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Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Duygu İfadeleri ve Kişilerarası İlişki Tarzları: Kesitsel Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 1 - 8, 11.11.2019


Giriş ve Amaç: Bu çalışma hemşirelik
bölümü öğrencilerinin duygu ifadelerinin ve kişilerarası ilişki tarzlarının
incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır.

Yöntem: Kesitsel tipteki bu araştırma 2018
yılı Mayıs ayında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın evrenini 2018-2019
eğitim-öğretim yılında bir üniversitenin hemşirelik fakültesindeki öğrenciler
oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi G-power ile hesaplanmış olup 285
öğrenci araştırmaya katılmıştır. Tabakalı örneklem yöntemine göre çalışmaya
1-2-3 ve 4.sınıf öğrencilerinden sırasıyla 74, 89, 41 ve 81 öğrenciye
ulaşılması planlanmıştır.  Veriler için
kişisel bilgi formu,
Duygu İfadeleri Ölçeği ve
Kişilerarası Tarz Ölçeği
kullanılmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde
tanımlayıcı istatistiksel testler Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney U Testi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma verilerinin
analizlerinde SPSS-21 programı kullanılmıştır.

Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan
öğrencilerin, 74’u(%26) 1.sınıf, 
89’u(%31,2) 2.sınıf, 41’i(%14,4) 3.sınıf ve 81’i(%28,4) 4.sınıftır.
Öğrencilerin 206’sı(% 72,3) kız, 79’u(%27,7) erkek olup,  155’i (%54,4) akademik başarısını orta
düzeyde değerlendirmiştir.  Sınıflara
göre kişilerarası tarz ölçeğinin alt boyutlarından küçümseyici tarz puanları
arasında anlamlı fark bulunmuştur(KW=15.067,p=0,002). Cinsiyetlerine göre duygu
ifadesi puanları kızlarda yüksek olup anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur (U=4914,000
p=.000). Akademik başarılarına göre duygu ifadesi arasında anlamlı bir fark
bulunmuştur (KW=19,607 p=.000). Kişilerarası ilişkilerinden memnun olmayan
öğrencilerin baskın tarz, kaçıngan tarz, öfkeli tarz ve duyarsız tarz puanları
anlamlı derecede yüksek bulunmuştur (U=2371.500,p=0,025, U=2238.500,p=0,010,
U=2330.000,p=0,019, U=2216.500,p=0,009).

ve Öneriler:
sonucunda, öğrencilerin sınıfları, cinsiyeti, akademik başarıları, bireysel
sosyal faaliyetlere katılma ve kişilerarası ilişkilerden memnuniyetlerinin,
duygu ifadelerini ve kişilerarası tarzlarını etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.
Öğrencilere duygu ifadeleri ve kişilerarası tarzlarında farkındalık kazandırmak
için eğitimler verilebilir, araştırmalar planlanabilir.


  • Aled, J. (2007). Putting practice into teaching: An exploratory study of nursing undergraduates’ interpersonal skills and the effects of using empirical data as a teaching and learning resource. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(12), 2297–2307.
  • Allen, D. E., Ploeg, J., & Kaasalainen, S. (2012). The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Clinical Teaching Effectiveness in Nursing Faculty. Journal of Professional Nursing, 28(4), 231–240.
  • Anderson, B. A., Provis, C., & Chapel, S. J. (2001). When it is just too hard to smile! Australian Journal of Hospital Management, 8(2), 69–72.
  • Beach, S. R. H., Katz, J., Kim, S., & Brody, G. H. (2003). Prospective effects of marital satisfaction on depressive - Symptoms in established marriages: a dyadic model. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 20(3), 355–371.
  • Beblo, T., Fernando, S., Klocke, S., Griepenstroh, J., Aschenbrenner, S., & Driessen, M. (2012). Increased suppression of negative and positive emotions in major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 141(2–3), 474–479.
  • Brunero, S., Lamont, S., & Coates, M. (2010). A review of empathy education in nursing. Nursing Inquiry, 17(1), 65–74.
  • Buss. (1983). Act Frequency Approach to Personality. American Psychological Association, 90(2), 105–126.
  • Butler, E. A., Egloff, B., Wilhelm, F. H., Smith, N. C., Erickson, E. A., & Gross, J. J. (2003). The social consequences of expressive suppression. Emotion, 3(1), 48–67.
  • Coulehan, J., & Williams, P. C. (2003). Conflicting Professional Values in Medical Education. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 12, 7–20.
  • Curtis, K. (2013). 21st Century challenges faced by nursing faculty in educating for compassionate practice: Embodied interpretation of phenomenological data. Nurse Education Today, 33(7), 746–750.
  • Dickson, G. L. (1993). The unintended consequences of a male professional ideology for the development of nursing education. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 15(3), 67–83.
  • English, T., & John, O. P. (2013). Understanding the social effects of emotion regulation: The mediating role of authenticity for individual differences in suppression. Emotion, 13(2), 314–329.
  • Firth-cozens, Jenny and Cornwell, J. (2009). The Point of Care. Enabling compassionate care in acute hospital settings. The King’s Fund. Retrieved from
  • Freshwater, D., & Stickley, T. (2004). The heart of the art: Emotional intelligence in nurse education. Nursing Inquiry, 11(2), 91–98.
  • George, J. M. (2000). Emotions and leadership:The role of emotional intelligence. Human Relations, 53(8), 1027–1055. Retrieved from
  • Gross, J. J. (2002). Emotion regulation : Affective , cognitive , and social consequences, 281–291.Gross, J. J., & John, O. P. (2003). Individual Differences in Two Emotion Regulation Processes: Implications for Affect, Relationships, and Well-Being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(2), 348–362.
  • Gross, J. J., & Levenson, R. W. (1997). Hiding feelings: The acute effects of inhibiting negative and positive emotion. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 106(1), 95–103.
  • Gross, J. J., & Thompson, R. . (2007). Emotion regulation: Conceptual foundations. In J. J. Gross (Ed.), Handbook of Emotion Regulation Regulation (pp. 3–27). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Haga, S. M., Kraft, P., & Corby, E. K. (2009). Emotion regulation: Antecedents and well-being outcomes of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression in cross-cultural samples. Journal of Happiness Studies, 10(3), 271–291.
  • Hisli Şahin, N., Durak Batigün, A., & Koç, V. (2011). Kişilerarasi Tarz, Kendilik Algisi, Öfke ve Depresyon. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi = Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 22(1), 17–25.
  • Impett, E. A., Kogan, A., English, T., John, O., Oveis, C., Gordon, A. M., & Keltner, D. (2012). Suppression Sours Sacrifice: Emotional and Relational Costs of Suppressing Emotions in Romantic Relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(6), 707–720.
  • Jaycox, L. H., Stein, B. D., Paddock, S., Miles, J. N. V., Chandra, A., Meredith, L. S., … Burnam, M. A. (2009). Impact of Teen Depression on Academic, Social, and Physical Functioning. Pediatrics, 124(4), e596–e605.
  • Karsli, E. (2008). Kişilerarası tarz, kendilik algısı, öfke ve psikosomatik bozukluklar. Ankara Üniversitesi.
  • Keltner, D., & Haidt, J. (1999). Social functions of emotions at four levels of analysis. Cognition and Emotion, 13(5), 505–521.
  • Keltner, D., & Kring, A. M. (1998). Emotion, social function, and psychopathology. Review of General Psychology, 2(3), 320–342. Retrieved from
  • Kennedy-Moore, E., & Watson, J. C. (2001). How and When Does Emotional Expression Help? Review of General Psychology, 5(3), 187–212.
  • Kliszcz, J., Hebanowski, M., & Rembowski, J. (1998). Emotional and Cognitive Empathy in Medical Schools. Academic Medicine, 73(5), 541.
  • Le, B. M., & Impett, E. A. (2013). When Holding Back Helps: Suppressing Negative Emotions During Sacrifice Feels Authentic and Is Beneficial for Highly Interdependent People. Psychological Science, 24(9), 1809–1815.
  • Lench, H. C., Tibbett, T. P., & Bench, S. W. (2016). Exploring the Toolkit of Emotion: What Do Sadness and Anger Do for Us? Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 10(1), 11–25.
  • Littlejohn, P. (2012). The Missing Link: Using Emotional Intelligence to Reduce Workplace Stress and Workplace Violence in Our Nursing and Other Health Care Professions. Journal of Professional Nursing, 28(6), 360–368.
  • Mann, K. V. (2011). Theoretical perspectives in medical education: Past experience and future possibilities. Medical Education, 45(1), 60–68.
  • Marsh, A. A., & Ambady, N. (2007). The influence of the fear facial expression on prosocial responding. Cognition and Emotion, 21(2), 225–247.
  • McQueen, A. C. H. (2004). Emotional intelligence in nursing work. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 47(1), 101–108.
  • Mooney, M., & Nolan, L. (2006). A critique of Freire’s perspective on critical social theory in nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 26(3), 240–244.
  • Nussbaum, M. C. (2001). Upheavals of Thought, The Intelligece of Emotions (1st ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Otta, E., Abrosio, F. F. E., & Hoshino, R. L. (1996). Reading a Smiling Face: Messages Conveyed by Various Forms of Smiling. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 82(3), 1111–1121.
  • Reis, H. T., Wilson, I. M., Monestere, C., Bernstein, S., Clark, K., Seidl, E., … Radoane, K. (1990). What is smiling is beautiful and good. European Journal of Social Psychology, 20(3), 259–267.
  • Sapolsky, R. M. (2007). Stress, stress-related disease, and emotion regulation. In J. J. Gross (Ed.), Handbook of Emotion Regulation (pp. 606–615). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Schutz, P. A., & DeCuir, J. T. (2002). Inquiry on Emotions in Education. Educational Psychologist, 37(2), 125–134.
  • Scott, P. A. (2000). Emotion, moral perception, and nursing practice. Nursing Philosophy, 1(2), 123–133.
  • Singh, S., & Mishra, R. C. (2011). Emotion regulation strategies and their implications for well-being. Social Science International, 27, 179–198.
  • Sutton, R. E., & Wheatley, K. F. (2003). Teachers’ Emotions and Teaching: A Review of the Literature and Directions for Future Research. Educational Psychology Review, 15(4), 327–358.
  • Tse, W. S., & Bond, A. J. (2004). The Impact of Depression on Social Skills: A Review. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 192(4), 260–268.
  • van der Cingel, M. (2009). Original article Compassion and professional care : exploring the domain. Nursing Philosophy, 10(2), 124–136.
  • van der Cingel, M. (2014). Compassion: The missing link in quality of care. Nurse Education Today, 34(9), 1253–1257.
  • Wallbank, S., & Procter, S. (2013). Creating a compassionate and caring NHS: A view on the Francis Report. Journal of Health Visiting, 1(3), 136.
  • Webb, T. L., Miles, E., & Sheeran, P. (2012). Dealing with feeling: A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of strategies derived from the process model of emotion regulation. Psychological Bulletin, 138(4), 775–808.
  • Whelan, D. C., & Zelenski, J. M. (2012). Experimental Evidence That Positive Moods Cause Sociability. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3(4), 430–437.

Emotion Expressions And Interpersonal Styles of Nursing Students: A Cross-Sectional Study

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 1 - 8, 11.11.2019



  • Aled, J. (2007). Putting practice into teaching: An exploratory study of nursing undergraduates’ interpersonal skills and the effects of using empirical data as a teaching and learning resource. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(12), 2297–2307.
  • Allen, D. E., Ploeg, J., & Kaasalainen, S. (2012). The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Clinical Teaching Effectiveness in Nursing Faculty. Journal of Professional Nursing, 28(4), 231–240.
  • Anderson, B. A., Provis, C., & Chapel, S. J. (2001). When it is just too hard to smile! Australian Journal of Hospital Management, 8(2), 69–72.
  • Beach, S. R. H., Katz, J., Kim, S., & Brody, G. H. (2003). Prospective effects of marital satisfaction on depressive - Symptoms in established marriages: a dyadic model. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 20(3), 355–371.
  • Beblo, T., Fernando, S., Klocke, S., Griepenstroh, J., Aschenbrenner, S., & Driessen, M. (2012). Increased suppression of negative and positive emotions in major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 141(2–3), 474–479.
  • Brunero, S., Lamont, S., & Coates, M. (2010). A review of empathy education in nursing. Nursing Inquiry, 17(1), 65–74.
  • Buss. (1983). Act Frequency Approach to Personality. American Psychological Association, 90(2), 105–126.
  • Butler, E. A., Egloff, B., Wilhelm, F. H., Smith, N. C., Erickson, E. A., & Gross, J. J. (2003). The social consequences of expressive suppression. Emotion, 3(1), 48–67.
  • Coulehan, J., & Williams, P. C. (2003). Conflicting Professional Values in Medical Education. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 12, 7–20.
  • Curtis, K. (2013). 21st Century challenges faced by nursing faculty in educating for compassionate practice: Embodied interpretation of phenomenological data. Nurse Education Today, 33(7), 746–750.
  • Dickson, G. L. (1993). The unintended consequences of a male professional ideology for the development of nursing education. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 15(3), 67–83.
  • English, T., & John, O. P. (2013). Understanding the social effects of emotion regulation: The mediating role of authenticity for individual differences in suppression. Emotion, 13(2), 314–329.
  • Firth-cozens, Jenny and Cornwell, J. (2009). The Point of Care. Enabling compassionate care in acute hospital settings. The King’s Fund. Retrieved from
  • Freshwater, D., & Stickley, T. (2004). The heart of the art: Emotional intelligence in nurse education. Nursing Inquiry, 11(2), 91–98.
  • George, J. M. (2000). Emotions and leadership:The role of emotional intelligence. Human Relations, 53(8), 1027–1055. Retrieved from
  • Gross, J. J. (2002). Emotion regulation : Affective , cognitive , and social consequences, 281–291.Gross, J. J., & John, O. P. (2003). Individual Differences in Two Emotion Regulation Processes: Implications for Affect, Relationships, and Well-Being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(2), 348–362.
  • Gross, J. J., & Levenson, R. W. (1997). Hiding feelings: The acute effects of inhibiting negative and positive emotion. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 106(1), 95–103.
  • Gross, J. J., & Thompson, R. . (2007). Emotion regulation: Conceptual foundations. In J. J. Gross (Ed.), Handbook of Emotion Regulation Regulation (pp. 3–27). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Haga, S. M., Kraft, P., & Corby, E. K. (2009). Emotion regulation: Antecedents and well-being outcomes of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression in cross-cultural samples. Journal of Happiness Studies, 10(3), 271–291.
  • Hisli Şahin, N., Durak Batigün, A., & Koç, V. (2011). Kişilerarasi Tarz, Kendilik Algisi, Öfke ve Depresyon. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi = Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 22(1), 17–25.
  • Impett, E. A., Kogan, A., English, T., John, O., Oveis, C., Gordon, A. M., & Keltner, D. (2012). Suppression Sours Sacrifice: Emotional and Relational Costs of Suppressing Emotions in Romantic Relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(6), 707–720.
  • Jaycox, L. H., Stein, B. D., Paddock, S., Miles, J. N. V., Chandra, A., Meredith, L. S., … Burnam, M. A. (2009). Impact of Teen Depression on Academic, Social, and Physical Functioning. Pediatrics, 124(4), e596–e605.
  • Karsli, E. (2008). Kişilerarası tarz, kendilik algısı, öfke ve psikosomatik bozukluklar. Ankara Üniversitesi.
  • Keltner, D., & Haidt, J. (1999). Social functions of emotions at four levels of analysis. Cognition and Emotion, 13(5), 505–521.
  • Keltner, D., & Kring, A. M. (1998). Emotion, social function, and psychopathology. Review of General Psychology, 2(3), 320–342. Retrieved from
  • Kennedy-Moore, E., & Watson, J. C. (2001). How and When Does Emotional Expression Help? Review of General Psychology, 5(3), 187–212.
  • Kliszcz, J., Hebanowski, M., & Rembowski, J. (1998). Emotional and Cognitive Empathy in Medical Schools. Academic Medicine, 73(5), 541.
  • Le, B. M., & Impett, E. A. (2013). When Holding Back Helps: Suppressing Negative Emotions During Sacrifice Feels Authentic and Is Beneficial for Highly Interdependent People. Psychological Science, 24(9), 1809–1815.
  • Lench, H. C., Tibbett, T. P., & Bench, S. W. (2016). Exploring the Toolkit of Emotion: What Do Sadness and Anger Do for Us? Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 10(1), 11–25.
  • Littlejohn, P. (2012). The Missing Link: Using Emotional Intelligence to Reduce Workplace Stress and Workplace Violence in Our Nursing and Other Health Care Professions. Journal of Professional Nursing, 28(6), 360–368.
  • Mann, K. V. (2011). Theoretical perspectives in medical education: Past experience and future possibilities. Medical Education, 45(1), 60–68.
  • Marsh, A. A., & Ambady, N. (2007). The influence of the fear facial expression on prosocial responding. Cognition and Emotion, 21(2), 225–247.
  • McQueen, A. C. H. (2004). Emotional intelligence in nursing work. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 47(1), 101–108.
  • Mooney, M., & Nolan, L. (2006). A critique of Freire’s perspective on critical social theory in nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 26(3), 240–244.
  • Nussbaum, M. C. (2001). Upheavals of Thought, The Intelligece of Emotions (1st ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Otta, E., Abrosio, F. F. E., & Hoshino, R. L. (1996). Reading a Smiling Face: Messages Conveyed by Various Forms of Smiling. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 82(3), 1111–1121.
  • Reis, H. T., Wilson, I. M., Monestere, C., Bernstein, S., Clark, K., Seidl, E., … Radoane, K. (1990). What is smiling is beautiful and good. European Journal of Social Psychology, 20(3), 259–267.
  • Sapolsky, R. M. (2007). Stress, stress-related disease, and emotion regulation. In J. J. Gross (Ed.), Handbook of Emotion Regulation (pp. 606–615). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Schutz, P. A., & DeCuir, J. T. (2002). Inquiry on Emotions in Education. Educational Psychologist, 37(2), 125–134.
  • Scott, P. A. (2000). Emotion, moral perception, and nursing practice. Nursing Philosophy, 1(2), 123–133.
  • Singh, S., & Mishra, R. C. (2011). Emotion regulation strategies and their implications for well-being. Social Science International, 27, 179–198.
  • Sutton, R. E., & Wheatley, K. F. (2003). Teachers’ Emotions and Teaching: A Review of the Literature and Directions for Future Research. Educational Psychology Review, 15(4), 327–358.
  • Tse, W. S., & Bond, A. J. (2004). The Impact of Depression on Social Skills: A Review. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 192(4), 260–268.
  • van der Cingel, M. (2009). Original article Compassion and professional care : exploring the domain. Nursing Philosophy, 10(2), 124–136.
  • van der Cingel, M. (2014). Compassion: The missing link in quality of care. Nurse Education Today, 34(9), 1253–1257.
  • Wallbank, S., & Procter, S. (2013). Creating a compassionate and caring NHS: A view on the Francis Report. Journal of Health Visiting, 1(3), 136.
  • Webb, T. L., Miles, E., & Sheeran, P. (2012). Dealing with feeling: A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of strategies derived from the process model of emotion regulation. Psychological Bulletin, 138(4), 775–808.
  • Whelan, D. C., & Zelenski, J. M. (2012). Experimental Evidence That Positive Moods Cause Sociability. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3(4), 430–437.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Orkun Erkayıran 0000-0002-4308-9725

Süleyman Ümit Şenocak 0000-0003-4633-2003

Fatma Demirkıran 0000-0002-5817-8982

Yayımlanma Tarihi 11 Kasım 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Erkayıran, O., Şenocak, S. Ü., & Demirkıran, F. (2019). Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Duygu İfadeleri ve Kişilerarası İlişki Tarzları: Kesitsel Bir Çalışma. Hemşirelik Bilimi Dergisi, 2(2), 1-8.