Yıl 2021,
, 159 - 172, 26.01.2021
Sayed Rafee Hashemı
Mehmet Ünlü
The history of population movements goes back to the history of humanity due to the desire of individuals and society to live better. Migration has been developed in different periods due to various reasons. The originality, war, democratic pressure, labor force and different pressure in space, attractiveness of the places have been the reasons for migration, respectivley. The purpose of writing this article is to show the migration of Afghans to Turkey by analyzing the situation for immigrants. Their opportunities and challenges during migration were examined by both descriptive and analytical methods. Its approach analysis is based on the usage of related immigration theories including ravenstein's theory of repulsion and gravity (new security theory), which has been used in immigration data collection from international immigration organizations and library in the field area. Afghanistan has been involved in war for a few decades, and thousands of Afghans have migrated to countries around the world especially European countries. Each year, thousands of refugees migrate to Turkey for spacial purposes. Turkey provides some opportunities and challenges for Afghans such as studying, employement and investment opportunities. However, working permission and health insurance with no kimlik (ID card) is not possible for them.
Destekleyen Kurum
Marmara üniversite
If it is possible to publish the article, Thanks a lot
- Afganistan ve Asya Ülkeleri. (2004). Afghanistan and The World. Asian
and African Countries. Kabil, Afganistan: Foreign Ministry Strategic
- Ahmet, I. (2018). Afghan migration through Turkey to Europe: Seeking
refuge, forming diaspora, and becoming citizens. Ankara: Turkish
Studies, 19(3), 482-502.
- Akseer, T. & Shoaib, H. C. (2017). A Survey of The Afghan People. The Asia
Foundation, 9. Kabil: The Asia Foundation Yayıncılar.
- Akseer, T., Haidary, M. S., Maxwell-Jones, C., Sedat, M., Swift, D., Veenstra,
K. & Yousufzai, F. A. (2018). A Survey of the afghan people. The Asia
foundation, 9. Kabul: The Asia foundation. https://think- 2018_Afghan-Survey_fullReport-
12.4.18.pdf (15.49Mb).
- Ansari, S. M. (2015). General Geography of Afghanistan Provinces. Kabil,
- Arslan, F. (2011). Wallerstein's modernization theory in terms of a
modern world system model. (Master thesis, 120, Afyonkocatepe
University, Social Sciences Institute, Turkey).
- Barfield, T. (2010). Afghanistan: A Cultural and Political History
(Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics). 41 William Street, Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
- Buil, K. M. (2014). Afghanistan Migration Profile. Street No.4, House No. 27
Ansari Square, Shahr-e-Naw, Kabil, Afganistan: International
Organization for Migration Afghanistan Yayıncılar.
- Buz, S. Memişoğlu, F. & Dönmez, H. (2020). Destination Unknown
Afghans on the move in Turkey. DRC, 9. DRC: MMC Middle East
- Carlisle, R. P. (2001). Afghanistan War. (J.S. Bowman, D., & L.O. Data,
Çev.) 132 West, 31st Street, New York NY 10001: New York.
- Chapman, B. (2011). Geopolitics A Guide to The Issues: Contemporary
Military, Strategic, and Security Issues. Santa Barbara, California, USA:
- Corbett, J. (2005). Ernest George Ravenstein: The Laws of Migration,
- DGMM, (2020). International protection. Retrieved from
- Dimitradi, A., Kaya, A., Kale, B. & Zurabishvili, T. (2018). EU-Turkey
Relations and Irregular Migration: Transactional Cooperation in the
Makinghttps: FEUTURE Online Paper No.16. https://feuture.uni-
6.3.pdfEASO. (2019). Afghanistan Security situation. Country of Origin
Information Report. Kabil: European Asylum Support Office. DOI:
- Durmaz, İ.T. (2019). Türkiye’ye yönelik Afgan göçünde İran etkisi (1979-
2018). 117. İstanbul, Turkey: Marmara University Social Sciences Institute.
- Feifer, G. (2009). The Great Gamble: The Soviet War in Afghanistan. New
York, NY 10022, United States: Harper Collins e-Books.
- Giustozzi, A. (2000). War, Politics and Society in Afghanistan, 1978-1992.
London: Georgetown University Press Yayıncılar.
- Harpviken, K. B. (2009). Social Networks and Migration in Wartime
Afghanistan. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hosseini, H. H. (2015). Migration theories. Institute of Humanities and
Cultural Studies, (41), 35-46.
- Houte, M. V. (2016). Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship (V.1). (R.
Cohen, Dü.) United Kingdom: University of Oxford.
- ICMPD. (2013). Budapest, Process Afghanistan Migration Country
Report. Budapest, Process, 5. Vienna, Austria: International Centre for
Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) Yayıncılar.
- IOM. (2017). Göçmenler ve Mülteciler Giderek Son Destinasyon Olarak
Türkiye'yi Seçiyor.
- Jazayery, L. (2002). The migration-development nexus: Afghanistan
case study. International Migration, 5(40), 231-254.
- Karadağ, A. İ. (2018). Afghan migration through Turkey to Europe:
seeking refuge, forming diaspora, and becoming citizens. Turkish
Studies, 3(19), 22.
- Kartal, B. (2014). Türkiye’ye yönelik mülteci ve sığınmacı hareketleri.
Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(2), 275-299.
- Kaytaz, E. S. (2016). Afghan journeys to Turkey: narratives of immobility,
travel and transformation. Geopolitics, 21(2), 228-322.
- Koç, I. (2017). Türkiye’de Afganistan Uyruklu Uluslararası Koruma
Başvurusu ve Statüsü Sahipleri Üzerine Analiz: Türkiye’ye Geliş
Sebepleri, Türkiye’de Kalışları, Gelecek Planları ve Amaçları. Göc İdarası
ve Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 39.
- Mccauley, M. (2002). Afghanistan and Central Asia A Modern History.
(Cilt 1). London, Britain: Pearson Education.
- Migration, R.L. (2020). Ravenstein's laws of migration. Harper College:
adresinden edinilmiştir.
- Migration, S. O. (2014). Afghans displaced people. Study of Forced
Migration .University of Oxford, 46.
- Monsutti, A. (2005). War and Migration: Social Networks and Economic
Strategies of the Hazaras of Afghanistan (Middle East Studies: History,
Politics & Law ed.). (U.O. Carolina, Ed., & P. Camiller, Trans.) London, New
York: Routledge.
- Özey, R. & Ünlü, M. (2020). Türk Dünyası'nın Jeopolitiği. Ankara: Pegem
- Özey, R. (2018). İslam Dünyası'nın Jeopolitiği. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Rabab, A. S. (2010). Government Offices Jobs and Women's Security.
Tabriz University. Tabriz, Iran: Tabriz University.
- Rahimi, S. M. (2012). Geopolitics of Afghanistan In The 20 Centur. Kabul
Afghanistan: Saeed.
- Ravenstein, E. G. (1885). The laws of migration. Blackwell Publishing for
the Royal Statistical Society, 48(2), 167-235.
- Runion, M. L. 2007. The History of Afghanistan.
- Salehi, O.I. (2006). A survey of faculty members' attitudes toward the
emigration of elites abroad. Journal of Social Science, 56-80.
- Saray, M. (1997). Afganistan ve Türkler. İstanbul: Bayrak Matbaacılık.
- Sayed Hadi, Z. A. (2012). International migration and national security.
Strategic Studies, 59(1), 7-26.
- Skribeland, Ö.G. (2018). Seeking Asylum in Turkey. Norwegian
Organisation for Asylum Seekers, 5. NOAS.
- Stephen Castles, H. D. (2014). The Age of Migration: lnternational
Population Movements in the Modern World. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
- UNCTAD. (2019). The Impact of Rapid Technological Change on
Sustainable Development. New York, New York 10017,USA: United
Nations Publications.
- UNHCR (2014). The top-20 countries to have granted protection to
refugees in 21st century Geneva: UN Refugee Agency; UNHCR,
Government of Turkey (2020) Operational Portal Refugee Situations.
- UNHCR. (2007). Global Report 2007: Challenges & Achievements.
UNHCR, 2. Geneva 2 Switzerland: UNHCR.
- UNHCR. (2016). Statistical Yearbook. Switzerland: Geneva 2.
- UNHCR. (2018). Returns to Afghanistan: Joint IOM-UNHCR Summary
Report. UNHCR. UNHCR and IOM.
- UNHCRb. (2018). Turkey factsheets from September 2018 available at
UNHCR-Turkey-Fact-Sheet-September-2018.pdf) and October 2017
- White, M.J. (2016). International Handbook of Migration and Population
Distribution. USA: Springer Netherlands.
- Williams, K. K. (1997). Critical Security Studies Concepts and Cases. (D.
C. Shapiro, Ed.) University of Minnesota Press 111 Third Avenue South,
Suite 290.
- Williams, P.D. (2008). Security Studies: An Introduction. UK: Routledge.
- World Bank. (2018, 8.11). Afghanistan Development Update. The World
Bank, 5. Washington, DC: World Bank.
- Yıldırım, S. G. (2018). Göç ve Afganlar istikrarli mülteciler. Göç
Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 128-159.
Yıl 2021,
, 159 - 172, 26.01.2021
Sayed Rafee Hashemı
Mehmet Ünlü
Nüfus hareketlerinin tarihi bireylerin ve toplumun daha iyi yaşam arzusu nedeniyle insanlık tarihi kadar eskiye gider. Göç farklı dönemlerde, çeşitli nedenlere bağlı olarak değişikl şekilde gelişmiştir. Kökelik, savaş, demokratik baskı, işgücü ve mekândaki farklı baskı nedenleri ile göç edilen yerlerin cazibe durumları göçün nedenleri oluşturmuştur. Bu çalışmada Afganların Türkiye'ye göç nedenlerini ve göçmenlerin mevcut durumunları ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda Afgan göçünün fırsat ve zorlukları betimsel ve analitik çerçevede incelenmiştir. Makalenin analizi göç teorileri yöntemleri çerçevesinde itici ve cazibe etkisi çerçevesinde yeni bir bakış oluşturulmuştur. Bilgiler ulusal ve uluslararası göç ve göçmen organizasyonlarından, basılı ve dijital veri kaynaklarından faydalanılarak elde edilmiştir. Afganistan'da uzun süredir devam eden savaş binlerce Afgan’nın dünyanın farklı bölglerine göç ettirmişti. Türkiye Asya ülkeleri ve Avrupa ülkeleriyle stratejik ve jeostratejik geçiş noktası durumundadır. Bu durum iç-dış göç şeklinde yasal ve yasadışı olarak devam etmektedir. Özellikle Avrupa ülkelerine gitmek isteyen Afganlar için her yıl binlerce mülteci Türkiye'ye göç etmektedir. Türkiye'de yaşayan Afganlar kimlik sahibi olmasına bağlı olarak bazı eğitim, sigortalı çalışma ve sağlık imkânlarından faydalanmaktadır.
- Afganistan ve Asya Ülkeleri. (2004). Afghanistan and The World. Asian
and African Countries. Kabil, Afganistan: Foreign Ministry Strategic
- Ahmet, I. (2018). Afghan migration through Turkey to Europe: Seeking
refuge, forming diaspora, and becoming citizens. Ankara: Turkish
Studies, 19(3), 482-502.
- Akseer, T. & Shoaib, H. C. (2017). A Survey of The Afghan People. The Asia
Foundation, 9. Kabil: The Asia Foundation Yayıncılar.
- Akseer, T., Haidary, M. S., Maxwell-Jones, C., Sedat, M., Swift, D., Veenstra,
K. & Yousufzai, F. A. (2018). A Survey of the afghan people. The Asia
foundation, 9. Kabul: The Asia foundation. https://think- 2018_Afghan-Survey_fullReport-
12.4.18.pdf (15.49Mb).
- Ansari, S. M. (2015). General Geography of Afghanistan Provinces. Kabil,
- Arslan, F. (2011). Wallerstein's modernization theory in terms of a
modern world system model. (Master thesis, 120, Afyonkocatepe
University, Social Sciences Institute, Turkey).
- Barfield, T. (2010). Afghanistan: A Cultural and Political History
(Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics). 41 William Street, Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
- Buil, K. M. (2014). Afghanistan Migration Profile. Street No.4, House No. 27
Ansari Square, Shahr-e-Naw, Kabil, Afganistan: International
Organization for Migration Afghanistan Yayıncılar.
- Buz, S. Memişoğlu, F. & Dönmez, H. (2020). Destination Unknown
Afghans on the move in Turkey. DRC, 9. DRC: MMC Middle East
- Carlisle, R. P. (2001). Afghanistan War. (J.S. Bowman, D., & L.O. Data,
Çev.) 132 West, 31st Street, New York NY 10001: New York.
- Chapman, B. (2011). Geopolitics A Guide to The Issues: Contemporary
Military, Strategic, and Security Issues. Santa Barbara, California, USA:
- Corbett, J. (2005). Ernest George Ravenstein: The Laws of Migration,
- DGMM, (2020). International protection. Retrieved from
- Dimitradi, A., Kaya, A., Kale, B. & Zurabishvili, T. (2018). EU-Turkey
Relations and Irregular Migration: Transactional Cooperation in the
Makinghttps: FEUTURE Online Paper No.16. https://feuture.uni-
6.3.pdfEASO. (2019). Afghanistan Security situation. Country of Origin
Information Report. Kabil: European Asylum Support Office. DOI:
- Durmaz, İ.T. (2019). Türkiye’ye yönelik Afgan göçünde İran etkisi (1979-
2018). 117. İstanbul, Turkey: Marmara University Social Sciences Institute.
- Feifer, G. (2009). The Great Gamble: The Soviet War in Afghanistan. New
York, NY 10022, United States: Harper Collins e-Books.
- Giustozzi, A. (2000). War, Politics and Society in Afghanistan, 1978-1992.
London: Georgetown University Press Yayıncılar.
- Harpviken, K. B. (2009). Social Networks and Migration in Wartime
Afghanistan. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hosseini, H. H. (2015). Migration theories. Institute of Humanities and
Cultural Studies, (41), 35-46.
- Houte, M. V. (2016). Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship (V.1). (R.
Cohen, Dü.) United Kingdom: University of Oxford.
- ICMPD. (2013). Budapest, Process Afghanistan Migration Country
Report. Budapest, Process, 5. Vienna, Austria: International Centre for
Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) Yayıncılar.
- IOM. (2017). Göçmenler ve Mülteciler Giderek Son Destinasyon Olarak
Türkiye'yi Seçiyor.
- Jazayery, L. (2002). The migration-development nexus: Afghanistan
case study. International Migration, 5(40), 231-254.
- Karadağ, A. İ. (2018). Afghan migration through Turkey to Europe:
seeking refuge, forming diaspora, and becoming citizens. Turkish
Studies, 3(19), 22.
- Kartal, B. (2014). Türkiye’ye yönelik mülteci ve sığınmacı hareketleri.
Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(2), 275-299.
- Kaytaz, E. S. (2016). Afghan journeys to Turkey: narratives of immobility,
travel and transformation. Geopolitics, 21(2), 228-322.
- Koç, I. (2017). Türkiye’de Afganistan Uyruklu Uluslararası Koruma
Başvurusu ve Statüsü Sahipleri Üzerine Analiz: Türkiye’ye Geliş
Sebepleri, Türkiye’de Kalışları, Gelecek Planları ve Amaçları. Göc İdarası
ve Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 39.
- Mccauley, M. (2002). Afghanistan and Central Asia A Modern History.
(Cilt 1). London, Britain: Pearson Education.
- Migration, R.L. (2020). Ravenstein's laws of migration. Harper College:
adresinden edinilmiştir.
- Migration, S. O. (2014). Afghans displaced people. Study of Forced
Migration .University of Oxford, 46.
- Monsutti, A. (2005). War and Migration: Social Networks and Economic
Strategies of the Hazaras of Afghanistan (Middle East Studies: History,
Politics & Law ed.). (U.O. Carolina, Ed., & P. Camiller, Trans.) London, New
York: Routledge.
- Özey, R. & Ünlü, M. (2020). Türk Dünyası'nın Jeopolitiği. Ankara: Pegem
- Özey, R. (2018). İslam Dünyası'nın Jeopolitiği. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Rabab, A. S. (2010). Government Offices Jobs and Women's Security.
Tabriz University. Tabriz, Iran: Tabriz University.
- Rahimi, S. M. (2012). Geopolitics of Afghanistan In The 20 Centur. Kabul
Afghanistan: Saeed.
- Ravenstein, E. G. (1885). The laws of migration. Blackwell Publishing for
the Royal Statistical Society, 48(2), 167-235.
- Runion, M. L. 2007. The History of Afghanistan.
- Salehi, O.I. (2006). A survey of faculty members' attitudes toward the
emigration of elites abroad. Journal of Social Science, 56-80.
- Saray, M. (1997). Afganistan ve Türkler. İstanbul: Bayrak Matbaacılık.
- Sayed Hadi, Z. A. (2012). International migration and national security.
Strategic Studies, 59(1), 7-26.
- Skribeland, Ö.G. (2018). Seeking Asylum in Turkey. Norwegian
Organisation for Asylum Seekers, 5. NOAS.
- Stephen Castles, H. D. (2014). The Age of Migration: lnternational
Population Movements in the Modern World. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
- UNCTAD. (2019). The Impact of Rapid Technological Change on
Sustainable Development. New York, New York 10017,USA: United
Nations Publications.
- UNHCR (2014). The top-20 countries to have granted protection to
refugees in 21st century Geneva: UN Refugee Agency; UNHCR,
Government of Turkey (2020) Operational Portal Refugee Situations.
- UNHCR. (2007). Global Report 2007: Challenges & Achievements.
UNHCR, 2. Geneva 2 Switzerland: UNHCR.
- UNHCR. (2016). Statistical Yearbook. Switzerland: Geneva 2.
- UNHCR. (2018). Returns to Afghanistan: Joint IOM-UNHCR Summary
Report. UNHCR. UNHCR and IOM.
- UNHCRb. (2018). Turkey factsheets from September 2018 available at
UNHCR-Turkey-Fact-Sheet-September-2018.pdf) and October 2017
- White, M.J. (2016). International Handbook of Migration and Population
Distribution. USA: Springer Netherlands.
- Williams, K. K. (1997). Critical Security Studies Concepts and Cases. (D.
C. Shapiro, Ed.) University of Minnesota Press 111 Third Avenue South,
Suite 290.
- Williams, P.D. (2008). Security Studies: An Introduction. UK: Routledge.
- World Bank. (2018, 8.11). Afghanistan Development Update. The World
Bank, 5. Washington, DC: World Bank.
- Yıldırım, S. G. (2018). Göç ve Afganlar istikrarli mülteciler. Göç
Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 128-159.