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Süt Sığırcılığında Bitkisel Meme Başı Daldırma Solüsyonları Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Yıl 2019, , 51 - 57, 28.06.2019


Meme ve meme başı süt sığırcılığında hijyen açısından çok önemlidir. Bitkisel ekstraktların 1990'lı yıllarda başlayan meme ve meme başı dezenfektanı olarak kullanımı konulu çalışmalar sonucu üretilmiş pek çok ürün bugün piyasada farklı marka adı altında satışa sunulmaktadır. İyi bir dezenfektanın sadece bakteri öldürme değil aynı zamanda meme başı derisini kuruma, tahriş, yara ve kötü hava koşullarına karşı da koruma sağlaması gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle piyasada mevcut dezenfektanların birkaç ekstraktın karışım halinde kullanıldığı anlaşılmaktadır. Bu derlemede yürütülen bitkisel dezenfektan konulu araştırma sonuçlarını bir arada değerlendirerek kullanıcıların bilgisine sunulması amaçlanmıştır.


  • Adıgüzel A, Güllüce M, Şengül M, Öğütçü H, Şahin F, Karaman İ. 2005. Antimicrobial Effects of Ocimum basilicum (Labiatae) Extract. Turkish Journal of Biology 29: 155- 160.
  • Adıyaman E, Ayhan V. 2010. Etlik Piliçlerin Beslenmesinde Aromatik Bitkilerin Kullanımı. Hayvansal Üretim Dergisi 51(1): 57-63.
  • Akan S. 2014. Sarımsak (Allium sativum L.) Tüketiminin İnsan Sağlığına Yararları. Akademik Gıda 12(2) (2014) 95-100.
  • Anonim, 2018a. (03.06.2018).
  • Anonim, 2018b. (03.06.2018).
  • Anonim, 2018c. (03.06.2018).
  • Baştan A. 2010. İneklerde meme sağlığı ve sorunları. İneklerde Meme Sağlığı ve Sorunları, Kardelen Ofset Matbaacılık Tanıtım Hizmetleri San Tic Ltd Şti, Ankara.
  • Benkeblia N. 2004. Antimicrobial activity of essential oil extracts of various onions (Alliumcepa) and garlic (Alliumsativum). Lebensmittel- Wissenschaft und- Technologie 37:263-268.
  • Bhatt VD, Shah TM, Nauriyal DS, Kunjadia AP, Joshi CG. 2014. Evaluation of a topical herbal drug for its in vivo immunomodulatory effect on cytokines production and antibacterial activity in bovine subclinical mastitis. An Internatıonal Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda 35(2), 198–205.
  • Bozin B, Mimica-Dukıc N, Samojlık I, Jovin E. 2007. Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of Rosemary and Sage (Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Salvia officinalis L, Lemiaceae) essentialoils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 55:7879-7885.
  • Büyükcangaz E, Mat B, Ahmed MKAA. 2012. Subklinik Mastitisli Sığır Sütlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Analizi ve İzolatların Antimikrobiyal Direnç Profili Uludag University Journal Faculty Veterinary Medıcıne. 31 (2012), 2: 35-44.
  • Campos M, Godson DL, Aughes HP, Babiuk LA. 1994. Cytokine application in infectious diseases. In: Goddeeris BM, Morrison WI, editors. Cell Mediated Immunity in Ruminants. Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 229–37.
  • Cecchini C, Cresci A,Coman MM, Ricciutelli M. 2007. Antimicrobial activity of seven Hypericum entities from central Italy. Planta Medica 73: 564-6.
  • Çolak H, Hampikyan H, Bingöl EB, Akkaya E, Çetin O. 2016. “Reduction of Escherichia coli O157, Salmonella Typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus populations on fresh green leaf lettuce with ozone treatment”. 3rd International Conference on Food Security and Nutrition, ICFSN, Amsterdam, Hollanda, 23-25 Mart 2016, pp. 69-69.
  • Daimi SGR, Waghmare SP, Kopte AY, Mode SG, Siddiqui MF. 2006. Efficacy of herbal preparation against subclinical mastitis in cows. Indian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 26(2): 143-145.
  • Delamare APL, Moschen-Pistorello IT, Artico L, Atti-Serafini L, Echeverrigaray S. 2007. Antibacterial activity of theessential oils Salvia officinalis L. andSalviatriloba L. cultivated in South Brazil. Food Chemistry. 100:603-608.
  • Dorman HJD, Deans SG. 2000. Antimicrobial agents from plants: antibacterial activity of plant volatile oils. Journal of Applied Microbiology 88, 308–316.
  • Dornseiffen JW. 1998. Residue aspects of disinfectants used in the food industry. International Biodeterioration and Biodegration 41, 309-312.
  • Duarte CTM, Leme EE, Delarmelina C, Soares AA, Figueira MG, Sartoratto A. 2007. Activity of essential oils from Brazilian medicinal plants on Escherichia coli. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 111, 197–201.
  • Duval J. 1997. Treating mastitis without antibiotics. Ecological Agriculture Projects.
  • Evren M, Apan M, Albayram C. 2006. Sarımsağın Antimikrobiyel Özellikleri. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi; 24-26 Mayıs, Bolu.
  • Faydaoğlu E, Sürücüoğlu MS. 2013. Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkilerin Antimikrobiyal, Antioksidan Aktiviteleri ve Kullanım Olanakları. EÜFBED - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi Cilt-Sayı: 6-2 Yıl: 2013 233-265.
  • Fox LK, Oura LY, Ames CR. 2003. Short Communication: Teat Skin pH. Journal of Dairy Science Volume 86, Issue 12, December 2003, Pages 3951-3952.
  • Galton DM, Petersson LG, Erb HN. 1986. Milk iodine residues in herds practicing iodophor premilking teat disinfection. Journal of Dairy Science 69, 267–271. doi: 10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(86)80397-6.
  • Genena AK, Hense H, Junior AS, De Souza SM, 2008. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) – a study of the composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of extracts obtained with supercritical carbon dioxide. Ciênca Tecnologia Aliment Campinas, 28(2): 463-469.
  • Gibson H, Sinclair LA, Brizuela CM, Worton HL, Protheroe RG. 2008. Effectiveness of selected premilking teat-cleaning regimes in reducing teat microbial load on commercial dairy farms. Letters in Applied Microbiology 46, 295–300. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-765X.2007.02308.x.
  • Gurdip S, Sumitra M. 2005. Antimicrobial, antifungal and insecticidal investigations on Essentials oils ó An overview. NPR Volume 4 (3) May-June.Hampikyan H, Çolak H. 2007. Nisin ve Gıdalardaki Antimikrobiyal Etkisi. TSK Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni 6 (2).
  • Hansen PJ, Soto P, Natzke RP. 2004. Mastitis and fertility in cattle-possible involvement of inflammation or immune activation in embryonic mortality. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 51:294–301.
  • Kandhasamy M, Arunachalam KD. 2008. African Journal of Biotechnology Volume 7 (12), pp. 1958-1961, 17 June.
  • Karagözlü C, Karagözlü N. 2004. Süt endüstrisinde deterjan ve dezenfektan kalıntılarının önemi. Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 8 (3/4):73-81.
  • Konuklugil B, Özçelik G, The Importance of Ginger (Zingiber officinalis), Throughout the History and Its Present Use, OTAM. 2004; 16: 173–189
  • Kummee P, Borisutpeth M, Chanlun S, Kanbutra P, Chanlun A. 2015. Efficacy of guava leaf extract as alternative pre-milking teat dipping in reducing teat–end bacterial load of milking dairy cows. International Journal of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Science 7, 434–438.
  • Mayer G, Yula E. 2016. Microbiology and Immunology, (07 Haziran 2018).
  • Moreira RM, Ponce AG, De Valle CE, Roura SI. 2005. Inhibitory parameters of essential oils to reduce a foodborne pathogen. LWT- Food Science and Technology 38 565–570.
  • Nelson JA, Trout GH. 1964. Judging Dairy Produets. The Olsen Publishing Co. Milwaukee 12, Wis. U.S.A.
  • Oliver SP, Lewis MJ, Ingle TL, Gillespie BE, Matthews KR, Dowlen HH. 1993. Premilking teat disinfection for the prevention of environmental pathogen intramammary infections. Journal of Food Protection 56, 852–855. doi: 10.4315/ 0362-028X-56.10.852.
  • Ouattara B, Simard RE, Holley RA, Piette GJP, Bégin A.1997. Antimicrobial activity of selected fatty acid sand essential oils against six meat spoilage organisms. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 37:155-162.
  • Özdemir M. 2006. Mastitisli İnek Sütlerinden Staphylococcus Türlerinin İzolasyonu Ve İdentifikasyonu. Pendik Veteriner Kontrol ve Araştırma Enstitüsü dergisi Cilt 20,Sayı 2.
  • Öztürk B, Karabay NÜ, Gökgünneç L. 2002. Türkiye’de doğal yayılış gösteren bazı Menta L. taxonlarından elde edilen uçucu yağların karşılaştırmalı antimikrobiyal etkileri. 14. Bitkisel İlaç Hammaddeleri Toplantısı, Bildiriler (29-31 Mayıs, Eskişehir):341-343. ISBN 975-94077-2-8.
  • Palmer AS, Stewart J, Fyfe L.1998. Antimicrobial properties of plant essential oils and essences against five important food-bornepathogens. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 26:118-122.
  • Palmer J. 1991. Detergent and disinfectans residues and contaminants in milk and milk products. Chapter 11. IDF Special Issue 9101, Belgium, 173-189.
  • Paranagama PA, Abeysekera KHT, Abeywickrama K, Nugaliyadde L. 2003. Fungicidal and anti-aflatoxigenic effects of the essentialoil of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf. (lemongrass) against Aspergillus flavus Link. isolated from stored rice. Letters in Applied Microbiology.
  • Sahle S. 2002. A study on medicinal plants used in the traditional veterinary practices for treatment of bovine mastitis in selected sites of Central Ethiopia. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Addis Ababa University, DVM Thesis.
  • Schelz Z, Molnar J, Hohmann J. 2006. Antimicrobial and antiplasmid activities of essentialoils. Fitoterapia. 77: 279-285.
  • Sepehri Z, Bagheri G, Mohasseli T, Javadian F, Anbari M, Nasiri A.A, Kiani Z, Shahi Z, Baigi G.S. 2014. Antibacterial Activity of Cuminum cyminum and Piper nigrum against antibiotic resistant Klebsiella pneumonia. Bulletion of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences Vol 3, 17-19.
  • Soleimani NA, Kermanshahi RK, Yakhchali B, Sattari TN. 2010. Antagonistic activity of probiotic lactobacilli against Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine mastitis. African Journal of Microbiology Research 420, 2169–2173.
  • Toroglu S, Dincer S, Korkmaz H. 2005. Antibiotic resistance in Gram Negative bacteria isolated from Aksu river in (Kahramanmaraş) Turkey. Ann of Microbiology 55: 229- 233.
  • Ulusoy E, İzgür M, Akay Ö, Diker K. S, Aydın N, Arda M. 1985. Mastitisli İnek Sütlerinden İzole Edilen Mikroorganizmaların İdentifikasyonları Ve Antibiyotiklere Duyarlılıkları Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 32 (2) : 358-370.
  • Verma AK, Nauriyal DS. 2009.Therapeutic potential of a topical herbal gel against bovine subclinical mastitis. Indian Journal of Animal Science 79:275–77.
  • Yılmaz M, Türk Özdemir A,Tay T, Kıvanc M. 2004. The Antimicrobial Activity of Extracts of the Lichen Cladonia foliacea and Its Usnic Acid, Atranorin, and Fumarprotocetraric Acid Constituents. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C ; 59(3-4): 249–254.
  • Yu HJ, Chen YF, Yang HJ, Yang J, Xue JG, Li CK. 2015. Screening for Lactobacillus plantarum with potential inhibitory activity against enteric pathogens. Annals of Microbiology 65, 1–9. doi: 10.1007/s13213-014-0963-3 .
  • Zucali M, Bava L, Tamburini A, Brasca M, Vanoni L, Sandrucci A. 2011. Effects of season, milking routine and cow cleanliness on bacterial and somatic cell counts of bulk tank milk. Journal of Dairy Research 78, 436–441. doi: 10.1017/S0022029911000598.

A Study on Herbal Teat Dipping Solutions in Dairy Cattle

Yıl 2019, , 51 - 57, 28.06.2019


Udder and teat dipping disinfection is very important in terms of hygiene in dairy cattle. As a result of the trial studies of herbal extracts as an udder and teat dipping disinfectant started in the 1990s, it is offered under a different brand name in the market today. A good disinfectant should not only kill bacteria but also protect against cow udder from dryness, irritation, wound, and bad weather conditions. It is understood that several disinfectants were used as a mixture in disinfectants present in the market. In this review, it has been aimed to evaluate the results of the research on herbal disinfectant carried out in this study together and present it to the information to the users.


  • Adıgüzel A, Güllüce M, Şengül M, Öğütçü H, Şahin F, Karaman İ. 2005. Antimicrobial Effects of Ocimum basilicum (Labiatae) Extract. Turkish Journal of Biology 29: 155- 160.
  • Adıyaman E, Ayhan V. 2010. Etlik Piliçlerin Beslenmesinde Aromatik Bitkilerin Kullanımı. Hayvansal Üretim Dergisi 51(1): 57-63.
  • Akan S. 2014. Sarımsak (Allium sativum L.) Tüketiminin İnsan Sağlığına Yararları. Akademik Gıda 12(2) (2014) 95-100.
  • Anonim, 2018a. (03.06.2018).
  • Anonim, 2018b. (03.06.2018).
  • Anonim, 2018c. (03.06.2018).
  • Baştan A. 2010. İneklerde meme sağlığı ve sorunları. İneklerde Meme Sağlığı ve Sorunları, Kardelen Ofset Matbaacılık Tanıtım Hizmetleri San Tic Ltd Şti, Ankara.
  • Benkeblia N. 2004. Antimicrobial activity of essential oil extracts of various onions (Alliumcepa) and garlic (Alliumsativum). Lebensmittel- Wissenschaft und- Technologie 37:263-268.
  • Bhatt VD, Shah TM, Nauriyal DS, Kunjadia AP, Joshi CG. 2014. Evaluation of a topical herbal drug for its in vivo immunomodulatory effect on cytokines production and antibacterial activity in bovine subclinical mastitis. An Internatıonal Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda 35(2), 198–205.
  • Bozin B, Mimica-Dukıc N, Samojlık I, Jovin E. 2007. Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of Rosemary and Sage (Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Salvia officinalis L, Lemiaceae) essentialoils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 55:7879-7885.
  • Büyükcangaz E, Mat B, Ahmed MKAA. 2012. Subklinik Mastitisli Sığır Sütlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Analizi ve İzolatların Antimikrobiyal Direnç Profili Uludag University Journal Faculty Veterinary Medıcıne. 31 (2012), 2: 35-44.
  • Campos M, Godson DL, Aughes HP, Babiuk LA. 1994. Cytokine application in infectious diseases. In: Goddeeris BM, Morrison WI, editors. Cell Mediated Immunity in Ruminants. Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 229–37.
  • Cecchini C, Cresci A,Coman MM, Ricciutelli M. 2007. Antimicrobial activity of seven Hypericum entities from central Italy. Planta Medica 73: 564-6.
  • Çolak H, Hampikyan H, Bingöl EB, Akkaya E, Çetin O. 2016. “Reduction of Escherichia coli O157, Salmonella Typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus populations on fresh green leaf lettuce with ozone treatment”. 3rd International Conference on Food Security and Nutrition, ICFSN, Amsterdam, Hollanda, 23-25 Mart 2016, pp. 69-69.
  • Daimi SGR, Waghmare SP, Kopte AY, Mode SG, Siddiqui MF. 2006. Efficacy of herbal preparation against subclinical mastitis in cows. Indian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 26(2): 143-145.
  • Delamare APL, Moschen-Pistorello IT, Artico L, Atti-Serafini L, Echeverrigaray S. 2007. Antibacterial activity of theessential oils Salvia officinalis L. andSalviatriloba L. cultivated in South Brazil. Food Chemistry. 100:603-608.
  • Dorman HJD, Deans SG. 2000. Antimicrobial agents from plants: antibacterial activity of plant volatile oils. Journal of Applied Microbiology 88, 308–316.
  • Dornseiffen JW. 1998. Residue aspects of disinfectants used in the food industry. International Biodeterioration and Biodegration 41, 309-312.
  • Duarte CTM, Leme EE, Delarmelina C, Soares AA, Figueira MG, Sartoratto A. 2007. Activity of essential oils from Brazilian medicinal plants on Escherichia coli. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 111, 197–201.
  • Duval J. 1997. Treating mastitis without antibiotics. Ecological Agriculture Projects.
  • Evren M, Apan M, Albayram C. 2006. Sarımsağın Antimikrobiyel Özellikleri. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi; 24-26 Mayıs, Bolu.
  • Faydaoğlu E, Sürücüoğlu MS. 2013. Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkilerin Antimikrobiyal, Antioksidan Aktiviteleri ve Kullanım Olanakları. EÜFBED - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi Cilt-Sayı: 6-2 Yıl: 2013 233-265.
  • Fox LK, Oura LY, Ames CR. 2003. Short Communication: Teat Skin pH. Journal of Dairy Science Volume 86, Issue 12, December 2003, Pages 3951-3952.
  • Galton DM, Petersson LG, Erb HN. 1986. Milk iodine residues in herds practicing iodophor premilking teat disinfection. Journal of Dairy Science 69, 267–271. doi: 10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(86)80397-6.
  • Genena AK, Hense H, Junior AS, De Souza SM, 2008. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) – a study of the composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of extracts obtained with supercritical carbon dioxide. Ciênca Tecnologia Aliment Campinas, 28(2): 463-469.
  • Gibson H, Sinclair LA, Brizuela CM, Worton HL, Protheroe RG. 2008. Effectiveness of selected premilking teat-cleaning regimes in reducing teat microbial load on commercial dairy farms. Letters in Applied Microbiology 46, 295–300. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-765X.2007.02308.x.
  • Gurdip S, Sumitra M. 2005. Antimicrobial, antifungal and insecticidal investigations on Essentials oils ó An overview. NPR Volume 4 (3) May-June.Hampikyan H, Çolak H. 2007. Nisin ve Gıdalardaki Antimikrobiyal Etkisi. TSK Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni 6 (2).
  • Hansen PJ, Soto P, Natzke RP. 2004. Mastitis and fertility in cattle-possible involvement of inflammation or immune activation in embryonic mortality. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 51:294–301.
  • Kandhasamy M, Arunachalam KD. 2008. African Journal of Biotechnology Volume 7 (12), pp. 1958-1961, 17 June.
  • Karagözlü C, Karagözlü N. 2004. Süt endüstrisinde deterjan ve dezenfektan kalıntılarının önemi. Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 8 (3/4):73-81.
  • Konuklugil B, Özçelik G, The Importance of Ginger (Zingiber officinalis), Throughout the History and Its Present Use, OTAM. 2004; 16: 173–189
  • Kummee P, Borisutpeth M, Chanlun S, Kanbutra P, Chanlun A. 2015. Efficacy of guava leaf extract as alternative pre-milking teat dipping in reducing teat–end bacterial load of milking dairy cows. International Journal of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Science 7, 434–438.
  • Mayer G, Yula E. 2016. Microbiology and Immunology, (07 Haziran 2018).
  • Moreira RM, Ponce AG, De Valle CE, Roura SI. 2005. Inhibitory parameters of essential oils to reduce a foodborne pathogen. LWT- Food Science and Technology 38 565–570.
  • Nelson JA, Trout GH. 1964. Judging Dairy Produets. The Olsen Publishing Co. Milwaukee 12, Wis. U.S.A.
  • Oliver SP, Lewis MJ, Ingle TL, Gillespie BE, Matthews KR, Dowlen HH. 1993. Premilking teat disinfection for the prevention of environmental pathogen intramammary infections. Journal of Food Protection 56, 852–855. doi: 10.4315/ 0362-028X-56.10.852.
  • Ouattara B, Simard RE, Holley RA, Piette GJP, Bégin A.1997. Antimicrobial activity of selected fatty acid sand essential oils against six meat spoilage organisms. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 37:155-162.
  • Özdemir M. 2006. Mastitisli İnek Sütlerinden Staphylococcus Türlerinin İzolasyonu Ve İdentifikasyonu. Pendik Veteriner Kontrol ve Araştırma Enstitüsü dergisi Cilt 20,Sayı 2.
  • Öztürk B, Karabay NÜ, Gökgünneç L. 2002. Türkiye’de doğal yayılış gösteren bazı Menta L. taxonlarından elde edilen uçucu yağların karşılaştırmalı antimikrobiyal etkileri. 14. Bitkisel İlaç Hammaddeleri Toplantısı, Bildiriler (29-31 Mayıs, Eskişehir):341-343. ISBN 975-94077-2-8.
  • Palmer AS, Stewart J, Fyfe L.1998. Antimicrobial properties of plant essential oils and essences against five important food-bornepathogens. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 26:118-122.
  • Palmer J. 1991. Detergent and disinfectans residues and contaminants in milk and milk products. Chapter 11. IDF Special Issue 9101, Belgium, 173-189.
  • Paranagama PA, Abeysekera KHT, Abeywickrama K, Nugaliyadde L. 2003. Fungicidal and anti-aflatoxigenic effects of the essentialoil of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf. (lemongrass) against Aspergillus flavus Link. isolated from stored rice. Letters in Applied Microbiology.
  • Sahle S. 2002. A study on medicinal plants used in the traditional veterinary practices for treatment of bovine mastitis in selected sites of Central Ethiopia. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Addis Ababa University, DVM Thesis.
  • Schelz Z, Molnar J, Hohmann J. 2006. Antimicrobial and antiplasmid activities of essentialoils. Fitoterapia. 77: 279-285.
  • Sepehri Z, Bagheri G, Mohasseli T, Javadian F, Anbari M, Nasiri A.A, Kiani Z, Shahi Z, Baigi G.S. 2014. Antibacterial Activity of Cuminum cyminum and Piper nigrum against antibiotic resistant Klebsiella pneumonia. Bulletion of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences Vol 3, 17-19.
  • Soleimani NA, Kermanshahi RK, Yakhchali B, Sattari TN. 2010. Antagonistic activity of probiotic lactobacilli against Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine mastitis. African Journal of Microbiology Research 420, 2169–2173.
  • Toroglu S, Dincer S, Korkmaz H. 2005. Antibiotic resistance in Gram Negative bacteria isolated from Aksu river in (Kahramanmaraş) Turkey. Ann of Microbiology 55: 229- 233.
  • Ulusoy E, İzgür M, Akay Ö, Diker K. S, Aydın N, Arda M. 1985. Mastitisli İnek Sütlerinden İzole Edilen Mikroorganizmaların İdentifikasyonları Ve Antibiyotiklere Duyarlılıkları Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 32 (2) : 358-370.
  • Verma AK, Nauriyal DS. 2009.Therapeutic potential of a topical herbal gel against bovine subclinical mastitis. Indian Journal of Animal Science 79:275–77.
  • Yılmaz M, Türk Özdemir A,Tay T, Kıvanc M. 2004. The Antimicrobial Activity of Extracts of the Lichen Cladonia foliacea and Its Usnic Acid, Atranorin, and Fumarprotocetraric Acid Constituents. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C ; 59(3-4): 249–254.
  • Yu HJ, Chen YF, Yang HJ, Yang J, Xue JG, Li CK. 2015. Screening for Lactobacillus plantarum with potential inhibitory activity against enteric pathogens. Annals of Microbiology 65, 1–9. doi: 10.1007/s13213-014-0963-3 .
  • Zucali M, Bava L, Tamburini A, Brasca M, Vanoni L, Sandrucci A. 2011. Effects of season, milking routine and cow cleanliness on bacterial and somatic cell counts of bulk tank milk. Journal of Dairy Research 78, 436–441. doi: 10.1017/S0022029911000598.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derlemeler

Sibel Bozkurt

Serap Göncü

Gökhan Gökçe

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Bozkurt, S., Göncü, S., & Gökçe, G. (2019). Süt Sığırcılığında Bitkisel Meme Başı Daldırma Solüsyonları Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Journal of Animal Production, 60(1), 51-57.


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