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Etkili öğretim sürecinde öğretmen soruları konusunda öğretmen adaylarının düşünceleri

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 666 - 675, 26.06.2009


Bu çalışma etkili öğretim içeren öğretmen soruları hakkında öğretmen adaylarının görüşleriniaraştırmayı amaçlamıştır. Bu amaçla değerlendirmeyi araştırmayı, ankete dahil bir betimsel çalışma. Çalışma 113 öğretmen adayı ile yapılmış, adaylara açık ve açık uçlu bir anket. Betimsel istatistik bulunmaktadır, açık uçlu sorulara gönderilebilir. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre öğretmen adayları, öğrenmenin değerlendirilmesinde soruların düşünmektedirler. Ayrıca, öğretmen adayları soru sormada en etkili unsurun konu bilgisi; soruları kullanmanın en yaygın nedeni olarak da öğrencileri derse motive etmek olduğunu belirtmişlerdir.


  • Brualdi, A.C. (1998). Classroom questions. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 6(6), Retrieved June 8, 2005, from http:/
  • Baumfield, V. and Mroz, M. (2002). Investigating pupils’ questions in the primary classrooms. Educational Research, 44 (2), 129-140.
  • Bonne, L. & Pritchard, R. (2007). Teacher researchers questioning their practice. 133-142. Mathematics: essential research, essential practice-Vol 1. Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, J.Watson & K.Beswick (Eds.). retrieved July 1, 2008, from
  • Capel, S., Leask, M., & Turner, T. (1996). Learning to teach in the secondary school. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Chin, C. (2004). Questioning students in ways that encourage thinking. Teaching Science, 50 (4), 16-21.
  • Chin, C. (2006). Classroom interaction in science: teacher questioning and feedback to students’ responses. International Journal of Science Education, 28 (11), 1315–1346.
  • Coolican, H. (1994). Research methods and statistics in psychology (2nd ed.). London: Hodder & Stoughton.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (1995). A guide to teaching practice (4th ed.). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Cotton, K. (1988). Classroom questioning. School Improvement Research Series (SIRS). retrieved July 1, 2008 from
  • Creswell, J.W. (1994). Research design qualitative and quantitative approaches. London: Sage Publications.
  • Durham, M.E. (1997). Secondary science teachers’ responses to student questions. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 8 (4), 257-267.
  • Fisher, R. (1987). Why problem solving?, In R. Fisher (Ed.) Problem solving in primary schools. Basil Blackwell Ltd: Oxford.
  • Fisher, R. (1995). Teaching children to think. Cheltenham: Starney Thornes.
  • Galton, M.; Simon, B. & Croll, P. (1980). Inside the primary classroom. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Gall, M. (1984). Synthesis of research on teachers’ questioning. Educational Leadership, November. 40-47.
  • Groenke, S.L. & Paulus, T. (2007). The role of teacher questioning in promoting dialogic literary inquiry in computer-mediated communication. JRTE (Journal of Research on Technology in Education), 40 (2), 141–164.
  • Guan Eng Ho, D. (2005). Why do teachers ask the questions they ask? RELC, 36 (3), 297-310.
  • Hamilton, R., & Brady, M. P. (1991). Individual and class wide patterns of teachers’ questioning in mainstreamed social studies and science classes. Teaching and Teacher Education, 7(3), 253-262.
  • Imogene, R. & Carol, G. (1990). Questioning: an effective teaching method. Clearing House, 00098655, 63 (9). Database: Academic Search Complete.
  • Küçükahmet, L. (2000). Ö0retimde planlama ve de0erlendirme [Planning and evaluation in teaching]. Ankara: Nobel Yay]nlar].
  • Latham, A. (1997). Asking students the right questions. Educational Leadership, 54 (6), 84-65.
  • Loughran, J.; Brown, J. & Doecke, B. (2001). Continuities and discontinuities: the transition from pre-service to first-year teaching. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 7(1), 7-23.
  • Marx, A.; Fuhrer, U. & Hartig, T. (2000). Effects of classroom seating arrangements on children’s question-asking. Learning Environment Research, 2, 249-263.
  • McHill, D., & Dunkin, F. (2002). What is a good question?. LITERACY Today, December, 8- 10.
  • McNamara, D. (1994). Classroom pedagogy and primary practice. London & NewYork: Routledge.
  • Miles, M., B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). An expanded sourcebook-qualitative data analysis (2nd ed.) London: Sage Publications.
  • Mills, S.R. and Rice, C.T. (1980). The correspondence between teacher questions and student answers in classroom discourse. Journal of Experimental Education, 48.
  • Moyer, P.S., & Milewicz, E. (2002). Learning to question: categories of questioning used by preservice teachers during diagnostic mathematics interviews, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 5, 293-315.
  • Muijs, D. & Reynolds, D. (2005). Effective Teaching –Evidence and Practice. London: Sage Publications.
  • Petty, G. (1993). Teaching today (a practical guide). Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd.
  • Ralph, E. G. (1999). Oral-questioning skills of novice teachers…any questions? Journal of Instructional Psychology. 26 (4), 286-296.
  • Sahin, C., Bullock, K., & Stables, A. (2002). Teachers’ beliefs and practices in relation to their beliefs about questioning at key stage 2. Educational Studies. 28 (4), 371-384.
  • Sellappah, S.; Hussey, T.; Blackmore, A.M. & McMurray, A. (1998). The use of questioning strategies by clinical teachers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 28(1), 142–148.
  • Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: grounded theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park, C.A.: Sage.
  • Sounders, W., Gall, M, D., Nielson, E., & Smith, G. (2001). The effects of variations in microteaching on prospective teachers’ acquisition of questioning skills. The Journal of Educational Research. 3-8.
  • Tan, Z. (2007). Questions in Chinese University EL Classrooms: What lies beyond it?. RELC, 38 (1), 87-103.
  • Uzuntiryaki, E. & Boz, Y. (2007). Turkish pre-service teachers’ beliefs about the importance of teaching chemistry. Australian Journal of Education, 32 (4).
  • Vogler, K. (2004) Using political cartoons to improve your verbal questioning. The Social Studies. January/February. 11-15.
  • Vogler, K.E. (2005). Improve Your Verbal Questioning. The Clearing House, November/December, 79 (2), 98-103.
  • Waterhouse, P. (1990). Classroom management (The Teaching and Learning Series). Stafford: Network Educational Press.
  • Yang, M. (2006). A critical review of research on questioning in education: limitations of its positivistic basis. Asia Pacific Education Review, 7 (2), 195-204.
  • Etkili ö4retim sürecinde ö4retmen sorular6 konusunda
  • ö4retmen adaylar6n6n dü7ünceleri _________________________________________________________________________________
  • ÖZ. Bu çal]_ma etkili ö retim sürecinde ö retmen sorular] konusunda ö retmen adaylar]n]n görü_lerini
  • ara_t]rmay] amaçlam]_t]r. Bu amac] gerçekle_tirmek için ara_t]rma deseni olarak, ankete dayal] bir
  • betimsel çal]_ma kullan]lm]_t]r. Çal]_ma 113 ö retmen aday] ile yap]lm]_t]r, adaylara kapal] ve aç]k uçlu
  • sorulardan olu_an bir anket verilmi_tir. Kapal] uçlu sorulara ili_kin veriler betimsel istatistik kullan]larak,
  • aç]k uçlu sorulara ili_kin veriler ise içerik analizi yoluyla analiz edilmi_tir. Çal]_man]n sonuçlar]na göre ö retmen adaylar],
  • dü_ünmektedirler. Ayr]ca, ö retmen adaylar] soru sormada en etkili unsurun konu bilgisi; sorular]
  • kullanman]n en yayg]n nedeni olarak da ö rencileri derse motive etmek oldu unu belirtmi_lerdir.
  • Anahtar Kelimeler:ö retmen adaylar], ö retmenler, ö retim, sorular, ö retmen e itimi.
  • _____________________________________________________________________________________

Etkili öğretim sürecinde öğretmen soruları konusunda öğretmen adaylarının düşünceler

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 666 - 675, 26.06.2009


This study mainly purposes to investigate pre-service teachers’ thoughts about teachers’
questions in effective teaching context. In order to investigate this, a descriptive study through survey was
used as research approach. 113 pre-service teachers were the participants of the study and they were given
a questionnaire including both closed-ended and open-ended questions. Data based on closed questions
were analyzed statistically whereas data based on open-ended question was analyzed through content
analyses. Mainly, the results of the study indicated that evaluation of learning is very important facility of
questioning according to pre-service teachers. In addition, subject knowledge was the most stated factor
which affects questioning and motivating students was the most common pointed reason of the preservice
teachers to use questioning.


  • Brualdi, A.C. (1998). Classroom questions. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 6(6), Retrieved June 8, 2005, from http:/
  • Baumfield, V. and Mroz, M. (2002). Investigating pupils’ questions in the primary classrooms. Educational Research, 44 (2), 129-140.
  • Bonne, L. & Pritchard, R. (2007). Teacher researchers questioning their practice. 133-142. Mathematics: essential research, essential practice-Vol 1. Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, J.Watson & K.Beswick (Eds.). retrieved July 1, 2008, from
  • Capel, S., Leask, M., & Turner, T. (1996). Learning to teach in the secondary school. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Chin, C. (2004). Questioning students in ways that encourage thinking. Teaching Science, 50 (4), 16-21.
  • Chin, C. (2006). Classroom interaction in science: teacher questioning and feedback to students’ responses. International Journal of Science Education, 28 (11), 1315–1346.
  • Coolican, H. (1994). Research methods and statistics in psychology (2nd ed.). London: Hodder & Stoughton.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (1995). A guide to teaching practice (4th ed.). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Cotton, K. (1988). Classroom questioning. School Improvement Research Series (SIRS). retrieved July 1, 2008 from
  • Creswell, J.W. (1994). Research design qualitative and quantitative approaches. London: Sage Publications.
  • Durham, M.E. (1997). Secondary science teachers’ responses to student questions. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 8 (4), 257-267.
  • Fisher, R. (1987). Why problem solving?, In R. Fisher (Ed.) Problem solving in primary schools. Basil Blackwell Ltd: Oxford.
  • Fisher, R. (1995). Teaching children to think. Cheltenham: Starney Thornes.
  • Galton, M.; Simon, B. & Croll, P. (1980). Inside the primary classroom. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Gall, M. (1984). Synthesis of research on teachers’ questioning. Educational Leadership, November. 40-47.
  • Groenke, S.L. & Paulus, T. (2007). The role of teacher questioning in promoting dialogic literary inquiry in computer-mediated communication. JRTE (Journal of Research on Technology in Education), 40 (2), 141–164.
  • Guan Eng Ho, D. (2005). Why do teachers ask the questions they ask? RELC, 36 (3), 297-310.
  • Hamilton, R., & Brady, M. P. (1991). Individual and class wide patterns of teachers’ questioning in mainstreamed social studies and science classes. Teaching and Teacher Education, 7(3), 253-262.
  • Imogene, R. & Carol, G. (1990). Questioning: an effective teaching method. Clearing House, 00098655, 63 (9). Database: Academic Search Complete.
  • Küçükahmet, L. (2000). Ö0retimde planlama ve de0erlendirme [Planning and evaluation in teaching]. Ankara: Nobel Yay]nlar].
  • Latham, A. (1997). Asking students the right questions. Educational Leadership, 54 (6), 84-65.
  • Loughran, J.; Brown, J. & Doecke, B. (2001). Continuities and discontinuities: the transition from pre-service to first-year teaching. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 7(1), 7-23.
  • Marx, A.; Fuhrer, U. & Hartig, T. (2000). Effects of classroom seating arrangements on children’s question-asking. Learning Environment Research, 2, 249-263.
  • McHill, D., & Dunkin, F. (2002). What is a good question?. LITERACY Today, December, 8- 10.
  • McNamara, D. (1994). Classroom pedagogy and primary practice. London & NewYork: Routledge.
  • Miles, M., B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). An expanded sourcebook-qualitative data analysis (2nd ed.) London: Sage Publications.
  • Mills, S.R. and Rice, C.T. (1980). The correspondence between teacher questions and student answers in classroom discourse. Journal of Experimental Education, 48.
  • Moyer, P.S., & Milewicz, E. (2002). Learning to question: categories of questioning used by preservice teachers during diagnostic mathematics interviews, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 5, 293-315.
  • Muijs, D. & Reynolds, D. (2005). Effective Teaching –Evidence and Practice. London: Sage Publications.
  • Petty, G. (1993). Teaching today (a practical guide). Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd.
  • Ralph, E. G. (1999). Oral-questioning skills of novice teachers…any questions? Journal of Instructional Psychology. 26 (4), 286-296.
  • Sahin, C., Bullock, K., & Stables, A. (2002). Teachers’ beliefs and practices in relation to their beliefs about questioning at key stage 2. Educational Studies. 28 (4), 371-384.
  • Sellappah, S.; Hussey, T.; Blackmore, A.M. & McMurray, A. (1998). The use of questioning strategies by clinical teachers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 28(1), 142–148.
  • Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: grounded theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park, C.A.: Sage.
  • Sounders, W., Gall, M, D., Nielson, E., & Smith, G. (2001). The effects of variations in microteaching on prospective teachers’ acquisition of questioning skills. The Journal of Educational Research. 3-8.
  • Tan, Z. (2007). Questions in Chinese University EL Classrooms: What lies beyond it?. RELC, 38 (1), 87-103.
  • Uzuntiryaki, E. & Boz, Y. (2007). Turkish pre-service teachers’ beliefs about the importance of teaching chemistry. Australian Journal of Education, 32 (4).
  • Vogler, K. (2004) Using political cartoons to improve your verbal questioning. The Social Studies. January/February. 11-15.
  • Vogler, K.E. (2005). Improve Your Verbal Questioning. The Clearing House, November/December, 79 (2), 98-103.
  • Waterhouse, P. (1990). Classroom management (The Teaching and Learning Series). Stafford: Network Educational Press.
  • Yang, M. (2006). A critical review of research on questioning in education: limitations of its positivistic basis. Asia Pacific Education Review, 7 (2), 195-204.
  • Etkili ö4retim sürecinde ö4retmen sorular6 konusunda
  • ö4retmen adaylar6n6n dü7ünceleri _________________________________________________________________________________
  • ÖZ. Bu çal]_ma etkili ö retim sürecinde ö retmen sorular] konusunda ö retmen adaylar]n]n görü_lerini
  • ara_t]rmay] amaçlam]_t]r. Bu amac] gerçekle_tirmek için ara_t]rma deseni olarak, ankete dayal] bir
  • betimsel çal]_ma kullan]lm]_t]r. Çal]_ma 113 ö retmen aday] ile yap]lm]_t]r, adaylara kapal] ve aç]k uçlu
  • sorulardan olu_an bir anket verilmi_tir. Kapal] uçlu sorulara ili_kin veriler betimsel istatistik kullan]larak,
  • aç]k uçlu sorulara ili_kin veriler ise içerik analizi yoluyla analiz edilmi_tir. Çal]_man]n sonuçlar]na göre ö retmen adaylar],
  • dü_ünmektedirler. Ayr]ca, ö retmen adaylar] soru sormada en etkili unsurun konu bilgisi; sorular]
  • kullanman]n en yayg]n nedeni olarak da ö rencileri derse motive etmek oldu unu belirtmi_lerdir.
  • Anahtar Kelimeler:ö retmen adaylar], ö retmenler, ö retim, sorular, ö retmen e itimi.
  • _____________________________________________________________________________________
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Melek Çakmak

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Haziran 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Çakmak, M. (2009). Etkili öğretim sürecinde öğretmen soruları konusunda öğretmen adaylarının düşünceleri. İlköğretim Online, 8(3), 666-675.
AMA Çakmak M. Etkili öğretim sürecinde öğretmen soruları konusunda öğretmen adaylarının düşünceleri. İOO. Eylül 2009;8(3):666-675.
Chicago Çakmak, Melek. “Etkili öğretim sürecinde öğretmen Soruları Konusunda öğretmen adaylarının düşünceleri”. İlköğretim Online 8, sy. 3 (Eylül 2009): 666-75.
EndNote Çakmak M (01 Eylül 2009) Etkili öğretim sürecinde öğretmen soruları konusunda öğretmen adaylarının düşünceleri. İlköğretim Online 8 3 666–675.
IEEE M. Çakmak, “Etkili öğretim sürecinde öğretmen soruları konusunda öğretmen adaylarının düşünceleri”, İOO, c. 8, sy. 3, ss. 666–675, 2009.
ISNAD Çakmak, Melek. “Etkili öğretim sürecinde öğretmen Soruları Konusunda öğretmen adaylarının düşünceleri”. İlköğretim Online 8/3 (Eylül 2009), 666-675.
JAMA Çakmak M. Etkili öğretim sürecinde öğretmen soruları konusunda öğretmen adaylarının düşünceleri. İOO. 2009;8:666–675.
MLA Çakmak, Melek. “Etkili öğretim sürecinde öğretmen Soruları Konusunda öğretmen adaylarının düşünceleri”. İlköğretim Online, c. 8, sy. 3, 2009, ss. 666-75.
Vancouver Çakmak M. Etkili öğretim sürecinde öğretmen soruları konusunda öğretmen adaylarının düşünceleri. İOO. 2009;8(3):666-75.