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Yıl 2018, , 31 - 56, 25.07.2018



  • Adams, C. (2017). Technology’s hidden curriculum and the new digital pharmakon. In J. Jagodzinski (Ed.), The precarious future of education: Risk and uncertainty in ecology, curriculum, learning, and technology. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Adıay, S. (2011). Exploring the hidden curricula of the seventh years of elementary schools whose level of success' are different from the point of classroom environment. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Sakarya University, Institute of Social Sciences, Sakarya.
  • Ahola, S. (2000). Hidden curriculum in higher education: Something to fear for or comply to? Paper presented at the innovations in Higher Education 2000 Conference. Akbulut, N. (2016). Investigation of the relationship between university student's level of perceived hidden curriculum and perceived educational stress. (Unpublished MA dissertation), Sakarya University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Sakarya.
  • Akman, Ö. Kılıç-Çarşanbalı, Ç., & Alagöz, B. (2017). Sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinin değer eğitiminde örtük programa yönelik görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(1), 701-720.
  • Aktaş, H. H. (2016). Students' views about and experiences at school: Investigating the role of cultural capital and hidden curriculum. (Unpublished MA dissertation), Middle East Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara. Alemdar, M. Y., & Köker, N. E. (2013). Öğrencilerin okul kültürü algısı üzerine amprik bir araştırma: Ege üniversitesi iletişim fakültesi örneği. Global Media Journal: Turkish Edition, 3(6), 230-261.
  • Alsubaie, M. A. (2015). Hidden curriculum as one of current issue of curriculum. Journal of Education & Practice, 6(33), 125-128. Altman, D. G. (1991). Practical statistics for medical research. London.
  • Altınkurt, Y., & Yılmaz, K. (2011). Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlerin mesleki etik dışı davranışlar ile ilgili görüşleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(22), 113-128.
  • Anderson, T. (2001). The hidden curriculum in distance education: An updated view. Change, 33(6), 28-35.
  • Anyon, J. (1981). Social class and school knowledge. Curriculum Inquiry, 11, 3-42.
  • Apple, M. W. (2004). Ideology and curriculum. Routledge Falmer, New York.
  • Bandini, J., Mitchell, C., Epstein-Peterson, Z. D., Amobi, A., Cahill, J., Peteet, J., Balboni, T., & Balboni, M. J. (2017). Student and faculty reflections of the hidden curriculum: How does the hidden curriculum shape students’ medical training and professionalization? American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 34, 57–63.
  • Broeckelman-Post, M. A., Tacconelli, A., Guzmán, J., Rios, M., Calero, B., & Latif, F. (2015). Teacher misbehavior and its effects on student interest and engagement. Communication Education, 65(2), 204.
  • Coşkun, N. (2016). The views of students of faculty of education and faculty members regarding teaching professional ethics values: Hidden curriculum while gaining professional ethics values (Unpublished MA dissertation), Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Aydın.
  • Cotton, D., Winter, J., & Bailey. I. (2013). Researching the hidden curriculum: ıntentional and unintended messages. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 37(2), 192–203.
  • Creswell, J. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Boston: Pearson Education.
  • Çengel, M. (2007). Curriculum evaluation of elemantary school fourth grade's computer and information technologies course (Unpublished MA dissertation), Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Aydın.
  • Çengel, M. (2013). Hidden curriculum while constructing classroom climate: A research on vocational schools. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Aydın.
  • Çobanoğlu, R., & Engin-Demir, C. (2014). The visible side of the hidden curriculum in schools. Elementary Education Online, 13(3), 776–786.
  • Çubukçu, Z. (2012). İlköğretim öğrencilerinin karakter eğitimi sürecinde örtük programın etkisi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(2), 1513-1534.
  • Demir, Ö., Kaya, H. İ., & Metin, M. (2012). Lise öğrencilerinde okul kültürünün bir öğesi olarak okul yaşam kalitesi algısının incelenmesi. Pegem Eğitim ve Öğretim Dergisi, 2(4), 9-28.
  • Dickerson, L. (2007). A postmodern view of the hidden curriculum. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Georgia Southern University.
  • Doğanay, A., & Sarı, M. (2004). İlköğretim ikinci kademe öğrencilerine temel demokratik değerlerin kazandırılma düzeyi ve bu değerlerin kazandırılması sürecinde açık ve örtük programın etkilerinin karşılaştırılması. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 10(39), 356-383.
  • Dreeben, R. (1968). On what is learned in schools. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley.
  • Dursun, D., & Saraçoğlu, A. S. (2016). Bilişim teknolojileri öğretmenlerinin kendi yeterlikleri ve uygulamadaki sorunlar hakkındaki görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi. The Journal of International Lingual, Social and Educational Sciences, 2(2), 40-58.
  • Edwards, R., & Carmichael. P. (2012). Secret codes: The hidden curriculum of semantic web technologies. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 33(4), 575–590.
  • Edwards, R. (2015). Software and the hidden curriculum in digital education. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 23(2), 265-279.
  • Elitok-Kesici, A. (2010). The characteristics of the hidden curriculum used by secondary education teachers in the in- class communication. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Aydın.
  • Engin-Demir, C., Kılıç, A. Z., Çalışkan, B., Hanbay-Çakır, E., Güney-Karaman, N., & Özbek, Ü. Ş. (2016). Okulların toplumsal cinsiyete duyarlılık açısından değerlendirilmesi başlangıç durum değerlendirmesi ve ihtiyaç analizi raporu. Eğitimde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliğinin Geliştirilmesi Projesi.
  • Filiz, B., & Doğar, Y. (2012). Evaluation of the physical education teachers behaviors in terms of hidden program in the light of students’ views. Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 23, 21-50.
  • Frankel, R. M., & Devers, K. J. (2000). Study design in qualitative research-1: Developing questions and assessing resource needs. Educ Health (Abingdon), 13(2), 251-261.Giroux, H. A. (2011). On critical pedagogy. London: Continuum.
  • Göregenli, M. (2012). Temel kavramlar: önyargı, kalıpyargı ve ayrımcılık. İçinde K. Çayır and M. A. Ceyhan (Ed.), Ayrımcılık çok boyutlu yaklaşımlar (ss. 17-27), İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Haidet, P., & Stein, H. F. (2006). The role of the student-teacher relationship in the formation of physicians. The hidden curriculum as process. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21(Suppl 1), 16-20.
  • Hafferty, F. W., & O’Donnell, J. F. (2014). The hidden curriculum in health professional education. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press.
  • Hafferty, F. W., Gaufberg, E. H., & O’Donnell, J. F. (2015). The role of the hidden curriculum in “on doctoring” courses. AMA J Ethics, 17, 130–139.
  • Hafferty, F. W., & Gaufberg, E. H. (2017). The hidden curriculum. A practical guide for medical teachers (5th edition). Edited by: Harden M. R., Dent A. J. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
  • Hopkins, L., Saciragic, L., Kim, J., & Posner, G. (2016). The hidden curriculum: Exposing the unintended lessons of medical education. Cureus, 8(10), 1-11.
  • Hubbard, B. (2010). Manifestations of hidden curriculum in a community college online opticianry program: An ecological approach. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Nottingham University. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database (UMI No.3425631).
  • Gair, M. (2003). Socrates never took attendance: Hidden Curricula in a teacher preparation program. (Unpublished PhD Dissertation), Arizona State University.
  • Jackson, P. W. (1968). Life in classrooms. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
  • Johnson, G., Scholes, K., & Whittington, R. (2009). Fundamentals of Strategy. Harlow: Pearson Education.
  • Karakuş, M., Çoşğun, Ü. Ç., & Lal, İ. (2015). Ortaokul bilişim teknolojileri ve yazılım dersi öğretim programının öğretmen görüşleri doğrultusunda incelenmesi. Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 10(11), 461-486.
  • Karanxha, Z., Agosto, V., & Bellara, A. P. (2013). The hidden curriculum: Candidate diversity in educational leadership preparation. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 9, 34-58.
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (24. baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Karimi, Z., Ashktorab, T., Mohammadi, E., & Abedi, H. A. (2014). Using the hidden curriculum to teach professionalism in nursing students. Iran Red Crescent Med. J., 16(3), e20319.
  • Kearney, P., Plax, T. G., & Allen, T. H. (2002). Understanding student reactions to teachers who misbehave. In J. L. Cheseboro & J. C. McCroskey (Eds.), Communication for teachers (pp. 127–149). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Köse, M., & Demir, E. (2014). Öğretmenlerin rol modelliği hakkında öğrenci görüşleri. Uluslararası Sosyal ve Ekonomik Bilimler Dergisi, 4(1), 8-18. Kuş, D. (2009). Analysis of primary school curricula, hidden curriculum and out-of-school-sources about gaining values according to 8th grade school students and teachers opinion. (Unpublished MA dissertation), Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul.
  • Lavoie, R. (2006). It's so much work to be your friend: Helping the child with learning disabilities find social success. Association for Childhood Education International.Leask, B. (2015). Internationalizing the curriculum. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Lynch, K. (1989). The hidden curriculum: Reproduction in education, a reappraisal. London: The Flamer Press.
  • Mosalanejad, L., Ghobadifar, M. A., & Akbarzadeh, A. (2015). Untold aspects of hidden curriculum from teachers’ experiences: A qualitative study. Journal of Research in Medical Education & Ethics, 5(2),106-114.
  • Mossop, L., Dennick, R., Hammond, R., & Robbe, I. (2013). Analysing the hidden curriculum: Use of a cultural web. Medical Education, 47,134-43.
  • Murphy, L., Mufti, E., & Kossem, D. (2009. Education studies: An introduction. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • Nelsen, R. W. (1981). Reading, writing, and relationships: Toward over coming the hidden curriculum of gender, ethnicity, and socio-eco nomic class. Interchange,12(2/3), 229–242.
  • Özsoy-Yener, F. (2011). The importance of administrators and teachers' role model behaviours on the solutions of students' negative acts. (Unpublished MA dissertation), Kocaeli University, Institute of Social Sciences, Kocaeli.
  • Pelit, E., & Güçer, E. (2006). Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğiyle ilgili etik olmayan davranışlara ve öğretmenleri etik dışı davranışa yönelten faktörlere ilişkin algılamaları. Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, 95-119.
  • Previna, D. S. (2011). Hidden in plain view: Classroom space, teacher agency and the hidden curricula. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Harvard University, Graduate School of Education. Retrieved from UMI/ProQuest (UMI 3486009).
  • Saldıray, A., & Doğanay, A. (2017). Örtük programda toplumsal cinsiyet: Bir ilkokulun örtük programında toplumsal cinsiyete ilişkin nitel bir çalışma. Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 12(25), 671-704.
  • Sarı, M., & Doğanay, A. (2009). İnsan onuruna saygı değerinin kazandırılmasında örtük program: Düşük ve yüksek okul yaşam kalitesine sahip iki ilköğretim okulunda nitel bir çalışma. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 9(2) . 877-940.
  • Skelton, A. (1997). Studying hidden curricula: Developing a perspective in the light of postmodern insights. Curriculum Studies, 5, 177-193.
  • Sönmez, V. (2008). Karşıt program. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 30, 99-115.
  • Tezcan, M. (2003). Gizli müfredat eğitim sosyolojisi açısından bir kavram çözümlemesi. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1).
  • Tezcan, M. (2005). Sosyolojik kuramlarda eğitim. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Tsang A. (2011). Students as evolving professionals: Turning the hidden curriculum around through the threshold concept pedagogy. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal, 4(3), 1-11.
  • Tuncel, İ. (2008). The hidden curriculum in terms of development of affective characteristics. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Uzgur, B. Ç., & Aykaç, N. (2016). Bilişim teknolojileri ve yazılım dersi öğretim programının öğretmen görüşlerine göre değerlendirilmesi (Ege bölgesi örneği). Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(34), 273-297.
  • Veznedaroğlu, R. L. (2007). The hidden curriculum in school and class (the case of a private primary school). (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Ankara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
  • Wren, D. J. (1999). School culture: Exploring the hidden curriculum. Adolescence, 34(135), 593-596.
  • Yüksel, S. (2004). Örtük program: Eğitimde saklı uygulamalar. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Yüksel, S. (2005). Kohlberg ve ahlâk eğitiminde örtük program: Yeni ilköğretim programlarında yer alan ahlâkî değerleri kazandırma için bir açılım. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 5(2), 307-338.
  • Yeşilyurt, E., & Kurt, İ. (2012). Değerleri kazandırmasındaki etkililik açısından resmi ve örtük program ile okul dışı etmenlerin öğrenci görüşleri doğrultusunda değerlendirilmesi. International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic,7(4), 3253-3272.
  • Yıldırım, F. (2013). The hidden curriculum in primary schools and the stress perception of primary school students created by the hidden curriculum. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Fırat University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Elazığ.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri (10. baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Yıldırım, I., Akan, D., & Yalçın, S. (2016). Teacher behavior unwanted according to student's perceptions. International Education Studies, 9(11), 1-12.

Evaluation of Information Technologies Teachers' in-class Behaviours in the Context of Hidden Curriculum

Yıl 2018, , 31 - 56, 25.07.2018


The aim of this study is to evaluate the in-class
behaviours of information technologies teachers and the factors that lead to
those behaviours in the context of hidden curriculum on the basis of the
opinions of information technologies teachers. From the qualitative research
methods, the 'phenomonology' research design was used in this study. A total of
15 information technologies teachers who was teaching at secondary schools in a
central town of a city located in the West Blacksea Region took part in the
study. From purposeful sampling method, criterion and maximum diversity
samplings were used in selection of the sample. Data were collected by means of
semi-constructed interview forms. The gathered data were analyized through both
qualitative analysis and content analysis methods. As a result of the
interviews made with teachers, it was observed that the teachers gave messages
and responses which were not in the scope of the formal curriculum. In this
direction, teacher behaviours were divided into seven sub-themes such as
"power and authority", "prejudices and discrimination",
"narratives", "communication", "role-model",
"getting a profession", and "school culture". It was
identified that most of the teachers were authoritarian and serious,
discriminated among students according to individual diffferences, conveyed the
ideas that they did not adopt in real life, made social, moral and ideological
narratives suiting with their own thoughts and beliefs, preferred
teacher-centered methods and techniques and were not able to create a
democratical environment during lessons. In this study, it was understood that
information technologies served to the hidden curriculum especially in terms of
adoption of school culture, interaction with students was effective in occurance
of hidden learnings, and status and economical advantages of a profession were
of primary importance in teachers' professional guidance. Depending on the
results of this study, some educational conclusions and recommendations for
future studies were also included in this paper.


  • Adams, C. (2017). Technology’s hidden curriculum and the new digital pharmakon. In J. Jagodzinski (Ed.), The precarious future of education: Risk and uncertainty in ecology, curriculum, learning, and technology. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Adıay, S. (2011). Exploring the hidden curricula of the seventh years of elementary schools whose level of success' are different from the point of classroom environment. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Sakarya University, Institute of Social Sciences, Sakarya.
  • Ahola, S. (2000). Hidden curriculum in higher education: Something to fear for or comply to? Paper presented at the innovations in Higher Education 2000 Conference. Akbulut, N. (2016). Investigation of the relationship between university student's level of perceived hidden curriculum and perceived educational stress. (Unpublished MA dissertation), Sakarya University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Sakarya.
  • Akman, Ö. Kılıç-Çarşanbalı, Ç., & Alagöz, B. (2017). Sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinin değer eğitiminde örtük programa yönelik görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(1), 701-720.
  • Aktaş, H. H. (2016). Students' views about and experiences at school: Investigating the role of cultural capital and hidden curriculum. (Unpublished MA dissertation), Middle East Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara. Alemdar, M. Y., & Köker, N. E. (2013). Öğrencilerin okul kültürü algısı üzerine amprik bir araştırma: Ege üniversitesi iletişim fakültesi örneği. Global Media Journal: Turkish Edition, 3(6), 230-261.
  • Alsubaie, M. A. (2015). Hidden curriculum as one of current issue of curriculum. Journal of Education & Practice, 6(33), 125-128. Altman, D. G. (1991). Practical statistics for medical research. London.
  • Altınkurt, Y., & Yılmaz, K. (2011). Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlerin mesleki etik dışı davranışlar ile ilgili görüşleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(22), 113-128.
  • Anderson, T. (2001). The hidden curriculum in distance education: An updated view. Change, 33(6), 28-35.
  • Anyon, J. (1981). Social class and school knowledge. Curriculum Inquiry, 11, 3-42.
  • Apple, M. W. (2004). Ideology and curriculum. Routledge Falmer, New York.
  • Bandini, J., Mitchell, C., Epstein-Peterson, Z. D., Amobi, A., Cahill, J., Peteet, J., Balboni, T., & Balboni, M. J. (2017). Student and faculty reflections of the hidden curriculum: How does the hidden curriculum shape students’ medical training and professionalization? American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 34, 57–63.
  • Broeckelman-Post, M. A., Tacconelli, A., Guzmán, J., Rios, M., Calero, B., & Latif, F. (2015). Teacher misbehavior and its effects on student interest and engagement. Communication Education, 65(2), 204.
  • Coşkun, N. (2016). The views of students of faculty of education and faculty members regarding teaching professional ethics values: Hidden curriculum while gaining professional ethics values (Unpublished MA dissertation), Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Aydın.
  • Cotton, D., Winter, J., & Bailey. I. (2013). Researching the hidden curriculum: ıntentional and unintended messages. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 37(2), 192–203.
  • Creswell, J. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Boston: Pearson Education.
  • Çengel, M. (2007). Curriculum evaluation of elemantary school fourth grade's computer and information technologies course (Unpublished MA dissertation), Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Aydın.
  • Çengel, M. (2013). Hidden curriculum while constructing classroom climate: A research on vocational schools. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Aydın.
  • Çobanoğlu, R., & Engin-Demir, C. (2014). The visible side of the hidden curriculum in schools. Elementary Education Online, 13(3), 776–786.
  • Çubukçu, Z. (2012). İlköğretim öğrencilerinin karakter eğitimi sürecinde örtük programın etkisi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(2), 1513-1534.
  • Demir, Ö., Kaya, H. İ., & Metin, M. (2012). Lise öğrencilerinde okul kültürünün bir öğesi olarak okul yaşam kalitesi algısının incelenmesi. Pegem Eğitim ve Öğretim Dergisi, 2(4), 9-28.
  • Dickerson, L. (2007). A postmodern view of the hidden curriculum. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Georgia Southern University.
  • Doğanay, A., & Sarı, M. (2004). İlköğretim ikinci kademe öğrencilerine temel demokratik değerlerin kazandırılma düzeyi ve bu değerlerin kazandırılması sürecinde açık ve örtük programın etkilerinin karşılaştırılması. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 10(39), 356-383.
  • Dreeben, R. (1968). On what is learned in schools. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley.
  • Dursun, D., & Saraçoğlu, A. S. (2016). Bilişim teknolojileri öğretmenlerinin kendi yeterlikleri ve uygulamadaki sorunlar hakkındaki görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi. The Journal of International Lingual, Social and Educational Sciences, 2(2), 40-58.
  • Edwards, R., & Carmichael. P. (2012). Secret codes: The hidden curriculum of semantic web technologies. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 33(4), 575–590.
  • Edwards, R. (2015). Software and the hidden curriculum in digital education. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 23(2), 265-279.
  • Elitok-Kesici, A. (2010). The characteristics of the hidden curriculum used by secondary education teachers in the in- class communication. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Aydın.
  • Engin-Demir, C., Kılıç, A. Z., Çalışkan, B., Hanbay-Çakır, E., Güney-Karaman, N., & Özbek, Ü. Ş. (2016). Okulların toplumsal cinsiyete duyarlılık açısından değerlendirilmesi başlangıç durum değerlendirmesi ve ihtiyaç analizi raporu. Eğitimde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliğinin Geliştirilmesi Projesi.
  • Filiz, B., & Doğar, Y. (2012). Evaluation of the physical education teachers behaviors in terms of hidden program in the light of students’ views. Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 23, 21-50.
  • Frankel, R. M., & Devers, K. J. (2000). Study design in qualitative research-1: Developing questions and assessing resource needs. Educ Health (Abingdon), 13(2), 251-261.Giroux, H. A. (2011). On critical pedagogy. London: Continuum.
  • Göregenli, M. (2012). Temel kavramlar: önyargı, kalıpyargı ve ayrımcılık. İçinde K. Çayır and M. A. Ceyhan (Ed.), Ayrımcılık çok boyutlu yaklaşımlar (ss. 17-27), İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Haidet, P., & Stein, H. F. (2006). The role of the student-teacher relationship in the formation of physicians. The hidden curriculum as process. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21(Suppl 1), 16-20.
  • Hafferty, F. W., & O’Donnell, J. F. (2014). The hidden curriculum in health professional education. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press.
  • Hafferty, F. W., Gaufberg, E. H., & O’Donnell, J. F. (2015). The role of the hidden curriculum in “on doctoring” courses. AMA J Ethics, 17, 130–139.
  • Hafferty, F. W., & Gaufberg, E. H. (2017). The hidden curriculum. A practical guide for medical teachers (5th edition). Edited by: Harden M. R., Dent A. J. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
  • Hopkins, L., Saciragic, L., Kim, J., & Posner, G. (2016). The hidden curriculum: Exposing the unintended lessons of medical education. Cureus, 8(10), 1-11.
  • Hubbard, B. (2010). Manifestations of hidden curriculum in a community college online opticianry program: An ecological approach. (Unpublished PhD dissertation), Nottingham University. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database (UMI No.3425631).
  • Gair, M. (2003). Socrates never took attendance: Hidden Curricula in a teacher preparation program. (Unpublished PhD Dissertation), Arizona State University.
  • Jackson, P. W. (1968). Life in classrooms. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
  • Johnson, G., Scholes, K., & Whittington, R. (2009). Fundamentals of Strategy. Harlow: Pearson Education.
  • Karakuş, M., Çoşğun, Ü. Ç., & Lal, İ. (2015). Ortaokul bilişim teknolojileri ve yazılım dersi öğretim programının öğretmen görüşleri doğrultusunda incelenmesi. Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 10(11), 461-486.
  • Karanxha, Z., Agosto, V., & Bellara, A. P. (2013). The hidden curriculum: Candidate diversity in educational leadership preparation. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 9, 34-58.
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (24. baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Karimi, Z., Ashktorab, T., Mohammadi, E., & Abedi, H. A. (2014). Using the hidden curriculum to teach professionalism in nursing students. Iran Red Crescent Med. J., 16(3), e20319.
  • Kearney, P., Plax, T. G., & Allen, T. H. (2002). Understanding student reactions to teachers who misbehave. In J. L. Cheseboro & J. C. McCroskey (Eds.), Communication for teachers (pp. 127–149). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
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Toplam 72 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Mustafa Fidan 0000-0001-7461-4994

Meriç Tuncel

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Temmuz 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Fidan, M., & Tuncel, M. (2018). Evaluation of Information Technologies Teachers’ in-class Behaviours in the Context of Hidden Curriculum. Journal of Education and Future(14), 31-56.
AMA Fidan M, Tuncel M. Evaluation of Information Technologies Teachers’ in-class Behaviours in the Context of Hidden Curriculum. JEF. Temmuz 2018;(14):31-56. doi:10.30786/jef.411639
Chicago Fidan, Mustafa, ve Meriç Tuncel. “Evaluation of Information Technologies Teachers’ in-Class Behaviours in the Context of Hidden Curriculum”. Journal of Education and Future, sy. 14 (Temmuz 2018): 31-56.
EndNote Fidan M, Tuncel M (01 Temmuz 2018) Evaluation of Information Technologies Teachers’ in-class Behaviours in the Context of Hidden Curriculum. Journal of Education and Future 14 31–56.
IEEE M. Fidan ve M. Tuncel, “Evaluation of Information Technologies Teachers’ in-class Behaviours in the Context of Hidden Curriculum”, JEF, sy. 14, ss. 31–56, Temmuz 2018, doi: 10.30786/jef.411639.
ISNAD Fidan, Mustafa - Tuncel, Meriç. “Evaluation of Information Technologies Teachers’ in-Class Behaviours in the Context of Hidden Curriculum”. Journal of Education and Future 14 (Temmuz 2018), 31-56.
JAMA Fidan M, Tuncel M. Evaluation of Information Technologies Teachers’ in-class Behaviours in the Context of Hidden Curriculum. JEF. 2018;:31–56.
MLA Fidan, Mustafa ve Meriç Tuncel. “Evaluation of Information Technologies Teachers’ in-Class Behaviours in the Context of Hidden Curriculum”. Journal of Education and Future, sy. 14, 2018, ss. 31-56, doi:10.30786/jef.411639.
Vancouver Fidan M, Tuncel M. Evaluation of Information Technologies Teachers’ in-class Behaviours in the Context of Hidden Curriculum. JEF. 2018(14):31-56.
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