Prevention of Teenager's Internet Addiction: Pilot Program
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 16 Sayı: 4, 1873 - 1881, 16.08.2017
Guzel İ. Gaysina
Venera G. Zakirova
The relevance of the
problem is caused by the rapid development of Internet-addiction of modern
teenagers and young people as a form of addictive behavior. Necessity to start
an earlier preventive work with children is recognized in the scientific and professional
community as an important socio-pedagogical problem. The aim of the research is
to develop and test a pilot program to prevent teenagers’ Internet addiction.
The authors present a model of psycho-pedagogical prevention of
Internet-addiction for 10-15 year old pupils in school and family, as well as
the results of the pilot program. A model of preventive work with children and
parents, which includes target, content, technological and resultative
components is theoretically developed and experimentally implemented. It is
proved that the work of school teachers and psychologists on prevention of
Internet-addiction should be carried out both with children and their parents
on a particular program. This model was the basis for a pilot program aimed at:
a) primary psychological and pedagogical prevention of internet-addiction of
children; b) providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents in
solving this problem.
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