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The Effect of Dietary Humic Acid on Some Carcass Traits, Meat Quality and Blood Parameters of Japanese Quails Subjected to Pre-Slaughter Feed Withdrawal Stress

Yıl 2019, , 15 - 23, 28.06.2019


Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of fed supplemented different levels of dietary humic acid (HA), which is a natural feed additive, on cut-up carcass parts yield, on meat quality traits and some blood parameters of Japanese quail exposed to pre-slaughter acute stress (for 14 hours withdrawal).

Material and Methods: For this purpose, a total of 184 mixed Japanese quails were divided into four groups, one of which was kept as a control (HC, HA=0) and was fed with commercial basal diet (BD) (24% protein and 2900 kcal/kg ME; NRC, 1994) until the end of the study. Different doses of HA were added to the other 3 groups in order to prevent the effects of physiological stress (H1=BD+%0.10 HA, H1.5=BD+%0.15 HA; H2= BD+%0.20 HA). Before slaughter, all dietary treatments were separated into two groups (23 quails/group). Half of birds were fed ad-libitum until 3 h before slaughter (Cont.) while the other half feed was removed (FW) for 14 hours to induced physiological stress.

Results: Feed withdrawal stress and supplemented dietary HA did not affect the carcass weight. All meat quality characteristics were affected by AS treatment, whereas HA addition was effective only on pH24. Serum total protein levels decreased in the AS group while LDH increased. HA treatment showed the highest LDH level in the H1.5 group compared to the control group.

Conclusion: These results indicate that pre-slaughter feed withdrawal stress affects the quail breast meat quality, however there is no significant effect of supplemented dietary HA.


  • Ali A S A, Harrison A P and Jensen J F. 1999. Effects of some ante-mortem stressor on peri-mortem and post-mortem biochemical changes and tenderness on broiler breast muscle: A review. World’s Poult. Sci. J. 55:403–414.
  • Ali S, Kang G H and Joo S T. 2008. A Review: Influences of Pre-slaughter Stress on Poultry Meat Quality. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 21, No. 6 : 912 – 916.
  • AOAC 2000. Official methods of analysis of the association of official analytical chemist. Vol. I, 15th ed., Arlington, VA.
  • Avcı M, Denek N, Kaplan O. 2007. Effects of humic acid at different levels on growth performance, carcass yields and some biochemical parameters of quails. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 6(1), 1-4.Barbut S. 2002. Poultry products processing: An industry guide. CRC pres.
  • Barbut S.1998. Estimating the magnitude of the pale soft exudative problem in poultry. J. Muscle Foods, 9, 35-49.
  • Bendall J R. 1973. Post mortem changes in muscle. Page 243 in: Structure and function of muscle. G. H. Bourne, ed. Academic Press, New York, NY.Bilgili S F and Hess J B. 1997. Tensile strength of broiler intestines as influenced by age and feed withdrawal. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 6:279-283.
  • Contreras-Castillo C, Pinto A A, Souza G L, Beraquet N J, Aguiar A P, Cipolli K M V A B, Mendes C M I and Ortega E M. 2007. Effects of feed withdrawal periods on carcass yield and breast meat quality of chickens reared using an alternative system. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 16:613–622.
  • Daneshyar M, Kermanshahi H and Golian A. 2009. Changes of biochemical parameters and enzyme activities in broiler chickens with cold-induced ascites. P. Sci.88:106–110.
  • Delezie E, Swennen Q, Buyse J and Decuypere E. 2007. The effect of feed withdrawal and crating density in transit on metabolism and meat quality of broilers at slaughter weight. Poultry Science 86:1414–1423.
  • Disetlhe A R P, Marume U, Mlambo V, and Hugo A. 2018. Effects of dietary humic acid and enzymes on meat quality and fatty acid profiles of broiler chickens fed canola-based diets. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci.,Sep 13, 1-10.
  • Demir E, Sarica Ş, Özcan M A and Suiçmez M. 2005. The use of natural feed additives as alternative to an antibiotic growth promoter in broiler diets. Arch.Gef., 69 (3). S. 110–116.
  • Genchev A, Mihaylova G, Ribarski S, Pavlov A, Kabakchiev M. 2008. Meat quality and composition ın japanese quails. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol.6, No. 4 , pp 72-82.
  • Güler H C and Yalçın S. 2015. Effects of pre-slaughter physiological stress induced by dietary corticosterone on broiler blood biochemistry and meat quality. XXII European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat and XVI European Symposium on the “Quality of Eggs and Egg Products”
  • Hamidu J A, Agbehadzi R K, Amexo V E, Brown C A and Adomako K. 2017. Optimizing feed withdrawal time to assess broiler stress and welfare. IJRSAS, Volume 3, Issue 2, PP 1-5.
  • Hays V W. 1981. The Hays Report: Effectiveness of feed additive usage of antibacterial agents in swine and poultry production. Long Beach, CA: Rachelle Laboratories, Inc.; Report, 12476-01,5/pp81.91.
  • Honikel K O. 1998. Reference methods for the assessment of physical characteristics of meat. Meat Sci 49( 4): 447– 57.
  • Islam K M S, Schuhmacher A and Gropp J M.2005. Humic acid substances in animal agriculture. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 4 (3): 126-134.Ji F, McGlone J J, Kim S W. 2006. Effects of dietary humic substances on pig growth performance, carcass characteristics, and ammonia emission. J Anim Sci; 84:2482-90.
  • Jovanović P, Žorić L, Stefanović I, Džunić B, Djordjević-Jocić J, Radenković M, Jovanović M. 2010. Lactate dehydrogenase and oxidative stress activity in primary open-angle glaucoma aqueous humour. Bosnian J.Basic Med. Sci.; 10 (1): 83-88.
  • Kalafova A, Hrncar C, Zbynovska K, Bucko O, Hanusova E, Kapustova Z, Schneidgenova M, Bielik P, Capcarova M. 2018. The effects of dietary probiotics and humic acid on meat quality of Japanese quail including sex-related differences and economical background. Biologia, Volume 73, Issue 8, pp 765–771.
  • Kocabaglı N, Alp M, Acar N and Kahraman R. 2002. The effects of dietary humate supplementation on broiler growth and carcass yield. Poultry Science 81:227–230.
  • McKee S.R., Sams A.R., 1997. The effect of seasonal heat stress on rigor development and the incidence of pale, exudative turkey meat. Poultry Sci., 76, 1616-1620.
  • Mitchell M A, Kettlewell P J and Maxwell M H. 1992. Indicators of physiological stress in broiler chickens during road transportation. Anim. Welf. 1:91–103.
  • Narinc D, Aksoy T, Karaman E., Aygun A, Firat M Z, and Uslu M K. 2013. Japanese quail meat quality: Characteristics, heritabilities, and genetic correlations with some slaughter traits. Poultry Science 92 :1735–1744.
  • Ngoka D A, Froning G W, Lowry S R, Babji A S. 1982. Effect of sex, age, preslaughter factors, and holding conditions on the quality characteristics and chemical composition of turkey breast muscles. Poultry Sci., 61, 1996-2003.
  • Ozturk E, Ocak N, Coskun I, Turhan S. & Erener G. 2010. Effects of humic substances supplementation provided through drinking water on performance, carcass traits and meat quality of broilers. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 94: 78–85.
  • Ozturk E, Ocak N, Turan A, Erener G, Altop A, Cankaya S. 2012. Performance, carcass, gastrointestinal tract and meat quality traits, and selected blood parameters of broilers fed diets supplemented with humic substances. J Sci Food Agric;92:59-65.
  • Ozturk E, Coskun I, Ocak N, Erener G, Dervisoglu M & Turhan S. 2014. Performance, meat quality, meat mineral contents and caecal microbial population responses to humic substances administered in drinking water in broilers. British Poultry Science, Vol. 55, No. 5, 668–674.
  • Raji A O, Girgiri A Y, Alade N K and Jauro S A. 2015. Characteristics and proximate composition of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) carcass in a semi-arid area of Nigeria. Trakia Journal of Sciences 13: 159-165.
  • Rath N C, Huff W E and Huff G R. 2006. Effects of Humic Acid on Broiler Chickens1. Poultry Science 85:410–414.
  • Remignon H, Mills A D, Guemene D, Desrosiers V, Garreau-Mills M, Marche M and Marche G. 1998. Meat quality traits and muscle parameters in high and low fear lines of Japanese quail Coturnix japonica subject to acute stress. Br. Poult. Sci. 39:372–378.
  • Sams A R.1999. Meat quality during processing. Poultry Science 78:798–803.
  • Šamudovská A, Demeterová M. 2010. Effect of diet supplemented with natural humic compounds and sodium humate on performance and selected metabolic variables in broiler chickens. Acta Vet. Brno, 79: 385–393.
  • Santhi D and Kalaikannan A. 2017. Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) meat: characteristics and value addition. World's Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 73, June 2017
  • SAS 2014. SAS/STAT Software: Hangen and Enhanced, Version 9.4, SAS, Inst. Inc., Cary, N.C. USA
  • Siegel H S. 1980. Physiological stress in birds. Bioscience 30:529–533.
  • Siegel H S. 1995. Stress, strains, and resistance. Br. Poult. Sci. 36:3–22.
  • Stevenson F J. 1994. Humus Chemistry: Genesis, Composition, Reactions, 2nd Edition, published by Wiley.
  • Tazzoli 2016.
  • Veerkamp C H. 1978. The influence of fasting and transport on yields of broilers, Poult. Sci. 57 (3): 634-638.
  • Virden W S, and Kidd M T. 2009. Physiological stress in broilers: Ramifications on nutrient digestibility and responses. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 18:338–347.
  • Wabeck C.J. 1972. Feed and water withdrawal time relationship to processing yield and potential fecal contamination of broilers. Poult. Sci. 51:1119-1121.
  • Wang Q, Chen Y J, Yoo J S, Kim H J, Cho J H, Kim I H. 2008. Effects of supplemental humic substances on growth performance, blood characteristics and meat quality in finishing pigs. Livest Sci;117:270-4.
  • Warriss P D, Kestin S C, Brown S N, Knowles T G, Wilkins L J, Edwards J E, Austin S D, Nicol C. 1993. The depletion of glycogen stores and indices of dehydration in transported broilers. Br. Vet. J., 149, 391-398.
  • Wierbicki E. and Deatherage F E. 1958. Determination ofwater-holding capacity of fresh meats. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemisto,, 6, 387-92.
  • Zuidhof M J, McGovern R H, Schneider B L, Feddes J J R, Robinson F E and Korver D R. 2004. Implications of pre-slaughter feeding cues for broiler behaviour and carcass quality, J Appl. Poult. Sci. 13:335-341.

Kesim Öncesi Açlık Stresine Maruz Bırakılan Bıldırcınlarda Karma Yeme Humik Asit İlavesinin Karkas Parça Randımanı, Et Kalite Özellikleri ve Kan Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri

Yıl 2019, , 15 - 23, 28.06.2019


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, kesim öncesi maruz kalınan akut stres (14 saat süreyle aç bırakılma) etmenine karşı, doğal bir yem katkı maddesi olan, farklı oranlarda humik asit (HA) ilavesinin, Japon bıldırcınlarında karkas parça randımanı, et kalite özellikleri ve bazı kan parametreleri üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Materyal ve Metot: Bu amaçla, toplam 184 adet karışık eşeye sahip Japon bıldırcını, dört gruba ayrılmış, gruplardan biri kontrol (HK, HA=0) olarak muhafaza edilmiş ve çalışmanın sonuna kadar ticari karma yem (KY) (%24 protein ve 2900 kcal/kg ME; NRC, 1994) ile beslenmiştir. Diğer 3 gruba, fizyolojik stresin etkilerini önleme amacıyla farklı dozlarda HA ilavesi yapılmıştır (H1=KY+%0.10 HA, H1.5=KY+%0.15 HA; H2= KY+%0.20 HA). Kesimden 1 gün önce tüm yem grupları 2 alt gruba ayrılmış (23 bıldırcın/grup) ve hayvanların yarısı 14 saat (açlık stresi, AS) diğer grup 3 saat süreyle aç bırakılmıştır (Kont.).

Bulgular: Açlık stresi ve HA ilavesi karkas ağırlığını etkilememiştir. Tüm et kalite özellikleri AS uygulamasından etkilenmiş, HA uygulaması ise yalnızca pH24 üzerinde etkili olmuştur. Serum toplam protein seviyesi AS grubunda azalırken, LDH artmıştır. HA uygulaması, kontrol grubuna kıyasla H1.5 grubunda en yüksek LDH seviyesini göstermiştir.

Sonuç: Kesim öncesi açlık stresinin bıldırcın göğüs eti kalitesini etkilediği, ancak yeme ilave edilen HA’in önemli bir etkisinin olmadığı görülmektedir.


  • Ali A S A, Harrison A P and Jensen J F. 1999. Effects of some ante-mortem stressor on peri-mortem and post-mortem biochemical changes and tenderness on broiler breast muscle: A review. World’s Poult. Sci. J. 55:403–414.
  • Ali S, Kang G H and Joo S T. 2008. A Review: Influences of Pre-slaughter Stress on Poultry Meat Quality. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 21, No. 6 : 912 – 916.
  • AOAC 2000. Official methods of analysis of the association of official analytical chemist. Vol. I, 15th ed., Arlington, VA.
  • Avcı M, Denek N, Kaplan O. 2007. Effects of humic acid at different levels on growth performance, carcass yields and some biochemical parameters of quails. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 6(1), 1-4.Barbut S. 2002. Poultry products processing: An industry guide. CRC pres.
  • Barbut S.1998. Estimating the magnitude of the pale soft exudative problem in poultry. J. Muscle Foods, 9, 35-49.
  • Bendall J R. 1973. Post mortem changes in muscle. Page 243 in: Structure and function of muscle. G. H. Bourne, ed. Academic Press, New York, NY.Bilgili S F and Hess J B. 1997. Tensile strength of broiler intestines as influenced by age and feed withdrawal. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 6:279-283.
  • Contreras-Castillo C, Pinto A A, Souza G L, Beraquet N J, Aguiar A P, Cipolli K M V A B, Mendes C M I and Ortega E M. 2007. Effects of feed withdrawal periods on carcass yield and breast meat quality of chickens reared using an alternative system. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 16:613–622.
  • Daneshyar M, Kermanshahi H and Golian A. 2009. Changes of biochemical parameters and enzyme activities in broiler chickens with cold-induced ascites. P. Sci.88:106–110.
  • Delezie E, Swennen Q, Buyse J and Decuypere E. 2007. The effect of feed withdrawal and crating density in transit on metabolism and meat quality of broilers at slaughter weight. Poultry Science 86:1414–1423.
  • Disetlhe A R P, Marume U, Mlambo V, and Hugo A. 2018. Effects of dietary humic acid and enzymes on meat quality and fatty acid profiles of broiler chickens fed canola-based diets. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci.,Sep 13, 1-10.
  • Demir E, Sarica Ş, Özcan M A and Suiçmez M. 2005. The use of natural feed additives as alternative to an antibiotic growth promoter in broiler diets. Arch.Gef., 69 (3). S. 110–116.
  • Genchev A, Mihaylova G, Ribarski S, Pavlov A, Kabakchiev M. 2008. Meat quality and composition ın japanese quails. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol.6, No. 4 , pp 72-82.
  • Güler H C and Yalçın S. 2015. Effects of pre-slaughter physiological stress induced by dietary corticosterone on broiler blood biochemistry and meat quality. XXII European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat and XVI European Symposium on the “Quality of Eggs and Egg Products”
  • Hamidu J A, Agbehadzi R K, Amexo V E, Brown C A and Adomako K. 2017. Optimizing feed withdrawal time to assess broiler stress and welfare. IJRSAS, Volume 3, Issue 2, PP 1-5.
  • Hays V W. 1981. The Hays Report: Effectiveness of feed additive usage of antibacterial agents in swine and poultry production. Long Beach, CA: Rachelle Laboratories, Inc.; Report, 12476-01,5/pp81.91.
  • Honikel K O. 1998. Reference methods for the assessment of physical characteristics of meat. Meat Sci 49( 4): 447– 57.
  • Islam K M S, Schuhmacher A and Gropp J M.2005. Humic acid substances in animal agriculture. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 4 (3): 126-134.Ji F, McGlone J J, Kim S W. 2006. Effects of dietary humic substances on pig growth performance, carcass characteristics, and ammonia emission. J Anim Sci; 84:2482-90.
  • Jovanović P, Žorić L, Stefanović I, Džunić B, Djordjević-Jocić J, Radenković M, Jovanović M. 2010. Lactate dehydrogenase and oxidative stress activity in primary open-angle glaucoma aqueous humour. Bosnian J.Basic Med. Sci.; 10 (1): 83-88.
  • Kalafova A, Hrncar C, Zbynovska K, Bucko O, Hanusova E, Kapustova Z, Schneidgenova M, Bielik P, Capcarova M. 2018. The effects of dietary probiotics and humic acid on meat quality of Japanese quail including sex-related differences and economical background. Biologia, Volume 73, Issue 8, pp 765–771.
  • Kocabaglı N, Alp M, Acar N and Kahraman R. 2002. The effects of dietary humate supplementation on broiler growth and carcass yield. Poultry Science 81:227–230.
  • McKee S.R., Sams A.R., 1997. The effect of seasonal heat stress on rigor development and the incidence of pale, exudative turkey meat. Poultry Sci., 76, 1616-1620.
  • Mitchell M A, Kettlewell P J and Maxwell M H. 1992. Indicators of physiological stress in broiler chickens during road transportation. Anim. Welf. 1:91–103.
  • Narinc D, Aksoy T, Karaman E., Aygun A, Firat M Z, and Uslu M K. 2013. Japanese quail meat quality: Characteristics, heritabilities, and genetic correlations with some slaughter traits. Poultry Science 92 :1735–1744.
  • Ngoka D A, Froning G W, Lowry S R, Babji A S. 1982. Effect of sex, age, preslaughter factors, and holding conditions on the quality characteristics and chemical composition of turkey breast muscles. Poultry Sci., 61, 1996-2003.
  • Ozturk E, Ocak N, Coskun I, Turhan S. & Erener G. 2010. Effects of humic substances supplementation provided through drinking water on performance, carcass traits and meat quality of broilers. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 94: 78–85.
  • Ozturk E, Ocak N, Turan A, Erener G, Altop A, Cankaya S. 2012. Performance, carcass, gastrointestinal tract and meat quality traits, and selected blood parameters of broilers fed diets supplemented with humic substances. J Sci Food Agric;92:59-65.
  • Ozturk E, Coskun I, Ocak N, Erener G, Dervisoglu M & Turhan S. 2014. Performance, meat quality, meat mineral contents and caecal microbial population responses to humic substances administered in drinking water in broilers. British Poultry Science, Vol. 55, No. 5, 668–674.
  • Raji A O, Girgiri A Y, Alade N K and Jauro S A. 2015. Characteristics and proximate composition of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) carcass in a semi-arid area of Nigeria. Trakia Journal of Sciences 13: 159-165.
  • Rath N C, Huff W E and Huff G R. 2006. Effects of Humic Acid on Broiler Chickens1. Poultry Science 85:410–414.
  • Remignon H, Mills A D, Guemene D, Desrosiers V, Garreau-Mills M, Marche M and Marche G. 1998. Meat quality traits and muscle parameters in high and low fear lines of Japanese quail Coturnix japonica subject to acute stress. Br. Poult. Sci. 39:372–378.
  • Sams A R.1999. Meat quality during processing. Poultry Science 78:798–803.
  • Šamudovská A, Demeterová M. 2010. Effect of diet supplemented with natural humic compounds and sodium humate on performance and selected metabolic variables in broiler chickens. Acta Vet. Brno, 79: 385–393.
  • Santhi D and Kalaikannan A. 2017. Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) meat: characteristics and value addition. World's Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 73, June 2017
  • SAS 2014. SAS/STAT Software: Hangen and Enhanced, Version 9.4, SAS, Inst. Inc., Cary, N.C. USA
  • Siegel H S. 1980. Physiological stress in birds. Bioscience 30:529–533.
  • Siegel H S. 1995. Stress, strains, and resistance. Br. Poult. Sci. 36:3–22.
  • Stevenson F J. 1994. Humus Chemistry: Genesis, Composition, Reactions, 2nd Edition, published by Wiley.
  • Tazzoli 2016.
  • Veerkamp C H. 1978. The influence of fasting and transport on yields of broilers, Poult. Sci. 57 (3): 634-638.
  • Virden W S, and Kidd M T. 2009. Physiological stress in broilers: Ramifications on nutrient digestibility and responses. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 18:338–347.
  • Wabeck C.J. 1972. Feed and water withdrawal time relationship to processing yield and potential fecal contamination of broilers. Poult. Sci. 51:1119-1121.
  • Wang Q, Chen Y J, Yoo J S, Kim H J, Cho J H, Kim I H. 2008. Effects of supplemental humic substances on growth performance, blood characteristics and meat quality in finishing pigs. Livest Sci;117:270-4.
  • Warriss P D, Kestin S C, Brown S N, Knowles T G, Wilkins L J, Edwards J E, Austin S D, Nicol C. 1993. The depletion of glycogen stores and indices of dehydration in transported broilers. Br. Vet. J., 149, 391-398.
  • Wierbicki E. and Deatherage F E. 1958. Determination ofwater-holding capacity of fresh meats. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemisto,, 6, 387-92.
  • Zuidhof M J, McGovern R H, Schneider B L, Feddes J J R, Robinson F E and Korver D R. 2004. Implications of pre-slaughter feeding cues for broiler behaviour and carcass quality, J Appl. Poult. Sci. 13:335-341.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hüseyin Cem Güler 0000-0002-1527-1562

Nejla Demir Bu kişi benim

Ömer F. Kurbal Bu kişi benim

Elif Babacanoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Güler, H. C., Demir, N., Kurbal, Ö. F., Babacanoğlu, E. (2019). Kesim Öncesi Açlık Stresine Maruz Bırakılan Bıldırcınlarda Karma Yeme Humik Asit İlavesinin Karkas Parça Randımanı, Et Kalite Özellikleri ve Kan Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Animal Production, 60(1), 15-23.


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