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Could Kangaroo Care Between Father And Baby Be An Alternative Practice For Caesarean Deliveries?

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2, 75 - 79, 01.04.2018


Would kangaroo care between father and baby be an alternative practice for caesarean deliveries? Kangaroo care is a practice assisting the interaction between parents and infants and; facilitates the adaptation of the newborn to the external environment. The baby and mother interaction begins usually late in caesarean delivery compared to vaginal delivery due to maternal and infantile issues. Therefore, it may be declared that applying kangaroo care between father and baby until routine post-delivery care of mother is completed in caesarean delivery, contributes to reducing problems of the newborn that might face during early period of life shortly after delivery and influencing the father positively for his role of parenthood. In this review, we aimed to give information about the effects of kangaroo care on father and newborn that is implemented between them followed by caesarean delivery.


  • Cleveland Clinic. (2011). Kangaroo care. Erişim tarihi: 10 Temmuz 2016. Available from: fo/ages-stages/baby/hic-Kangaroo-Care
  • Conde-Agudelo A, Belizán JM, Diaz-Rossello J. Cochrane Review: Kan- garoo mother care to reduce morbidity and mortality in low birth weight infants. Evid.-Based Child Health 2012; 7(2): 760-876.
  • Verklan MT. So, he’s a little premature. What’s the big deal?. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am 2009; 21(2): 149-161.
  • Tessier R, Cristo M, Velez S, Giron M, de Calume ZF, Ruiz-Palaez JG, et al. Kangaroo mother care and the bonding hypothesis. Am Acad Pediatr 1998; 102(2): 1-8.
  • Chwo MJ, Anderson GC, Good M, Dowling DA, Shiau SH, Chu DM. A randomized controlled trial of early kangaroo care for preterm infants: effects on temperature, weight, behavior, and acuity. J Nurs Res 2007; 10(2): 129-42.
  • Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, 2009. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması 2008, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, Sağlık Bakanlığı Ana Çocuk Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Genel Müdürlüğü, Başbakanlık Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Müsteşarlığı ve TÜBİTAK, Ankara, Türkiye. Erişim tarihi: 20 Nisan 2016. Available from: http://www.hips.
  • Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, 2014. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması 2013, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, T.C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı ve TÜBİTAK, Ankara, Türkiye. Erişim tarihi: 20 Nisan 2016. Available from: rapor/TNSA_2013_ana_rapor.pdf
  • Sarparast L, Farhadi R, Sarparast M, Shafai S. The effect of kangaroo mother care on neonatal outcomes in Iranian hospitals: a review. J Pediatr Rev 2015; 3(1): 1-9.
  • Venancio SI, Almeida H. Kangaroo mother care: scientific evidences and impact on breastfeeding. J Pediatr (Rio J) 2004; 80(5): 173-179.
  • Charpak N, Ruiz GJ, Zupan J, Cattaneo A, Figueroa Z, Tessier R, et al. Kangaroo mother care: 25 years after. Acta Paediatr 2005; 94: 514-522.
  • Bhandari N, Mazumder S, Taneja S, Sommerfelt H, Strand TA. Effects of implementation of integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness (IMNCI) programme on neonatal and infant mortality: clustered randomized controlled trial. BMJ 2012; 344: 1-13.
  • Ludington-Hoe SM. Thirty years of kangaroo care science and practice. Neonatal Netw 2011; 30(5): 357-362.
  • Ludington-Hoe SM. Chapter 18: Kangaroo care is developmental care. In: Verklan T, McGrath J. (eds.). Developmental care of newborns and in- fants. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby and National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2010: 245-288.
  • Hardy W. Integration of kangaroo care into routine care giving in the NICU. What is stopping you? Adv Neonatal Care 2011; 11(2):119-121.
  • Kangaroo mother care. Erişim tarihi: 12 Haziran 2016. Available from:
  • Barros FC, Bhutta ZA, Batra M, Hansen TN, Victora CG, Rubens CE, et al. Global report on preterm birth and stillbirth (3 of 7): Evidence for effec- tiveness of interventions. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2010; 10(1): 1-36.
  • Moore ER, Anderson GC, Bergman N, Dowswell T. Early skin-to-skin con- tact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012; 5: CD003519.
  • Pillai-Riddell RR, Racine NM, Turcotte K, Uman LS, Horton RE, Din-Os- mun L, et al. Non-pharmacological management of infant and young child procedural pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011; 5(10): CD006275.
  • Davanzo R, Brovedani P, Travan L, Kennedy J, Crocetta A, Sanesi C, et al. Intermittent kangaroo mother care: A NICU Protocol. J Hum Lact 2013; 29(3): 332-338.
  • Thukral A, Chawla D, Agarwal R, Deorari AK, Vinod KP. Kangaroo mother care-an alternative to conventional care. Indian J Pediatr 2008; 75(5): 497-503.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). Kangaroo mother care: A practical guide. Geneva, Switzerland: Department of Reproductive Health and Re- search, 2003: 1-48.
  • Galligan M. Proposed guidelines for skin-to-skin treatment of neonatal hypothermia. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs 2006; 31(5): 298-304.
  • Güleç D, Kavlak O. Baba- bebek bağlanma ölçeği’nin Türk toplumunda geçerlik ve güvenirliğinin incelenmesi. JHS 2013; 10(2): 170-181.
  • Verissimo M, Santos A, Vaugh B, Torre N, Monteiro L, Santos O. Quality of attachment to father and mother and number of reciprocal friends. Early Child Dev Care 2011; 181(1): 27-38.
  • Soysal Ş, Bodur Ş, İşeri E, Şenol S. Bebeklik döneminde bağlanma süreci- ne genel bir bakış. Turkish J Clin Psychiatry 2005; 8: 88-99.
  • Benware J. Predictors of father- child and mother child attachment in two parent families, All graduate theses and dissertations. Logan, Utah: Utah State University, 2013.
  • Brown L, Mcbride B, Shin N, Bost K. Parenting predictors of father child attachment security: interactive effects of father involvement and fathe- ring quality. Fathering 2007; 5(3): 197-219.
  • Güleç D, Kavlak O. Baba- bebek bağlanması ve hemşirenin rolü. Turkiye Klinikleri J Nurs Sci 2015; 7(1): 63-8.
  • Ludington-Hoe S, Morgan K, Abouelfettoh A. A clinical guideline for imp- lementation of kangaroo care with premature infants of 30 or more we- eks’ postmenstrual age. Adv Neonatal Care 2008; 8(3): 3-23.
  • Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Utility of kangaroo mother care in preterm and low birthweight infants. S Afr Fam Pract 2013; 55(4): 340-344.
  • Augustin AL, Donovan K, Lozano EA, Massucci DJ, Wohlgemuth F. Still nursing at 6 months: A suvey of breastfeeding mothers. MCN Am J Ma- tern Child Nurs 2014; 39(1): 50-55.
  • Blomqvist YT, Rubertsson C, Kylberg E, Joreskog K, Nyqvist KH. Kanga- roo mother care helps fathers of preterm infants gain confidence in the paternal role. J Adv Nurs 2012; 68(9): 1988-1996.
  • Vazquez V, Cong X, DeJong A. Maternal and paternal knowledge and per- ceptions regarding infant pain in the NICU. Neonatal Netw 2015; 34(6): 337-344.
  • Güleşen A, Yıldız D. Erken postpartum dönemde anne bebek bağlanma- sının kanıta dayalı uygulamalar ile incelenmesi. TAF Prev Med Bull 2013; 12(2): 177-82.
  • Helth TD, Jarden M. Fathers’ experiences with the skin-to-skin method in NICU: Competent parenthood and redefined gender roles. J Neona- tal Nurs 2013; 19(3): 114-121.
  • Insana SP, Garfield CF, Montgomery HE. A mixed-method examination of maternal and paternal nocturnal caregiving. J Pediatr Health Care 2014; 28(4): 313-321.
  • Abouelfettoh A, Ludington-Hoe SM, Burant C, Visscher M. Effect of skin- to-skin contact on preterm infant skin barrier function and hospital-acqu- ired infection. J Clin Med Res 2011; 3(1): 36-46.

Sezaryen Doğumlarda Baba İle Bebek Arasında Kanguru Bakımı Alternatif Bir Uygulama Olabilir Mi?

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2, 75 - 79, 01.04.2018


Sezaryen doğumlarda baba ile bebek arasında kanguru bakımı alternatifbir uygulama olabilir mi? Kanguru bakımı, yenidoğanın dış ortama uyumunukolaylaştıran, anne-baba ve bebek arasında etkileşimi sağlayan biruygulamadır. Sezaryen doğumlardan sonra bebeğin anne ile buluşmasıgenellikle anne ve bebekten kaynaklanan nedenlerden dolayı vajinalyolla doğan bebeklere göre daha geç olmaktadır. Bu nedenle sezaryendoğumlarda annenin doğum sonu rutin bakımı tamamlanıncaya kadarolan sürede, baba ile bebek arasında kanguru bakımı uygulamasının hemyenidoğanın doğum sonu erken dönemde yaşayabileceği sorunların azaltılmasına,hem de babanın ebeveyn olma rolüne olumlu katkıda bulunabileceğisöylenebilir. Bu derlemede, sezaryen yoluyla doğan bebekler ilebabaları arasında uygulanan kanguru bakımının baba ve bebek bakımındanbazı etkileri hakkında bilgi vermek amaçlanmıştır.


  • Cleveland Clinic. (2011). Kangaroo care. Erişim tarihi: 10 Temmuz 2016. Available from: fo/ages-stages/baby/hic-Kangaroo-Care
  • Conde-Agudelo A, Belizán JM, Diaz-Rossello J. Cochrane Review: Kan- garoo mother care to reduce morbidity and mortality in low birth weight infants. Evid.-Based Child Health 2012; 7(2): 760-876.
  • Verklan MT. So, he’s a little premature. What’s the big deal?. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am 2009; 21(2): 149-161.
  • Tessier R, Cristo M, Velez S, Giron M, de Calume ZF, Ruiz-Palaez JG, et al. Kangaroo mother care and the bonding hypothesis. Am Acad Pediatr 1998; 102(2): 1-8.
  • Chwo MJ, Anderson GC, Good M, Dowling DA, Shiau SH, Chu DM. A randomized controlled trial of early kangaroo care for preterm infants: effects on temperature, weight, behavior, and acuity. J Nurs Res 2007; 10(2): 129-42.
  • Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, 2009. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması 2008, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, Sağlık Bakanlığı Ana Çocuk Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Genel Müdürlüğü, Başbakanlık Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Müsteşarlığı ve TÜBİTAK, Ankara, Türkiye. Erişim tarihi: 20 Nisan 2016. Available from: http://www.hips.
  • Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, 2014. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması 2013, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, T.C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı ve TÜBİTAK, Ankara, Türkiye. Erişim tarihi: 20 Nisan 2016. Available from: rapor/TNSA_2013_ana_rapor.pdf
  • Sarparast L, Farhadi R, Sarparast M, Shafai S. The effect of kangaroo mother care on neonatal outcomes in Iranian hospitals: a review. J Pediatr Rev 2015; 3(1): 1-9.
  • Venancio SI, Almeida H. Kangaroo mother care: scientific evidences and impact on breastfeeding. J Pediatr (Rio J) 2004; 80(5): 173-179.
  • Charpak N, Ruiz GJ, Zupan J, Cattaneo A, Figueroa Z, Tessier R, et al. Kangaroo mother care: 25 years after. Acta Paediatr 2005; 94: 514-522.
  • Bhandari N, Mazumder S, Taneja S, Sommerfelt H, Strand TA. Effects of implementation of integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness (IMNCI) programme on neonatal and infant mortality: clustered randomized controlled trial. BMJ 2012; 344: 1-13.
  • Ludington-Hoe SM. Thirty years of kangaroo care science and practice. Neonatal Netw 2011; 30(5): 357-362.
  • Ludington-Hoe SM. Chapter 18: Kangaroo care is developmental care. In: Verklan T, McGrath J. (eds.). Developmental care of newborns and in- fants. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby and National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 2010: 245-288.
  • Hardy W. Integration of kangaroo care into routine care giving in the NICU. What is stopping you? Adv Neonatal Care 2011; 11(2):119-121.
  • Kangaroo mother care. Erişim tarihi: 12 Haziran 2016. Available from:
  • Barros FC, Bhutta ZA, Batra M, Hansen TN, Victora CG, Rubens CE, et al. Global report on preterm birth and stillbirth (3 of 7): Evidence for effec- tiveness of interventions. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2010; 10(1): 1-36.
  • Moore ER, Anderson GC, Bergman N, Dowswell T. Early skin-to-skin con- tact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012; 5: CD003519.
  • Pillai-Riddell RR, Racine NM, Turcotte K, Uman LS, Horton RE, Din-Os- mun L, et al. Non-pharmacological management of infant and young child procedural pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011; 5(10): CD006275.
  • Davanzo R, Brovedani P, Travan L, Kennedy J, Crocetta A, Sanesi C, et al. Intermittent kangaroo mother care: A NICU Protocol. J Hum Lact 2013; 29(3): 332-338.
  • Thukral A, Chawla D, Agarwal R, Deorari AK, Vinod KP. Kangaroo mother care-an alternative to conventional care. Indian J Pediatr 2008; 75(5): 497-503.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). Kangaroo mother care: A practical guide. Geneva, Switzerland: Department of Reproductive Health and Re- search, 2003: 1-48.
  • Galligan M. Proposed guidelines for skin-to-skin treatment of neonatal hypothermia. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs 2006; 31(5): 298-304.
  • Güleç D, Kavlak O. Baba- bebek bağlanma ölçeği’nin Türk toplumunda geçerlik ve güvenirliğinin incelenmesi. JHS 2013; 10(2): 170-181.
  • Verissimo M, Santos A, Vaugh B, Torre N, Monteiro L, Santos O. Quality of attachment to father and mother and number of reciprocal friends. Early Child Dev Care 2011; 181(1): 27-38.
  • Soysal Ş, Bodur Ş, İşeri E, Şenol S. Bebeklik döneminde bağlanma süreci- ne genel bir bakış. Turkish J Clin Psychiatry 2005; 8: 88-99.
  • Benware J. Predictors of father- child and mother child attachment in two parent families, All graduate theses and dissertations. Logan, Utah: Utah State University, 2013.
  • Brown L, Mcbride B, Shin N, Bost K. Parenting predictors of father child attachment security: interactive effects of father involvement and fathe- ring quality. Fathering 2007; 5(3): 197-219.
  • Güleç D, Kavlak O. Baba- bebek bağlanması ve hemşirenin rolü. Turkiye Klinikleri J Nurs Sci 2015; 7(1): 63-8.
  • Ludington-Hoe S, Morgan K, Abouelfettoh A. A clinical guideline for imp- lementation of kangaroo care with premature infants of 30 or more we- eks’ postmenstrual age. Adv Neonatal Care 2008; 8(3): 3-23.
  • Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Utility of kangaroo mother care in preterm and low birthweight infants. S Afr Fam Pract 2013; 55(4): 340-344.
  • Augustin AL, Donovan K, Lozano EA, Massucci DJ, Wohlgemuth F. Still nursing at 6 months: A suvey of breastfeeding mothers. MCN Am J Ma- tern Child Nurs 2014; 39(1): 50-55.
  • Blomqvist YT, Rubertsson C, Kylberg E, Joreskog K, Nyqvist KH. Kanga- roo mother care helps fathers of preterm infants gain confidence in the paternal role. J Adv Nurs 2012; 68(9): 1988-1996.
  • Vazquez V, Cong X, DeJong A. Maternal and paternal knowledge and per- ceptions regarding infant pain in the NICU. Neonatal Netw 2015; 34(6): 337-344.
  • Güleşen A, Yıldız D. Erken postpartum dönemde anne bebek bağlanma- sının kanıta dayalı uygulamalar ile incelenmesi. TAF Prev Med Bull 2013; 12(2): 177-82.
  • Helth TD, Jarden M. Fathers’ experiences with the skin-to-skin method in NICU: Competent parenthood and redefined gender roles. J Neona- tal Nurs 2013; 19(3): 114-121.
  • Insana SP, Garfield CF, Montgomery HE. A mixed-method examination of maternal and paternal nocturnal caregiving. J Pediatr Health Care 2014; 28(4): 313-321.
  • Abouelfettoh A, Ludington-Hoe SM, Burant C, Visscher M. Effect of skin- to-skin contact on preterm infant skin barrier function and hospital-acqu- ired infection. J Clin Med Res 2011; 3(1): 36-46.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ayten Şentürk Erenel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Toprak FÜ, Erenel AŞ. Sezaryen Doğumlarda Baba İle Bebek Arasında Kanguru Bakımı Alternatif Bir Uygulama Olabilir Mi?. JGON. 2018;15(2):75-9.