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The Power of Children’s Literature in Promoting Environmentalism: an Ecocritical Analysis of The Lorax and its Turkish Translation

Yıl 2023, , 67 - 81, 15.12.2023


Literature can act as a mediator in educating readers on environmental issues, raising awareness, and inspiring them to take action. In the context of how literature can be used to address environmental issues, ecocriticism emphasizes the ways that literary works can offer insights into the interaction between humans and the environment. Each of the eco-philosophies that have emerged in line with ecocriticism can provide a distinct ecocritical approach and one of them is the deep ecology movement. This present study investigates the picture book, The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss and its Turkish translation within the framework of deep ecology. How ecological perspective is depicted in The Lorax and how those ecological concerns are rendered in its Turkish translation are questioned with a descriptive analysis. The findings show that deep ecology perspective is obvious in The Lorax, and this standpoint is mirrored in the translation as well. Deep ecology stance is emphasized in both works with the usage of literary devices such as repetition, rhyming, hyperbole, and made-up words. It is considered that research on environmentalist books and especially on their translations, which make the dissemination of knowledge and awareness of environmental issues possible, can play a significant role in creating environmentfriendly societies.


  • Aksoy, N. B. (2020). Insights into a new paradigm in translation eco-translation and its reflections. Babel, 66(1), 29-45. google scholar
  • Bassnett, S., & Lefevere, A. (1990). Translation, history and culture. London: Printer Publishers. google scholar
  • Ambrosius, W. (2005). Deep ecology: A debate on the role of humans in the environment. UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research, VIII, 1-8. google scholar
  • Badenes, G. & Coisson, J. (2015). Ecotranslation: A journey into the wild through the road less travelled. European Scientific Journal (Special Edition), 356-368. google scholar
  • Capra, F. (1995). Deep ecology: A new paradigm. In G. Sessions (Ed.), Deep Ecology for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 19-26). London: Shambhala. google scholar
  • Coupe, L. (Ed.). (2000). The green studies reader: From romanticism to ecocriticism. Psychology Press. google scholar
  • Devall, B., & Sessions, G. (1985). Deep ecology: Living as if nature mattered. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith Publisher. google scholar
  • Garrard, G. (2004). Ecocriticism (1st ed.). London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Glotfelty, C. (1996). Literary studies in an age of environmental crisis, In Cheryll Glotfelty & Harold Fromm (Eds.), The Ecocriticism Reader, xv-xxxvii. google scholar
  • Gray, D. F. (2014). An ecocritical reading of Ulster-Scots poetry c. 1790-1850 (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Faculty of Arts of the University of Ulster. google scholar
  • Heise, U. K. (2006). The hitchhiker’s guide to ecocriticism. PMLA 121, no. 2: 503-516. google scholar
  • Iovino, S. (2010). Ecocriticism and a non-anthropocentric humanism: Reflections on local natures and global responsibilities. In Laurenz Volkmann, Nancy Grimm, Ines Detmers, and Katrin Thomson (Eds.), Local Natures, Global Responsibilities: Ecocritical Perspectives on the New English Literatures. Brill. 29-53. google scholar
  • Kansu-Yetkiner, N., Duman, D., Yavuz, Y. & Avşaroğlu, M. (2018). Erken Cumhuriyet döneminden günümüze çocuk edebiyatındaki çevre odaklı kültürel sözcüklerin çevirisine niceliksel bir yaklaşım. Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 29(2), 57-82. google scholar
  • Kerridge, R. (1998). Introduction. In Richard Kerridge and Neil Sammells (Eds.), Writing the Environment: Ecocriticism and Literature. London: Zed Books, 5. google scholar
  • Mathew, J. A., & Abraham, L. (2022). Revisiting Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax as stimulus for sustainable development goal 15. Glocality, 5(1), 1-12. google scholar
  • McLaughlin, A. (1995). The heart of deep ecology. In G. Sessions (Ed.), Deep Ecology for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 85-95). London: Shambhala. google scholar
  • Mishra, S.K. (2016). Ecocriticism in children’s literature: An analysis of Amit Garg’s two tales. Galaxy: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 5(V), 91-96. google scholar
  • Naess, A. (1973). The shallow and the deep, long-range ecology movement. A summary, Inquiry, 16(1), 95-100. google scholar
  • Naess, A. (1995). The deep ecological movement: Some philosophical aspects. In G. Sessions (Ed.), Deep Ecology for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 64-85). Boston: Shambhala Publications. google scholar
  • Naess, A. (2014). The deep ecological movement: Some philosophical aspects. In K. Hiltner (Ed.), Ecocriticism: The Essential Reader (pp. 47-60). Routledge. google scholar
  • Nel, P. (2004). Dr. Seuss: American icon. New York & London: The Continuum International Publishing Group. google scholar
  • Nel, P. (2004). Dr. Seuss: American icon. The Continuum International Publishing Group. google scholar
  • Op de Beeck, N. (2005). Speaking for the trees: Environmental ethics in the rhetoric and production of picture books. Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, 30(3), 265-287. google scholar
  • Oppermann, S. (2015). Introduction. In Serpil Oppermann (Ed.), New International Voices in Ecocriticism, 1-24. google scholar
  • Pease, D. (2010). Theodor SEUSS Giesel. New York: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Pleasants, K. (2006). Does environmental education need a Thneed? Displacing The Lorax as environmental text. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 11, 179-194. google scholar
  • Rimmereide, H. E. (2018). Who will save us from the rabbits? Problematizing nature in the anthropocene. In N. Goga & L. Guanio-Uluru & B. Hallâs & A. Nyrnes (Eds.), Ecocritical Perspectives on Children’s Texts and Cultures (pp. 207-222). London: Macmillan. google scholar
  • Rueckert, W. (1978). Literature and ecology: An experiment in ecocriticism. Iowa Review 9.1: 71-86. google scholar
  • Scott, C. (2015). Translating the nineteenth century: A poetics of eco-translation, Dix-Neuf, 19:3, 285-302, DOI: 10.1179/1478731815Z.00000000083 google scholar
  • Seuss. (1954). Horton hears a who. New York: Random House Inc. google scholar
  • Seuss. (1961). Sneetches. New York: Random House Inc. google scholar
  • Seuss. (1972). The Lorax. New York: Random House Inc. google scholar
  • Seuss. (1984). The butter battle book. New York: Random House Inc. google scholar
  • Seuss. (2019). The Loraks. İstanbul: Epsilon Yayınevi. google scholar
  • Tekalp, S. (2021). Ecocriticism and translation: A descriptive study on Elif Shafak’s Bit Palas. Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 2021 (30), 151-164. DOI: 10.37599/ceviri.903813 google scholar
  • Teorey, M. (2014). The Lorax and Wallace Stegner: Inspiring children’s environmental activism. Children’s Literature in Education, 45, 324-339. google scholar
  • Valero Garces, C. (2011). Ecocriticism and translation. Odisea: Revista de Estudios Ingleses. 12, 257-272. google scholar
  • Waxman, L. H. (2010). Dr. Seuss. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company. google scholar

Çevreciliğin Aşılanmasında Çocuk Edebiyatının Gücü: The Lorax ve Türkçe Çevirisinin Ekoeleştirel Analizi

Yıl 2023, , 67 - 81, 15.12.2023


Edebiyat, okurları çevresel konularda eğitme, farkındalık yaratma ve eyleme geçmeyi teşvik etme konularında aracılık edebilir. Edebiyatın çevresel sorunları ele almak için nasıl kullanılabileceği bağlamında ekoeleştiri, edebî eserlerin insan ve doğa arasındaki etkileşime içgörü sağlayabilme yollarına vurgu yapar. Ekoeleştiri doğrultusunda ortaya çıkan her bir ekofelsefe farklı bir ekoeleştirel yaklaşım sunar ve bunlardan biri de derin ekoloji hareketidir. Bu bağlamda mevcut çalışma Dr. Seuss’un The Lorax adlı resimli kitabını ve Türkçe çevirisini derin ekoloji çerçevesinde incelemektedir. The Lorax adlı eserde ekolojik bakış açısının nasıl yansıtıldığı ve bu ekolojik kaygıların Türkçeye ne şekilde aktarıldığı betimleyici bir yaklaşımla sorgulanmaktadır. Yapılan inceleme neticesinde The Lorax adlı eserde derin ekoloji bakış açısının açıkça yer aldığı ve bu duruşun eserin Türkçe çevirisinde de yansıtıldığı görülmüştür. Her iki eserde de derin ekoloji anlayışı; tekrar, kâfiye, mübalağa ve uydurma sözcükler gibi edebî araçların kullanımıyla vurgulanmıştır. Çevresel konularda bilginin yayılmasını ve farkındalık yaratmayı mümkün kılan çevreci kitaplar ve bilhassa onların çevirileri üzerinde yapılan çalışmaların çevre dostu toplumlar yaratmada önemli bir role sahip olduğu düşünülmektedir.


  • Aksoy, N. B. (2020). Insights into a new paradigm in translation eco-translation and its reflections. Babel, 66(1), 29-45. google scholar
  • Bassnett, S., & Lefevere, A. (1990). Translation, history and culture. London: Printer Publishers. google scholar
  • Ambrosius, W. (2005). Deep ecology: A debate on the role of humans in the environment. UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research, VIII, 1-8. google scholar
  • Badenes, G. & Coisson, J. (2015). Ecotranslation: A journey into the wild through the road less travelled. European Scientific Journal (Special Edition), 356-368. google scholar
  • Capra, F. (1995). Deep ecology: A new paradigm. In G. Sessions (Ed.), Deep Ecology for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 19-26). London: Shambhala. google scholar
  • Coupe, L. (Ed.). (2000). The green studies reader: From romanticism to ecocriticism. Psychology Press. google scholar
  • Devall, B., & Sessions, G. (1985). Deep ecology: Living as if nature mattered. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith Publisher. google scholar
  • Garrard, G. (2004). Ecocriticism (1st ed.). London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Glotfelty, C. (1996). Literary studies in an age of environmental crisis, In Cheryll Glotfelty & Harold Fromm (Eds.), The Ecocriticism Reader, xv-xxxvii. google scholar
  • Gray, D. F. (2014). An ecocritical reading of Ulster-Scots poetry c. 1790-1850 (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Faculty of Arts of the University of Ulster. google scholar
  • Heise, U. K. (2006). The hitchhiker’s guide to ecocriticism. PMLA 121, no. 2: 503-516. google scholar
  • Iovino, S. (2010). Ecocriticism and a non-anthropocentric humanism: Reflections on local natures and global responsibilities. In Laurenz Volkmann, Nancy Grimm, Ines Detmers, and Katrin Thomson (Eds.), Local Natures, Global Responsibilities: Ecocritical Perspectives on the New English Literatures. Brill. 29-53. google scholar
  • Kansu-Yetkiner, N., Duman, D., Yavuz, Y. & Avşaroğlu, M. (2018). Erken Cumhuriyet döneminden günümüze çocuk edebiyatındaki çevre odaklı kültürel sözcüklerin çevirisine niceliksel bir yaklaşım. Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 29(2), 57-82. google scholar
  • Kerridge, R. (1998). Introduction. In Richard Kerridge and Neil Sammells (Eds.), Writing the Environment: Ecocriticism and Literature. London: Zed Books, 5. google scholar
  • Mathew, J. A., & Abraham, L. (2022). Revisiting Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax as stimulus for sustainable development goal 15. Glocality, 5(1), 1-12. google scholar
  • McLaughlin, A. (1995). The heart of deep ecology. In G. Sessions (Ed.), Deep Ecology for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 85-95). London: Shambhala. google scholar
  • Mishra, S.K. (2016). Ecocriticism in children’s literature: An analysis of Amit Garg’s two tales. Galaxy: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 5(V), 91-96. google scholar
  • Naess, A. (1973). The shallow and the deep, long-range ecology movement. A summary, Inquiry, 16(1), 95-100. google scholar
  • Naess, A. (1995). The deep ecological movement: Some philosophical aspects. In G. Sessions (Ed.), Deep Ecology for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 64-85). Boston: Shambhala Publications. google scholar
  • Naess, A. (2014). The deep ecological movement: Some philosophical aspects. In K. Hiltner (Ed.), Ecocriticism: The Essential Reader (pp. 47-60). Routledge. google scholar
  • Nel, P. (2004). Dr. Seuss: American icon. New York & London: The Continuum International Publishing Group. google scholar
  • Nel, P. (2004). Dr. Seuss: American icon. The Continuum International Publishing Group. google scholar
  • Op de Beeck, N. (2005). Speaking for the trees: Environmental ethics in the rhetoric and production of picture books. Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, 30(3), 265-287. google scholar
  • Oppermann, S. (2015). Introduction. In Serpil Oppermann (Ed.), New International Voices in Ecocriticism, 1-24. google scholar
  • Pease, D. (2010). Theodor SEUSS Giesel. New York: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Pleasants, K. (2006). Does environmental education need a Thneed? Displacing The Lorax as environmental text. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 11, 179-194. google scholar
  • Rimmereide, H. E. (2018). Who will save us from the rabbits? Problematizing nature in the anthropocene. In N. Goga & L. Guanio-Uluru & B. Hallâs & A. Nyrnes (Eds.), Ecocritical Perspectives on Children’s Texts and Cultures (pp. 207-222). London: Macmillan. google scholar
  • Rueckert, W. (1978). Literature and ecology: An experiment in ecocriticism. Iowa Review 9.1: 71-86. google scholar
  • Scott, C. (2015). Translating the nineteenth century: A poetics of eco-translation, Dix-Neuf, 19:3, 285-302, DOI: 10.1179/1478731815Z.00000000083 google scholar
  • Seuss. (1954). Horton hears a who. New York: Random House Inc. google scholar
  • Seuss. (1961). Sneetches. New York: Random House Inc. google scholar
  • Seuss. (1972). The Lorax. New York: Random House Inc. google scholar
  • Seuss. (1984). The butter battle book. New York: Random House Inc. google scholar
  • Seuss. (2019). The Loraks. İstanbul: Epsilon Yayınevi. google scholar
  • Tekalp, S. (2021). Ecocriticism and translation: A descriptive study on Elif Shafak’s Bit Palas. Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 2021 (30), 151-164. DOI: 10.37599/ceviri.903813 google scholar
  • Teorey, M. (2014). The Lorax and Wallace Stegner: Inspiring children’s environmental activism. Children’s Literature in Education, 45, 324-339. google scholar
  • Valero Garces, C. (2011). Ecocriticism and translation. Odisea: Revista de Estudios Ingleses. 12, 257-272. google scholar
  • Waxman, L. H. (2010). Dr. Seuss. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company. google scholar
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Dil Çalışmaları (Diğer)

Kübra Çelik 0000-0003-2611-7082

Halise Gülmüş Sırkıntı 0000-0002-6585-5961

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Çelik, K., & Gülmüş Sırkıntı, H. (2023). The Power of Children’s Literature in Promoting Environmentalism: an Ecocritical Analysis of The Lorax and its Turkish Translation. IU Journal of Translation Studies(19), 67-81.
AMA Çelik K, Gülmüş Sırkıntı H. The Power of Children’s Literature in Promoting Environmentalism: an Ecocritical Analysis of The Lorax and its Turkish Translation. IU Journal of Translation Studies. Aralık 2023;(19):67-81. doi:10.26650/iujts.2023.1360351
Chicago Çelik, Kübra, ve Halise Gülmüş Sırkıntı. “The Power of Children’s Literature in Promoting Environmentalism: An Ecocritical Analysis of The Lorax and Its Turkish Translation”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 19 (Aralık 2023): 67-81.
EndNote Çelik K, Gülmüş Sırkıntı H (01 Aralık 2023) The Power of Children’s Literature in Promoting Environmentalism: an Ecocritical Analysis of The Lorax and its Turkish Translation. IU Journal of Translation Studies 19 67–81.
IEEE K. Çelik ve H. Gülmüş Sırkıntı, “The Power of Children’s Literature in Promoting Environmentalism: an Ecocritical Analysis of The Lorax and its Turkish Translation”, IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 19, ss. 67–81, Aralık 2023, doi: 10.26650/iujts.2023.1360351.
ISNAD Çelik, Kübra - Gülmüş Sırkıntı, Halise. “The Power of Children’s Literature in Promoting Environmentalism: An Ecocritical Analysis of The Lorax and Its Turkish Translation”. IU Journal of Translation Studies 19 (Aralık 2023), 67-81.
JAMA Çelik K, Gülmüş Sırkıntı H. The Power of Children’s Literature in Promoting Environmentalism: an Ecocritical Analysis of The Lorax and its Turkish Translation. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2023;:67–81.
MLA Çelik, Kübra ve Halise Gülmüş Sırkıntı. “The Power of Children’s Literature in Promoting Environmentalism: An Ecocritical Analysis of The Lorax and Its Turkish Translation”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 19, 2023, ss. 67-81, doi:10.26650/iujts.2023.1360351.
Vancouver Çelik K, Gülmüş Sırkıntı H. The Power of Children’s Literature in Promoting Environmentalism: an Ecocritical Analysis of The Lorax and its Turkish Translation. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2023(19):67-81.