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Abortion Legislation in Turkey

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 34 - 38, 01.01.2017


Abortion, not being a method of family planning, is the termination of present pregnancy. Most of the European countries allow abortion upon the woman’s request in the early weeks of pregnancy and allow abortion under specified circumstances in later periods. In Turkey, there isn’t any gestational limit in pregnancy terminations for serious fetal illnesses. The Turkish law doesn’t require waiting period after the first consultation before the abortion. Emotional support obligation for the woman who has requested or undergone an abortion isn’t present in our laws. Turkish laws don’t allow health care providers to refuse to participating in an abortion for religious reasons and all legal abortions are in social security payment content. In related status of Turkey, sorted health problems belonging to mother and fetus contain contradictory reasons with actual obstetric science.


  • The DHS Program - Research Topics – Family planning http://dhsprog-
  • Nüfus planlaması hakkında kanun numarası: 2827 kabul tarihi: 24/5/1983. Yayımlandığı R. Gazete: Tarih : 27/5/1983 Sayı : 18059.
  • An Overview of Abortion Laws | Guttmacher Institute. https://www.gutt- Avrupa
  • Abortion Legislation in Europe. The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Center. January 2015
  • Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013, No. 35 of 2013, http://
  • Mahmoud Abbasi, Ehsan Shamsi Gooshki, and Neda Allah bedashti. Abortion in Iranian Legal System Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. Febru- ary 2014; 13:71-84.
  • Strafgesetzbuch [stgb] [penal code], nov. 13, 1998, bundesgesetzblatt [bgbl.] I at 3322, last amended by Gesetz [Law], Oct. 2, 2009, BGBL. I at 3214, § 218a(1).
  • Bundesgesetzvom 23. Jänner 1974 überdıemıtgerıchtlıcherstrafebed- rohtenhandlungen (strafgesetzbuch [stgb]) [Federal law of 23 January 1974 on punishable acts (penalcode [stgb]) (inforce on jan. 1, 1975, as lastamendedbybundesgesetzblatt [bgbl] ı nr. 106/214, dec. 29, 2014, part ı, no. 1974/60, Stück 21, pp. 641–92, https://www.ris.bka. mer=10002296
  • Penalcode§ 97(1)1; Österreichische Gesellschaftfür Familienplanung (ÖGF), Austria, in International Planned Parenthood Federation [IPPF] European network, abortion legislation in EUROPE 11 (updated Jan. 2012), Final_Abortion%20legis- lation_September2012.pdf.
  • Codepénal [penalcode],
  • Sénat et chambredes représentants de Belgique [senate and chamber of representatives of Belgium], rapport de la commission nationale d’é- valuation de la loidu 3 avril 1990 relative àl’ınterruption de grossesse [report of the national commission for the evaluation of the law of April 3, 1990, regarding pregnancy interruption] 60 (Aug. 27, 2012), http://www.
  • Abortion Act, 1967, c. 87, § 1, 87/section/1.
  • Zákon České Národní Rady o Umělém Přerušení Těhotenství [Law of the Czech National Council on Abortion (here in after Law on Aborti- on)] of Oct. 20, 1986, SBIRKA ZAKONU (official gazette) No. 66/1986 Sb., Sb_066986_------_.php#Z%C1KON%20%C8ESK%C9/////%A7%204
  • Vyhláška Ministerstva Zdravotnictví České Socialistické Republiky Kte- rou Se Provádí Zákon České Národní Rady No.66/1986 Sb., o Umělém- Přerušení Těhotenství [Notification of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Socialist Republic on the Implementation of Law No. 66/1986 Sb. on Abortion], Nov. 7, 1986, SBIRKA ZAKONU No.75/1986 Sb., http://www.
  • Sundhedsloven, LBK nr. 1202 af14/11/2014, https://www.retsinformati-
  • Zakon o Reproduktivnom Zdorovie I Reproduktivnykh Pravakh Chelo- veka [Law on Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights] of Dec.11, 2002, lang=rus
  • Zakon o Meditsinskoy Pomoshchi, Obsluzhivaniia Naseleniia [Law on Medical Care, Services tothe Population] of March 4, 1996, http://www. (offi- cialpublication; in Russian).
  • Lag om avbrytande av havandeskap [Act on Termination of Pregnancy] 24.3.1970/239, as amended, available on available on the Finlex web- site, pe%5D=pika&search%5Bpika%5D=abort (in Swedish).
  • Code de la santépublique [PUBLIC HEALTH CODE], http://www.legif-;jsessionid=ED741182F75ACC70E37A5F- C12AA0CF98.tpdjo02v_1?cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006072665&date- Texte=20150115.
  • Wetvan 1 mei 1981, houdenderegelen met be trekking to the tafbre- kenvanz wangers chap (Wetafbrekingzwangerschap [Law on theTer- mination of Pregnancy]) (as last amended May 17, 2010, in forceOct. 10, 2010), § 2, tum_14-01-2015
  • Late zwangerschapsafbreking en levensbeëindigingbijpasgeborenen [Late Abortion and Euthanasiain Newborns], RIJKSOVERHEID [GO- VERNMENT OF THE NETHERLANDS], onderwerpen/levenseinde-en-euthanasie/late-zwangerschapsafbre- king-en-levensbeeindiging-bij-pasgeborenen
  • Rutgers Nisso Groep, The Netherlands in International Planned Pa- renthood Federation [IPPF] European Network, Abortion Legıslation In Europe 57 (updated Jan. 2012), Final_Abortion%20legislation_September2012.pdf
  • Wetboekvan Strafrecht (Jan. 15, 1886, as last amende deffective Jan. 1, 2015), §§ 82a (on the term “to take a life” including the killing of a viab- le fetus) & 296 TitelXIXA/geldigheidsdatum_30-11-2014.
  • Aanwijzing vervolgingsbeslissing op verzoek en latezwangerschapsafb- reking [Directions on the Non-Prosecution of Cases of Euthanasiaand- LateAbortions] (in force Mar. 15, 2007), 46 STAATSCOURANT(Mar. 6, 2007), SC79644.html.
  • LAG OM ABORT [ABORTLAGEN] (Svensk För fattningssamling [SFS] 1974:595), rnp/SLS/lag/19740595.htm.
  • Statens offentliga utredningar [SOU] 2005:90 ABORT I SVERIGE: BETÄNKANDE AV UTREDNINGEN OM UTLÄNDSKA ABORTER, at 73,
  • SCHWEIZERISCHES STRAFGESETZBUCH [STGB] [CRIMI- NAL CODE] Dec. 21, 1937 (status as of Jan. 1, 2015), SR311, arts. 118–120, available in English translationat rs/3/311.0.en.pdf (as of Jan. 1,2015).
  • Ley 2/2010 Orgánica de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva y de la Inter- rupciónVoluntaria del Embarazo [Organic Law 2/2010 on Sexual and Reproductive Health and the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy] art. 3, BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO [B.O.E.] Mar. 4, 2010, http://www.
  • Legge 22 maggio 1978, n. 194, Norme per la tutela sociale della ma- ternita’ e sull’interruzione volontaria della gravidanza [Law No. 194 of May 22, 1978, Provisions on the Social Protection of Maternity and the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy], GAZZETTA UFFICIALE DELLA REPUBBLICA ITALIANA [G. U.] [OFFICIAL GAZETTE] No.140 (May 22, 1978), ge:1978-05-22;194.
  • Lög um ráðgjöfogfræðsluvarðandikynlífogbarneignirog um fóstureyðin- garogófrjósemisaðgerðir, 1975 nr. 2522. maí, gas/nuna/1975025.html.
  • Seksuālās un Reproduktīvās Veselības Likums [Sexual and Reprodu- ctive Health Law] of Feb. 19, 2002, § 25, id/58982-seksualas-un-reproduktivas-veselibas-likums.
  • Grūtniecības pārtraukšanas organizatoriskā kārtība [Organizational Procedures for the Termination of Pregnancy] No. 590 (prot. No. 56, 9.§) of Oct. 28, 2003, rauksanasorganizatoriska-kartiba.
  • Lov om svangerskapsavbrudd [abortloven] Lov No. 50 of June 13, 1975, as amended, NL/lov/1975-06-13-50?q=a- bortlov.
  • Ustawa z Dnia 7 Stycznia 1993 of Planowaniu Rodziny, OchroniePlo- duLudzkiego I Warunkah Dopuszcczalnosci I Przerywania Ciazu [Act on Family Planning, Protection of the Human Fetus, and Conditions for Pregnancy Termination] of Jan. 7, 1993, art. 4a1, DZIENNIK US- TAW (official gazette) 1993, No. 17, Item78, du/1993/s/17/78/1 (in Polish).
  • CÓDIGO PENAL, Decreto-Lei No. 48/1995, de 15 de Março, http:// go_id=&nid=109&ficha=101&pagina=&nversao.
  • Fed. Law No. 323 of November 21, 2011, on Fundamentals of Citizens’ Health Protection, ROSSIISKAIA GAZETA [ROS. GAZ.] (officialpublica- tion), Nov. 23, 2011,
  • Government Regulation No. 98 of February 6, 2012, § 1, ROS. GAZ., Feb. 15, 2012,’ nor- mativnykhaktovfederalnykhorganovispolnitelnoivlasti [bulletin of federal executiveregulations] (official gazette) Mar. 3, 2008, No. 9.
  • Law No. 2801-XII of Nov.19, 1992 on Fundamentals of Ukrainian Le- gislation on Health Protection art. 50, show/2801-12/page2 (official publication; in Ukrainian).
  • Civil Code of Ukraine No. 435-IV of Jan.16, 2003, ch. 21, art. 281, § 6, (officialpublication; in Ukrainian).
  • Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.144 of Feb.15, 2006, on the Realization of Article 281 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, http://п (officialpublication; in Ukrai- nian).
  • 14/11/1983 rahim tahliyesi ve sterilizasyon hizmetlerinin yürütülmesi ve denetlenmesine ilişkin tüzük. Bakanlar Kurulu Karar No:83/7395.
  • Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of rese- arch published 1995-2009.Coleman PK.Br J Psychiatry. 2011;199:180- 6.
  • Statensoffentligautredningar[SOU] 2005:90 ABORT I SVERIGE: BETÄNKANDE AV UTREDNINGEN OM UTLÄNDSKA ABORTER, at 73,
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2014 raporu.
  • Avşar F. Anomalili fetusun hakları. Rahim tahliyesi, ana-baba hakkı. T Klin J Gynecol Obst 2003;13:89-90.

Türkiye’de Gebelik Terminasyonunun Yasal Durumu

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 34 - 38, 01.01.2017


Rahim tahliyesi bir nüfus planlaması yöntemi olmayıp, mevcut gebeliğin sona erdirilmesidir. Avrupa ülkelerinin birçoğunda kanunlar erken gebelik haftalarında kadının talebi doğrultusunda, sonraki süreçte bazı özel durumlarda gebelik terminasyonuna izin verir. Ülkemizde fetüsün sağlık problemi ile ilgili sorunlardan dolayı yapılan gebelik tahliyelerinde fetüs için yasal gebelik hafta sınırı bulunmamaktadır. Yasal sınırlar içinde gebelik tahliye talebi ile gelen kadınlara bilgilendirme sonrasında hastanın kararını gözden geçirmesi için bir bekleme süresi zorunluluğu mevzuatımızda mevcut değildir. Konuyla ilgili kanunlarımızda kürtaj talep eden veya kürtaj olan kadına psikolog desteği teklif etme zorunluluğu ve hekimin kendi vicdani veya dinsel düşüncelerinden dolayı gebeliği sonlandırma işlemi yapmayı reddetme hakkı yoktur. Ayrıca yasal sınırlar içindeki her türlü gebelik tahliyesi sosyal güvenlik ödemeleri kapsamındadır. Türkiye’deki cenin tahliye tüzüğünde fetüse ve anneye ait sıralanan sağlık gerekçelerinin, güncel temel kadın doğum bilimi ile çelişen seçenekler içerdiği görülmektedir.


  • The DHS Program - Research Topics – Family planning http://dhsprog-
  • Nüfus planlaması hakkında kanun numarası: 2827 kabul tarihi: 24/5/1983. Yayımlandığı R. Gazete: Tarih : 27/5/1983 Sayı : 18059.
  • An Overview of Abortion Laws | Guttmacher Institute. https://www.gutt- Avrupa
  • Abortion Legislation in Europe. The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Center. January 2015
  • Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013, No. 35 of 2013, http://
  • Mahmoud Abbasi, Ehsan Shamsi Gooshki, and Neda Allah bedashti. Abortion in Iranian Legal System Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. Febru- ary 2014; 13:71-84.
  • Strafgesetzbuch [stgb] [penal code], nov. 13, 1998, bundesgesetzblatt [bgbl.] I at 3322, last amended by Gesetz [Law], Oct. 2, 2009, BGBL. I at 3214, § 218a(1).
  • Bundesgesetzvom 23. Jänner 1974 überdıemıtgerıchtlıcherstrafebed- rohtenhandlungen (strafgesetzbuch [stgb]) [Federal law of 23 January 1974 on punishable acts (penalcode [stgb]) (inforce on jan. 1, 1975, as lastamendedbybundesgesetzblatt [bgbl] ı nr. 106/214, dec. 29, 2014, part ı, no. 1974/60, Stück 21, pp. 641–92, https://www.ris.bka. mer=10002296
  • Penalcode§ 97(1)1; Österreichische Gesellschaftfür Familienplanung (ÖGF), Austria, in International Planned Parenthood Federation [IPPF] European network, abortion legislation in EUROPE 11 (updated Jan. 2012), Final_Abortion%20legis- lation_September2012.pdf.
  • Codepénal [penalcode],
  • Sénat et chambredes représentants de Belgique [senate and chamber of representatives of Belgium], rapport de la commission nationale d’é- valuation de la loidu 3 avril 1990 relative àl’ınterruption de grossesse [report of the national commission for the evaluation of the law of April 3, 1990, regarding pregnancy interruption] 60 (Aug. 27, 2012), http://www.
  • Abortion Act, 1967, c. 87, § 1, 87/section/1.
  • Zákon České Národní Rady o Umělém Přerušení Těhotenství [Law of the Czech National Council on Abortion (here in after Law on Aborti- on)] of Oct. 20, 1986, SBIRKA ZAKONU (official gazette) No. 66/1986 Sb., Sb_066986_------_.php#Z%C1KON%20%C8ESK%C9/////%A7%204
  • Vyhláška Ministerstva Zdravotnictví České Socialistické Republiky Kte- rou Se Provádí Zákon České Národní Rady No.66/1986 Sb., o Umělém- Přerušení Těhotenství [Notification of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Socialist Republic on the Implementation of Law No. 66/1986 Sb. on Abortion], Nov. 7, 1986, SBIRKA ZAKONU No.75/1986 Sb., http://www.
  • Sundhedsloven, LBK nr. 1202 af14/11/2014, https://www.retsinformati-
  • Zakon o Reproduktivnom Zdorovie I Reproduktivnykh Pravakh Chelo- veka [Law on Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights] of Dec.11, 2002, lang=rus
  • Zakon o Meditsinskoy Pomoshchi, Obsluzhivaniia Naseleniia [Law on Medical Care, Services tothe Population] of March 4, 1996, http://www. (offi- cialpublication; in Russian).
  • Lag om avbrytande av havandeskap [Act on Termination of Pregnancy] 24.3.1970/239, as amended, available on available on the Finlex web- site, pe%5D=pika&search%5Bpika%5D=abort (in Swedish).
  • Code de la santépublique [PUBLIC HEALTH CODE], http://www.legif-;jsessionid=ED741182F75ACC70E37A5F- C12AA0CF98.tpdjo02v_1?cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006072665&date- Texte=20150115.
  • Wetvan 1 mei 1981, houdenderegelen met be trekking to the tafbre- kenvanz wangers chap (Wetafbrekingzwangerschap [Law on theTer- mination of Pregnancy]) (as last amended May 17, 2010, in forceOct. 10, 2010), § 2, tum_14-01-2015
  • Late zwangerschapsafbreking en levensbeëindigingbijpasgeborenen [Late Abortion and Euthanasiain Newborns], RIJKSOVERHEID [GO- VERNMENT OF THE NETHERLANDS], onderwerpen/levenseinde-en-euthanasie/late-zwangerschapsafbre- king-en-levensbeeindiging-bij-pasgeborenen
  • Rutgers Nisso Groep, The Netherlands in International Planned Pa- renthood Federation [IPPF] European Network, Abortion Legıslation In Europe 57 (updated Jan. 2012), Final_Abortion%20legislation_September2012.pdf
  • Wetboekvan Strafrecht (Jan. 15, 1886, as last amende deffective Jan. 1, 2015), §§ 82a (on the term “to take a life” including the killing of a viab- le fetus) & 296 TitelXIXA/geldigheidsdatum_30-11-2014.
  • Aanwijzing vervolgingsbeslissing op verzoek en latezwangerschapsafb- reking [Directions on the Non-Prosecution of Cases of Euthanasiaand- LateAbortions] (in force Mar. 15, 2007), 46 STAATSCOURANT(Mar. 6, 2007), SC79644.html.
  • LAG OM ABORT [ABORTLAGEN] (Svensk För fattningssamling [SFS] 1974:595), rnp/SLS/lag/19740595.htm.
  • Statens offentliga utredningar [SOU] 2005:90 ABORT I SVERIGE: BETÄNKANDE AV UTREDNINGEN OM UTLÄNDSKA ABORTER, at 73,
  • SCHWEIZERISCHES STRAFGESETZBUCH [STGB] [CRIMI- NAL CODE] Dec. 21, 1937 (status as of Jan. 1, 2015), SR311, arts. 118–120, available in English translationat rs/3/311.0.en.pdf (as of Jan. 1,2015).
  • Ley 2/2010 Orgánica de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva y de la Inter- rupciónVoluntaria del Embarazo [Organic Law 2/2010 on Sexual and Reproductive Health and the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy] art. 3, BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO [B.O.E.] Mar. 4, 2010, http://www.
  • Legge 22 maggio 1978, n. 194, Norme per la tutela sociale della ma- ternita’ e sull’interruzione volontaria della gravidanza [Law No. 194 of May 22, 1978, Provisions on the Social Protection of Maternity and the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy], GAZZETTA UFFICIALE DELLA REPUBBLICA ITALIANA [G. U.] [OFFICIAL GAZETTE] No.140 (May 22, 1978), ge:1978-05-22;194.
  • Lög um ráðgjöfogfræðsluvarðandikynlífogbarneignirog um fóstureyðin- garogófrjósemisaðgerðir, 1975 nr. 2522. maí, gas/nuna/1975025.html.
  • Seksuālās un Reproduktīvās Veselības Likums [Sexual and Reprodu- ctive Health Law] of Feb. 19, 2002, § 25, id/58982-seksualas-un-reproduktivas-veselibas-likums.
  • Grūtniecības pārtraukšanas organizatoriskā kārtība [Organizational Procedures for the Termination of Pregnancy] No. 590 (prot. No. 56, 9.§) of Oct. 28, 2003, rauksanasorganizatoriska-kartiba.
  • Lov om svangerskapsavbrudd [abortloven] Lov No. 50 of June 13, 1975, as amended, NL/lov/1975-06-13-50?q=a- bortlov.
  • Ustawa z Dnia 7 Stycznia 1993 of Planowaniu Rodziny, OchroniePlo- duLudzkiego I Warunkah Dopuszcczalnosci I Przerywania Ciazu [Act on Family Planning, Protection of the Human Fetus, and Conditions for Pregnancy Termination] of Jan. 7, 1993, art. 4a1, DZIENNIK US- TAW (official gazette) 1993, No. 17, Item78, du/1993/s/17/78/1 (in Polish).
  • CÓDIGO PENAL, Decreto-Lei No. 48/1995, de 15 de Março, http:// go_id=&nid=109&ficha=101&pagina=&nversao.
  • Fed. Law No. 323 of November 21, 2011, on Fundamentals of Citizens’ Health Protection, ROSSIISKAIA GAZETA [ROS. GAZ.] (officialpublica- tion), Nov. 23, 2011,
  • Government Regulation No. 98 of February 6, 2012, § 1, ROS. GAZ., Feb. 15, 2012,’ nor- mativnykhaktovfederalnykhorganovispolnitelnoivlasti [bulletin of federal executiveregulations] (official gazette) Mar. 3, 2008, No. 9.
  • Law No. 2801-XII of Nov.19, 1992 on Fundamentals of Ukrainian Le- gislation on Health Protection art. 50, show/2801-12/page2 (official publication; in Ukrainian).
  • Civil Code of Ukraine No. 435-IV of Jan.16, 2003, ch. 21, art. 281, § 6, (officialpublication; in Ukrainian).
  • Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.144 of Feb.15, 2006, on the Realization of Article 281 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, http://п (officialpublication; in Ukrai- nian).
  • 14/11/1983 rahim tahliyesi ve sterilizasyon hizmetlerinin yürütülmesi ve denetlenmesine ilişkin tüzük. Bakanlar Kurulu Karar No:83/7395.
  • Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of rese- arch published 1995-2009.Coleman PK.Br J Psychiatry. 2011;199:180- 6.
  • Statensoffentligautredningar[SOU] 2005:90 ABORT I SVERIGE: BETÄNKANDE AV UTREDNINGEN OM UTLÄNDSKA ABORTER, at 73,
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2014 raporu.
  • Avşar F. Anomalili fetusun hakları. Rahim tahliyesi, ana-baba hakkı. T Klin J Gynecol Obst 2003;13:89-90.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Şule Özel Bu kişi benim

Yaprak Engin-üstün Bu kişi benim

Filiz Avşar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Özel Ş, Engin-üstün Y, Avşar F. Türkiye’de Gebelik Terminasyonunun Yasal Durumu. JGON. 2017;14(1):34-8.