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Yıl 2015, , 137 - 152, 14.04.2015


these four translators before and during the translation process as well as the translation politics behind how Molière was translated into Turkish. The translations discussed in this article are the following: Sahte Hekim/Le Médecin volant , Ayyar Hamza/Les Fourberies de Scapin (Âli Bey, 1871), Pinti Hamid/L’Avare (Teodor Kasap, 1873), İşkilli Memo/Sganarelle ou le cocu imaginaire (Teodor Kasap, 1874) ve Yirmi Çocuklu Bir Adam yahud Fettan Zaman İnsana Neler Yapmaz/Monsieur de Pourceaugnac


  • Ardinger, B (2006). Pagan Every Day: Finding the Extraordinary in Our
  • Ordinary Lives. San Francisco: Weiser Books. Chicago, J. (2010). Women and Art, Stephanie Marohn (Ed.). Goddess
  • Shift: Women Leading for a Change (pp. 159-166). California: Elite Books. Chicago, J. (1979). The Dinner Party: A Symbol of Our Heritage. New York: Anchor Press.
  • DeBiaso, F. (2012). Judy Chicago: Visions for Feminist Art. Gettysburg College Student Publication.
  • Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art: The Dinner Party. Date of access: 12 October 2014,
  • Gerhard, J. F. (2013). The Dinner Party: Judy Chicago and the Power of
  • Popular Feminism, 1970-2007. Atlanta: University of Georgia Press.
  • Green, M. H. (1999). In Search of an «Authentic» Women's Medicine: The Strange Fates of Trota of Salerno and Hildegard of Bingen, Dynamis: Acta
  • Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam, 19, 25-54
  • Hughes, C. (2008). Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party: Inviting Women to the Table, in Special Focus: Art of the Twentieth Century, Date of access: 14 November twentieth-century.pdf.
  • Nead, L. (1992). The Female Nude: Art, Obscerityand Sexsuality. New York:
  • Routledge. in Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change. Robinson, H. (2001). Feminism-Art Theory: an Anthology 1968-2000. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Snyder, C. (1981). Reading the Language of "The Dinner Party". Woman's Art Journal, 1 (2), 30-34.
  • Stiles, K. ve Selz, P. H. (1996). Theories and Documents Of Contemporary Art:
  • A Sourcebook Of Artists' Writings. California: University Of California Press. Timm, A. F. ve Sanborn, J. A. (2007). Gender, Sex and the Shaping of Modern
  • Europe: A History from The French Revolution to the Present Day. New York: Berg Publishers. Through the Flower. Date of access: 21 November 2013
  • Resim 16: O’Keefe, From the Farawa,y Nearby,1937 Resim 17: O’Keefe, Black Irish, 1926
  • Amerika’yı yeniden keşfetmek zorunda kalmamasını sağlamak olacak. KAYNAKÇA Ardinger, B (2006). Pagan Every Day: Finding the Extraordinary in Our
  • Ordinary Lives. San Francisco: Weiser Books. Chicago, J. (2010). Women and Art, Stephanie Marohn (Ed.). Goddess
  • Shift: Women Leading for a Change (pp. 159-166). California: Elite Books. Chicago, J. (1979). The Dinner Party: A Symbol of Our Heritage. New York: Anchor Press.
  • DeBiaso, F. (2012). Judy Chicago: Visions for Feminist Art. Gettysburg College Student Publication.
  • Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art: The Dinner Party. Date of access: 12 October 2014,
  • Gerhard, J. F. (2013). The Dinner Party: Judy Chicago and the Power of
  • Popular Feminism, 1970-2007. Atlanta: University of Georgia Press.
  • Green, M. H. (1999). In Search of an «Authentic» Women's Medicine: The Strange Fates of Trota of Salerno and Hildegard of Bingen, Dynamis: Acta
  • Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam, 19, 25-54
  • Hughes, C. (2008). Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party: Inviting Women to the Table, in Special Focus: Art of the Twentieth Century, Date of access: 14 November twentieth-century.pdf.
  • Nead, L. (1992). The Female Nude: Art, Obscerityand Sexsuality. New York:
  • Routledge. in Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change. Robinson, H. (2001). Feminism-Art Theory: an Anthology 1968-2000. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Snyder, C. (1981). Reading the Language of "The Dinner Party". Woman's Art Journal, 1 (2), 30-34.
  • Stiles, K. ve Selz, P. H. (1996). Theories and Documents Of Contemporary Art:
  • A Sourcebook Of Artists' Writings. California: University Of California Press. Timm, A. F. ve Sanborn, J. A. (2007). Gender, Sex and the Shaping of Modern
  • Europe: A History from The French Revolution to the Present Day. New York: Berg Publishers. Through the Flower. Date of access: 21 November 2013
  • Webster, S. (2004). Eve's Daughter/Modern Woman: A Mural by Mary Cassatt.
  • Illionis: University of Illionis Press. Withers, J. (1992). Judy Chicago´s Dinner Party. A Personal Vision of
  • Women’s History. Norma Broude, Mary D. Garrard (Ed.). The Expanding Discourse. Feminism and Art History (pp.450-465). New York: Harper Collins Publisher. Zackodnik, T. (2005). The Green-Backs of Civilization: Sojourner Truth and Portrait Photography, American Studies, 46 (2), 117-143.
  • A MONUMENT FOR WOMEN HISTORY: DINNER PARTY Abstract: Feminism was founded in the 19th century by those who defend that women should be equal to men. However, by time, feminism has experienced significant transformations and became a movement including different ideals. By the 1960s feminist movement was strengthened and moved far beyond the demand of equality with men.
  • Feminist artists created works denouncing the historical continuity of the male mentality. And, Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party has a special place. This work presents to the viewers not only a feminist writing of the history but also summarizes the feminist ideal with its process of production. This work, which was started in 1974 under the leadership of


Yıl 2015, , 137 - 152, 14.04.2015


Feminizm, 19. yüzyılda, kadınların, erkeklerle eşit olması gerektiğini savunanlarca oluşturuldu. Ancak, feminizm zaman içinde önemli dönüşümler yaşayarak farklı ülküleri içeren bir hareket halini aldı. 1960’lara gelindiğinde feminist hareket iyice güçlendi ve sadece erkeklerle eşit olma talebinin çok ötesine geçildi. Özellikle sanat alanındaki çalışmalarıyla feministler, eril zihniyetin tarihsel sürekliliğini ifşa eden yapıtlar ortaya koydu. Bu yapıtlar arasında Judy Chicago’nun Akşam Yemeği Partisi adlı enstalasyonu özel bir yere sahiptir. Bu yapıt izleyiciye, yoğun bilimsel ve sanatsal emekle oluşturulmuş ayrıntılı gönderimler yoluyla tarihin feminist bir yazımını sunmakla kalmaz üretim süreciyle de feminist ülküyü özetler: Chicago’nun öncülüğünde 1974 yılında başlayan ve dört yüzün üzerinde sanatçının gönüllü işbirliğiyle, tek bir malzeme ve teknik yerine çoğul bir malzeme ve teknik kullanımıyla inşa edilen bu yapıtta boyanmış porselen, dikiş, nakış ve dokuma gibi ne kadar evişi olarak adlandırılan, kadınlıkla özdeşleştirilen, küçümsenen, ‘değerli’ ‘yüksek’ ya da ‘liberal’ sanatlar olarak kabul edilen resim, heykel ve mimarinin oluşturduğu eril zihniyetin egemenliğindeki sanat alanının karşıtı olarak tanımlanan sanatsal ifade biçimi ve formu varsa hepsini sahiplenmeye çalışır. Böylelikle kahramanlık mertebesini erkeklere ayıran Batı tarihine kadın cephesinden verilen bütünlüklü ve incelikli bir cevap, işbirliğiyle inşa edilen devrimsel bir anıt ortaya çıkar. Bu makale de, tarihi kadın cephesinden yeniden değerlendirmeyi amaçlayan Akşam Yemeği Partisi adlı bu enstalasyonu yorumlamaya, anlamaya yönelik betimsel bir çalışmadır.

Anahtar Sözcükler: Sanat, Zanaat, Feminizm, Judy Chicago.


Abstract: Feminism was founded in the 19th century by those who defend that women should be equal to men. However, by time, feminism has experienced significant transformations and became a movement including different ideals. By the 1960s feminist movement was strengthened and moved far beyond the demand of equality with men. Feminist artists created works denouncing the historical continuity of the male mentality. And, Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party has a special place. This work presents to the viewers not only a feminist writing of the history but also summarizes the feminist ideal with its process of production. This work, which was started in 1974 under the leadership of Chicago and created by the voluntary cooperation of over four hundred artists, tries to embody all forms of art that are identified with femininity, such as painted porcelain, sewing, embroidery and weaving, and the field of art accepted as "precious", "high" or "liberal" which is under the hegemony of male mentality including painting, sculpture and architecture. Thus, a comprehensive and subtle response given by women to the West side that gives the priority of being a hero to men, and a revolutionary monument constructed with cooperation emerge. This article is a descriptive study, which aims to understand and interpret the Diner Party.

Keywords: Art, Craft, Feminism, Judy Chicago.


  • Ardinger, B (2006). Pagan Every Day: Finding the Extraordinary in Our
  • Ordinary Lives. San Francisco: Weiser Books. Chicago, J. (2010). Women and Art, Stephanie Marohn (Ed.). Goddess
  • Shift: Women Leading for a Change (pp. 159-166). California: Elite Books. Chicago, J. (1979). The Dinner Party: A Symbol of Our Heritage. New York: Anchor Press.
  • DeBiaso, F. (2012). Judy Chicago: Visions for Feminist Art. Gettysburg College Student Publication.
  • Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art: The Dinner Party. Date of access: 12 October 2014,
  • Gerhard, J. F. (2013). The Dinner Party: Judy Chicago and the Power of
  • Popular Feminism, 1970-2007. Atlanta: University of Georgia Press.
  • Green, M. H. (1999). In Search of an «Authentic» Women's Medicine: The Strange Fates of Trota of Salerno and Hildegard of Bingen, Dynamis: Acta
  • Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam, 19, 25-54
  • Hughes, C. (2008). Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party: Inviting Women to the Table, in Special Focus: Art of the Twentieth Century, Date of access: 14 November twentieth-century.pdf.
  • Nead, L. (1992). The Female Nude: Art, Obscerityand Sexsuality. New York:
  • Routledge. in Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change. Robinson, H. (2001). Feminism-Art Theory: an Anthology 1968-2000. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Snyder, C. (1981). Reading the Language of "The Dinner Party". Woman's Art Journal, 1 (2), 30-34.
  • Stiles, K. ve Selz, P. H. (1996). Theories and Documents Of Contemporary Art:
  • A Sourcebook Of Artists' Writings. California: University Of California Press. Timm, A. F. ve Sanborn, J. A. (2007). Gender, Sex and the Shaping of Modern
  • Europe: A History from The French Revolution to the Present Day. New York: Berg Publishers. Through the Flower. Date of access: 21 November 2013
  • Resim 16: O’Keefe, From the Farawa,y Nearby,1937 Resim 17: O’Keefe, Black Irish, 1926
  • Amerika’yı yeniden keşfetmek zorunda kalmamasını sağlamak olacak. KAYNAKÇA Ardinger, B (2006). Pagan Every Day: Finding the Extraordinary in Our
  • Ordinary Lives. San Francisco: Weiser Books. Chicago, J. (2010). Women and Art, Stephanie Marohn (Ed.). Goddess
  • Shift: Women Leading for a Change (pp. 159-166). California: Elite Books. Chicago, J. (1979). The Dinner Party: A Symbol of Our Heritage. New York: Anchor Press.
  • DeBiaso, F. (2012). Judy Chicago: Visions for Feminist Art. Gettysburg College Student Publication.
  • Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art: The Dinner Party. Date of access: 12 October 2014,
  • Gerhard, J. F. (2013). The Dinner Party: Judy Chicago and the Power of
  • Popular Feminism, 1970-2007. Atlanta: University of Georgia Press.
  • Green, M. H. (1999). In Search of an «Authentic» Women's Medicine: The Strange Fates of Trota of Salerno and Hildegard of Bingen, Dynamis: Acta
  • Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam, 19, 25-54
  • Hughes, C. (2008). Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party: Inviting Women to the Table, in Special Focus: Art of the Twentieth Century, Date of access: 14 November twentieth-century.pdf.
  • Nead, L. (1992). The Female Nude: Art, Obscerityand Sexsuality. New York:
  • Routledge. in Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change. Robinson, H. (2001). Feminism-Art Theory: an Anthology 1968-2000. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Snyder, C. (1981). Reading the Language of "The Dinner Party". Woman's Art Journal, 1 (2), 30-34.
  • Stiles, K. ve Selz, P. H. (1996). Theories and Documents Of Contemporary Art:
  • A Sourcebook Of Artists' Writings. California: University Of California Press. Timm, A. F. ve Sanborn, J. A. (2007). Gender, Sex and the Shaping of Modern
  • Europe: A History from The French Revolution to the Present Day. New York: Berg Publishers. Through the Flower. Date of access: 21 November 2013
  • Webster, S. (2004). Eve's Daughter/Modern Woman: A Mural by Mary Cassatt.
  • Illionis: University of Illionis Press. Withers, J. (1992). Judy Chicago´s Dinner Party. A Personal Vision of
  • Women’s History. Norma Broude, Mary D. Garrard (Ed.). The Expanding Discourse. Feminism and Art History (pp.450-465). New York: Harper Collins Publisher. Zackodnik, T. (2005). The Green-Backs of Civilization: Sojourner Truth and Portrait Photography, American Studies, 46 (2), 117-143.
  • A MONUMENT FOR WOMEN HISTORY: DINNER PARTY Abstract: Feminism was founded in the 19th century by those who defend that women should be equal to men. However, by time, feminism has experienced significant transformations and became a movement including different ideals. By the 1960s feminist movement was strengthened and moved far beyond the demand of equality with men.
  • Feminist artists created works denouncing the historical continuity of the male mentality. And, Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party has a special place. This work presents to the viewers not only a feminist writing of the history but also summarizes the feminist ideal with its process of production. This work, which was started in 1974 under the leadership of
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Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Nisan 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Keser, İ., & Keser, N. (2015). KADIN TARİHİ İÇİN BİR ANIT: AKŞAM YEMEĞİ PARTİSİ. HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(5), 137-152.