Yenilebilir filmler ve kaplamalar, gıdaların yüzeyine ince tabaka halinde uygulanan ve gıdaları dış ortamdan koruyan ve polisakkarit ve/veya protein kullanılarak ya da bitkisel kaynaklı unlar kullanılarak hazırlanan materyallerdir. Bu çalışmada, yerel satıcılardan temin edilen buğday, mısır, chia, tef, karabuğday ve kinoa unlarının protein, nişasta, nem değerleriyle su absorbsiyon oranları incelenmiş ve bu unların yenilebilir film ve kaplama olarak kullanılma potansiyelleri belirlenmiştir. Unların protein oranlarının %6.40-19.64; nişasta oranlarının %2.87-71.63 arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Unların partikül büyüklükleri varyasyon göstermiş ve en ince partiküle sahip unun buğday unu, en yüksek partikül büyüklüğüne sahip unun chia unu olduğu saptanmıştır. Su absorbsiyon değerleri chia unu için en yüksek (%404.03), buğday unu için en düşük (%5.15) olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda bu unların kimyasal ve fiziksel özellikler açısından yenilebilir kaplama formülünde kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
AACC, 1999. Approved Methods (9th Edition). American Association of Cereal Chemists, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Ananey-Obiri D, Matthews L, Azahrani MH, Ibrahim SA., Galanakis CM, Tahergorabi R, 2018. Application of protein-based edible coatings for fat uptake reduction in deep-fat fried foods with an emphasis on muscle food proteins. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 80:167–174.
Anonim, 2013. Türk Gıda Kodeksi, Buğday Unu Tebliği. TEBLİĞ NO: 2013/9
Anonim, 2018. T.C Toprak mahsulleri genel müdürlüğü 2016 yılı hububat raporu Toprak Mahsulleri Ofisi, Ankara. Erişim tarihi:15.01.2018.
Angor MM, 2016. Reducing fat content of fried potato pellet chips using carboxymethyl cellulose and soy protein ısolate solutions as coating films. Journal of Agricultural Science, 8(3): 162.
Avena-Bustillos RDJ, McHugh TH, 2011. Role of edible film and coating additives. ın edible coatings and films to ımprove food Quality, Second Edition (pp. 157–184).
Brannan RG, Myers AS, Herrick CS, 2013. Reduction of fat content during frying using dried egg white and fiber solutions. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 115(8): 946–955.
Brannan RG, Pettit K, 2015. Reducing the oil content in coated and deep-fried chicken using whey protein. Lipid Technology, 27(6): 131–133.
Ceylan Z, Meral R, Karakaş CY, Dertli E, Yilmaz MT. 2018a. A novel strategy for probiotic bacteria: Ensuring microbial stability of fish fillets using characterized probiotic bacteria-loaded nanofibers. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 48, 212–218.
Ceylan Z, Meral R, Cavidoglu I, Karakas CY, Yilmaz MT, 2018b. A new application on fatty acid stability of fish fillets: coating with probiotic bacteria‐loaded polymer‐based characterized nanofibers. Journal of Food Safety, 38(6): e12547.
Chiumarelli M, Hubinger MD, 2012. Stability, solubility, mechanical and barrier properties of cassava starch-carnauba wax edible coatings to preserve fresh-cut apples. Food Hydrocolloids, 28(1): 59–67.
Condés MC, Añón MC, Mauri AN, Dufresne A. 2015. Amaranth protein films reinforced with maize starch nanocrystals. Food Hydrocolloids, 47: 146–157.
Delcour JA, Hoseney RC, 2010. Principles of Cereal Science and Technology. In Principles of Cereal Science and Technology.
Dick M, Henrique Pagno C, Haas Costa TM, Gomaa A, Subirade, M, De Oliveira Rios A, Hickmann Flôres S, 2016. Edible films based on chia flour: development and characterization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133(2):
Doğan İS, Ünal S, 1990. Un Fabrikalarında değişik pasajlardan alınan unların zedelenmiş nişasta miktarının enzimatik olmayan yöntemle belirlenmesi. E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Gıda Mühendisliği Dergisi, (8): 7–35.
Dogan SF, Sahin S, Sumnu G, 2005. Effects of batters containing different protein types on the quality of deep-fat-fried chicken nuggets. European Food Research and Technology, 220(5–6): 502–508.
Dragich AM, Krochta JM, 2010. Whey protein solution coating for fat-uptake reduction in deep-fried chicken breast strips. Journal of Food Science, 75(1).
Elgün A, Ertugay Z, Certel M, Kotancılar G, 1998. Tahıl Ürünlerinde Analitik Kalite Kontrolü ve Laboratuarı Uygulama Klavuzu. A.Ü. Yay. Yayın No:867, Erzurum 245.
Hallén E, Ibanoǧlu Ş, Ainsworth P, 2004. Effect of fermented/germinated cowpea flour addition on the rheological and baking properties of wheat flour. Journal of Food Engineering, 63(2): 177–184.
Ilter S, Dogan IS, Meral R, 2008. Application of food grade coatings to Turkey buttocks. Italian Journal of Food Science, 20(2).
Kilincceker O, Hepsag F, 2012. Edible Coating Effects on Fried Potato Balls. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(4): 1349–1354.
Lago-Vanzela ES, do Nascimento P, Fontes EAF, Mauro MA, Kimura M, 2013. Edible coatings from native and modified starches retain carotenoids in pumpkin during drying. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 50(2): 420–425.
Mancebo CM, Picón J, Gómez M, 2015. Effect of flour properties on the quality characteristics of gluten free sugar-snap cookies. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 64(1): 264–269.
Maskat MY, Kerr WL, 2002. Coating characteristics of fried chicken breasts prepared with different particle size breading. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 26(1): 27–38.
Meral R, Alav A, Karakas C, Dertli E, Yilmaz MT, Ceylan Z, 2019. Effect of electrospun nisin and curcumin loaded nanomats on the microbial quality, hardness and sensory characteristics of rainbow trout fillet. LWT, 113(March), 108292.
Minarovičová L, Lauková M, Karovičová J, Kohajdová Z, Kepičová V, 2019. Gluten-free rice muffins enriched with teff flour. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 13(1): 187–193.
Moradi Y, Bakar J, Che Man Y, Syed Muhamed SK, 2014. Influence of resistant starch on microstructure and physical properties of breaded fish fillets. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 13(1): 135–144.
Naseri M, Abedi E, Mohammadzadeh B, Afsharnaderi A, 2013. Effect of frying in different culinary fats on the fatty acid composition of silver carp. Food Science & Nutrition, 1(4): 292–297.
Pająk P, Przetaczek-Rożnowska I, Juszczak L. 2019. Development and physicochemical, thermal and mechanical properties of edible films based on pumpkin, lentil and quinoa starches. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, (138): 441–449.
Prakash Maran J, Sivakumar V, Thirugnanasambandham K, Kandasamy S, 2013. Modeling and analysis of film composition on mechanical properties of maize starch based edible films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, (62): 565–573.
Steffolani E, de la Hera E, Pérez G, Gómez M, 2014. Effect of Chia (Salvia hispanicaL) Addition on the Quality of Gluten-Free Bread. Journal of Food Quality, 37(5): 309–317.
Supawong S, Park JW, Thawornchinsombut S, 2018. Fat blocking roles of fish proteins in fried fish cake. LWT, (97): 462–468.
Tamsen M, Shekarchizadeh H, Soltanizadeh N, 2018. Evaluation of wheat flour substitution with amaranth flour on chicken nugget properties. LWT - Food Science and Technology, (91): 580–587.
Tapia-Blácido DR, do Amaral Sobral PJ, Menegalli, F. C. 2011. Optimization of amaranth flour films plasticized with glycerol and sorbitol by multi-response analysis. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 44(8): 1731–1738.
Voong KY, Norton AB, Mills TB, Norton IT, 2018. Characterisation of deep-fried batter and breaded coatings. Food Structure, (16): 43–49.
Zeng H, Chen J, Zhai J, Wang H, Xia W, Xiong YL, 2016. Reduction of the fat content of battered and breaded fish balls during deep-fat frying using fermented bamboo shoot dietary fiber. LWT - Food Science and Technology, (73): 425–431.
Determination of Edible Film and Coating Potentials of Some Cereal and Pseudocereal Flours
Edible films and coatings are materials which are applied to the surface of foods in a thin layer and which protects the food from the external environment. They are prepared by using polysaccharide and/or protein or by using flours of vegetable origin. In this study, protein, starch, moisture and water absorption ratios of wheat, corn, chia, teff, buckwheat and quinoa flours obtained from local market were investigated and their potential for use as an edible films and coatings were determined. The protein content of flour was 6.40-19.64%; starch ratios were found to be 2.87-71.63. Particle sizes of the flours showed variation and it was found that the flour with the finest particles was wheat flour and the flour with the highest particle size was chia flour. Water absorption values were highest for chia flour (404.03%) and lowest for wheat flour (65.15%). As a result of this study, it was concluded that these flours can be used in edible coating formula in terms of chemical and physical properties.
AACC, 1999. Approved Methods (9th Edition). American Association of Cereal Chemists, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Ananey-Obiri D, Matthews L, Azahrani MH, Ibrahim SA., Galanakis CM, Tahergorabi R, 2018. Application of protein-based edible coatings for fat uptake reduction in deep-fat fried foods with an emphasis on muscle food proteins. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 80:167–174.
Anonim, 2013. Türk Gıda Kodeksi, Buğday Unu Tebliği. TEBLİĞ NO: 2013/9
Anonim, 2018. T.C Toprak mahsulleri genel müdürlüğü 2016 yılı hububat raporu Toprak Mahsulleri Ofisi, Ankara. Erişim tarihi:15.01.2018.
Angor MM, 2016. Reducing fat content of fried potato pellet chips using carboxymethyl cellulose and soy protein ısolate solutions as coating films. Journal of Agricultural Science, 8(3): 162.
Avena-Bustillos RDJ, McHugh TH, 2011. Role of edible film and coating additives. ın edible coatings and films to ımprove food Quality, Second Edition (pp. 157–184).
Brannan RG, Myers AS, Herrick CS, 2013. Reduction of fat content during frying using dried egg white and fiber solutions. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 115(8): 946–955.
Brannan RG, Pettit K, 2015. Reducing the oil content in coated and deep-fried chicken using whey protein. Lipid Technology, 27(6): 131–133.
Ceylan Z, Meral R, Karakaş CY, Dertli E, Yilmaz MT. 2018a. A novel strategy for probiotic bacteria: Ensuring microbial stability of fish fillets using characterized probiotic bacteria-loaded nanofibers. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 48, 212–218.
Ceylan Z, Meral R, Cavidoglu I, Karakas CY, Yilmaz MT, 2018b. A new application on fatty acid stability of fish fillets: coating with probiotic bacteria‐loaded polymer‐based characterized nanofibers. Journal of Food Safety, 38(6): e12547.
Chiumarelli M, Hubinger MD, 2012. Stability, solubility, mechanical and barrier properties of cassava starch-carnauba wax edible coatings to preserve fresh-cut apples. Food Hydrocolloids, 28(1): 59–67.
Condés MC, Añón MC, Mauri AN, Dufresne A. 2015. Amaranth protein films reinforced with maize starch nanocrystals. Food Hydrocolloids, 47: 146–157.
Delcour JA, Hoseney RC, 2010. Principles of Cereal Science and Technology. In Principles of Cereal Science and Technology.
Dick M, Henrique Pagno C, Haas Costa TM, Gomaa A, Subirade, M, De Oliveira Rios A, Hickmann Flôres S, 2016. Edible films based on chia flour: development and characterization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133(2):
Doğan İS, Ünal S, 1990. Un Fabrikalarında değişik pasajlardan alınan unların zedelenmiş nişasta miktarının enzimatik olmayan yöntemle belirlenmesi. E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Gıda Mühendisliği Dergisi, (8): 7–35.
Dogan SF, Sahin S, Sumnu G, 2005. Effects of batters containing different protein types on the quality of deep-fat-fried chicken nuggets. European Food Research and Technology, 220(5–6): 502–508.
Dragich AM, Krochta JM, 2010. Whey protein solution coating for fat-uptake reduction in deep-fried chicken breast strips. Journal of Food Science, 75(1).
Elgün A, Ertugay Z, Certel M, Kotancılar G, 1998. Tahıl Ürünlerinde Analitik Kalite Kontrolü ve Laboratuarı Uygulama Klavuzu. A.Ü. Yay. Yayın No:867, Erzurum 245.
Hallén E, Ibanoǧlu Ş, Ainsworth P, 2004. Effect of fermented/germinated cowpea flour addition on the rheological and baking properties of wheat flour. Journal of Food Engineering, 63(2): 177–184.
Ilter S, Dogan IS, Meral R, 2008. Application of food grade coatings to Turkey buttocks. Italian Journal of Food Science, 20(2).
Kilincceker O, Hepsag F, 2012. Edible Coating Effects on Fried Potato Balls. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(4): 1349–1354.
Lago-Vanzela ES, do Nascimento P, Fontes EAF, Mauro MA, Kimura M, 2013. Edible coatings from native and modified starches retain carotenoids in pumpkin during drying. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 50(2): 420–425.
Mancebo CM, Picón J, Gómez M, 2015. Effect of flour properties on the quality characteristics of gluten free sugar-snap cookies. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 64(1): 264–269.
Maskat MY, Kerr WL, 2002. Coating characteristics of fried chicken breasts prepared with different particle size breading. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 26(1): 27–38.
Meral R, Alav A, Karakas C, Dertli E, Yilmaz MT, Ceylan Z, 2019. Effect of electrospun nisin and curcumin loaded nanomats on the microbial quality, hardness and sensory characteristics of rainbow trout fillet. LWT, 113(March), 108292.
Minarovičová L, Lauková M, Karovičová J, Kohajdová Z, Kepičová V, 2019. Gluten-free rice muffins enriched with teff flour. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 13(1): 187–193.
Moradi Y, Bakar J, Che Man Y, Syed Muhamed SK, 2014. Influence of resistant starch on microstructure and physical properties of breaded fish fillets. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 13(1): 135–144.
Naseri M, Abedi E, Mohammadzadeh B, Afsharnaderi A, 2013. Effect of frying in different culinary fats on the fatty acid composition of silver carp. Food Science & Nutrition, 1(4): 292–297.
Pająk P, Przetaczek-Rożnowska I, Juszczak L. 2019. Development and physicochemical, thermal and mechanical properties of edible films based on pumpkin, lentil and quinoa starches. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, (138): 441–449.
Prakash Maran J, Sivakumar V, Thirugnanasambandham K, Kandasamy S, 2013. Modeling and analysis of film composition on mechanical properties of maize starch based edible films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, (62): 565–573.
Steffolani E, de la Hera E, Pérez G, Gómez M, 2014. Effect of Chia (Salvia hispanicaL) Addition on the Quality of Gluten-Free Bread. Journal of Food Quality, 37(5): 309–317.
Supawong S, Park JW, Thawornchinsombut S, 2018. Fat blocking roles of fish proteins in fried fish cake. LWT, (97): 462–468.
Tamsen M, Shekarchizadeh H, Soltanizadeh N, 2018. Evaluation of wheat flour substitution with amaranth flour on chicken nugget properties. LWT - Food Science and Technology, (91): 580–587.
Tapia-Blácido DR, do Amaral Sobral PJ, Menegalli, F. C. 2011. Optimization of amaranth flour films plasticized with glycerol and sorbitol by multi-response analysis. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 44(8): 1731–1738.
Voong KY, Norton AB, Mills TB, Norton IT, 2018. Characterisation of deep-fried batter and breaded coatings. Food Structure, (16): 43–49.
Zeng H, Chen J, Zhai J, Wang H, Xia W, Xiong YL, 2016. Reduction of the fat content of battered and breaded fish balls during deep-fat frying using fermented bamboo shoot dietary fiber. LWT - Food Science and Technology, (73): 425–431.
Karahan, A. M., Meral, R., & Kılınççeker, O. (2020). Bazı Tahıl ve Tahıl Benzeri Unların Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplama Potansiyellerinin Belirlenmesi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 10(3), 1692-1701.
Karahan AM, Meral R, Kılınççeker O. Bazı Tahıl ve Tahıl Benzeri Unların Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplama Potansiyellerinin Belirlenmesi. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Eylül 2020;10(3):1692-1701. doi:10.21597/jist.662709
Karahan, Ali Mücahit, Raciye Meral, ve Osman Kılınççeker. “Bazı Tahıl Ve Tahıl Benzeri Unların Yenilebilir Film Ve Kaplama Potansiyellerinin Belirlenmesi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10, sy. 3 (Eylül 2020): 1692-1701.
Karahan AM, Meral R, Kılınççeker O (01 Eylül 2020) Bazı Tahıl ve Tahıl Benzeri Unların Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplama Potansiyellerinin Belirlenmesi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10 3 1692–1701.
A. M. Karahan, R. Meral, ve O. Kılınççeker, “Bazı Tahıl ve Tahıl Benzeri Unların Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplama Potansiyellerinin Belirlenmesi”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 10, sy. 3, ss. 1692–1701, 2020, doi: 10.21597/jist.662709.
Karahan, Ali Mücahit vd. “Bazı Tahıl Ve Tahıl Benzeri Unların Yenilebilir Film Ve Kaplama Potansiyellerinin Belirlenmesi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10/3 (Eylül 2020), 1692-1701.
Karahan AM, Meral R, Kılınççeker O. Bazı Tahıl ve Tahıl Benzeri Unların Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplama Potansiyellerinin Belirlenmesi. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2020;10:1692–1701.
Karahan, Ali Mücahit vd. “Bazı Tahıl Ve Tahıl Benzeri Unların Yenilebilir Film Ve Kaplama Potansiyellerinin Belirlenmesi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 10, sy. 3, 2020, ss. 1692-01, doi:10.21597/jist.662709.
Karahan AM, Meral R, Kılınççeker O. Bazı Tahıl ve Tahıl Benzeri Unların Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplama Potansiyellerinin Belirlenmesi. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2020;10(3):1692-701.