Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının İlköğretimde Drama Dersine Yönelik Görüşlerinin Cinsiyet Değişkenine Göre İncelenmesi
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 755 - 770, 26.06.2009
Şehnaz Sungurtekin
Gönül Onur Sezer
Pınar Bağçeli Kahraman
Ömür Sadioğlu
In this study, it is aimed to determine whether the view points of pre-service teachers,
studying at Uludag University, Primary School Teaching Programme, on “Drama in Primary School”
course show a significant difference according to gender or not, and to state the contribution of the
creative drama course on their personal and professional development through their own point of
views. As a result of this study, the analysis of the data was revealed that there was not a significant
difference according to gender.The pre-service teachers stated the necessity of “Drama in Primary
School” course.
- Ad5guzel, Ö. (2006a). Yarat5c5 Drama Kavram5, BileTenleri ve ATamalar5. [Concept of creative drama, elements and stages]. Yarat c Drama Dergisi. 1,17–27.
- Ad5guzel, Ö. (2006b). Yarat5c5 Drama Derslerine (Okulöncesinde Drama ve lkö retimde Drama) liTkin Tutum Ölçe i GeliTtirilmesi. [A development of attitiude towards creative drama course (“Drama in preschool” and “Drama in primary school”) scale]. Yarat c Drama Dergisi, 1(2), 7–15.
- Ad5guzel, Ö. (2006c). Oyun ve Drama liTkisi. [The relation between play and drama]. A Ozturk, (Ed.), In Çocukta Yarat c l k ve Drama, (91–108). EskiTehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yay5nlar5.
- Akfirat, F.Ö. (2004).Yarat5c5 Draman5n Titme Engellilerin Sosyal Becerilerinin GeliTimine Etkisi. [The method of creative drama on hearing 5mpaired students' social skills]. Ankara Üniversitesi E"itim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel E"itim Dergisi, 5(1), 9–22. Retrieved February 10, 2008 from /makale/ turkce/ fatmaonalakfiratisitmeengelli.htm.
- Akin, M. (1993). Farkli Sosyo-ekonomik Düzeylerdeki )lkokul 3. S n f Ö"rencilerinin Sosyalle,me Düzeylerine Yarat c Drama E"itiminin Etkisi. [The effect of the creative drama on socialization of the third-year primary school students n different socio- economic status]. Unpublished master’s thesis, Ankara Üniversitesi.
- Akyol, K. A. (2003). Drama ve Draman n Önemi. [The Importance of Drama].Retrieved March 19,2008, from www. tebd. gazi. edu .tr /arsiv/ 2003_cilt1 / sayi _ 2 /179- 192.PDF.
- Barth , J.L., & Demirtas, A. (1997). )lkö"retim Sosyal Bilgiler Ö"retimi. [Didactics of social education in elemantary school]. Ankara: YÖK/ Dünya Bankas5 Milli E itim GeliTtirme Projesi Hizmet Öncesi Ö retmen E itimi Yay5nlar5.
- Bieber-Schut, R. (1991). The Use of Drama to Help Visually Impaired Adolescent Acquire Social Skills. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 85(8), 340–341. Retrieved March 16, 2008 from ERIC Database.
- Bolton, G. (1985). Changes in Thinking About Drama in Education. Theory into Practice, 24(3), 151–157.Retrieved March 19, 2008 from JSTOR Database.
- Bozdogan, O. (2003). Drama as Compulsory Course in Education Faculties. Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
- Duatepe, Akkus, O. (2006).Yarat5c5 Draman5n Matematik E itiminde Kullan5lmas5: Kümeler Alt Ö renme Alan5nda Bir Uygulama. [Usage of creative drama in mathematics education: an application in the topic of sets]. Yarat c Drama Dergisi, 1(2), 89–97.
- Freeman, Gregory D.,Sullivan, Kathleen.& Fulton, C. Ray.(2003). Effects of Creative Drama on Self-Concept, Social Skills, and Problem Behavior. Journal of Educational Research, 96(3), 131–38. Retrieved March 15, 2008 from ERIC Database.
- Gurol, A. (2003). Okulöncesi Ö"retmenleri ile Okul Öncesi Ö"retmen Adaylar n n E"itimde Draman n Uygulanmas na )li,kin Görü,leri. [The views of primary and pre-school teachers about performing drama in education].Milli E itim Dergisi, 158, dergiler/ 158/ gurol.htm.
- Haselbach, B. (2003). Orff-Schulwerk Disiplinler Aras Bir Deneyim.[Orff-Schulwerk an interdiscipliner experience]. Orff-Schulwerk Müzik ve Dans Pedagojisi Sempozyumu. stanbul, 98.
- Heathcote, D.& Bolton, G. (1997). Dorothy Heathcote Reflects With Gavin Bolton, in
- nteractive Research in Drama Education (David Davis ed.), First Published, England:
- Trentham Boks. 7–40.
- smihan, E. (1992). Dramatizasyonun Çocuk E"itimindeki Rolü. [The role of drama on the child education]. Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. (Unpublished MA thesis).
- Kara, Y.& Çam, F. M (2007). Yarat c Drama Yönteminin Baz Sosyal Becerilerin Kazand r lmas na Etkisi.[Effect of creative drama method on the reception of some social skills].Hacettepe Üniversitesi E itim Fakültesi Dergisi. Ankara. 32. 145–155.
- Kocayoruk, Y. A. (2000). )lkö"retim Ö"rencilerinin Sosyal Becerilerini Geli,tirmede Draman n Etkisi.[The Effect of drama on improving elemantary school students social skills]. Ankara University. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. (unpublished MA thesis).
- Mathis, J.A.& Others. (1980). Psychodrama and Sociodrama in Primary and Secondary Education. 17(1). 96–100. Retrieved March 17, 2008 from ERIC Database.
- McLennan, D.P. (2007). The Benefits of Using Sociodrama in the Elementary Classroom: Promoting Caring Relationships Among Educators and Students. Early Childhood Education Journal. 35(5). 451–456.
- McLennan, D.P.& Smith, K. (2007). Promoting Positive Behaviors Using Sociodrama. Journal of Teaching and Learning. 4(2). 47–55.
- MEB (1999). )lkö"retim Drama 1 [Drama in Primary School 1]. (For Teachers). Devlet Kitaplar5. Ankara.
- Nutku, O. (1998). Oyun, Çocuk, Tiyatro. [Play, Child,Theatre]. stanbul: Özgür Yay5nlar5.
- Onder, A.(2007). Okul Öncesi Çocuklar )çin E"itici Drama Uygulamalar . [Drama practice for pre- school children]. stanbul: Morpa Kültür Yay5nlar5.
- Ozdemir, P. Ustundag, T.(2007). Fen ve Teknoloji Alan5ndaki Ünlü Bilim Adamlar5na
- liTkin Yarat5c5 Drama E itim Program5. [Creative drama curriculum related to the
- scientists in science and technology]. Ilkogretim Online, 6 (2), 226–233.
- Ozsoy, N. (2003). lkö retim Matematik Derslerinde Yarat5c5 Drama Yönteminin Kullan5lmas5. [Using creative drama as a method of teaching. mathematics in elementary school]. Bal kesir Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5 (2), 110– 119.
- San, I. (2006a). Yarat5c5l5 5 GeliTtiren Bir Yöntem ve Yarat5c5 Bireyi YetiTtiren Bir Disiplin: E itsel Yarat5c5 Drama.[ The method of improving creativeness and the disipline of educating the creative individual ] In Yarat c Drama. Ö. Ad5güzel, (Ed.), 1985–1998 Yaz lar Kitab (2.Bas5m) (342–363). Ankara: Natürel Yay5nlar5.
- San, I. (2006b). Türkiye’de Yarat5c5 Drama Çal5Tmalar5n5n Dünü ve Bugünü. [Creative drama studies in Turkey ] In Yarat c Dram. Ö. Ad güzel, (Ed.), 1985–1998 Yaz lar Kitab (2. Bas5m) (433- 443). Ankara: Natürel Yay5nlar5.
- Torrance, E. P. (1975). Sociodrama as a Creative Problem-Solving Approach to Studying The Future. Journal of Creative Behavior. 9:3, 182–195. Retrieved March 17, 2008, from ERIC Database.
- Unal, E. (2004). Celal Bayar Üniversitesi E itim Fakültesi S5n5f Ö retmenli i Bölümü’nde Ö renim Gören Son S5n5f Ö rencilerinin lkö retimde Drama Dersine liTkin Tutumlar5. [A Study on the Students’ Attitudes toward the Lesson ‘Drama’ ].Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 5 (2), 1–15.
- Ustundag, T. (1988). Dramatizayon A 5rl5kl5 Yöntemin Etkinli i.[The effective of dramatization method]. Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara. (unpublished MA thesis).
- Ustundag, T. (1995). Temel E itimde Drama.[Drama on Education]. Egitim ve Bilim Dergisi, 19 (95), 35–43.
Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının İlköğretimde Drama Dersine Yönelik Görüşlerinin Cinsiyet Değişkenine Göre İncelenmesi
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 755 - 770, 26.06.2009
Şehnaz Sungurtekin
Gönül Onur Sezer
Pınar Bağçeli Kahraman
Ömür Sadioğlu
- Ad5guzel, Ö. (2006a). Yarat5c5 Drama Kavram5, BileTenleri ve ATamalar5. [Concept of creative drama, elements and stages]. Yarat c Drama Dergisi. 1,17–27.
- Ad5guzel, Ö. (2006b). Yarat5c5 Drama Derslerine (Okulöncesinde Drama ve lkö retimde Drama) liTkin Tutum Ölçe i GeliTtirilmesi. [A development of attitiude towards creative drama course (“Drama in preschool” and “Drama in primary school”) scale]. Yarat c Drama Dergisi, 1(2), 7–15.
- Ad5guzel, Ö. (2006c). Oyun ve Drama liTkisi. [The relation between play and drama]. A Ozturk, (Ed.), In Çocukta Yarat c l k ve Drama, (91–108). EskiTehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yay5nlar5.
- Akfirat, F.Ö. (2004).Yarat5c5 Draman5n Titme Engellilerin Sosyal Becerilerinin GeliTimine Etkisi. [The method of creative drama on hearing 5mpaired students' social skills]. Ankara Üniversitesi E"itim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel E"itim Dergisi, 5(1), 9–22. Retrieved February 10, 2008 from /makale/ turkce/ fatmaonalakfiratisitmeengelli.htm.
- Akin, M. (1993). Farkli Sosyo-ekonomik Düzeylerdeki )lkokul 3. S n f Ö"rencilerinin Sosyalle,me Düzeylerine Yarat c Drama E"itiminin Etkisi. [The effect of the creative drama on socialization of the third-year primary school students n different socio- economic status]. Unpublished master’s thesis, Ankara Üniversitesi.
- Akyol, K. A. (2003). Drama ve Draman n Önemi. [The Importance of Drama].Retrieved March 19,2008, from www. tebd. gazi. edu .tr /arsiv/ 2003_cilt1 / sayi _ 2 /179- 192.PDF.
- Barth , J.L., & Demirtas, A. (1997). )lkö"retim Sosyal Bilgiler Ö"retimi. [Didactics of social education in elemantary school]. Ankara: YÖK/ Dünya Bankas5 Milli E itim GeliTtirme Projesi Hizmet Öncesi Ö retmen E itimi Yay5nlar5.
- Bieber-Schut, R. (1991). The Use of Drama to Help Visually Impaired Adolescent Acquire Social Skills. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 85(8), 340–341. Retrieved March 16, 2008 from ERIC Database.
- Bolton, G. (1985). Changes in Thinking About Drama in Education. Theory into Practice, 24(3), 151–157.Retrieved March 19, 2008 from JSTOR Database.
- Bozdogan, O. (2003). Drama as Compulsory Course in Education Faculties. Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
- Duatepe, Akkus, O. (2006).Yarat5c5 Draman5n Matematik E itiminde Kullan5lmas5: Kümeler Alt Ö renme Alan5nda Bir Uygulama. [Usage of creative drama in mathematics education: an application in the topic of sets]. Yarat c Drama Dergisi, 1(2), 89–97.
- Freeman, Gregory D.,Sullivan, Kathleen.& Fulton, C. Ray.(2003). Effects of Creative Drama on Self-Concept, Social Skills, and Problem Behavior. Journal of Educational Research, 96(3), 131–38. Retrieved March 15, 2008 from ERIC Database.
- Gurol, A. (2003). Okulöncesi Ö"retmenleri ile Okul Öncesi Ö"retmen Adaylar n n E"itimde Draman n Uygulanmas na )li,kin Görü,leri. [The views of primary and pre-school teachers about performing drama in education].Milli E itim Dergisi, 158, dergiler/ 158/ gurol.htm.
- Haselbach, B. (2003). Orff-Schulwerk Disiplinler Aras Bir Deneyim.[Orff-Schulwerk an interdiscipliner experience]. Orff-Schulwerk Müzik ve Dans Pedagojisi Sempozyumu. stanbul, 98.
- Heathcote, D.& Bolton, G. (1997). Dorothy Heathcote Reflects With Gavin Bolton, in
- nteractive Research in Drama Education (David Davis ed.), First Published, England:
- Trentham Boks. 7–40.
- smihan, E. (1992). Dramatizasyonun Çocuk E"itimindeki Rolü. [The role of drama on the child education]. Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. (Unpublished MA thesis).
- Kara, Y.& Çam, F. M (2007). Yarat c Drama Yönteminin Baz Sosyal Becerilerin Kazand r lmas na Etkisi.[Effect of creative drama method on the reception of some social skills].Hacettepe Üniversitesi E itim Fakültesi Dergisi. Ankara. 32. 145–155.
- Kocayoruk, Y. A. (2000). )lkö"retim Ö"rencilerinin Sosyal Becerilerini Geli,tirmede Draman n Etkisi.[The Effect of drama on improving elemantary school students social skills]. Ankara University. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. (unpublished MA thesis).
- Mathis, J.A.& Others. (1980). Psychodrama and Sociodrama in Primary and Secondary Education. 17(1). 96–100. Retrieved March 17, 2008 from ERIC Database.
- McLennan, D.P. (2007). The Benefits of Using Sociodrama in the Elementary Classroom: Promoting Caring Relationships Among Educators and Students. Early Childhood Education Journal. 35(5). 451–456.
- McLennan, D.P.& Smith, K. (2007). Promoting Positive Behaviors Using Sociodrama. Journal of Teaching and Learning. 4(2). 47–55.
- MEB (1999). )lkö"retim Drama 1 [Drama in Primary School 1]. (For Teachers). Devlet Kitaplar5. Ankara.
- Nutku, O. (1998). Oyun, Çocuk, Tiyatro. [Play, Child,Theatre]. stanbul: Özgür Yay5nlar5.
- Onder, A.(2007). Okul Öncesi Çocuklar )çin E"itici Drama Uygulamalar . [Drama practice for pre- school children]. stanbul: Morpa Kültür Yay5nlar5.
- Ozdemir, P. Ustundag, T.(2007). Fen ve Teknoloji Alan5ndaki Ünlü Bilim Adamlar5na
- liTkin Yarat5c5 Drama E itim Program5. [Creative drama curriculum related to the
- scientists in science and technology]. Ilkogretim Online, 6 (2), 226–233.
- Ozsoy, N. (2003). lkö retim Matematik Derslerinde Yarat5c5 Drama Yönteminin Kullan5lmas5. [Using creative drama as a method of teaching. mathematics in elementary school]. Bal kesir Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5 (2), 110– 119.
- San, I. (2006a). Yarat5c5l5 5 GeliTtiren Bir Yöntem ve Yarat5c5 Bireyi YetiTtiren Bir Disiplin: E itsel Yarat5c5 Drama.[ The method of improving creativeness and the disipline of educating the creative individual ] In Yarat c Drama. Ö. Ad5güzel, (Ed.), 1985–1998 Yaz lar Kitab (2.Bas5m) (342–363). Ankara: Natürel Yay5nlar5.
- San, I. (2006b). Türkiye’de Yarat5c5 Drama Çal5Tmalar5n5n Dünü ve Bugünü. [Creative drama studies in Turkey ] In Yarat c Dram. Ö. Ad güzel, (Ed.), 1985–1998 Yaz lar Kitab (2. Bas5m) (433- 443). Ankara: Natürel Yay5nlar5.
- Torrance, E. P. (1975). Sociodrama as a Creative Problem-Solving Approach to Studying The Future. Journal of Creative Behavior. 9:3, 182–195. Retrieved March 17, 2008, from ERIC Database.
- Unal, E. (2004). Celal Bayar Üniversitesi E itim Fakültesi S5n5f Ö retmenli i Bölümü’nde Ö renim Gören Son S5n5f Ö rencilerinin lkö retimde Drama Dersine liTkin Tutumlar5. [A Study on the Students’ Attitudes toward the Lesson ‘Drama’ ].Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 5 (2), 1–15.
- Ustundag, T. (1988). Dramatizayon A 5rl5kl5 Yöntemin Etkinli i.[The effective of dramatization method]. Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara. (unpublished MA thesis).
- Ustundag, T. (1995). Temel E itimde Drama.[Drama on Education]. Egitim ve Bilim Dergisi, 19 (95), 35–43.