29):33-55.
Chicago Tarhan, Sinem. “School Counsellors’ Perceptions of School Justice and Awareness of Advocacy Duties”. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, sy. 29 (Ocak 2022): 33-55.
EndNote Tarhan S (01 Ocak 2022) School Counsellors’ Perceptions of School Justice and Awareness of Advocacy Duties. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi 29 33–55.
IEEE S. Tarhan, “School Counsellors’ Perceptions of School Justice and Awareness of Advocacy Duties”, Derginin Amacı ve Kapsamı, sy. 29, ss. 33–55, Ocak 2022.
ISNAD Tarhan, Sinem. “School Counsellors’ Perceptions of School Justice and Awareness of Advocacy Duties”. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi 29 (Ocak 2022), 33-55.
JAMA Tarhan S. School Counsellors’ Perceptions of School Justice and Awareness of Advocacy Duties. Derginin Amacı ve Kapsamı. 2022;:33–55.
MLA Tarhan, Sinem. “School Counsellors’ Perceptions of School Justice and Awareness of Advocacy Duties”. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, sy. 29, 2022, ss. 33-55.
Vancouver Tarhan S. School Counsellors’ Perceptions of School Justice and Awareness of Advocacy Duties. Derginin Amacı ve Kapsamı. 2022(29):33-55.