Araştırma Makalesi
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Changes of Calcium Content on Some Trees in Kocaeli

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 148 - 154, 22.12.2021


Soil is an essential component for the lives of plants, as well as water and air are. The elements in the soil direct the metabolic activities such as beginning, formation, and continuity of life. The level of nutrient elements in the body determines the status of vital activities. The amount of nutrient elements in soil and the mechanism of plants’ intake of these elements vary between the species. Calcium (Ca), one of the main macronutrient elements, is of vital importance for many vital functions such as cell wall and membrane for plants and trees, but its deficiency results in developmental losses, yield losses, stress, and even death. In fact, under the effect of mutual interaction between genetic factors and environmental factors, it accumulates within the species at different levels. In this study, the species used for determining the amount of the Ca were obtained from an industrial zone in Kocaeli province in the year 2020. The annual rings of Robinia pseudoacacia, Cupressus arizonica, and Platanus orientalis were used during the analyses. Thanks to the multiple annual rings of these trees, the variability of the Ca concentrations could be determined by years.


  • Işınkaralar, Ö. & Varol, Ç. (2021). Kent Merkezlerinde Ticaret Birimlerin Mekansal Örüntüsü Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme: Kastamonu Örneği. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6(2), 396-403.
  • Ozturk S, Isinkaralar O and Kesimoglu F (2021). An Assessment on Shopping Centers as Consumption Places. KUJES 7(1):65-73.
  • Ozturk S, Isinkaralar O, Yilmaz D and Cicek E (2021). Tourists’ Perspective of Cultural Heritage Areas: Importance-Performance Analysis of Safranbolu. Research&Reviews in Architecture, Planning and Design, Gece Akademi, Chapter 7, pp. 133-155.
  • Kareem A, Farooqi Z.U.R, Kalsom A, Mohy-Ud-Din W, Hussain M.M, Raza M and Khursheed M.M (2022). Organic Farming for Sustainable Soil Use, Management, Food Production and Climate Change Mitigation. In Sustainable Agriculture (pp. 39-59). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-83066-3_3
  • Bindraban P.S, Stoorvogel J.J, Jansen D.M, Vlaming J and Groot J.J.R (2000). Land quality indicators for sustainable land management: proposed method for yield gap and soil nutrient balance. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 81(2), 103-112.
  • Diacono M and Montemurro F (2011). Long-term effects of organic amendments on soil fertility. Sustainable agriculture volume 2, 761-786.
  • Vogel H.J, Bartke S, Daedlow K, Helming K, Kögel-Knabner I, Lang B and Wollschläger U (2018). A systemic approach for modeling soil functions. Soil, 4(1), 83-92.
  • Wang Z.H, Li S.X and Malhi S (2008). Effects of fertilization and other agronomic measures on nutritional quality of crops. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88(1), 7-23.
  • Schoenholtz S.H, Van Miegroet H and Burger J.A (2000). A review of chemical and physical properties as indicators of forest soil quality: challenges and opportunities. Forest ecology and management, 138(1-3), 335-356.
  • Singh J.S (2014). Cyanobacteria: a vital bio-agent in eco-restoration of degraded lands and sustainable agriculture. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, 2(2), 133-137.
  • Hooda P.S, Henry C.J.K, Seyoum T.A, Armstrong L.D.M and Fowler M.B (2002). The potential impact of geophagia on the bioavailability of iron, zinc and calcium in human nutrition. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 24(4), 305-319.
  • Ramírez-Builes V.H, Küsters J, de Souza T.R and Simmes C (2020). Calcium Nutrition in Coffee and Its Influence on Growth, Stress Tolerance, Cations Uptake, and Productivity. Frontiers in Agronomy, 2, 23.
  • Caires E.F, Corrêa J.C.L, Churka S, Barth G and Garbuio F.J (2006). Surface application of lime ameliorates subsoil acidity and improves root growth and yield of wheat in an acid soil under no-till system. Scientia Agricola, 63(5), 502-509.
  • Schwarz M (2012). Soilless culture management (Vol. 24). Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Cramer M.D and Hawkins H.J (2009). A physiological mechanism for the formation of root casts. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 274(3-4), 125-133.
  • Niwa R, Kumei T, Nomura Y, Yoshida S, Osaki M and Ezawa T (2007). Increase in soil pH due to Ca-rich organic matter application causes suppression of the clubroot disease of crucifers. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39(3), 778-785.
  • Witney G.W, Hofman P.J and Wolstenholme B.N (1990). Effect of cultivar, tree vigour and fruit position on calcium accumulation in avocado fruits. Scientia Horticulturae, 44(3-4), 269-278.
  • D'Auria E, Pendezza E, Leone A, Riccaboni F, Bosetti A, Borsani B and Bertoli S (2021). Nutrient intake in school-aged children with food allergies: a case-control study. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1-8.
  • Lawrence G, Siemion J, Antidormi M, Bonville D and McHale M (2021). Have sustained acidic deposition decreases led to increased calcium availability in recovering watersheds of the Adirondack region of New York, USA?. Soil Systems, 5(1), 6.
  • Campos C.N.S, Teixeira G.C.M, Prado R.D.M, Caione G, da Silva Júnior G.B, David C.H.O.D and Teodoro P.E (2021). Macronutrient deficiency in cucumber plants: impacts in nutrition, growth and symptoms. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 1-18.
  • Österås A.H and Greger M (2003). Accumulation of, and interactions between, calcium and heavy metals in wood and bark of Picea abies. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 166(2), 246-253.
  • Islam M.S, Magid A.S.I.A, Chen Y, Weng L, Ma J, Arafat M.Y and Li Y (2021). Effect of calcium and iron-enriched biochar on arsenic and cadmium accumulation from soil to rice paddy tissues. Science of the Total Environment, 785, 147163.
  • Razak M.R, Aris A.Z, Zakaria N.A.C, Wee S.Y and Ismail N.A.H (2021). Accumulation and risk assessment of heavy metals employing species sensitivity distributions in Linggi River, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 211, 111905.
  • Koç İ (2021a). Using Cedrus atlantica’s annual rings as a biomonitor in observing the changes of Ni and Co concentrations in the atmosphere. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-7.
  • Turkyilmaz A, Sevik H, Isinkaralar K and Cetin M (2018a). Using Acer platanoides annual rings to monitor the amount of heavy metals accumulated in air. Environ Monit Assess 190:578.
  • Karacocuk T, Sevik H, Isinkaralar K, Turkyilmaz A and Cetin M (2021). The change of Cr and Mn concentrations in selected plants in Samsun city center depending on traffic density. Landscape Ecol Eng.
  • Cetin M, Sevik H and Cobanoglu O (2020). Ca, Cu, and Li in washed and unwashed specimens of needles, bark, and branches of the blue spruce (Picea pungens) in the city of Ankara. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-10.
  • Cesur A, Zeren Cetin I, Abo Aisha AES, Alrabiti OBM, Aljama AMO, Jawed AA, Cetin M, Sevik H and Ozel HB (2021). The usability of Cupressus arizonica annual rings in monitoring the changes in heavy metal concentration in air. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Environ Sci Pout Res) 2021. DOI:10.1007/s11356-021-13166-4;
  • Martínez D.N, Díaz-Álvarez E.A and de la Barrera E (2021). Selecting Biomonitors of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition: Guidelines for Practitioners and Decision Makers. Nitrogen 2021, 2, 308–320.
  • Ghoma WEO, Sevik H and Isinkaralar K (2021) Using indoor plants as biomonitors for detection of toxic metals by tobacco smoke. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, (In press)
  • Mossi M.M.M (2018). Determination of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Some Shrub Formed Landscape Plants, Kastamonu University Institute of Science Department of Forest Engineering, Phd Thesis, 141 pages
  • Turkyilmaz A, Sevik H and Cetin M (2018b). The use of perennial needles as bio-monitors for recently accumulated heavy metals. Landsc Ecol Eng 14 (1):115–120.
  • Savas D.S, Sevik H, Isinkaralar K, Turkyilmaz A and Cetin M (2021). The potential of using Cedrus atlantica as a biomonitor in the concentrations of Cr and Mn. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021).
  • Sert E.B, Turkmen M and Cetin M (2019). Heavy metal accumulation in rosemary leaves and stems exposed to traffic-related pollution near Adana-İskenderun Highway (Hatay, Turkey). Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191(9), 1-12.
  • Cetin M, Sevik H, Turkyilmaz A and Isinkaralar K (2021). Using Abies’s Needles as Biomonitors of Recent Heavy Metal Accumulation. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(1), 1-6.
  • Sevik H (2021). The Variation of Chrome Consantration in Some Landscape Plants Due to Species, Organ and Traffic Density. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(3), 595-600.
  • Shahid M, Dumat C, Khalid S, Schreck E, Xiong T and Niazi N.K (2017). Foliar heavy metal uptake, toxicity and detoxification in plants: A comparison of foliar and root metal uptake. Journal of hazardous materials, 325, 36-58.
  • Koç İ (2021b). Examining Seed Germination Rate and Seedlings Gas Exchange Performances of Some Turkish Red Pine Provenances Under Water Stress. Düzce University Journal of Science & Technology, 9(3), 48-60.
  • Cetin M, Sevik H, Yigit N, Ozel H.B, Aricak B and Varol T (2018a) The variable of leaf micromorphogical characters on grown in distinct climate conditions in some landscape plants. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27 (5): 3206-3211.
  • Turkyilmaz A, Cetin M, Sevik H, Isinkaralar K and Saleh E.A.A (2020). Variation of heavy metal accumulation in certain landscaping plants due to traffic density. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 22 (3), 2385-2398.
  • Cetin M, Sevik H and Yigit N (2018b). Climate type-related changes in the leaf micromorphological characters of certain landscape plants. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 190 (7), 404.
  • Wilson A.R, Nzokou P, Güney D and Kulaç Ş (2013). Growth response and nitrogen use physiology of Fraser fir (Abies fraseri), red pine (Pinus resinosa), and hybrid poplar under amino acid nutrition. New Forests, 44(2), 281-295.
  • Ozel HB, Cetin M, Sevik H, Varol T, Isik B and Yaman B (2021a) The effects of base station as an electromagnetic radiation source on flower and cone yield and germination percentage in Pinus brutia Ten. Biologia Futura (2021).
  • Isinkaralar, K. & Ramazan, E. (2021). Landscape Plants as Biomonitors for Magnesium Concentration in Some Species. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, 29(2), 468-473.
  • Mukhopadhyay S, Dutta R and Dhara A (2021). Assessment of air pollution tolerance index of Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack in Kolkata metro city, West Bengal, India. Urban Climate, 39, 100977.
  • Mohammadzadeh H, Mirzaei J, Farashiyani M.E, Soheili F, Woodward S, Abdul-Hamid H and Naji H.R (2021). Variation in the nutrient contents of leaves, bark, and wood of Persian oak trees (Quercus brantii) affected by decline. BioResources, 16(3), 4704. DOI:10.15376/biores.16.3.4704-4715
  • Martin J.A.R, Gutiérrez C, Torrijos M and Nanos N (2018). Wood and bark of Pinus halepensis as archives of heavy metal pollution in the Mediterranean Region. Environmental Pollution, 239, 438-447.
  • Birke M, Rauch U and Hofmann F (2018). Tree bark as a bioindicator of air pollution in the city of Stassfurt, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 187, 97-117.
Yıl 2021, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 148 - 154, 22.12.2021


Toprak, su ve hava gibi bitkilerin yaşamını devam ettirmesinde vazgeçilmez unsurdur. Toprak içindeki elementler ise yaşamın başlaması, oluşumu ve sürdürülmesi gibi metabolic faliyetlere yön vermektedir. Özellikle de besin elementlerinin hangi düzeyde bünyede bulunması ile yaşamsal aktivitelerinin durumlarını belirlemektedir. Topraktaki besin elementlerinin miktarı ve bitkilerin bunları bünyelerine almalarındaki mekanizması herbir tür için değişkenlik göstermektedir. Makro besin elementlerinin başında yer alan Kalsiyum (Ca) elementi bitkiler ve ağaçlar için hücre duvarı ve zar işlevi gibi oldukça hayati öneme sahip olmasına ragmen eksikliği ise bünyede olumsuz bir şekilde gelişim kayıplarına, ürün zayıflığına, strese hatta ölümle sonuçlanmaktadır. Esasında genetik faktörler ile çevresel faktörlerin karşılıklı etkileşimi altında türlerde farklı düzeylerde birikim yapmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında Ca miktarlarının tespiti için kullanılan türlerin 2020 yılının sonunda Kocaeli iline ait sanayi bölgesinden temin edilmiştir. Bunlar sırasıyla Robinia pseudoacacia, Cupressus arizonica ve Platanus orientalis ağaçlarının yıllık halkalarından faydalanılmıştır. Bu ağaçların çok yıllık halkaları sayesinde Ca besin elementinin yıllara göre konsantrasyonlarının değişkenlikleri tespit edilmiştir. 


  • Işınkaralar, Ö. & Varol, Ç. (2021). Kent Merkezlerinde Ticaret Birimlerin Mekansal Örüntüsü Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme: Kastamonu Örneği. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6(2), 396-403.
  • Ozturk S, Isinkaralar O and Kesimoglu F (2021). An Assessment on Shopping Centers as Consumption Places. KUJES 7(1):65-73.
  • Ozturk S, Isinkaralar O, Yilmaz D and Cicek E (2021). Tourists’ Perspective of Cultural Heritage Areas: Importance-Performance Analysis of Safranbolu. Research&Reviews in Architecture, Planning and Design, Gece Akademi, Chapter 7, pp. 133-155.
  • Kareem A, Farooqi Z.U.R, Kalsom A, Mohy-Ud-Din W, Hussain M.M, Raza M and Khursheed M.M (2022). Organic Farming for Sustainable Soil Use, Management, Food Production and Climate Change Mitigation. In Sustainable Agriculture (pp. 39-59). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-83066-3_3
  • Bindraban P.S, Stoorvogel J.J, Jansen D.M, Vlaming J and Groot J.J.R (2000). Land quality indicators for sustainable land management: proposed method for yield gap and soil nutrient balance. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 81(2), 103-112.
  • Diacono M and Montemurro F (2011). Long-term effects of organic amendments on soil fertility. Sustainable agriculture volume 2, 761-786.
  • Vogel H.J, Bartke S, Daedlow K, Helming K, Kögel-Knabner I, Lang B and Wollschläger U (2018). A systemic approach for modeling soil functions. Soil, 4(1), 83-92.
  • Wang Z.H, Li S.X and Malhi S (2008). Effects of fertilization and other agronomic measures on nutritional quality of crops. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88(1), 7-23.
  • Schoenholtz S.H, Van Miegroet H and Burger J.A (2000). A review of chemical and physical properties as indicators of forest soil quality: challenges and opportunities. Forest ecology and management, 138(1-3), 335-356.
  • Singh J.S (2014). Cyanobacteria: a vital bio-agent in eco-restoration of degraded lands and sustainable agriculture. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, 2(2), 133-137.
  • Hooda P.S, Henry C.J.K, Seyoum T.A, Armstrong L.D.M and Fowler M.B (2002). The potential impact of geophagia on the bioavailability of iron, zinc and calcium in human nutrition. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 24(4), 305-319.
  • Ramírez-Builes V.H, Küsters J, de Souza T.R and Simmes C (2020). Calcium Nutrition in Coffee and Its Influence on Growth, Stress Tolerance, Cations Uptake, and Productivity. Frontiers in Agronomy, 2, 23.
  • Caires E.F, Corrêa J.C.L, Churka S, Barth G and Garbuio F.J (2006). Surface application of lime ameliorates subsoil acidity and improves root growth and yield of wheat in an acid soil under no-till system. Scientia Agricola, 63(5), 502-509.
  • Schwarz M (2012). Soilless culture management (Vol. 24). Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Cramer M.D and Hawkins H.J (2009). A physiological mechanism for the formation of root casts. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 274(3-4), 125-133.
  • Niwa R, Kumei T, Nomura Y, Yoshida S, Osaki M and Ezawa T (2007). Increase in soil pH due to Ca-rich organic matter application causes suppression of the clubroot disease of crucifers. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39(3), 778-785.
  • Witney G.W, Hofman P.J and Wolstenholme B.N (1990). Effect of cultivar, tree vigour and fruit position on calcium accumulation in avocado fruits. Scientia Horticulturae, 44(3-4), 269-278.
  • D'Auria E, Pendezza E, Leone A, Riccaboni F, Bosetti A, Borsani B and Bertoli S (2021). Nutrient intake in school-aged children with food allergies: a case-control study. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1-8.
  • Lawrence G, Siemion J, Antidormi M, Bonville D and McHale M (2021). Have sustained acidic deposition decreases led to increased calcium availability in recovering watersheds of the Adirondack region of New York, USA?. Soil Systems, 5(1), 6.
  • Campos C.N.S, Teixeira G.C.M, Prado R.D.M, Caione G, da Silva Júnior G.B, David C.H.O.D and Teodoro P.E (2021). Macronutrient deficiency in cucumber plants: impacts in nutrition, growth and symptoms. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 1-18.
  • Österås A.H and Greger M (2003). Accumulation of, and interactions between, calcium and heavy metals in wood and bark of Picea abies. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 166(2), 246-253.
  • Islam M.S, Magid A.S.I.A, Chen Y, Weng L, Ma J, Arafat M.Y and Li Y (2021). Effect of calcium and iron-enriched biochar on arsenic and cadmium accumulation from soil to rice paddy tissues. Science of the Total Environment, 785, 147163.
  • Razak M.R, Aris A.Z, Zakaria N.A.C, Wee S.Y and Ismail N.A.H (2021). Accumulation and risk assessment of heavy metals employing species sensitivity distributions in Linggi River, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 211, 111905.
  • Koç İ (2021a). Using Cedrus atlantica’s annual rings as a biomonitor in observing the changes of Ni and Co concentrations in the atmosphere. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-7.
  • Turkyilmaz A, Sevik H, Isinkaralar K and Cetin M (2018a). Using Acer platanoides annual rings to monitor the amount of heavy metals accumulated in air. Environ Monit Assess 190:578.
  • Karacocuk T, Sevik H, Isinkaralar K, Turkyilmaz A and Cetin M (2021). The change of Cr and Mn concentrations in selected plants in Samsun city center depending on traffic density. Landscape Ecol Eng.
  • Cetin M, Sevik H and Cobanoglu O (2020). Ca, Cu, and Li in washed and unwashed specimens of needles, bark, and branches of the blue spruce (Picea pungens) in the city of Ankara. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-10.
  • Cesur A, Zeren Cetin I, Abo Aisha AES, Alrabiti OBM, Aljama AMO, Jawed AA, Cetin M, Sevik H and Ozel HB (2021). The usability of Cupressus arizonica annual rings in monitoring the changes in heavy metal concentration in air. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Environ Sci Pout Res) 2021. DOI:10.1007/s11356-021-13166-4;
  • Martínez D.N, Díaz-Álvarez E.A and de la Barrera E (2021). Selecting Biomonitors of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition: Guidelines for Practitioners and Decision Makers. Nitrogen 2021, 2, 308–320.
  • Ghoma WEO, Sevik H and Isinkaralar K (2021) Using indoor plants as biomonitors for detection of toxic metals by tobacco smoke. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, (In press)
  • Mossi M.M.M (2018). Determination of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Some Shrub Formed Landscape Plants, Kastamonu University Institute of Science Department of Forest Engineering, Phd Thesis, 141 pages
  • Turkyilmaz A, Sevik H and Cetin M (2018b). The use of perennial needles as bio-monitors for recently accumulated heavy metals. Landsc Ecol Eng 14 (1):115–120.
  • Savas D.S, Sevik H, Isinkaralar K, Turkyilmaz A and Cetin M (2021). The potential of using Cedrus atlantica as a biomonitor in the concentrations of Cr and Mn. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021).
  • Sert E.B, Turkmen M and Cetin M (2019). Heavy metal accumulation in rosemary leaves and stems exposed to traffic-related pollution near Adana-İskenderun Highway (Hatay, Turkey). Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191(9), 1-12.
  • Cetin M, Sevik H, Turkyilmaz A and Isinkaralar K (2021). Using Abies’s Needles as Biomonitors of Recent Heavy Metal Accumulation. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(1), 1-6.
  • Sevik H (2021). The Variation of Chrome Consantration in Some Landscape Plants Due to Species, Organ and Traffic Density. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(3), 595-600.
  • Shahid M, Dumat C, Khalid S, Schreck E, Xiong T and Niazi N.K (2017). Foliar heavy metal uptake, toxicity and detoxification in plants: A comparison of foliar and root metal uptake. Journal of hazardous materials, 325, 36-58.
  • Koç İ (2021b). Examining Seed Germination Rate and Seedlings Gas Exchange Performances of Some Turkish Red Pine Provenances Under Water Stress. Düzce University Journal of Science & Technology, 9(3), 48-60.
  • Cetin M, Sevik H, Yigit N, Ozel H.B, Aricak B and Varol T (2018a) The variable of leaf micromorphogical characters on grown in distinct climate conditions in some landscape plants. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27 (5): 3206-3211.
  • Turkyilmaz A, Cetin M, Sevik H, Isinkaralar K and Saleh E.A.A (2020). Variation of heavy metal accumulation in certain landscaping plants due to traffic density. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 22 (3), 2385-2398.
  • Cetin M, Sevik H and Yigit N (2018b). Climate type-related changes in the leaf micromorphological characters of certain landscape plants. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 190 (7), 404.
  • Wilson A.R, Nzokou P, Güney D and Kulaç Ş (2013). Growth response and nitrogen use physiology of Fraser fir (Abies fraseri), red pine (Pinus resinosa), and hybrid poplar under amino acid nutrition. New Forests, 44(2), 281-295.
  • Ozel HB, Cetin M, Sevik H, Varol T, Isik B and Yaman B (2021a) The effects of base station as an electromagnetic radiation source on flower and cone yield and germination percentage in Pinus brutia Ten. Biologia Futura (2021).
  • Isinkaralar, K. & Ramazan, E. (2021). Landscape Plants as Biomonitors for Magnesium Concentration in Some Species. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, 29(2), 468-473.
  • Mukhopadhyay S, Dutta R and Dhara A (2021). Assessment of air pollution tolerance index of Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack in Kolkata metro city, West Bengal, India. Urban Climate, 39, 100977.
  • Mohammadzadeh H, Mirzaei J, Farashiyani M.E, Soheili F, Woodward S, Abdul-Hamid H and Naji H.R (2021). Variation in the nutrient contents of leaves, bark, and wood of Persian oak trees (Quercus brantii) affected by decline. BioResources, 16(3), 4704. DOI:10.15376/biores.16.3.4704-4715
  • Martin J.A.R, Gutiérrez C, Torrijos M and Nanos N (2018). Wood and bark of Pinus halepensis as archives of heavy metal pollution in the Mediterranean Region. Environmental Pollution, 239, 438-447.
  • Birke M, Rauch U and Hofmann F (2018). Tree bark as a bioindicator of air pollution in the city of Stassfurt, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 187, 97-117.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Kaan Işınkaralar 0000-0003-1850-7515

Ramazan Erdem 0000-0002-5243-5685

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Ekim 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Işınkaralar, K., & Erdem, R. (2021). Changes of Calcium Content on Some Trees in Kocaeli. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(2), 148-154.
AMA Işınkaralar K, Erdem R. Changes of Calcium Content on Some Trees in Kocaeli. KUJES. Aralık 2021;7(2):148-154.
Chicago Işınkaralar, Kaan, ve Ramazan Erdem. “Changes of Calcium Content on Some Trees in Kocaeli”. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 7, sy. 2 (Aralık 2021): 148-54.
EndNote Işınkaralar K, Erdem R (01 Aralık 2021) Changes of Calcium Content on Some Trees in Kocaeli. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 7 2 148–154.
IEEE K. Işınkaralar ve R. Erdem, “Changes of Calcium Content on Some Trees in Kocaeli”, KUJES, c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 148–154, 2021.
ISNAD Işınkaralar, Kaan - Erdem, Ramazan. “Changes of Calcium Content on Some Trees in Kocaeli”. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 7/2 (Aralık 2021), 148-154.
JAMA Işınkaralar K, Erdem R. Changes of Calcium Content on Some Trees in Kocaeli. KUJES. 2021;7:148–154.
MLA Işınkaralar, Kaan ve Ramazan Erdem. “Changes of Calcium Content on Some Trees in Kocaeli”. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, c. 7, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 148-54.
Vancouver Işınkaralar K, Erdem R. Changes of Calcium Content on Some Trees in Kocaeli. KUJES. 2021;7(2):148-54.