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The Role of Natural Antioxidants in Stabilization of Vegetable Oils (Turkish with English Abstract)

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 4, - , 01.08.2005


Lipid oxidation is a major reaction in the deterioration of fats and oils. Use of antioxidants is the most common and effective method to prevent of lipid oxidation. They have been gaining interest due to some adverse effects of the synthetic antioxidants on health. The sources rich in natural antioxidants are spices, herbs, teas, oils, seeds, vegetables, cereals, fruits and proteins. In this review, some natural antioxidants used to stabilize the vegetable oils and their antioxidative effects were summarized.


  • Abdalla AE, Roozen J P. 1999. Effect of plant extracts on the oxidative stability of sunflower oil and emulsions. Food'Che- mistry 64, 323—329.
  • Adegoke GO, Gopala Krishna AG. 1996. Extraction and identification of antioxidants from the spice Aframomum danielli. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 75, 1047—1052.
  • Atta MB. Imaizumi K. 1998. Antioxidant activity of nigeila (Nigella safiva L.). Nihon Yukagakkaishi. 47, 475—480.
  • Belitz H-D, Grosch W. 1967. Food Chemistry. Springer Verlag, Berlin (Germany).
  • Blekas G, Boskou D. 1996. Antioxidative activity of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and cı-tocopherol on the triglyceride mat- rix of olive oil. Effect of acidity. Grasas y Aoetas 49, 34—37.
  • Boskou D. 1996. Olive Oil: Chemistry and Technology. AOCS Press. Champaign, Illinois (USA).
  • Chen ZY, Chan PT, Ma HM, Fung KP, Wang J. 1996. Antioxidative effect of ethanol tea extracts on oxidation of canola oil. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 375—380. '
  • Chen ZY, Chan PT. 1996. Antioxidative activity of green tea catechins in canola oil. Chem. Phys. Lipids. 82, 163—172.
  • Chu YH, Hsu, H.-F. 1999. Effects of antioxidants on peanut oil stability. Food Chem. 66, 29—34.
  • Frankel EN, Huang S-W. Aeschbach H, Prior E. 1996. Antioxidant activity of rosemary extract and its constituents, carnosic acid, carnosol, and rosmarinic acid, in bulk oil and oil—in—water emulsion. J. Agric. Food Chem. 4-4, 131—135.
  • Fukuda T, Nagata M, Osawa T, Namiki M. 1966. Chemical aspects of the antioxidative activity of roasted sesame oil, and the effect of using the oil tor frying. Agric. Biol. Chem. 50, 857—862.
  • Gamel TH, Kiritsakis A. 1999. Effect of methanol extracts of rosemary and olive oil vegetable water on the stability of olive oil and sunflower oil. Grasas y Aceitas. 50, 345—350.
  • Gunstone FD, Harwood JL, Padley FB. 1994. The Lipid Handbook. Chapman & Hall, London (UK).
  • Hall ||| C, Cuppett S, Wheeler D; Fu X. 1994. Effects of bleached and unbleached rosemary oieoreein and rosmariquinone on light-sensitized oxidation of soybean oil. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 71, 533—535.
  • He W, Li Y, Jiang J, Li L. Guo S. 1999. Spice extracts as antioxidants for oil. Jinan Daxue Xuebao, Zirankexue Yu Yixueban. 20. 94—99. .. .
  • Kayahan M. 2003. Yağ Kimyası, Bölüm 1 Lipitlerin Kimyasal Yapısı. ODTU Geliştirme Vakfı, Yayıncılık ve Iletişim A.Ş. Ya- yınları, 220 S.
  • GIDA vu,: an SAY : 4 TEMMUZ-AĞUSTOS zoos
  • Kikugawa K, Nakahara T. Tanaka M. 1987. A sensitive test to evaluate antioxidants in oils and fatty esters. J. Am. Oil Chem.
  • _ Soc. 64, 862—864. .
  • Korczak J. Pazola Z, Gogolewski M. 1990. Antioxidant properties of spices from the labiatae family. I. Evaluation of antioxi- dative activity in model systems. Fiocz. Acad. Roln. Pozn. CCXilI, 61—74.
  • Lagouri V, Boskou D. 1996. Nutrient antioxidants in oregano. int. J. Food Sci. Nutr. 47, 493—497.
  • Marincva EM, Yanishlieva NV 1992. E.ect of temperature on the antioxidative action of inhibitors in lipid autoxidation. J. Sci. Food Agric. 60, 313-318.
  • Marincva EM, Yanishlieva NV. 1997. Antioxidative activity of extracts from selected species of the family Lamiaceae in sunf- lower oil. Food Chem. 56, 245—248.
  • Medina-Juarez LA, Gonzalez-Diaz P. Gamez-Meza N, Ortega-Garcia J, Moreno-Valera AB, Bringas-Alvarado L. Angulo- Guerro O. 1998. Effect of processing on the oxidative stability of soybean oil produced in Mexico. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 75, 1729—1733.
  • Nawar W. 1996. Lipids in Food Chemistry. 4th ed. 0. Ft. Fennema (Ed), Marcel Dekker. Inc. New York, 10675. USA.
  • Nergiz C. 1991. Antioxidant activity of some phenolic compounds in refined olive oil. Riv. ital. Sost. Grasse. 68, 553—554.
  • Nguyen NTT, Pokorny J, Korczak J. 1999. Antioxidant activities of rosemary and sage extracts in rapeseed and sunflower oils. Czech. J. Food Sci. 17. 121—126.
  • Nguyen DV, Takacsova M, Dang MN, Kristianova K. 2000a. Stabilization of rapeseed oil with allspice, clove and nutmeg ext- racts. Nahrung. 44. 281-282. '
  • Nguyen DV, Takacsova, M, Dang, MN, Kristianova K. 2000b. Antioxidant activity of allspice extracts in rapeseed oil. Czech. J. Food Sci. 18, 49—51.
  • Nishina A, Kubota K, Kameoka H, Osawa T. 1991. Antioxidizing component. musizin, in Humax japonicus Houtt. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 68, 735—739.
  • Papadopoulos G. Tsimodou M. Boskou D. 1993. Stability of virgin olive oil: Assessment of natural antioxidants and other re- lated factors. in: Food Flavors. Ingredients and Composition. Ed. G. Charaiambous, Eisevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam (t olland). pp. 321—326. '
  • Pokorny J. Nguyen H ı'T. Korczak J. 1997. Antioxidant activities of rosemary and sage extracts in sunflower oil. Nahrung. 41. 176—177.
  • Pokorny J, Reblova Z, Troiakova L, Nguyen HTl', Korczak J, Janitz W. 1998. Antioxidant activities of spices and herbs in ra- peseed oil. Proceedings of the World Conference on Oil Seed and Edible Oils Processing, 6—10 October. 1996. is- tanbul, Turkey, Vol. II, Eds. S. S. Koseoglu, K. C. Rhee, Ft. F. Wilson. Champaign, lllinois (USA). pp. 265-269.
  • Pokorny J. Yanishlieva N, Gordon M. 2001. Antioxidants in food. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 365 p., England.
  • Ftichheimer SL, Bernart MW, King GA, Kent MC, Bailey DT 1996. Antioxidant activity of lipid-soluble phenolic diterpenes from rosemary. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 507—514.
  • Somogyi JC, Kündig-Hegedüs H. 1961. Die Stabilisierung von poiyensaurereichen Ölen und weiteren Nahrungsfetten. Mitt. Geb. Lebensm. Unters. Hyg. 52, 104—115.
  • Takacsova M, Pribela A, Faktorova M. 1995. Study of the antioxidative effects of thyme. sage, juniper and oregano. Nah- rung. 39. 241—243.
  • Tian LL, White PJ 1994. Antioxidant activity of oat extract in soybean and cottonseed oils. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 71. 1079—1086.
  • Wagner K-H, Elmadfa l. 2000. Effect of tocopherols and their mixtures on the oxidative stability of olive oil and linseed oil un- der heating. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 102. 624—629.
  • Wanasundra UN, Shahidi F. 1994. Canola extract as an alternative natural antioxidant for canola oil. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. . 71, 817—822.
  • Warner K, Frankel EN 1987. Effect of ş-carotene on light stability of soybean oil. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 64, 213—216.
  • Yanishlieva, N. V., Marincva, E. M. 1992. Inhibited oxidation of lipids 1. Complex estimation and comparison of the antioxi- dative properties of some natural and synthetic antioxidants. Fats Sci. Technol. 94, 374-379.
  • Yanishlieva NV, Marincva EM. 1996. Antioxidative effectiveness of some natural antioxidants in sunflower oil. Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. 203. 220—223.
  • Yanishlieva NV, Marincva EM, Marekov IN, Gordon, MH 1997. Effect oi an ethanol extract from summer savory (Saturejae hori‘ensis L.) on the stability of sunflower oil at trying temperature. J. Sci. Food Agric. 74, 524—530.
  • Yanishlieva NV, Marincva EM, Gordon MH. Raneva. VG. 1999. Antioxidant activity and mechanism of action of thymol and carvacrol in two lipid systems. Food Chemistry. 64, 59—66.
  • Yanishlieva NV, Ftaneva, VG. Marinova EM. 2001. [$- Carotene in sunflower oil oxidation, Grasses y Aceitas. 52, 10—16.
  • Zia-ur-Flehman, Salariya A, Habib F. 2003. Antioxidant activity of ginger extract in sunflower oil. J. Sci. Food Agric. 83, 624—629. .
  • Zia-ur—Ftehman. Habib F, Shah WH. 2004. Utilization of patato peels extract as a natural antioxidant in soybean oil. Food Chem. 85, 215—220.

Bitkisel Yağların Stabilizasyonunda Doğal Antioksidanların Rolü

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 4, - , 01.08.2005


 Oksidasyon, yağların bozulmasında en önemli reaksiyonlardan biridir. Oksidasyonu önlemek için en yaygın ve en etkili yöntem antioksidan kullanımıdır. Sentetik antioksidanların sağlık üzerine birçok olumsuz etki göstermesi doğal antioksidanlara olan ilgiyi artırmaktadır. Doğal antioksidanlarca zengin kaynaklar baharat, tıbbi bitki, çay, yağ, tohum, protein, sebze, tahıl ve meyvelerdir. Bu çalışmada, bitkisel yağların stabilizasyonunda kullanılan çeşitli doğal antioksidanlar ve bunların antioksidatif etkileri irdelenmiştir.


  • Abdalla AE, Roozen J P. 1999. Effect of plant extracts on the oxidative stability of sunflower oil and emulsions. Food'Che- mistry 64, 323—329.
  • Adegoke GO, Gopala Krishna AG. 1996. Extraction and identification of antioxidants from the spice Aframomum danielli. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 75, 1047—1052.
  • Atta MB. Imaizumi K. 1998. Antioxidant activity of nigeila (Nigella safiva L.). Nihon Yukagakkaishi. 47, 475—480.
  • Belitz H-D, Grosch W. 1967. Food Chemistry. Springer Verlag, Berlin (Germany).
  • Blekas G, Boskou D. 1996. Antioxidative activity of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and cı-tocopherol on the triglyceride mat- rix of olive oil. Effect of acidity. Grasas y Aoetas 49, 34—37.
  • Boskou D. 1996. Olive Oil: Chemistry and Technology. AOCS Press. Champaign, Illinois (USA).
  • Chen ZY, Chan PT, Ma HM, Fung KP, Wang J. 1996. Antioxidative effect of ethanol tea extracts on oxidation of canola oil. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 375—380. '
  • Chen ZY, Chan PT. 1996. Antioxidative activity of green tea catechins in canola oil. Chem. Phys. Lipids. 82, 163—172.
  • Chu YH, Hsu, H.-F. 1999. Effects of antioxidants on peanut oil stability. Food Chem. 66, 29—34.
  • Frankel EN, Huang S-W. Aeschbach H, Prior E. 1996. Antioxidant activity of rosemary extract and its constituents, carnosic acid, carnosol, and rosmarinic acid, in bulk oil and oil—in—water emulsion. J. Agric. Food Chem. 4-4, 131—135.
  • Fukuda T, Nagata M, Osawa T, Namiki M. 1966. Chemical aspects of the antioxidative activity of roasted sesame oil, and the effect of using the oil tor frying. Agric. Biol. Chem. 50, 857—862.
  • Gamel TH, Kiritsakis A. 1999. Effect of methanol extracts of rosemary and olive oil vegetable water on the stability of olive oil and sunflower oil. Grasas y Aceitas. 50, 345—350.
  • Gunstone FD, Harwood JL, Padley FB. 1994. The Lipid Handbook. Chapman & Hall, London (UK).
  • Hall ||| C, Cuppett S, Wheeler D; Fu X. 1994. Effects of bleached and unbleached rosemary oieoreein and rosmariquinone on light-sensitized oxidation of soybean oil. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 71, 533—535.
  • He W, Li Y, Jiang J, Li L. Guo S. 1999. Spice extracts as antioxidants for oil. Jinan Daxue Xuebao, Zirankexue Yu Yixueban. 20. 94—99. .. .
  • Kayahan M. 2003. Yağ Kimyası, Bölüm 1 Lipitlerin Kimyasal Yapısı. ODTU Geliştirme Vakfı, Yayıncılık ve Iletişim A.Ş. Ya- yınları, 220 S.
  • GIDA vu,: an SAY : 4 TEMMUZ-AĞUSTOS zoos
  • Kikugawa K, Nakahara T. Tanaka M. 1987. A sensitive test to evaluate antioxidants in oils and fatty esters. J. Am. Oil Chem.
  • _ Soc. 64, 862—864. .
  • Korczak J. Pazola Z, Gogolewski M. 1990. Antioxidant properties of spices from the labiatae family. I. Evaluation of antioxi- dative activity in model systems. Fiocz. Acad. Roln. Pozn. CCXilI, 61—74.
  • Lagouri V, Boskou D. 1996. Nutrient antioxidants in oregano. int. J. Food Sci. Nutr. 47, 493—497.
  • Marincva EM, Yanishlieva NV 1992. E.ect of temperature on the antioxidative action of inhibitors in lipid autoxidation. J. Sci. Food Agric. 60, 313-318.
  • Marincva EM, Yanishlieva NV. 1997. Antioxidative activity of extracts from selected species of the family Lamiaceae in sunf- lower oil. Food Chem. 56, 245—248.
  • Medina-Juarez LA, Gonzalez-Diaz P. Gamez-Meza N, Ortega-Garcia J, Moreno-Valera AB, Bringas-Alvarado L. Angulo- Guerro O. 1998. Effect of processing on the oxidative stability of soybean oil produced in Mexico. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 75, 1729—1733.
  • Nawar W. 1996. Lipids in Food Chemistry. 4th ed. 0. Ft. Fennema (Ed), Marcel Dekker. Inc. New York, 10675. USA.
  • Nergiz C. 1991. Antioxidant activity of some phenolic compounds in refined olive oil. Riv. ital. Sost. Grasse. 68, 553—554.
  • Nguyen NTT, Pokorny J, Korczak J. 1999. Antioxidant activities of rosemary and sage extracts in rapeseed and sunflower oils. Czech. J. Food Sci. 17. 121—126.
  • Nguyen DV, Takacsova M, Dang MN, Kristianova K. 2000a. Stabilization of rapeseed oil with allspice, clove and nutmeg ext- racts. Nahrung. 44. 281-282. '
  • Nguyen DV, Takacsova, M, Dang, MN, Kristianova K. 2000b. Antioxidant activity of allspice extracts in rapeseed oil. Czech. J. Food Sci. 18, 49—51.
  • Nishina A, Kubota K, Kameoka H, Osawa T. 1991. Antioxidizing component. musizin, in Humax japonicus Houtt. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 68, 735—739.
  • Papadopoulos G. Tsimodou M. Boskou D. 1993. Stability of virgin olive oil: Assessment of natural antioxidants and other re- lated factors. in: Food Flavors. Ingredients and Composition. Ed. G. Charaiambous, Eisevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam (t olland). pp. 321—326. '
  • Pokorny J. Nguyen H ı'T. Korczak J. 1997. Antioxidant activities of rosemary and sage extracts in sunflower oil. Nahrung. 41. 176—177.
  • Pokorny J, Reblova Z, Troiakova L, Nguyen HTl', Korczak J, Janitz W. 1998. Antioxidant activities of spices and herbs in ra- peseed oil. Proceedings of the World Conference on Oil Seed and Edible Oils Processing, 6—10 October. 1996. is- tanbul, Turkey, Vol. II, Eds. S. S. Koseoglu, K. C. Rhee, Ft. F. Wilson. Champaign, lllinois (USA). pp. 265-269.
  • Pokorny J. Yanishlieva N, Gordon M. 2001. Antioxidants in food. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 365 p., England.
  • Ftichheimer SL, Bernart MW, King GA, Kent MC, Bailey DT 1996. Antioxidant activity of lipid-soluble phenolic diterpenes from rosemary. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 73, 507—514.
  • Somogyi JC, Kündig-Hegedüs H. 1961. Die Stabilisierung von poiyensaurereichen Ölen und weiteren Nahrungsfetten. Mitt. Geb. Lebensm. Unters. Hyg. 52, 104—115.
  • Takacsova M, Pribela A, Faktorova M. 1995. Study of the antioxidative effects of thyme. sage, juniper and oregano. Nah- rung. 39. 241—243.
  • Tian LL, White PJ 1994. Antioxidant activity of oat extract in soybean and cottonseed oils. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 71. 1079—1086.
  • Wagner K-H, Elmadfa l. 2000. Effect of tocopherols and their mixtures on the oxidative stability of olive oil and linseed oil un- der heating. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 102. 624—629.
  • Wanasundra UN, Shahidi F. 1994. Canola extract as an alternative natural antioxidant for canola oil. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. . 71, 817—822.
  • Warner K, Frankel EN 1987. Effect of ş-carotene on light stability of soybean oil. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 64, 213—216.
  • Yanishlieva, N. V., Marincva, E. M. 1992. Inhibited oxidation of lipids 1. Complex estimation and comparison of the antioxi- dative properties of some natural and synthetic antioxidants. Fats Sci. Technol. 94, 374-379.
  • Yanishlieva NV, Marincva EM. 1996. Antioxidative effectiveness of some natural antioxidants in sunflower oil. Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. 203. 220—223.
  • Yanishlieva NV, Marincva EM, Marekov IN, Gordon, MH 1997. Effect oi an ethanol extract from summer savory (Saturejae hori‘ensis L.) on the stability of sunflower oil at trying temperature. J. Sci. Food Agric. 74, 524—530.
  • Yanishlieva NV, Marincva EM, Gordon MH. Raneva. VG. 1999. Antioxidant activity and mechanism of action of thymol and carvacrol in two lipid systems. Food Chemistry. 64, 59—66.
  • Yanishlieva NV, Ftaneva, VG. Marinova EM. 2001. [$- Carotene in sunflower oil oxidation, Grasses y Aceitas. 52, 10—16.
  • Zia-ur-Flehman, Salariya A, Habib F. 2003. Antioxidant activity of ginger extract in sunflower oil. J. Sci. Food Agric. 83, 624—629. .
  • Zia-ur—Ftehman. Habib F, Shah WH. 2004. Utilization of patato peels extract as a natural antioxidant in soybean oil. Food Chem. 85, 215—220.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Mustafa Kıralan Bu kişi benim

Ali Bayrak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Kıralan, M. ., & Bayrak, A. . (2005). Bitkisel Yağların Stabilizasyonunda Doğal Antioksidanların Rolü. Gıda, 30(4).
AMA Kıralan M, Bayrak A. Bitkisel Yağların Stabilizasyonunda Doğal Antioksidanların Rolü. GIDA. Ağustos 2005;30(4).
Chicago Kıralan, Mustafa, ve Ali Bayrak. “Bitkisel Yağların Stabilizasyonunda Doğal Antioksidanların Rolü”. Gıda 30, sy. 4 (Ağustos 2005).
EndNote Kıralan M, Bayrak A (01 Ağustos 2005) Bitkisel Yağların Stabilizasyonunda Doğal Antioksidanların Rolü. Gıda 30 4
IEEE M. . Kıralan ve A. . Bayrak, “Bitkisel Yağların Stabilizasyonunda Doğal Antioksidanların Rolü”, GIDA, c. 30, sy. 4, 2005.
ISNAD Kıralan, Mustafa - Bayrak, Ali. “Bitkisel Yağların Stabilizasyonunda Doğal Antioksidanların Rolü”. Gıda 30/4 (Ağustos 2005).
JAMA Kıralan M, Bayrak A. Bitkisel Yağların Stabilizasyonunda Doğal Antioksidanların Rolü. GIDA. 2005;30.
MLA Kıralan, Mustafa ve Ali Bayrak. “Bitkisel Yağların Stabilizasyonunda Doğal Antioksidanların Rolü”. Gıda, c. 30, sy. 4, 2005.
Vancouver Kıralan M, Bayrak A. Bitkisel Yağların Stabilizasyonunda Doğal Antioksidanların Rolü. GIDA. 2005;30(4).


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