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Examining the 4th Grade Students’ Ability to Say “No” in the Framework of Life Studies Curriculum with Many-Facet Rasch Model

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 443 - 460, 19.09.2018


This study aims to reveal whether or not the ability to say “no”, which is tried to be taught to students in the 2005 life studies curriculum, has been gained by children with regards to various situations. The survey model was utilized in the study. The study was conducted with 4th grade students who took the class of life studies in primary school 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades and therefore are expected to have gained the ability to say “no”. In order to collect data, The Ability to Say “No”-Specific Cases Inventory (NSCI) developed by the researchers was employed. In order to be able to evaluate the responses given to the cases in the NSCI, the “NSCI Rubric” was developed. The data obtained from NSCI were analyzed according to the many-facet Rasch analysis using the FACETS packet program. The findings suggest that students may be able to demonstrate the basic ability to say “no” expected of them in response to specific cases; however they will not focus too much on the behavior of making an explanation about the reason why they have said “no”, or, on performing alternative behaviors after saying “no”.


  • Aktepe, E., Işık, A., Kocaman, O., & Eroğlu, F. Ö. (2013). Demographic and clinical characteristics of children and adolescents examined in a university hospital who are victims of sexual abuse. New/Yeni Symposium Journal, 51(2), 115-120.
  • Aslan, D., & Özcebe, H. (2008). Eğitim kurumlarında sigarasızlık politikaları [No smoking policies in educational institutions]. Ankara: Klasmat.
  • Astor, R. A. (1994). Children's moral reasoning about family and peer violence: The role of provocation and retribution. Child Development, 65(4), 1054-1067. doi:10.2307/1131304
  • Aytaç, Ö. (2005). Modern bureaucracies and alineation ethos. Fırat University Journal of Social Science, 15(2), 319-348.
  • Baker, F. B. (2016). Madde tepki kuramının temelleri [The basics of ıtem response theory] (M. İlhan, Trans.). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Bal, P. N., & Kahraman, S. (2015). The effect of cyber bullying sensibility ımprovement group training program on gifted students. Journal of Gifted Education Research, 3(1), 48-57. Bektaş, M. (2009). Investigation of effect of developed smoking prevention program toward primary school student. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Dokuz Eylül, İzmir.
  • Belgrave, F. Z., Reed, M. C., Plybon, L. E., & Corneille, M. (2004). The impact of a culturally enhanced drug prevention program on drug and alcohol refusal efficacy among urban African American girls. J. Drug Education, 34(3), 267-279. doi:10.2190/H40Y-D098-GCFA-EL74
  • Berkowitz, M. W. (2002). The science of character education. In W. Damon (Ed.), Bringing in a new era in character education (pp. 43-63). Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution.
  • Berson, M. J., Berson, I. R., & Ralston, M. E. (1999). Threshing out the myths and facts of internet safety. Social Education, 63(3), 160-161.
  • Bilginer, Ç., Hesapçıoğlu, S. T., & Kandil, S. (2013). Sexual abuse in childhood: A multi-dimentional look from the view point of victims and perpetrators. The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 26(1), 55-64. doi:10.5350/DAJPN2013260106
  • Bolton, R. (1979). How to assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve conflicts. New York: Simon & Schuster. Bond, T. G., & Fox, C. M. (2001). Applying the Rasch model: Fundamental measurement in the human sciences. London: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Boztaş, M. H., & Arısoy, Ö. (2010). Inhalant dependence and its medical consequences. Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 2(4), 516-531.
  • Brentari, E., & Golia, S. (2008). Measuring job satisfaction in the social services sector with the Rasch model. Journal of Applied Measurement, 9(1), 45-56.
  • Brinthaupt, T. M., & Kang, M. (2014). Many-faceted rasch calibration: An example using the self-talk scale. Assessment, 21(2) 241−249. doi:10.1177/1073191112446653
  • Calabrese, R. L. (1989). Effective principals must be ethical: Ethics for principals. The Education Digest, 54(7), 16-19. Ceyhun, B., Oğuztürk, Ö., & Ceyhun, A. G. (2001). The reliabilitiy and validity of substance abuse proclivity scale. Turkish Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 4, 87-93.
  • Ceylan, A., Tuncer, O., Melek, M., Akgün, C., Gülmehmet, F., & Erden, Ö. (2009). Sexual abuse of children in the Van region. Van Medical Journal, 16(4), 131-134.
  • Claessens, B. J., Eerde, W. v., Rutte, C. G., & Roe, R. A. (2007). A review of the time management literature. Personnel Review, 36(2), 255-276. doi:10.1108/ 00483480710726136
  • Davis, L. L. (1992). Instrument review: Getting the most from a panel of experts. Applied Nursing Research, 5(4), 194-197. doi:10.1016/S0897-1897(05)80008-4
  • Dehue, F., Bolman, C., & Völlink, T. (2008). Cyberbullying: Youngsters’ Experiences and Parental Perception. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(2), 217-223. doi:10.1089/cpb.2007.0008
  • DeMars, C. (2010). Item response theory. New York: Oxford.
  • Elliott, M., Browne, K., & Kilcoyne, J. (1995). Child sexual abuse prevention: What offenders tell us. Child Abuse & Neglect, 19(5), 579-594. doi:10.1016/0145-2134(95)00017-3
  • Forsyth, P. (2009). 100 great time management ideas from successful executives and managers around the world. Sİngapore: Marshall Cavendish.
  • Glenn, R. E. (2003). Study skills to help kids use time wisely. The Education Digest, 69(3), 51-53.
  • Graham, M., Milanowski, A., & Miller, J. (2012). Measuring and promoting inter-rater agreement of teacher and principal performance ratings. Center for Educator Compensation Reform. Retrieved September 30, 2016, from
  • Güçlü, N. (2001). Time management. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, (25), 87-106.
  • Güler, N., İlhan, M., Güneyli, A., & Demir, S. (2017). An evaluation of the psychometric properties of three different forms of Daly and Miller’s writing apprehension test through rasch analysis. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 17(3), 721-744. doi: 10.12738/estp.2017.3.0051
  • Gündoğan, A. O. (2009). Bir isyan ahlakı mümkün müdür? [Is a rebellion morality possible?] Retrieved March 15, 2015, from
  • İlhan, M. (2015). The identification of rater effects on open-ended math questions rated through standard rubrics and rubrics based on the SOLO taxonomy in reference to the many facet Rasch model. Unpublished doctoral dissertation University of Gaziantep, Gaziantep.
  • Kamışlı, S., Karatay, G., Terzioğlu, F. & Kublay, G. (2008). Sigara ve ruh sağlığı [Cigarette and mental health]. Ankara: Klasmat.
  • Kemp, J. (2006). Hayır: Basit bir cümle hayatınızı ne kadar değiştirir? [No: How one simple word can transform your life] (H. Güner, Trans.). İstanbul: GOA.
  • Korkmaz Ekren, P., Başarık, B., & Özhan, M. H. (2011). Changes in recognition of cigarette brand names and logos among primary school children in two years. Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology, 13(2), 86-90.
  • Kutlu, Ö., Doğan, C. D., & Karakaya, İ. (2010). Öğrenci başarısının değerlendirilmesi: Performansa ve portfolyoya dayalı durum değerlendirme [The evaluation of student success: The assessment based on performance and portfolio]. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • La Ferle, C., Edwards, S. M., & Lee, W. N. (2000). Teens’ use of traditional media and internet. Journal of Advertising Research, 40(3), 1-10. doi:10.2501/JAR-40-3-55-65
  • Leclerc, B., Wortley, R., & Smallbone, S. (2011). Victim resistance in child sexual abuse: A look into the efficacy of self-protection strategies based on the offender's experience. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26(9), 1868-1883. doi:10.1177/ 0886260510372941
  • Leming, J. S. (1997). Whither Goes Character Education? Objectives, Pedagogy, and Research in Education Programs. Journal of Education, 179(2), 11-34.
  • Liau, A. K., Khoo, A., & Ang, P. H. (2005). Factors influencing adolescents engagement in risky internet behavior, Cyber Psychology & Behavior, 8(6), 513-520. doi: 10.1089/cpb.2005.8.513
  • Lickona, T. (1996). Eleven principles of effective character education. Journal of Moral Education, 25(1). 93-100. doi:10.1080/0305724960250110
  • Linacre, J. M. (2012). Many-facet Rasch measurement: Facets tutorial. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from
  • Linacre, J. M. (2014). A user’s guide to FACETS: Rasch-model computer programs. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from
  • Livingstone, S., Bober, M., & Helsper, E. (2005). Internet literacy among children and young people: Findings from the UK children go online project. Retrieved January 04, 2015, from
  • Livingstone, S., Haddon, L., Görzig, A., & Ólafsson, K. (2011) Risks and safety on the internet: the perspective of European children: full findings and policy implications from the EU Kids Online survey of 9-16 year olds and their parents in 25 countries. EU Kids Online, Deliverable D4. EU Kids Online Network, London, UK.
  • Lovely, S., & Smith, S. (2004). Selective abandonment: How and when to say no. Principal Leadership, 5(3), 35-38.
  • Macan, T. H., Shahani, C., Dipboye, R. L., & Philips, A. P. (1990). College students' time management: Correlations with academic performance and stress. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82(4), 760-768. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.82.4.760
  • Mackenzie, A., & Nickerson, P. (2009). The time trap. New York: American Management Association.
  • Manktelow, J., & Anand, N. (2008). Make time for success: Master your workload and live your best life. Swindon: Mind Tools.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2009). İlköğretim 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflar hayat bilgisi dersi öğretim programı ve kılavuzu [Primary school 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades life studies curriculum and guidance]. Retrieved February 13, 2016, from
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2015). İlkokul hayat bilgisi dersi (1, 2 ve 3. sınıflar) öğretim programı [Elementary school life studies (1st, 2nd and 3rd grades) curriculum]. Retrieved February 13, 2016, from
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2017). Hayat bilgisi dersi öğretim programı (İlkokul 1, 2 ve 3. Sınıflar) [Llife studies curriculum (Elementary school 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades)]. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from
  • O'Sullivan, S. (2004). Books to live by: Using children's literature for character education. The Reading Teacher, 57(7), 640-645.
  • Ögel, K., & Aksoy, A. (2007). Substance use in deliquent adolescents. Journal of Dependence, 8, 11-17.
  • Özkan, B. (2011). Ergenlerin cinsel eğitimine farklı bir bakış [A different view of sexual education of adolescents]. Paper presented at the conference of Cinsellik ve Cinsel Eğitim [Sexuality and Sexual Education], İstanbul.
  • Özyurt, B., & Dinç, G. (2006). Alcohol drinking prevalance and related factors among school aged children in Manisa. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin,, 5(2), 61-71.
  • Passig, D. (2004). Future-time-span as a cognitive skill in future studies. Futures Research Quarterly, 19(4), 27-47.
  • Pereda, N., Guilera, G., Forns, M., & Gómez-Benito, J. (2009). The prevalence of child sexual abuse in community and student samples: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 29(4), 328-338. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2009.02.007
  • Polat, O. (2001). Çocuk ve şiddet [Child and violence]. İstanbul: Der.
  • Rind, B., Tromovitch, P., & Bauserman, R. (1998). A meta-analytic examination of assumed properties of child sexual abuse using college samples. Psychological Bulletin, 124(1), 22-53. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.124.1.22
  • Salifu, A. (2008). The impact of internet crime on development. Journal of Financial Crime, 15(4), 432-443. doi:10.1108/13590790810907254
  • Sanderson, C. (2010). Anne baba ve öğretmenler için çocuğun cinsel eğitimi ve tacizden korunma rehberi [The seduction of children: Empowering parents and teachers to protect children from child sexual abuse] (Z. Doğan, Trans.). İstanbul: Sistem.
  • Stahl, C., & Fritz, N. (2002). Internet safety: Adolescents’ self-report. Journal of Adolescent Health, 31, 7-10. doi:10.1016/S1054-139X(02)00369-5
  • Stoltenborgh, M., Ijzendoorn, M. H., Euser, E. M., & Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J. (2011). A global perspective on child sexual abuse: Meta-analysis of prevalence around the world. Child Maltreatment, 16(2), 79-101. doi:10.1177/1077559511403920
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  • Taner, H. A., Çetin, F. H., Işık, Y., & İşeri, E. (2015). Psychopathology in abused children and adolescents and related risk factors. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 16, 294-300.
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  • Yazıcı, H., & Şahin, M. (2006). İlköğretim öğrencilerinin sigara içen ve içmeyenleri algılama biçimleri [The ways primary school students perceive smokers and non-smokers.]. Marmara University Atatürk Faculty of Education Journal of Educational Sciences, (21), 213-224.
  • Yılmaz, F., & Ersoy, A. (2016). Class teacher candidates skill of saying no in relation to components of moral anatomy. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 16(62), 161-180. doi:10.14689/ejer.2016.62.10
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Examining the 4th Grade Students’ Ability to Say “No” in the Framework of Life Studies Curriculum with Many-Facet Rasch Model

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 443 - 460, 19.09.2018


This study aims to reveal whether or not the ability to say “no”, which
is tried to be taught to students in the 2005 life studies curriculum, has been
gained by children with regards to various situations. The survey model was
utilized in the study. The study was conducted with 4th grade
students who took the class of life studies in primary school 1st, 2nd
and 3rd grades and therefore are expected to have gained the ability
to say “no”. In order to collect data, The Ability to Say “No”-Specific Cases
Inventory (NSCI) developed by the researchers was employed. In order to be able
to evaluate the responses given to the cases in the NSCI, the “NSCI Rubric” was
developed. The data obtained from NSCI were analyzed according to the
many-facet Rasch analysis using the FACETS packet program. The findings suggest that students may be
able to demonstrate the basic ability to say “no” expected of them in response
to specific cases; however they will not focus too much on the behavior of
making an explanation about the reason why they have said “no”, or, on
performing alternative behaviors after saying “no”.


  • Aktepe, E., Işık, A., Kocaman, O., & Eroğlu, F. Ö. (2013). Demographic and clinical characteristics of children and adolescents examined in a university hospital who are victims of sexual abuse. New/Yeni Symposium Journal, 51(2), 115-120.
  • Aslan, D., & Özcebe, H. (2008). Eğitim kurumlarında sigarasızlık politikaları [No smoking policies in educational institutions]. Ankara: Klasmat.
  • Astor, R. A. (1994). Children's moral reasoning about family and peer violence: The role of provocation and retribution. Child Development, 65(4), 1054-1067. doi:10.2307/1131304
  • Aytaç, Ö. (2005). Modern bureaucracies and alineation ethos. Fırat University Journal of Social Science, 15(2), 319-348.
  • Baker, F. B. (2016). Madde tepki kuramının temelleri [The basics of ıtem response theory] (M. İlhan, Trans.). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Bal, P. N., & Kahraman, S. (2015). The effect of cyber bullying sensibility ımprovement group training program on gifted students. Journal of Gifted Education Research, 3(1), 48-57. Bektaş, M. (2009). Investigation of effect of developed smoking prevention program toward primary school student. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Dokuz Eylül, İzmir.
  • Belgrave, F. Z., Reed, M. C., Plybon, L. E., & Corneille, M. (2004). The impact of a culturally enhanced drug prevention program on drug and alcohol refusal efficacy among urban African American girls. J. Drug Education, 34(3), 267-279. doi:10.2190/H40Y-D098-GCFA-EL74
  • Berkowitz, M. W. (2002). The science of character education. In W. Damon (Ed.), Bringing in a new era in character education (pp. 43-63). Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution.
  • Berson, M. J., Berson, I. R., & Ralston, M. E. (1999). Threshing out the myths and facts of internet safety. Social Education, 63(3), 160-161.
  • Bilginer, Ç., Hesapçıoğlu, S. T., & Kandil, S. (2013). Sexual abuse in childhood: A multi-dimentional look from the view point of victims and perpetrators. The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 26(1), 55-64. doi:10.5350/DAJPN2013260106
  • Bolton, R. (1979). How to assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve conflicts. New York: Simon & Schuster. Bond, T. G., & Fox, C. M. (2001). Applying the Rasch model: Fundamental measurement in the human sciences. London: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Boztaş, M. H., & Arısoy, Ö. (2010). Inhalant dependence and its medical consequences. Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 2(4), 516-531.
  • Brentari, E., & Golia, S. (2008). Measuring job satisfaction in the social services sector with the Rasch model. Journal of Applied Measurement, 9(1), 45-56.
  • Brinthaupt, T. M., & Kang, M. (2014). Many-faceted rasch calibration: An example using the self-talk scale. Assessment, 21(2) 241−249. doi:10.1177/1073191112446653
  • Calabrese, R. L. (1989). Effective principals must be ethical: Ethics for principals. The Education Digest, 54(7), 16-19. Ceyhun, B., Oğuztürk, Ö., & Ceyhun, A. G. (2001). The reliabilitiy and validity of substance abuse proclivity scale. Turkish Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 4, 87-93.
  • Ceylan, A., Tuncer, O., Melek, M., Akgün, C., Gülmehmet, F., & Erden, Ö. (2009). Sexual abuse of children in the Van region. Van Medical Journal, 16(4), 131-134.
  • Claessens, B. J., Eerde, W. v., Rutte, C. G., & Roe, R. A. (2007). A review of the time management literature. Personnel Review, 36(2), 255-276. doi:10.1108/ 00483480710726136
  • Davis, L. L. (1992). Instrument review: Getting the most from a panel of experts. Applied Nursing Research, 5(4), 194-197. doi:10.1016/S0897-1897(05)80008-4
  • Dehue, F., Bolman, C., & Völlink, T. (2008). Cyberbullying: Youngsters’ Experiences and Parental Perception. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(2), 217-223. doi:10.1089/cpb.2007.0008
  • DeMars, C. (2010). Item response theory. New York: Oxford.
  • Elliott, M., Browne, K., & Kilcoyne, J. (1995). Child sexual abuse prevention: What offenders tell us. Child Abuse & Neglect, 19(5), 579-594. doi:10.1016/0145-2134(95)00017-3
  • Forsyth, P. (2009). 100 great time management ideas from successful executives and managers around the world. Sİngapore: Marshall Cavendish.
  • Glenn, R. E. (2003). Study skills to help kids use time wisely. The Education Digest, 69(3), 51-53.
  • Graham, M., Milanowski, A., & Miller, J. (2012). Measuring and promoting inter-rater agreement of teacher and principal performance ratings. Center for Educator Compensation Reform. Retrieved September 30, 2016, from
  • Güçlü, N. (2001). Time management. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, (25), 87-106.
  • Güler, N., İlhan, M., Güneyli, A., & Demir, S. (2017). An evaluation of the psychometric properties of three different forms of Daly and Miller’s writing apprehension test through rasch analysis. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 17(3), 721-744. doi: 10.12738/estp.2017.3.0051
  • Gündoğan, A. O. (2009). Bir isyan ahlakı mümkün müdür? [Is a rebellion morality possible?] Retrieved March 15, 2015, from
  • İlhan, M. (2015). The identification of rater effects on open-ended math questions rated through standard rubrics and rubrics based on the SOLO taxonomy in reference to the many facet Rasch model. Unpublished doctoral dissertation University of Gaziantep, Gaziantep.
  • Kamışlı, S., Karatay, G., Terzioğlu, F. & Kublay, G. (2008). Sigara ve ruh sağlığı [Cigarette and mental health]. Ankara: Klasmat.
  • Kemp, J. (2006). Hayır: Basit bir cümle hayatınızı ne kadar değiştirir? [No: How one simple word can transform your life] (H. Güner, Trans.). İstanbul: GOA.
  • Korkmaz Ekren, P., Başarık, B., & Özhan, M. H. (2011). Changes in recognition of cigarette brand names and logos among primary school children in two years. Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology, 13(2), 86-90.
  • Kutlu, Ö., Doğan, C. D., & Karakaya, İ. (2010). Öğrenci başarısının değerlendirilmesi: Performansa ve portfolyoya dayalı durum değerlendirme [The evaluation of student success: The assessment based on performance and portfolio]. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • La Ferle, C., Edwards, S. M., & Lee, W. N. (2000). Teens’ use of traditional media and internet. Journal of Advertising Research, 40(3), 1-10. doi:10.2501/JAR-40-3-55-65
  • Leclerc, B., Wortley, R., & Smallbone, S. (2011). Victim resistance in child sexual abuse: A look into the efficacy of self-protection strategies based on the offender's experience. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26(9), 1868-1883. doi:10.1177/ 0886260510372941
  • Leming, J. S. (1997). Whither Goes Character Education? Objectives, Pedagogy, and Research in Education Programs. Journal of Education, 179(2), 11-34.
  • Liau, A. K., Khoo, A., & Ang, P. H. (2005). Factors influencing adolescents engagement in risky internet behavior, Cyber Psychology & Behavior, 8(6), 513-520. doi: 10.1089/cpb.2005.8.513
  • Lickona, T. (1996). Eleven principles of effective character education. Journal of Moral Education, 25(1). 93-100. doi:10.1080/0305724960250110
  • Linacre, J. M. (2012). Many-facet Rasch measurement: Facets tutorial. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from
  • Linacre, J. M. (2014). A user’s guide to FACETS: Rasch-model computer programs. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from
  • Livingstone, S., Bober, M., & Helsper, E. (2005). Internet literacy among children and young people: Findings from the UK children go online project. Retrieved January 04, 2015, from
  • Livingstone, S., Haddon, L., Görzig, A., & Ólafsson, K. (2011) Risks and safety on the internet: the perspective of European children: full findings and policy implications from the EU Kids Online survey of 9-16 year olds and their parents in 25 countries. EU Kids Online, Deliverable D4. EU Kids Online Network, London, UK.
  • Lovely, S., & Smith, S. (2004). Selective abandonment: How and when to say no. Principal Leadership, 5(3), 35-38.
  • Macan, T. H., Shahani, C., Dipboye, R. L., & Philips, A. P. (1990). College students' time management: Correlations with academic performance and stress. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82(4), 760-768. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.82.4.760
  • Mackenzie, A., & Nickerson, P. (2009). The time trap. New York: American Management Association.
  • Manktelow, J., & Anand, N. (2008). Make time for success: Master your workload and live your best life. Swindon: Mind Tools.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2009). İlköğretim 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflar hayat bilgisi dersi öğretim programı ve kılavuzu [Primary school 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades life studies curriculum and guidance]. Retrieved February 13, 2016, from
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2015). İlkokul hayat bilgisi dersi (1, 2 ve 3. sınıflar) öğretim programı [Elementary school life studies (1st, 2nd and 3rd grades) curriculum]. Retrieved February 13, 2016, from
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2017). Hayat bilgisi dersi öğretim programı (İlkokul 1, 2 ve 3. Sınıflar) [Llife studies curriculum (Elementary school 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades)]. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from
  • O'Sullivan, S. (2004). Books to live by: Using children's literature for character education. The Reading Teacher, 57(7), 640-645.
  • Ögel, K., & Aksoy, A. (2007). Substance use in deliquent adolescents. Journal of Dependence, 8, 11-17.
  • Özkan, B. (2011). Ergenlerin cinsel eğitimine farklı bir bakış [A different view of sexual education of adolescents]. Paper presented at the conference of Cinsellik ve Cinsel Eğitim [Sexuality and Sexual Education], İstanbul.
  • Özyurt, B., & Dinç, G. (2006). Alcohol drinking prevalance and related factors among school aged children in Manisa. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin,, 5(2), 61-71.
  • Passig, D. (2004). Future-time-span as a cognitive skill in future studies. Futures Research Quarterly, 19(4), 27-47.
  • Pereda, N., Guilera, G., Forns, M., & Gómez-Benito, J. (2009). The prevalence of child sexual abuse in community and student samples: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 29(4), 328-338. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2009.02.007
  • Polat, O. (2001). Çocuk ve şiddet [Child and violence]. İstanbul: Der.
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Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Ferat Yılmaz 0000-0002-4947-5416

M. Akif Sözer

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Eylül 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, F., & Sözer, M. A. (2018). Examining the 4th Grade Students’ Ability to Say “No” in the Framework of Life Studies Curriculum with Many-Facet Rasch Model. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 5(3), 443-460.

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