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İsrail’in Devlet Kurgusu Güvenli Bir Yahudi Yurdu mu? Yoksa Güvenlikçi Bir Yahudi Devleti mi?

Yıl 2017, , 153 - 183, 30.10.2017


Bu çalışma İsrail Devleti adıyla kurulan Yahudi devletinin bir güvenli yurt arayışından güvenlikçi bir yurt modeline dönüşüp dönüşmediği ele almaktadır. Bu çerçevede, Yahudiler için güvenliğin teminatı olacak bir devletin kurulmasına zemin oluşturacak biçimde, devletin yapısal özü, devletin ilhamı, devletin yaşam sahası ve devletin sosyal bileşenlerinin meydana getirdiği altyapı ortaya konmakta; daha sonra bu kapsam üzerinden bir analiz yapılmaktadır. Çalışma, devlet kurgusunun yapılışında David Ben Gurion’un etkin liderliği altında bir Yahudi siyasi ve askerî elitinin düşünce, karar ve icraatları temel olarak kabul etmektedir. Çalışma, tarihsel süreç olarak çatışma ortamıyla şekillenen beka arayışı ile devletleşme arasındaki ilişkiye odaklandığından, İsrail Devleti ile ilgili temel parametrelerin belirlendiği devletin kuruluşunun hemen öncesini ve hemen sonrasını kapsamaktadır.


  • ADAM Herbert and Kogila Moodley, Seeking Mandela: Peacemaking Between Israelis and Palestinians, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 2005.
  • BAR-ON Mordechai, In Pursuit of Peace: A History of The Israeli Peace Movement, United States Institute of Peace, Washington D.C., 1996.
  • BEN-AMI Slomo, Scars of War, Wounds of Peace, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006.
  • BEN-GURION David, Rebirth and Destiny of Israel, Polyglot Press, New York, 1954.
  • BERRY Mike and Greg Philo, Israel and Palestine: Competing Histories, Pluto Press, London, 2006.
  • COMAY Joan, Who is Who in Jewish History, Routledge, New York, 2005.
  • COOK Jonathan, Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair, Zed, London, 2008.
  • FELDSTEIN Ariel L., Ben-Gurion, Zionism and American Jewry 1948-1963, Routledge, New York, 2006.
  • FLAPAN Simha, The Birth of Israel: Myths and Reality, Croom Helm, London, 1987.
  • GLUSKA Ami, The Israeli Military and The Origins of 1967 War: Government, Armed Forces and Defence Policy 1963-1967, Routledge, New York, 2007.
  • HAHN Peter L., Caught in Middle East: US Policy Towards The Arab-Israeli Conflict 1945-1961, The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 2004.
  • HALPER Jeff, An Israeli in Palestine: Resisting Dispossesion, Redeeming Israel, Pluto Press, London, 2008.
  • HARMS Gregory and Todd M. Ferry, The Palestine-Israeli Conflict, Pluto Press, London, 2008.
  • HART Alan, Zionizm: The Real Enemy of The Jews, World Focus Publishing, United Kingdom, 2005.
  • HELLER Joseph, The Birth of Israel 1945-1949: Ben Gurion and His Critics, University of Florida Press, Gainnesville, 2003.
  • JONES Clive and Emma C. Murphy, Israel: Challenges to Identity, Democracy and The State, Routledge, New York, 2002.
  • KAPLAN Eran, The Jewish Radical Right, The University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin, 2005.
  • KARMI Ghada, Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine, Pluto Press, London, 2007.
  • KARSH Efraim, Israel: The First Hundred Years, Frank Cass, London, 2004.
  • LOCHERY Neil, Why Blame Israel?: The Facts Behind The Headlines, Icon Books, Cambridge, 2004.
  • MASALHA Nur, Imperial Israel and The Palestinians, Pluto Press, London, 2000.
  • MORRIS Benny, Israel’s Border Wars, 1949-1956, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993.
  • MORRIS Benny, Righteous Victims: A History of The Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001, Knopf, New York, 1999.
  • NASR Kameel B., Arab and Israeli Terrorism: The Causes and Effects of Political Violence 1939-1999, Mc Farland and Company Publishers, North Carolina, 1997.
  • OHANA David, Political Theologies in The Holy Land, Routledge, New York, 2010.
  • PENSLAR Derek J., Israel in History, Routledge, New York, 2007.
  • ROTENSTREICH Nathan, Zionism: Past and Present, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2007.
  • Ruling Palestine: A History of The Legally Sanctioned Jewish-Isareli Seizure of Land and Housing in Palestine, The Center for Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) – Source Center for Palestine Residency and Refugee Rights (BEDIL) Publications, 2005.
  • SACHAR Howard, A History of Israel: From The Rise of Zionism to Our Time, Knopf, New York, 1986.
  • SEGEV Tom, One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under British Mandate, Little Brown, London, 2000.
  • SELIKTAR Ofira, New Zionism and The Foreign Policy System of Israel, Croom Helm, Beckenham, 1986.
  • SHAHAK Israel, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Pluto Press, London, 1994.
  • SHEFFER Gabriel, Moshe Sharett: A Biography of A Political Moderate, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996.
  • SHLAIM Avi, Conclusions Across The Jordan, Colombia University Press, New York, 1988.
  • SHLAIM Avi, The Iron Wall: Israel and Arab World, W.W. Norton, New York, 2001.
  • SOENTENDORP Ben, The Dyamics of Israeli-Palestinian Relations, Palgrave McMillan, New York, 2007.
  • TAL David, The War in Palestine 1948: Strategy and Diplomacy, Routledge, New York, 2004.
  • TEVETH Shabtai, Ben-Gurion and the Palestinian Arabs: From Peace to War, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1985.
  • TEVETH Shabtai, Ben-Gurion: The Burning Ground, 1886-1948, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1987.
  • THOMAS Baylis, The Dark Side of Zionism, Lexington Books, Plymouth, 2009.
  • TOVY Jacob, Israel and The Palestinian Refugee Issue, Routledge, New York, 2014.
  • WOODS Patricia J., Judicial Power and National Politics, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2008.
  • WYMAN David S., The Abandonment of The Jews: America and Holokost, Pantheon Books, New York, 1984.
  • ZERTAL Idith, From Catastrophe To Power: Holokost Survivors and The Emergence of Israel, University of California Press, California, 1998.
  • ZERTAL Idith, Israel’s Holokost and The Politics of Nationhood, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
  • BEN-RAFAEL Eliezer, “The Kibbutz in 1950s: A Transformation of Identity”, S. Illan Troen, Noah Lucas (ed.), Israel: The First Decade of Independence, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1995.
  • CARMI Shulamit and Henry Rosenfeld, “The Time When The Majority in The Israeli Cabinet Decided ‘Not to Block The Possibility of The Return of The Arab Refugees’ and How and Why This Policy Defeated”, Michael Saltman (ed.), Land and Territoriality, Berg, Oxford, 2002.
  • DON-YEHIYE Eliezer, “Political Religion in A New State: Ben Gurion’s Mamlachtiyut”, S. Illan Troen, Noah Lucas (ed.), Israel: The First Decade of Independence, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1995.
  • DRORI Ze’ev, “Utopia in Uniform”, S. Illan Troen, Noah Lucas (ed.), Israel: The First Decade of Independence, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1995.
  • GORNY Yosef, “Klal Yisrael: Halakha to History”, Eliezer Ben-Raphael, Yosef Gorny, Yaacov Roi (ed.), Contemporary Jewries, Brill, Leiden, 2003.
  • GORNY Yosef, “Zionist Voluntarism in The Political Struggle: 1939-1948”, Jewish Political Studies, 1990, Vol. 2, No. 1-2.
  • PELEG Ilan, “Israel As A Liberal Democracy: Civil Rights in The Jewish State”, Review Essays in Israel Studies, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2000.
  • SCHROETER Daniel J., “A Different Road to Modernity: Jewish Identity in The Arab World”, Howard Wettstein (ed.), Diasporas and Exiles, University of California Press, Berkeley, 2002.
  • SLESS Jonathan, “Blocking Peace: Britain and Israeli-Jordanian Conflict 1949-1951”, (Efraim Karsh ed.), Israel: The First Hundred Years, Frank Cass, London, 2004.
  • TROEN S. Illan and Noah Lucas, “An Introduction to Research on Israel’s First Decade”, S. Illan Troen, Noah Lucas (ed.), Israel: The First Decade of Independence, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1995.
  • ZUREIK Elia, “Constructing Palestine Through Surveilence Practices”, The Partitaion Motifs in Contemporary Conflicts, SAGE Publications, California, 2007.
  • “The Declaration of The State of Israel - May 14, 1948”, Israel Ministery of Foreign Affairs, http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/foreignpolicy/ peace/guide/pages/declaration%20of%20establishment%20of%20state%20of%20israel.aspx (Erişim Tarihi: 04.05.2017).
  • ISSEROFF Ami, “A Zionist Manifesto: We Must Make The Change That We Seek”, ZioNation-Progressive Zionism and Israel Web Log, 29 February 2008, http://www.zionism-israel.com/log/archives/ 00000500.html (Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2017)
  • PERES Shimon, “Pivotal Movements”, The Jewish Week, 29 November 2011, http://www.thejewishweek.com/special_sections/ text_context/pivotal_moments (Erişim Tarihi: 15.04.2017)

Is the Fiction of the State of Israel a Safe Homeland or a Security-Minded Jewish State?

Yıl 2017, , 153 - 183, 30.10.2017


This study examines whether the Jewish state established in the name of the State of Israel has transformed from a search for a safe homeland to a security-minded Jewish state. In this frame, the infrastructure that includes the state’s constructional essence, the state’s inspiration, the state’s living space and the state’s social composition is set forth in a fashion of providing a ground for founding a state that will be safety guarantee of Jews. An analysis is conducted through this scope. The study is based on the ideas, decisions and actions of Jewish political and military elite under the active leadership of David Ben Gurion in the construction of the state fiction. Because the study focuses on the relationship between a historical survival aspiration that is shaped by the conflict environment and the nationalization progression, it covers the immediate before and after of the foundation of the state in which the basic parameters concerning the State of Israel are determined.


  • ADAM Herbert and Kogila Moodley, Seeking Mandela: Peacemaking Between Israelis and Palestinians, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 2005.
  • BAR-ON Mordechai, In Pursuit of Peace: A History of The Israeli Peace Movement, United States Institute of Peace, Washington D.C., 1996.
  • BEN-AMI Slomo, Scars of War, Wounds of Peace, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006.
  • BEN-GURION David, Rebirth and Destiny of Israel, Polyglot Press, New York, 1954.
  • BERRY Mike and Greg Philo, Israel and Palestine: Competing Histories, Pluto Press, London, 2006.
  • COMAY Joan, Who is Who in Jewish History, Routledge, New York, 2005.
  • COOK Jonathan, Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair, Zed, London, 2008.
  • FELDSTEIN Ariel L., Ben-Gurion, Zionism and American Jewry 1948-1963, Routledge, New York, 2006.
  • FLAPAN Simha, The Birth of Israel: Myths and Reality, Croom Helm, London, 1987.
  • GLUSKA Ami, The Israeli Military and The Origins of 1967 War: Government, Armed Forces and Defence Policy 1963-1967, Routledge, New York, 2007.
  • HAHN Peter L., Caught in Middle East: US Policy Towards The Arab-Israeli Conflict 1945-1961, The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 2004.
  • HALPER Jeff, An Israeli in Palestine: Resisting Dispossesion, Redeeming Israel, Pluto Press, London, 2008.
  • HARMS Gregory and Todd M. Ferry, The Palestine-Israeli Conflict, Pluto Press, London, 2008.
  • HART Alan, Zionizm: The Real Enemy of The Jews, World Focus Publishing, United Kingdom, 2005.
  • HELLER Joseph, The Birth of Israel 1945-1949: Ben Gurion and His Critics, University of Florida Press, Gainnesville, 2003.
  • JONES Clive and Emma C. Murphy, Israel: Challenges to Identity, Democracy and The State, Routledge, New York, 2002.
  • KAPLAN Eran, The Jewish Radical Right, The University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin, 2005.
  • KARMI Ghada, Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine, Pluto Press, London, 2007.
  • KARSH Efraim, Israel: The First Hundred Years, Frank Cass, London, 2004.
  • LOCHERY Neil, Why Blame Israel?: The Facts Behind The Headlines, Icon Books, Cambridge, 2004.
  • MASALHA Nur, Imperial Israel and The Palestinians, Pluto Press, London, 2000.
  • MORRIS Benny, Israel’s Border Wars, 1949-1956, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993.
  • MORRIS Benny, Righteous Victims: A History of The Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001, Knopf, New York, 1999.
  • NASR Kameel B., Arab and Israeli Terrorism: The Causes and Effects of Political Violence 1939-1999, Mc Farland and Company Publishers, North Carolina, 1997.
  • OHANA David, Political Theologies in The Holy Land, Routledge, New York, 2010.
  • PENSLAR Derek J., Israel in History, Routledge, New York, 2007.
  • ROTENSTREICH Nathan, Zionism: Past and Present, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2007.
  • Ruling Palestine: A History of The Legally Sanctioned Jewish-Isareli Seizure of Land and Housing in Palestine, The Center for Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) – Source Center for Palestine Residency and Refugee Rights (BEDIL) Publications, 2005.
  • SACHAR Howard, A History of Israel: From The Rise of Zionism to Our Time, Knopf, New York, 1986.
  • SEGEV Tom, One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under British Mandate, Little Brown, London, 2000.
  • SELIKTAR Ofira, New Zionism and The Foreign Policy System of Israel, Croom Helm, Beckenham, 1986.
  • SHAHAK Israel, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Pluto Press, London, 1994.
  • SHEFFER Gabriel, Moshe Sharett: A Biography of A Political Moderate, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996.
  • SHLAIM Avi, Conclusions Across The Jordan, Colombia University Press, New York, 1988.
  • SHLAIM Avi, The Iron Wall: Israel and Arab World, W.W. Norton, New York, 2001.
  • SOENTENDORP Ben, The Dyamics of Israeli-Palestinian Relations, Palgrave McMillan, New York, 2007.
  • TAL David, The War in Palestine 1948: Strategy and Diplomacy, Routledge, New York, 2004.
  • TEVETH Shabtai, Ben-Gurion and the Palestinian Arabs: From Peace to War, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1985.
  • TEVETH Shabtai, Ben-Gurion: The Burning Ground, 1886-1948, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1987.
  • THOMAS Baylis, The Dark Side of Zionism, Lexington Books, Plymouth, 2009.
  • TOVY Jacob, Israel and The Palestinian Refugee Issue, Routledge, New York, 2014.
  • WOODS Patricia J., Judicial Power and National Politics, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2008.
  • WYMAN David S., The Abandonment of The Jews: America and Holokost, Pantheon Books, New York, 1984.
  • ZERTAL Idith, From Catastrophe To Power: Holokost Survivors and The Emergence of Israel, University of California Press, California, 1998.
  • ZERTAL Idith, Israel’s Holokost and The Politics of Nationhood, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
  • BEN-RAFAEL Eliezer, “The Kibbutz in 1950s: A Transformation of Identity”, S. Illan Troen, Noah Lucas (ed.), Israel: The First Decade of Independence, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1995.
  • CARMI Shulamit and Henry Rosenfeld, “The Time When The Majority in The Israeli Cabinet Decided ‘Not to Block The Possibility of The Return of The Arab Refugees’ and How and Why This Policy Defeated”, Michael Saltman (ed.), Land and Territoriality, Berg, Oxford, 2002.
  • DON-YEHIYE Eliezer, “Political Religion in A New State: Ben Gurion’s Mamlachtiyut”, S. Illan Troen, Noah Lucas (ed.), Israel: The First Decade of Independence, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1995.
  • DRORI Ze’ev, “Utopia in Uniform”, S. Illan Troen, Noah Lucas (ed.), Israel: The First Decade of Independence, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1995.
  • GORNY Yosef, “Klal Yisrael: Halakha to History”, Eliezer Ben-Raphael, Yosef Gorny, Yaacov Roi (ed.), Contemporary Jewries, Brill, Leiden, 2003.
  • GORNY Yosef, “Zionist Voluntarism in The Political Struggle: 1939-1948”, Jewish Political Studies, 1990, Vol. 2, No. 1-2.
  • PELEG Ilan, “Israel As A Liberal Democracy: Civil Rights in The Jewish State”, Review Essays in Israel Studies, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2000.
  • SCHROETER Daniel J., “A Different Road to Modernity: Jewish Identity in The Arab World”, Howard Wettstein (ed.), Diasporas and Exiles, University of California Press, Berkeley, 2002.
  • SLESS Jonathan, “Blocking Peace: Britain and Israeli-Jordanian Conflict 1949-1951”, (Efraim Karsh ed.), Israel: The First Hundred Years, Frank Cass, London, 2004.
  • TROEN S. Illan and Noah Lucas, “An Introduction to Research on Israel’s First Decade”, S. Illan Troen, Noah Lucas (ed.), Israel: The First Decade of Independence, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1995.
  • ZUREIK Elia, “Constructing Palestine Through Surveilence Practices”, The Partitaion Motifs in Contemporary Conflicts, SAGE Publications, California, 2007.
  • “The Declaration of The State of Israel - May 14, 1948”, Israel Ministery of Foreign Affairs, http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/foreignpolicy/ peace/guide/pages/declaration%20of%20establishment%20of%20state%20of%20israel.aspx (Erişim Tarihi: 04.05.2017).
  • ISSEROFF Ami, “A Zionist Manifesto: We Must Make The Change That We Seek”, ZioNation-Progressive Zionism and Israel Web Log, 29 February 2008, http://www.zionism-israel.com/log/archives/ 00000500.html (Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2017)
  • PERES Shimon, “Pivotal Movements”, The Jewish Week, 29 November 2011, http://www.thejewishweek.com/special_sections/ text_context/pivotal_moments (Erişim Tarihi: 15.04.2017)
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Zafer Balpınar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ekim 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Mayıs 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Balpınar, Zafer. “İsrail’in Devlet Kurgusu Güvenli Bir Yahudi Yurdu Mu? Yoksa Güvenlikçi Bir Yahudi Devleti Mi?”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 13, sy. 26 (Ekim 2017): 153-83. https://doi.org/10.17752/guvenlikstrtj.356954.