Certain Carcass Quality Characteristics of Saanen Kids in Natural and Artificial Rearing Systems
Yıl 2017,
, 1 - 6, 23.11.2017
Hülya Yalçıntan
Nurşen Doğan
Pembe Dilara Akın
Bülent Ekiz
Ömür Koçak
Alper Yılmaz
In the study, it was aimed to compare certain carcass
quality traits of Saanen kids reared naturally or artificially and slaughtered
at 80 or 120 days of age. There was no significant difference between the
carcass weight and commercial dressing of the natural and artificial reared
kids. On the other hand, real dressing percentage showed higher results in
artificially reared kids compared to natural reared kids. The effect of rearing
type on the kidney knob and channel fat (KKCF) and subcutaneous fat proportion
in hind limb was found insignificant, while the intermuscular fat proportion in
hind limb was higher in the natural reared kids. Parallel to the increase in
slaughter age; carcass weights, carcass compactness and hind limb compactness
indices and proportion of flank and neck increased. The effect of slaughter age
on proportions of KKCF, subcutaneous and intermuscular fat in hind limb was not
detected significant. Meat ratio in hind limb was found higher on kids that
were slaughtered younger. Breeders who aim to get high milk yield can rear Saanen
kids artificially, without causing any negative effect on carcass quality
- Argüello A, Castro N, Capote J, Solomon MB. 2007. The influence of artificial rearing and live weight at slaughter on kid carcass characteristics. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 6(1):20-25.
- Argüello A, Ginés R, López JL. Capote J. 2001. Effects of the rearing system on meat quality in young kids. In: Rubino R. (ed.), Morand-Fehr P. (ed.). Production systems and product quality in sheep and goats. Zaragoza: CIHEAM, 2001. p. 41-44 (Options Méditerranéennes: Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 46)
- Bonvillani A, Peña F, de Gea G, Gómez G, Petryna A, Perea J. 2010. Carcass characteristics of Criolla Cordobés kid goats under an extensive management system: Effects of gender and liveweight at slaughter. Meat Science 86:651-659.
- Colomer-Rocher F, Morand-Fehr P, Kirton AH. 1987. Standard methods and procedures for goat carcass evaluation, jointing and tissue separation. Livestock Production Science 17:149-159.
- Delgado-Pertiñez M, Guzmán-Guerrero JL, Mena Y, Castel JM, González-Redondo P, Caravaca FP. 2009. Influence of kid rearing systems on milk yield, kid growth and cost of Florida dairy goats. Small Ruminant Research 81:105-111.
- Dhanda JS, Taylor DG, McCosker JE, Murray PJ. 1999a. The influence of goat genotype on the production of Capretto and Chevon carcasses. 1. Growth and carcass characteristics. Meat Science 52:355-361.
- Dhanda JS, Taylor DG, McCosker JE, Murray PJ. 1999b. The influence of goat genotype on the production of Capretto and Chevon carcasses. 3. Dissected carcass composition. Meat Science 52:363-367.
- Dhanda JS, Taylor DG, Murray PJ. 2003. Part 2. Carcass composition and fatty acid profiles of adipose tissue of male goats: effects of genotype and liveweight at slaughter. Small Ruminant Research 50:67-74.
- Ekiz B, Özcan M, Yılmaz A, Tölü C, Savaş T. 2010. Carcass measurements and meat quality characteristics of dairy suckling kids compared to an indigenous genotype. Meat Science 85(2):245-249.
- Fehr PM, Sauvant D, Delage J, Dumont BL, Roy G. 1976. Effect of feeding methods and age at slaughter on growth performances and carcass characteristics of entire young male goats. Livestock Production Science 3:183-194.
- Fisher AV, de Boer H. 1994. The EAAP standard method of sheep carcass assessment. Carcas measurement and dissection procedures. Report of the EAAP working group on carcass evaluation, in cooperation with the CIHEAM Instituto Agronomico Mediterraneo of Zaragoza and the CEC Directorate General for Agriculture in Brussels. Livestock Production Science 38:149-159.
- Haenlein GFW. 2004. Goat milk in human nutrition. Small Ruminant Research 51(2):155-163.
- Kaić A, Cividini A, Potočnik K. 2012. Influence of sex and age at slaughter on growth performance and carcass traits of Boer kids. 20th Int. Symp. Animal Science Days, Sept. 19th-21th 2012, Kranjska gora, Slovenia.
- Koşum N, Alçiçek A, Taşkın T, Önenç A. 2003. Fattening performance and carcass characteristics of Saanen and Bornova male kids under an intensive management system. Czech Journal Animal Science 48(9):379-386.
- Marichal A, Castro N, Capote J, Zamorano MJ, Argüello A. 2003. Effects of live weight at slaughter (6, 10 and 25 kg) on kid carcass and meat quality. Livestock Production Sceince 83:247-256.
- Özcan M, Yılmaz A, Ekiz B, Tölü C, Savaş T. 2010. Slaughter and carcass characteristics of Gokceada, Maltese and Turkish Saanen suckling kids. Archives Tierzucht 53:318-327.
- Panea B, Ripoll G, Horcada A, Sañudo C, Teixeira A, Alcalde MJ. 2012. Influence of breed, milk diet and slaughter weight on carcass traits of suckling kids from seven Spanish breeds. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 10(4):1025-1036.
- Peña F, Perea J, Garcia A, Acero R. 2007. Effects of weight at slaughter and sex on the carcass characteristics of Florida suckling kids. Meat Science 75:543-550.
- Savaş T. 2008. Türkiye’de süt keçiciliğinde son yıllardaki gelişmeler. http://zootekni.comu.edu.tr/fayda/kecigelismeler.pdf (12 January 2014)
- Teixeira A, Jimenez-Badillo MR, Rodrigues S. 2011. Effect of sex and weight on carcass traits and meat qaulity in goat kids of Cabrito Transmontano. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 9(3):753-760.
- Zimerman M, Domingo E, Lanari MR. 2008. Carcass characteristics of Neuquèn Criollo kids in Patagonia region, Argentina. Meat Science 79:453-457.
Saanen oğlaklarda büyütme tipi ve kesim yaşının bazı karkas kalitesi özellikleri üzerine etkileri
Yıl 2017,
, 1 - 6, 23.11.2017
Hülya Yalçıntan
Nurşen Doğan
Pembe Dilara Akın
Bülent Ekiz
Ömür Koçak
Alper Yılmaz
Çalışmada, analı ve yapay
büyütülen Saanen ırkı erkek oğlakların 80 ve 120 günlük yaşlarda kesime sevk
edildiği üretim modellerinde, oğlakların bazı karkas kalitesi özelliklerinin
karşılaştırmalı olarak ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Karkas ağırlığı ve
karkas randımanı bakımından analı ve yapay büyütülen oğlaklar arasında önemli
bir farklılık tespit edilmemiştir. Diğer yandan boş vücut ağırlığına göre
hesaplanan gerçek karkas randımanının yapay büyütülen oğlaklarda analı
büyütülenlere kıyasla daha yüksek olduğu görülmektedir. Büyütme tipinin böbrek-leğen
yağı ve butta derialtı yağ oranı üzerine etkisi önemsizken, butta kaslararası
yağ oranının analı büyütülen oğlaklarda daha yüksek olduğu sonucuna
ulaşılmıştır. Kesim yaşı artışına paralel olarak karkas ağırlığı, karkas ve but
kompaktlık indekslerinin, boyun ve kaburga oranlarının arttığı tespit
edilmiştir. Kesim yaşının böbrek-leğen yağı, butta derialtı yağ ve kaslararası
yağ oranları üzerine etkisi önemsiz bulunmuştur. Butta et oranının ise küçük
yaşlarda kesime sevk edilen oğlaklarda daha fazla olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Yüksek süt verimi elde etmeyi amaçlayan keçi yetiştiricileri, karkas kalite
özelliklerinde herhangi bir olumsuzluğa neden olmaksızın Saanen oğlaklarını
yapay besleme ile büyütebilirler.
- Argüello A, Castro N, Capote J, Solomon MB. 2007. The influence of artificial rearing and live weight at slaughter on kid carcass characteristics. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 6(1):20-25.
- Argüello A, Ginés R, López JL. Capote J. 2001. Effects of the rearing system on meat quality in young kids. In: Rubino R. (ed.), Morand-Fehr P. (ed.). Production systems and product quality in sheep and goats. Zaragoza: CIHEAM, 2001. p. 41-44 (Options Méditerranéennes: Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 46)
- Bonvillani A, Peña F, de Gea G, Gómez G, Petryna A, Perea J. 2010. Carcass characteristics of Criolla Cordobés kid goats under an extensive management system: Effects of gender and liveweight at slaughter. Meat Science 86:651-659.
- Colomer-Rocher F, Morand-Fehr P, Kirton AH. 1987. Standard methods and procedures for goat carcass evaluation, jointing and tissue separation. Livestock Production Science 17:149-159.
- Delgado-Pertiñez M, Guzmán-Guerrero JL, Mena Y, Castel JM, González-Redondo P, Caravaca FP. 2009. Influence of kid rearing systems on milk yield, kid growth and cost of Florida dairy goats. Small Ruminant Research 81:105-111.
- Dhanda JS, Taylor DG, McCosker JE, Murray PJ. 1999a. The influence of goat genotype on the production of Capretto and Chevon carcasses. 1. Growth and carcass characteristics. Meat Science 52:355-361.
- Dhanda JS, Taylor DG, McCosker JE, Murray PJ. 1999b. The influence of goat genotype on the production of Capretto and Chevon carcasses. 3. Dissected carcass composition. Meat Science 52:363-367.
- Dhanda JS, Taylor DG, Murray PJ. 2003. Part 2. Carcass composition and fatty acid profiles of adipose tissue of male goats: effects of genotype and liveweight at slaughter. Small Ruminant Research 50:67-74.
- Ekiz B, Özcan M, Yılmaz A, Tölü C, Savaş T. 2010. Carcass measurements and meat quality characteristics of dairy suckling kids compared to an indigenous genotype. Meat Science 85(2):245-249.
- Fehr PM, Sauvant D, Delage J, Dumont BL, Roy G. 1976. Effect of feeding methods and age at slaughter on growth performances and carcass characteristics of entire young male goats. Livestock Production Science 3:183-194.
- Fisher AV, de Boer H. 1994. The EAAP standard method of sheep carcass assessment. Carcas measurement and dissection procedures. Report of the EAAP working group on carcass evaluation, in cooperation with the CIHEAM Instituto Agronomico Mediterraneo of Zaragoza and the CEC Directorate General for Agriculture in Brussels. Livestock Production Science 38:149-159.
- Haenlein GFW. 2004. Goat milk in human nutrition. Small Ruminant Research 51(2):155-163.
- Kaić A, Cividini A, Potočnik K. 2012. Influence of sex and age at slaughter on growth performance and carcass traits of Boer kids. 20th Int. Symp. Animal Science Days, Sept. 19th-21th 2012, Kranjska gora, Slovenia.
- Koşum N, Alçiçek A, Taşkın T, Önenç A. 2003. Fattening performance and carcass characteristics of Saanen and Bornova male kids under an intensive management system. Czech Journal Animal Science 48(9):379-386.
- Marichal A, Castro N, Capote J, Zamorano MJ, Argüello A. 2003. Effects of live weight at slaughter (6, 10 and 25 kg) on kid carcass and meat quality. Livestock Production Sceince 83:247-256.
- Özcan M, Yılmaz A, Ekiz B, Tölü C, Savaş T. 2010. Slaughter and carcass characteristics of Gokceada, Maltese and Turkish Saanen suckling kids. Archives Tierzucht 53:318-327.
- Panea B, Ripoll G, Horcada A, Sañudo C, Teixeira A, Alcalde MJ. 2012. Influence of breed, milk diet and slaughter weight on carcass traits of suckling kids from seven Spanish breeds. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 10(4):1025-1036.
- Peña F, Perea J, Garcia A, Acero R. 2007. Effects of weight at slaughter and sex on the carcass characteristics of Florida suckling kids. Meat Science 75:543-550.
- Savaş T. 2008. Türkiye’de süt keçiciliğinde son yıllardaki gelişmeler. http://zootekni.comu.edu.tr/fayda/kecigelismeler.pdf (12 January 2014)
- Teixeira A, Jimenez-Badillo MR, Rodrigues S. 2011. Effect of sex and weight on carcass traits and meat qaulity in goat kids of Cabrito Transmontano. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 9(3):753-760.
- Zimerman M, Domingo E, Lanari MR. 2008. Carcass characteristics of Neuquèn Criollo kids in Patagonia region, Argentina. Meat Science 79:453-457.