Bilimsel hikâyeler fen kavramlarının yaşamla bağdaştırılmasını sağlamaktadır. Bilimsel hikâye yazma hem fen öğrenmeyi hem de yazma becerilerinin gelişimini sağlamaktadır. Bilimsel hikayeler öğrencilerin fen öğrenmeye motivasyon ve tutumunu da olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Araştırmanın amacı; bilimsel hikâyelerin hücre ve organeller konusunda 6.sınıf öğrencilerinin; akademik başarılarına ve bilimin doğasını anlamalarına etkisini incelemektir. Çalışma nicel olarak tasarlanmış, nitel verilerle desteklenmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2017-2018 eğitim-öğretim yılında İstanbul İli Beyoğlu ilçesinde bir devlet ortaokulunda okuyan 15’i deney, 15’i kontrol grubu olmak üzere 30 ortaokul 6.sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada nitel veri araçları olarak Akademik Başarı Testi ve Bilimin Doğası Ölçekleri kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca hikâyelerle ilgili öğrenci görüşleri için yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada bilimsel hikayeler 5E ders planının derinleştirme aşamasında uygulanmıştır. Veriler SPSS 25.0 programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma Sonucunda bilimsel hikayelerin öğrencilerin akademik başarılarını istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir şekilde arttırdığı görülmüştür. Bilimin doğasını anlamada ise istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir gelişme görülememiştir.
Abrahamson, C. E. (1998). Storytelling as a Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education. Education. 118
(3): 440–452.
Akarsu, B., Kariper. İ. A., Karabulut, H. (2015). The Effect of Using Scientific Stories on Teaching
Science and on the Academic Achievement of the Students. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Cilt 11, Sayı 2, 349-365
Avraamidou, L., & Osborne, J. (2009). The role of narrative in communicating science. International
Journal of Science Education, 31, 1683–1707.
Boström, A. (2006). Sharing Lived Experience: How Upper Secondary School Chemistry Teachers and
Students use Narratives to Make Chemistry More Meaningful. PhD diss., Stockholm Institute of Education Press. Educatıon. 11, 3-13
Budak, E., Köseoğlu F., Tümay, H. (2008). Bilimin Doğası Hakkında Paradigma Değişimleri ve
Öğretimi ile İlgili Yeni Anlayışlar. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 28, Sayı 2, 221-237
Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2011). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Ankara: Pegem.
Corni, F., Gilberti, E., & Mariani, C. (2010). A story as innovative medium for science education in
primary school.
Çıralı, H., Usluel, Y.K. (2017). Eğitsel Bağlamda Atölye Temelli Dijital Hikâye Anlatımı Süreci:
Sorunlar, Gereksinimler ve Öneriler. 5. Uluslararası Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Öğretmen Eğitimi Sempozyumu: İzmir
Çoban, G., Ergin Ö. (2008). İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Bilimsel Bilgiye Yönelik Görüşlerini Belirleme
Ölçeği. İlköğretim Online Dergisi. 7(3), 706-716.
Dincel, M. (2005). Öyküleme ve deney tekniğinin fen bilgisi dersinde öğrencilerin kavramsal anlama
ve başarılarına etkisi. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Marmara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
Fensham, P. J. (2009). Assessment of context-based science education. Paper presented at the
annual conference of the Australasian Science Education Research Association, Geelong, Victoria.
Goodrum, D., & Rennie, L. (2007). Australian school science education national action plan 2008–2012.
Canberra: Department of Education Science and Training.
Gölcük, A. (2017). Bilimsel hikâyelerle desteklenen fen eğitiminin öğrencilerin yaratıcılıkları ve
duyuşsal özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans tezi. Ankara
Hampton, N. Z., & Mason, E. (2003). Learning disabilities, gender, sources of self-efficacy, selfefficacy
beliefs, and academic achievement in high school students. Journal of School Psychology, 41, 101–112.
Hadzigeorgiou, Y. (2016). Imaginative science education: The central role of imagination in science
education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International.pp. 83-119
Heering, P. (2010). False friends: What makes a story inadequate for science teaching? Interchange, 41,
Kazemek, F., R. Louisell, and J. Wellike. (2004). Children’s Stories about Their Natural Worlds: An
Exploration from Multiple Perspectives (and an Invitation to Participate). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the national association of research in science teaching, Vancouver, April
Klassen, S. (2006). Does a Science Story Have Heuristic Power to Promote Learning?, paper presented
at the First International Conference on Story in Science Teaching, Munich
Koening, J. M., and C. R. Zorn. (2002). Using Storytelling as an Approach to Teaching and Learning
with Diverse Students. Journal of Nursing Education. 41 (9): 393–399.
Lederman, N. (1998). The state of science education: Subject matter without context. Journal of Science
Education, 3(2). Retrieved from
Linder, D. (2007). Available at SSRN: or
Millar, R., and J. Osborne. 1998. Beyond 2000. Science Education for the Future. London: School of
Education, King’s college.
Milne, C. (1998). Philosophically correct science stories? Examining the implications of heroic
science stories for school science. Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, 35 (2), 175-187.
Moitra, K. (2014). The call of the story: innovative approaches in STEM classrooms. Lilly International
Conference on College and University Teaching and Learning, Evidence- Based Teaching and Learning. Bethesda, MD.
Norris, S., Guilbert, S., Smith, M., Hakimelahi, S., & Phillips, L. (2005). A theoretical framework for
narrative explanation in science, Science Education, 89(4), 535–554.
OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). (2006). Assessing scientific,
reading and mathematical literacy: A framework for PISA 2006. Paris: OECD.
Osborne, J. and Collins, S. (2010). Pupils' Views of the Role and Value of the Science Curriculum: A
Focus-Group Study. International Journal of Science Education 23(5):441-467
Prain, V., & Waldrip, B. (2009). Representation and learning in science in Australasia. In S. M. Ritchie
(Ed.), The world of science education: Handbook of research in Australasia. pp. 63–78. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Prain, V. (2006). Learning from writing in secondary science: Some theoretical and practical
implications. International Journal of Science Education, 28, 179–201.
Ritchie, S. M., Rigano, D. L., & Duane, A. (2008). Writing an ecological mystery in class: Merging
genres and learning science. International Journal of Science Education, 30, 143–166.
Roberts, D. A. (2007). Scientific literacy/science literacy. In S. K. Abell & N. G. Lederman (Eds.),
Handbook of research on science education. pp. 729–780. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Rowcliffe, S. (2004). Storytelling in Science. School Science Review 86 (314): 121–126.
Sadler, T. D. (2009). Situated learning in science education: Socio-scientific issues as contexts for
practice. Studies in Science Education, 45, 1–42.
Sadler, T. D., & Zeidler, D. L. (2005). The significance of content knowledge for informal reasoning
regarding socioscientific issues: Applying genetics knowledge to genetic engineering issues. Science Education, 89, 71–93.
Schiffer, H., & Gueria, A. (2015). Electricity a vital force: Discussing the nature of science through
historical narratives. Science & Education, 24, 409-434.
Stephen M. Ritchie, Louisa Tomas & Megan Tones. (2011). Writing Stories to Enhance Scientific
Literacy. International Journal of Science Education. Vol. 33, No. 5, 15 pp. 685–707
Stinner, A., B. A. McMillan, D. Metz, J. M. Jilek, and S. Klassen. 2003. The Renewal of Case Studies
in Science Education. Science and Education. 12 (7): 617–643.
Tao, P. (2002). A study of students’ focal awareness when studying science stories designed for fostering
understanding of the nature of science. Research in Science Education, 32 (3), 97- 120.
Tao, P-K. (2003). Eliciting and developing junior secondary students’ understanding of the nature of
science through a peer collaboration instruction in science stories. International Journal of Science Education, 25(2), 147–171.
Tytler, R. (2007). Re-imagining science education: Engaging students in science for Australia’s future.
Australian Council for Educational Research. Retrieved July 20, 2007, from
Weber, S. (1990). The teacher educator's experience: cultural generativity and duality of commitment.
Curriculum Inquiry, 20: 141–159.
Wellington, J., & Osborne, J. (2001). Language and literacy in science education. Buckingham: Open
University Press.pp.63-65
Woolnough, B. E. (1994). Why students choose physics, or reject it, Physics Education, 29(5), 368-374.
Yeşilyurt, S. (2004). İlköğretim 4. ve 5. Sınıf öğrencilerinin terazi dengesi ve çözünmeyi hatırlayarak
analiz ve sentez yapmada deney ve oyunun etkisi. İlköğretim Online, 3 (1), 11-19.
Zeidler, D. L., Sadler, T. D., Applebaum, S., & Callahan, B. E. (2009). Advancing reflective judgment
through socioscientific issues. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46, 74–101.
Investigation of the Effect of Scientific Stories on 6th Grade Students' Academic Achievements and Understanding the Nature of Science
Scientific stories enable science concepts to be reconciled with life. Scientific story writing provides both the learning of science and the development of writing skills. Scientific stories have positive effects on students' motivation and attitude towards learning science. Purpose of the research is to examine the impact of scientific stories about cells and organelles on the 6th grade students' academic achievement and understanding of the nature of science. In this research, experimental design with pretest-posttest control group was used. The study group of the study consisted of sixth grade students, attending a public secondary school in Beyoğlu district of Istanbul in 2017-2018 academic year that 15 of them were experimental and 15 of them were control group. In the research, Academic Achievement Test and Nature of Science Scale were used as data collection tools. Scientific stories were applied during the deepening phase of the 5E lesson plan. Data were analyzed with SPSS 25.0 program. As a result of the study, it was seen that scientific stories increased students' academic achievement statistically. There was no statistically significant improvement in understanding the nature of science.
Abrahamson, C. E. (1998). Storytelling as a Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education. Education. 118
(3): 440–452.
Akarsu, B., Kariper. İ. A., Karabulut, H. (2015). The Effect of Using Scientific Stories on Teaching
Science and on the Academic Achievement of the Students. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Cilt 11, Sayı 2, 349-365
Avraamidou, L., & Osborne, J. (2009). The role of narrative in communicating science. International
Journal of Science Education, 31, 1683–1707.
Boström, A. (2006). Sharing Lived Experience: How Upper Secondary School Chemistry Teachers and
Students use Narratives to Make Chemistry More Meaningful. PhD diss., Stockholm Institute of Education Press. Educatıon. 11, 3-13
Budak, E., Köseoğlu F., Tümay, H. (2008). Bilimin Doğası Hakkında Paradigma Değişimleri ve
Öğretimi ile İlgili Yeni Anlayışlar. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 28, Sayı 2, 221-237
Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2011). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Ankara: Pegem.
Corni, F., Gilberti, E., & Mariani, C. (2010). A story as innovative medium for science education in
primary school.
Çıralı, H., Usluel, Y.K. (2017). Eğitsel Bağlamda Atölye Temelli Dijital Hikâye Anlatımı Süreci:
Sorunlar, Gereksinimler ve Öneriler. 5. Uluslararası Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Öğretmen Eğitimi Sempozyumu: İzmir
Çoban, G., Ergin Ö. (2008). İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Bilimsel Bilgiye Yönelik Görüşlerini Belirleme
Ölçeği. İlköğretim Online Dergisi. 7(3), 706-716.
Dincel, M. (2005). Öyküleme ve deney tekniğinin fen bilgisi dersinde öğrencilerin kavramsal anlama
ve başarılarına etkisi. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Marmara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
Fensham, P. J. (2009). Assessment of context-based science education. Paper presented at the
annual conference of the Australasian Science Education Research Association, Geelong, Victoria.
Goodrum, D., & Rennie, L. (2007). Australian school science education national action plan 2008–2012.
Canberra: Department of Education Science and Training.
Gölcük, A. (2017). Bilimsel hikâyelerle desteklenen fen eğitiminin öğrencilerin yaratıcılıkları ve
duyuşsal özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans tezi. Ankara
Hampton, N. Z., & Mason, E. (2003). Learning disabilities, gender, sources of self-efficacy, selfefficacy
beliefs, and academic achievement in high school students. Journal of School Psychology, 41, 101–112.
Hadzigeorgiou, Y. (2016). Imaginative science education: The central role of imagination in science
education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International.pp. 83-119
Heering, P. (2010). False friends: What makes a story inadequate for science teaching? Interchange, 41,
Kazemek, F., R. Louisell, and J. Wellike. (2004). Children’s Stories about Their Natural Worlds: An
Exploration from Multiple Perspectives (and an Invitation to Participate). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the national association of research in science teaching, Vancouver, April
Klassen, S. (2006). Does a Science Story Have Heuristic Power to Promote Learning?, paper presented
at the First International Conference on Story in Science Teaching, Munich
Koening, J. M., and C. R. Zorn. (2002). Using Storytelling as an Approach to Teaching and Learning
with Diverse Students. Journal of Nursing Education. 41 (9): 393–399.
Lederman, N. (1998). The state of science education: Subject matter without context. Journal of Science
Education, 3(2). Retrieved from
Linder, D. (2007). Available at SSRN: or
Millar, R., and J. Osborne. 1998. Beyond 2000. Science Education for the Future. London: School of
Education, King’s college.
Milne, C. (1998). Philosophically correct science stories? Examining the implications of heroic
science stories for school science. Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, 35 (2), 175-187.
Moitra, K. (2014). The call of the story: innovative approaches in STEM classrooms. Lilly International
Conference on College and University Teaching and Learning, Evidence- Based Teaching and Learning. Bethesda, MD.
Norris, S., Guilbert, S., Smith, M., Hakimelahi, S., & Phillips, L. (2005). A theoretical framework for
narrative explanation in science, Science Education, 89(4), 535–554.
OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). (2006). Assessing scientific,
reading and mathematical literacy: A framework for PISA 2006. Paris: OECD.
Osborne, J. and Collins, S. (2010). Pupils' Views of the Role and Value of the Science Curriculum: A
Focus-Group Study. International Journal of Science Education 23(5):441-467
Prain, V., & Waldrip, B. (2009). Representation and learning in science in Australasia. In S. M. Ritchie
(Ed.), The world of science education: Handbook of research in Australasia. pp. 63–78. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Prain, V. (2006). Learning from writing in secondary science: Some theoretical and practical
implications. International Journal of Science Education, 28, 179–201.
Ritchie, S. M., Rigano, D. L., & Duane, A. (2008). Writing an ecological mystery in class: Merging
genres and learning science. International Journal of Science Education, 30, 143–166.
Roberts, D. A. (2007). Scientific literacy/science literacy. In S. K. Abell & N. G. Lederman (Eds.),
Handbook of research on science education. pp. 729–780. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Rowcliffe, S. (2004). Storytelling in Science. School Science Review 86 (314): 121–126.
Sadler, T. D. (2009). Situated learning in science education: Socio-scientific issues as contexts for
practice. Studies in Science Education, 45, 1–42.
Sadler, T. D., & Zeidler, D. L. (2005). The significance of content knowledge for informal reasoning
regarding socioscientific issues: Applying genetics knowledge to genetic engineering issues. Science Education, 89, 71–93.
Schiffer, H., & Gueria, A. (2015). Electricity a vital force: Discussing the nature of science through
historical narratives. Science & Education, 24, 409-434.
Stephen M. Ritchie, Louisa Tomas & Megan Tones. (2011). Writing Stories to Enhance Scientific
Literacy. International Journal of Science Education. Vol. 33, No. 5, 15 pp. 685–707
Stinner, A., B. A. McMillan, D. Metz, J. M. Jilek, and S. Klassen. 2003. The Renewal of Case Studies
in Science Education. Science and Education. 12 (7): 617–643.
Tao, P. (2002). A study of students’ focal awareness when studying science stories designed for fostering
understanding of the nature of science. Research in Science Education, 32 (3), 97- 120.
Tao, P-K. (2003). Eliciting and developing junior secondary students’ understanding of the nature of
science through a peer collaboration instruction in science stories. International Journal of Science Education, 25(2), 147–171.
Tytler, R. (2007). Re-imagining science education: Engaging students in science for Australia’s future.
Australian Council for Educational Research. Retrieved July 20, 2007, from
Weber, S. (1990). The teacher educator's experience: cultural generativity and duality of commitment.
Curriculum Inquiry, 20: 141–159.
Wellington, J., & Osborne, J. (2001). Language and literacy in science education. Buckingham: Open
University Press.pp.63-65
Woolnough, B. E. (1994). Why students choose physics, or reject it, Physics Education, 29(5), 368-374.
Yeşilyurt, S. (2004). İlköğretim 4. ve 5. Sınıf öğrencilerinin terazi dengesi ve çözünmeyi hatırlayarak
analiz ve sentez yapmada deney ve oyunun etkisi. İlköğretim Online, 3 (1), 11-19.
Zeidler, D. L., Sadler, T. D., Applebaum, S., & Callahan, B. E. (2009). Advancing reflective judgment
through socioscientific issues. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46, 74–101.
Kardaş, S., & Şahin, F. (2020). Bilimsel Hikâyelerin 6. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Akademik Başarılarına ve Bilimin Doğasını Anlamalarına Etkisinin İncelenmesi. IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(7), 222-234.
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