Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2022, , 29 - 41, 25.07.2022



  • Akar, H. (2016). Competence of knowledge management as a predictor of problem-solving skills of school administrators. Journal of Education and Training Research, 5(2),74-86.
  • Altan, M.Z. (2011). Çoklu zekâ kuramı ve değerler eğitimi. Pegem Eğitim ve Öğretim Dergisi, 1(4),53-57.
  • Aran, Ö.C. & Senemoglu, N. (2014). An investigation of science education in terms of disciplined mind characteristics. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 29(4), 46-59.
  • Born, D. (1998). Fransız eğitim sisteminde tarih, coğrafya ve yurttaşlık bilgisi tasarımı ve bu tasarımın yurttaşın oluşumuna katkısı" dersimiz yurttaşlık (Çev.Turhan Ilgaz). Istanbul: Kesit Publication.
  • Bursalioglu, Z. (2002). Okul yönetiminde yeni yapı ve davranış. PegemA Publication, Ankara.
  • Calabrese, R.L. (1988.). Ethical leadership: A prerequisite for effective schools. NASSP Bulletin, 7(512), 1-4.
  • Cetin, M., & Ozcan, K. (2004). Influence of school administrators’ ethics behaviours on teachers’ job satisfaction, Marmara University Atatürk Faculty of Education. Journal of Educational Sciences,(20)21-38.
  • Dag,N.(2017). Gardner’ın zihin tasnifi ışığında sınıf öğretmenlerine ilişkin bir tahlil denemesi. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Dergisi, 3(1),51-60.
  • Dash, S., & Pradhan, R.K.(2014). Determinants&consequences of organizational citizenship behavior:A theoretical framework for Indian manufacturing organisations. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 3, 17-27.
  • DiPaola, M.F., & Tschannen-Moran, M. (2001). Organizational citizenship behavior in schools and its relationship to school climate. Journal of School Leadership, 11, 424-447.
  • Gardner, H. (2007). Five minds for the future.Boston:Harvard Business School Press.
  • Gay, L.R., & Airasian, P. (1996). Educational research:Competencies for analysis and application (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:Merrill/Prentice Hall.
  • Guclu, N. (2003). Lise müdürlerinin problem çözme becerileri. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 160, 272-300.
  • Gurbuz, R,. Erdem, E.&Yıldırım, K. (2013). The characteristics of successful school principals.Dicle University Ziya Gökalp Journal of Faculty of Education, 20, 167-179.
  • Hagen, S. (2013). It takes an village. Thoughts about five minds for the future.
  • Hoy, W.K., Newland, W., & Blazovsky, R. (1977). Subordinate loyalty to superior, esprit and aspects of bureaucratic structure.Educational Administration Quarterly,13(1),71-85.
  • Karagoz, M. (2016). SPSS 23 ve AMOS 23 uygulamalı istatistiksel analizler. Ankara:Nobel Publishing.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • Khalid, S. A, Jusoff, K., Othman, M., Ismail, M., & Rahman, N.A. (2010). Organizationalcitizenship behavior as a predictor of student academic achievement. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2(1),65-71.
  • Law, S., & Glover,D. (2000). Educational leadership and learning: Practice, policy and research. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • MacKeinzce,B.S., Podsakoff,M.P.,&Ahearne, M. (1998). Some possible antecedents and consequences of in-role and extra-role salesperson performance. J.Market, 62, 87-98.
  • Mcshane, S.L.,&Von Glinow, M.A. (2016). Örgütsel davranış (Translation Edt. Ayşe Günsel, Serdar Bozkurt), Nobel Publishing, Ankara.
  • Memduhoglu, H.B. (2011). Diversity management in high schools: individual attitudes, organizational values and administrative policies. Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 7(2),37-53.
  • MEB (2017a). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, 2023 Vizyon Belgesi.
  • Moorman, R.H. (1991). Relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior: do fairness perceptions ınfluence employee citizenship? Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, 845-855.
  • Organ, D.W. (1988). Organizational citizenship behavior, the good soldier syndrome. Lexington, MA, Lexington Books.
  • Ozcer, N. (2005). Yönetimde yaratıcılık ve yenilikçilik, Rota Publication, İstanbul.
  • Ozkan Hidiroglu, Y., &Hidiroglu, C.N. (2021). The relationship between mathematics teachers' mind types and computational thinking skills. Pamukkale University Journal of Education. Retrived from on 01.03.2021
  • Palancı, M., & Okutan, M. (2010). Explanation of school administrators’ problem solving skills with their personality traits, emotional intelligence and emphatic tendency. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9, 1993-1997.
  • Podsakoff, P.M., & MacKenzie, S.B. (1989). A second generation measure of organizational citizenship behavior. Unpublished manuscript, Indiana University, Bloomington.
  • Podsakoff, P.M., MacKenzie, S.B., Moorman, R.H. & Fetter, R. (1990). Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Leadership Quarterly, 1(2), 107-142.
  • Polat, S. (2007). Relation between organizational justice perceptions, organizational trust levels and organzational citizenship behaviors of secondary education teachers.Unpublished doctoral thesis, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey.
  • Retna, K.S. (2016).Thinking about“design thinking”:A study of teacher experiences.Asia Pacific Journal of Education,36(1),5-19.
  • San, I., Kis, A. & Erdemir, N. (2018). Scale for five minds for the future:development, validity and reliability. 27th International Conference on Educational Sciences, Antalya.
  • Sabahizadeh, M., Keshtiarai, N. & Yarmohammadian, M.H. (2016). The theory of five minds and its implications in education. International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, April.
  • Semerci, N. & Celik, V. (2002). İlköğretimde problemler ve çözüm yolları, Eğitim Yönetimi, 30, 205-218.
  • Somech, A., & Drach‐Zahavy, A. (2004). Exploring organizational citizenship behaviour from an organizational perspective: the relationship between organizational learning and organizational citizenship behaviour. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 77(3),281-298.
  • Yee, R.W.Y., Yeung, A.C.L., & Cheng, T.C.E. (2010). An empirical study of employee loyalty, service quality and firm performance in the service industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 24(1),109-120.
  • Yildiz, G. (2017). The impact of organizational culture on the organizational citizenship behaviors of nurses working in private and state hospitals and an application, Unpublished Master Thesis, İstanbul Aydın University, Istanbul.

The Relationship between Mind Types and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of School Administrators

Yıl 2022, , 29 - 41, 25.07.2022


The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between school principals' mind types and their organizational citizenship behaviors[OCBs]. This research was carried out by the quantitative relational survey model. The study was conducted with 346 school administrators who work in different regions of Turkey. The data of this research has been collected by employing “Mind Types Scale” and “OCB Scale”. According to the perceptions of administrators, the disciplinary, synthesizing and creating mind types of the administrators were high, respectful and ethical mind types and OCBs of the administrators were found to be very high. A high level relationship was found between the disciplinary and synthetic mind types of administrators. A positive moderate level relationship between the disciplinary mind and OCB, a positive intermediate level relationship between the synthetic mind and OCB, a positive weak level relationship between the creating mind and OCB, a positive medium level relationship between respectful mind and OCB, and a positive high level relationship between the ethical mind and OCB have been found. Ethical, respectful, synthetic mind were found to be a significant predictor of OCB, while disciplinary and creating mind type were not found to be a significant predictor of OCB. 


  • Akar, H. (2016). Competence of knowledge management as a predictor of problem-solving skills of school administrators. Journal of Education and Training Research, 5(2),74-86.
  • Altan, M.Z. (2011). Çoklu zekâ kuramı ve değerler eğitimi. Pegem Eğitim ve Öğretim Dergisi, 1(4),53-57.
  • Aran, Ö.C. & Senemoglu, N. (2014). An investigation of science education in terms of disciplined mind characteristics. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 29(4), 46-59.
  • Born, D. (1998). Fransız eğitim sisteminde tarih, coğrafya ve yurttaşlık bilgisi tasarımı ve bu tasarımın yurttaşın oluşumuna katkısı" dersimiz yurttaşlık (Çev.Turhan Ilgaz). Istanbul: Kesit Publication.
  • Bursalioglu, Z. (2002). Okul yönetiminde yeni yapı ve davranış. PegemA Publication, Ankara.
  • Calabrese, R.L. (1988.). Ethical leadership: A prerequisite for effective schools. NASSP Bulletin, 7(512), 1-4.
  • Cetin, M., & Ozcan, K. (2004). Influence of school administrators’ ethics behaviours on teachers’ job satisfaction, Marmara University Atatürk Faculty of Education. Journal of Educational Sciences,(20)21-38.
  • Dag,N.(2017). Gardner’ın zihin tasnifi ışığında sınıf öğretmenlerine ilişkin bir tahlil denemesi. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Dergisi, 3(1),51-60.
  • Dash, S., & Pradhan, R.K.(2014). Determinants&consequences of organizational citizenship behavior:A theoretical framework for Indian manufacturing organisations. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 3, 17-27.
  • DiPaola, M.F., & Tschannen-Moran, M. (2001). Organizational citizenship behavior in schools and its relationship to school climate. Journal of School Leadership, 11, 424-447.
  • Gardner, H. (2007). Five minds for the future.Boston:Harvard Business School Press.
  • Gay, L.R., & Airasian, P. (1996). Educational research:Competencies for analysis and application (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:Merrill/Prentice Hall.
  • Guclu, N. (2003). Lise müdürlerinin problem çözme becerileri. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 160, 272-300.
  • Gurbuz, R,. Erdem, E.&Yıldırım, K. (2013). The characteristics of successful school principals.Dicle University Ziya Gökalp Journal of Faculty of Education, 20, 167-179.
  • Hagen, S. (2013). It takes an village. Thoughts about five minds for the future.
  • Hoy, W.K., Newland, W., & Blazovsky, R. (1977). Subordinate loyalty to superior, esprit and aspects of bureaucratic structure.Educational Administration Quarterly,13(1),71-85.
  • Karagoz, M. (2016). SPSS 23 ve AMOS 23 uygulamalı istatistiksel analizler. Ankara:Nobel Publishing.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • Khalid, S. A, Jusoff, K., Othman, M., Ismail, M., & Rahman, N.A. (2010). Organizationalcitizenship behavior as a predictor of student academic achievement. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2(1),65-71.
  • Law, S., & Glover,D. (2000). Educational leadership and learning: Practice, policy and research. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • MacKeinzce,B.S., Podsakoff,M.P.,&Ahearne, M. (1998). Some possible antecedents and consequences of in-role and extra-role salesperson performance. J.Market, 62, 87-98.
  • Mcshane, S.L.,&Von Glinow, M.A. (2016). Örgütsel davranış (Translation Edt. Ayşe Günsel, Serdar Bozkurt), Nobel Publishing, Ankara.
  • Memduhoglu, H.B. (2011). Diversity management in high schools: individual attitudes, organizational values and administrative policies. Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 7(2),37-53.
  • MEB (2017a). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, 2023 Vizyon Belgesi.
  • Moorman, R.H. (1991). Relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior: do fairness perceptions ınfluence employee citizenship? Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, 845-855.
  • Organ, D.W. (1988). Organizational citizenship behavior, the good soldier syndrome. Lexington, MA, Lexington Books.
  • Ozcer, N. (2005). Yönetimde yaratıcılık ve yenilikçilik, Rota Publication, İstanbul.
  • Ozkan Hidiroglu, Y., &Hidiroglu, C.N. (2021). The relationship between mathematics teachers' mind types and computational thinking skills. Pamukkale University Journal of Education. Retrived from on 01.03.2021
  • Palancı, M., & Okutan, M. (2010). Explanation of school administrators’ problem solving skills with their personality traits, emotional intelligence and emphatic tendency. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9, 1993-1997.
  • Podsakoff, P.M., & MacKenzie, S.B. (1989). A second generation measure of organizational citizenship behavior. Unpublished manuscript, Indiana University, Bloomington.
  • Podsakoff, P.M., MacKenzie, S.B., Moorman, R.H. & Fetter, R. (1990). Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Leadership Quarterly, 1(2), 107-142.
  • Polat, S. (2007). Relation between organizational justice perceptions, organizational trust levels and organzational citizenship behaviors of secondary education teachers.Unpublished doctoral thesis, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey.
  • Retna, K.S. (2016).Thinking about“design thinking”:A study of teacher experiences.Asia Pacific Journal of Education,36(1),5-19.
  • San, I., Kis, A. & Erdemir, N. (2018). Scale for five minds for the future:development, validity and reliability. 27th International Conference on Educational Sciences, Antalya.
  • Sabahizadeh, M., Keshtiarai, N. & Yarmohammadian, M.H. (2016). The theory of five minds and its implications in education. International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, April.
  • Semerci, N. & Celik, V. (2002). İlköğretimde problemler ve çözüm yolları, Eğitim Yönetimi, 30, 205-218.
  • Somech, A., & Drach‐Zahavy, A. (2004). Exploring organizational citizenship behaviour from an organizational perspective: the relationship between organizational learning and organizational citizenship behaviour. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 77(3),281-298.
  • Yee, R.W.Y., Yeung, A.C.L., & Cheng, T.C.E. (2010). An empirical study of employee loyalty, service quality and firm performance in the service industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 24(1),109-120.
  • Yildiz, G. (2017). The impact of organizational culture on the organizational citizenship behaviors of nurses working in private and state hospitals and an application, Unpublished Master Thesis, İstanbul Aydın University, Istanbul.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Yeliz Özkan Hıdıroğlu 0000-0002-5176-1235

Abdurrahman Tanrıöğen 0000-0002-5491-3273

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Özkan Hıdıroğlu, Y., & Tanrıöğen, A. (2022). The Relationship between Mind Types and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of School Administrators. Journal of Education and Future(22), 29-41.
AMA Özkan Hıdıroğlu Y, Tanrıöğen A. The Relationship between Mind Types and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of School Administrators. JEF. Temmuz 2022;(22):29-41. doi:10.30786/jef.798772
Chicago Özkan Hıdıroğlu, Yeliz, ve Abdurrahman Tanrıöğen. “The Relationship Between Mind Types and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of School Administrators”. Journal of Education and Future, sy. 22 (Temmuz 2022): 29-41.
EndNote Özkan Hıdıroğlu Y, Tanrıöğen A (01 Temmuz 2022) The Relationship between Mind Types and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of School Administrators. Journal of Education and Future 22 29–41.
IEEE Y. Özkan Hıdıroğlu ve A. Tanrıöğen, “The Relationship between Mind Types and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of School Administrators”, JEF, sy. 22, ss. 29–41, Temmuz 2022, doi: 10.30786/jef.798772.
ISNAD Özkan Hıdıroğlu, Yeliz - Tanrıöğen, Abdurrahman. “The Relationship Between Mind Types and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of School Administrators”. Journal of Education and Future 22 (Temmuz 2022), 29-41.
JAMA Özkan Hıdıroğlu Y, Tanrıöğen A. The Relationship between Mind Types and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of School Administrators. JEF. 2022;:29–41.
MLA Özkan Hıdıroğlu, Yeliz ve Abdurrahman Tanrıöğen. “The Relationship Between Mind Types and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of School Administrators”. Journal of Education and Future, sy. 22, 2022, ss. 29-41, doi:10.30786/jef.798772.
Vancouver Özkan Hıdıroğlu Y, Tanrıöğen A. The Relationship between Mind Types and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of School Administrators. JEF. 2022(22):29-41.
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