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Farklı pH ve sıcaklık değerlerinin Pichia pastoris'de rekombinant ekspanzin üretimi üzerine etkisi

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 207 - 214, 25.06.2018


Bu çalışma kapsamında rekombinant
Ekspanzin üretimi amacıyla domatesten izole edilen LeExp1 geni Pichia pastoris mayalarına pPIC9K
vektörü vasıtasıyla aktarılmıştır. Ekspresyon koşulları 20, 25, 30°C ve pH 4.0,
5.0, 6.0 ve 7.0 değerleri için ayrı ayrı sağlanmıştır.
Fermentasyon özütlerinin Biomass analizi ve Bradford
assay deneyleri sonucunda toplam rekombinant protein miktarları ve toplam hücre
konsantrasyonları belirlenmiştir. Farklı pH ve sıcaklık değerlerinin
rekombinant protein üretim miktarına ve toplam hücre konsantrasyonuna olan
etkileri incelenmiştir. Deneysel sonuçlara göre maksimum rekombinant ekspanzin
üretimi için P. pastoris mayalarının
optimum fermantasyon koşulları 25oC sıcaklık ve pH 7.0 olarak tespit


  • Ahmad, M., Hirz, M., Pichler, H., Schwab, H., 2014. Protein expression in Pichia pastoris: recent achievements and perspectives for heterologous protein production. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology., 98: 5301-5317.
  • Bayraktar E., Effects of pH on human growth hormone production by pichia pastoris considering the expression levels of regulatory genes, Master Thesis, Supervised, Pınar ÇALIK, 2009.
  • Bradford, M.M., 1976. Rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities ofprotein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding, Analytical biochemistry, 7: 248 - 254.
  • Calık P, Bayraktar E, Inankur B, Soyaslan ES, Sahin M, Taspınar H, Acık E, Yılmaz R ve Ozdamar TH, 2010. Influence of pH on recombinant human growth hormone production by Pichia pastoris; Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 85: 1628–1635.
  • Cereghino, J.L., Cregg, J.M., 2000. Heterologous protein expression in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. FEMS Microbiology Reviews,. 24: 45 - 66.
  • Cereghino, G.P.L., Sunga, A.J., Cereghino, J.L., Cregg, J.M., 2001. Expression of foreign genes in the yeast Pichia pastoris, Genetic Enginering, 23: 157 – 169.
  • Cosgrove, D.J., 2000. Loosening of plant cell walls by expansins. Nature 407:321–326.
  • Chang S,W, Shieh C,J, Lee G,C, Akoh C, C, Shaw J, -F, 2006. Optimized Growth Kinetics of Pichia pastoris and Recombinant Candida rugosa LIP1 Production by RSM. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, 11:28-40.
  • Cosgrove, D. J., 2005. Growth of the plant cell wall. Nature Review Molecular & Cell Biology, 6: 850-861.
  • Cregg, J.M., Vedvick, T.S., Raschke ,W.C, 1993. Recent advances in the expression of foreign genes in Pichia pastoris, BioTechnology 11: 905 – 910.
  • Cregg, J.M., Cereghino, J.L., Shi, J., Higgins, DR., 2000. Recombinant protein expression in Pichia pastoris. Molecular Biotechnology,. 16:23-52.
  • Dehnavi, E., ve ark., 2016. Cloning and high-level expression of β-xylosidase from Selenomonas ruminantium in Pichia pastoris by optimizing of pH, methanol concentration and temperature conditions. Protein Expression and Purification, 124: 55–61.
  • Dale F, C. Robert, W. Tracy, 2010. Optimization of the expression of recombinant human Activin A in the yeast Pichia pastoris;; Biotechnology Progress, 26: 372-383.
  • Files D, Ogawa M, Scaman CH, Baldwin SA, 2001. A Pichia pastoris fermentation process for producing high-levels of recombinant human cystatin-C. Enzyma and Microbiol Technology, 29: 335-340.
  • Goodrick, J.C., Kurtzman, C., 2009. Biotechnological strains of Komagataella (Pichia) pastoris are Komagataella phaffii as determined from multigene sequence analysis. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 36:1435–1438.
  • Higgins, D.R., Cregg, J.M., 1998. Introduction to Pichia pastoris. Methods in Molecular Biology,.103:1-15. Hu M., 2014. An Alkaline pH Control Strategy for Methionine Adenosyltransferase Production in Pichia pastoris Fermentation. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 19: 900-907.
  • Inan, M., Chiruvolu, V., Eskridge, K.M., Vlasuk, G.P., Dickerson, K., Brown, S., Meagher, M.M., 1999. Optimization of temperature-glycerol-pH conditions for a fedbatch fermentation process for recombinant hookworm (Ancylostoma caninum) anticoagulant peptide (AcAP-5) production by Pichia pastoris. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 24: 438-445.
  • Jahic, M., Wallberg, F., Bollok, M., Garcia, P., Enfors, S.O., 2003. Temperature limited fedbatch technique for control of proteolysis in Pichia pastoris bioreactor cultures, Microbial Cell Factories, 2: 6 - 17.
  • Kobayashi, K., Kuwae, S., Ohya, T., Ohda, T., Ohyama, M., Tomomitsu, K, 2000. High level secretion of recombinant human serum albumin by fedbatch fermentation of the methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris, with minimal protease production and activation; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 89: 55-61.
  • Ling LY, Ithoi I ve Yik FM, 2010. Optimization for high-level expression in Pichia pastoris and purification of truncated and full length recombinant sag2 of toxoplasma gondii for diagnostic use. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 41:507 - 513.
  • Sampedro J and Cosgrove, D.J., 2005. The expansin superfamily. Genome Biology 6: 242-253.
  • Sinha J, Plantz BA, Zhang W, et al., 2003. Improved production of recombinant ovine interferon-T by Mut+ strain of Pichia pastoris using an optimised methanol feed profile. Biotechnology Progress, 19: 794 - 802.
  • Spohner SC, Müller H, Quitmann H, Czermak P., 2015. Expression of enzymes for the usage in food and feed industry with Pichia pastoris. Journal of Biotechnology., 202:118-134.
  • Soyaslan, E.S., Calık, P., 2011. Enhanced recombinant human erythropoietin production by Pichia pastoris in methanol fed-batch/sorbitol batch fermentation through pH optimization; Biochemical Engineering Journal 55: 59–65.
  • Wang, Z., ve ark., 2010. Enhancement of cell viability and alkaline polygalacturonate lyase production by sorbitol co-feeding with methanol in Pichia pastoris fermentation, Bioresource Technology, 101: 1318-1323.
  • Wanderley et al., Influence of pH on cellular growth of Pichia pastoris KM71H by fed‐ batch process, 2009. Microbial Physiology, Molecular Biology and Functional Genomics, ISBN 978-972-97810-6-3. p. 29.

Effect of different pH and temperature on the production of recombinant expansin in Pichia pastoris

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 207 - 214, 25.06.2018


In this study LeExp1 gene isolated from
tomato genome was transferred to Pichia
by using pPIC9K vector for production of recombinant Expansin
protein. Recombinant protein expression was carried out at 20, 25, 30°C
temperature and 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 pH levels. Total protein and dry cell
weight amounts was determined in fermentation medium. The effects of different
fermentation temperature and pH level in the medium on protein expression and
total cell concentration were investigated. The optimum fermentation conditions
for P. pastoris were determined as 25oC
and pH 7.0 according to experimental results. 


  • Ahmad, M., Hirz, M., Pichler, H., Schwab, H., 2014. Protein expression in Pichia pastoris: recent achievements and perspectives for heterologous protein production. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology., 98: 5301-5317.
  • Bayraktar E., Effects of pH on human growth hormone production by pichia pastoris considering the expression levels of regulatory genes, Master Thesis, Supervised, Pınar ÇALIK, 2009.
  • Bradford, M.M., 1976. Rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities ofprotein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding, Analytical biochemistry, 7: 248 - 254.
  • Calık P, Bayraktar E, Inankur B, Soyaslan ES, Sahin M, Taspınar H, Acık E, Yılmaz R ve Ozdamar TH, 2010. Influence of pH on recombinant human growth hormone production by Pichia pastoris; Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 85: 1628–1635.
  • Cereghino, J.L., Cregg, J.M., 2000. Heterologous protein expression in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. FEMS Microbiology Reviews,. 24: 45 - 66.
  • Cereghino, G.P.L., Sunga, A.J., Cereghino, J.L., Cregg, J.M., 2001. Expression of foreign genes in the yeast Pichia pastoris, Genetic Enginering, 23: 157 – 169.
  • Cosgrove, D.J., 2000. Loosening of plant cell walls by expansins. Nature 407:321–326.
  • Chang S,W, Shieh C,J, Lee G,C, Akoh C, C, Shaw J, -F, 2006. Optimized Growth Kinetics of Pichia pastoris and Recombinant Candida rugosa LIP1 Production by RSM. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, 11:28-40.
  • Cosgrove, D. J., 2005. Growth of the plant cell wall. Nature Review Molecular & Cell Biology, 6: 850-861.
  • Cregg, J.M., Vedvick, T.S., Raschke ,W.C, 1993. Recent advances in the expression of foreign genes in Pichia pastoris, BioTechnology 11: 905 – 910.
  • Cregg, J.M., Cereghino, J.L., Shi, J., Higgins, DR., 2000. Recombinant protein expression in Pichia pastoris. Molecular Biotechnology,. 16:23-52.
  • Dehnavi, E., ve ark., 2016. Cloning and high-level expression of β-xylosidase from Selenomonas ruminantium in Pichia pastoris by optimizing of pH, methanol concentration and temperature conditions. Protein Expression and Purification, 124: 55–61.
  • Dale F, C. Robert, W. Tracy, 2010. Optimization of the expression of recombinant human Activin A in the yeast Pichia pastoris;; Biotechnology Progress, 26: 372-383.
  • Files D, Ogawa M, Scaman CH, Baldwin SA, 2001. A Pichia pastoris fermentation process for producing high-levels of recombinant human cystatin-C. Enzyma and Microbiol Technology, 29: 335-340.
  • Goodrick, J.C., Kurtzman, C., 2009. Biotechnological strains of Komagataella (Pichia) pastoris are Komagataella phaffii as determined from multigene sequence analysis. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 36:1435–1438.
  • Higgins, D.R., Cregg, J.M., 1998. Introduction to Pichia pastoris. Methods in Molecular Biology,.103:1-15. Hu M., 2014. An Alkaline pH Control Strategy for Methionine Adenosyltransferase Production in Pichia pastoris Fermentation. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 19: 900-907.
  • Inan, M., Chiruvolu, V., Eskridge, K.M., Vlasuk, G.P., Dickerson, K., Brown, S., Meagher, M.M., 1999. Optimization of temperature-glycerol-pH conditions for a fedbatch fermentation process for recombinant hookworm (Ancylostoma caninum) anticoagulant peptide (AcAP-5) production by Pichia pastoris. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 24: 438-445.
  • Jahic, M., Wallberg, F., Bollok, M., Garcia, P., Enfors, S.O., 2003. Temperature limited fedbatch technique for control of proteolysis in Pichia pastoris bioreactor cultures, Microbial Cell Factories, 2: 6 - 17.
  • Kobayashi, K., Kuwae, S., Ohya, T., Ohda, T., Ohyama, M., Tomomitsu, K, 2000. High level secretion of recombinant human serum albumin by fedbatch fermentation of the methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris, with minimal protease production and activation; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 89: 55-61.
  • Ling LY, Ithoi I ve Yik FM, 2010. Optimization for high-level expression in Pichia pastoris and purification of truncated and full length recombinant sag2 of toxoplasma gondii for diagnostic use. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 41:507 - 513.
  • Sampedro J and Cosgrove, D.J., 2005. The expansin superfamily. Genome Biology 6: 242-253.
  • Sinha J, Plantz BA, Zhang W, et al., 2003. Improved production of recombinant ovine interferon-T by Mut+ strain of Pichia pastoris using an optimised methanol feed profile. Biotechnology Progress, 19: 794 - 802.
  • Spohner SC, Müller H, Quitmann H, Czermak P., 2015. Expression of enzymes for the usage in food and feed industry with Pichia pastoris. Journal of Biotechnology., 202:118-134.
  • Soyaslan, E.S., Calık, P., 2011. Enhanced recombinant human erythropoietin production by Pichia pastoris in methanol fed-batch/sorbitol batch fermentation through pH optimization; Biochemical Engineering Journal 55: 59–65.
  • Wang, Z., ve ark., 2010. Enhancement of cell viability and alkaline polygalacturonate lyase production by sorbitol co-feeding with methanol in Pichia pastoris fermentation, Bioresource Technology, 101: 1318-1323.
  • Wanderley et al., Influence of pH on cellular growth of Pichia pastoris KM71H by fed‐ batch process, 2009. Microbial Physiology, Molecular Biology and Functional Genomics, ISBN 978-972-97810-6-3. p. 29.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Merve Aytekin Akbaba Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3960-7515

Asliye Karaaslan Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3834-0647

Selin Alihanoğlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1300-4628

Hasan Vardin 0000-0001-6552-2713

Mehmet Karaaslan 0000-0001-8097-9535

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Haziran 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Mayıs 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Aytekin Akbaba, M., Karaaslan, A., Alihanoğlu, S., Vardin, H., vd. (2018). Farklı pH ve sıcaklık değerlerinin Pichia pastoris’de rekombinant ekspanzin üretimi üzerine etkisi. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(2), 207-214.

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13435  19617   22065  13436  1344013445  13464  22066   22069  13466 

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