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The Association between Thiol-Disulphide Balance and CA-15-3 Levels in Patients with Breast Cancer

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 70 - 75, 20.03.2020


Thiol/disulphide homeostasis
is important in cancer. Studies are carried out to be biomarkers in cancer
patients. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between
oxidative stress biomarker [thiol-disulphide homeostasis] and CEA [carcinoembryonic
antigen], IMA [ischemic modified albumin], albumin, CA
15-3 (cancer antigen 15-3) in patients with breast cancer and compare it with
healthy controls, which is conducted for the first time in the literature.
A total of 80 participants including 39
patients with breast cancer and 41 healthy individuals were included in the
study. CEA, CA15-3, native thiol, total thiol, and disulphide as well as
disulphide/native thiol and disulphide/total thiol ratios were compared between
the groups. Native thiol[-SH], disulfide [-S-S] and total thiol [TT]
concentrations were measured with a novel automated method.
Patients participated in the study under
chemotherapy. The study is a prospective study.
 In breast cancer group, IMA, albümin and CA-15-3  were obtained sitatiscally significant
difference compared to the controlegroup (p<0.05).  Although in high CA-15-3 group decreased
SH/TT and increased SS/TT ratios, there wasn’t a significant change in the
amount of thiol and disulfide.
There was not any
relationship between thiol-disulphide parameters and tumor markers in the the
breast cancer group. 
Itcould be said that changes in the thiol-disulphide homeostasis
may notbe interact with
CA 15-3 values.


  • 1. Özdemir A, Erel O. Thıol-Dısulphıde Balance: Could be a new marker for Thyroid Cancer? Journal of Cancer Therapy [JCT]. 2018; 9: 8.
  • 2. Kamińska M,Ciszewski T, Łopacka-Szatan C, Miotła P, Starosławska E. Breast cancer risk factors. Prz Menopauzalny 2015; 14: 196–202.
  • 3. Robert G. Allen. Oxidative stress and superoxide dismutase in development, aging and gene regulation , Age [Omaha], 1998; 21[2].
  • 4. Yalçın, GT. Flavonoidlerin kanser hücrelerine etkisi. Effect of Flavonoids on the Cancer Cells. phD Thesis, Institute Of Health Sciences, Selcuk University. Konya; 2013.
  • 5. Chianeh YR. Prabhu,K. Protein Thiols as an Indicator of Oxidative Stress, Archives Medical Review Journal.2014; 23[39]: 443-456.
  • 6. Cerutti PA. Prooxidant states and tumor promotion. Science. 1985; 227:375-81.
  • 7. Erel O, Neselioglu S. A novel and automated assay for thiol/disulphide homeostasis. Clinical Biochemistry.2014; 47[18]: 326-332.
  • 8. Hjerkind KV,Ellingjord-Dale M, Johansson AL. et al. Breast cancer risk factors and volumetric breast density in a national breast cancer screening program. Cancer Research. 2018; 78-13.
  • 9. Papadimitriou JP, Burchell JM, Plunkett, T, Graham R., Correa I, Miles D, Smith M. MUC1 and the Immunobiology of Cancer . Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia. 2002;7[2]: 209–221.
  • 10. Mohebtash M, Tsang KY, Madan al. A Pilot Study of MUC-1/CEA/TRICOM Poxviral-Based Vaccine in Patients with Metastatic Breast and Ovarian Cancer. Clin Cancer Res; 2011;17[22]; 1–10.
  • 11. Gürdöl F, Ademoglu, E.[Editors]. Biyokimya. 2. Baskı. Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 2010: 669.
  • 12. Gupta, RK, Patel AK, Shah N, et al. Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants in Disease and Cancer: A Review. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2014; l -15: 4405-4409.
  • 13. Ates I, Kaplan M, Yuksel M, et al. Determination of thiol/ disulphide homeostasis in type 1 diabetes mellitus and the factors associated with thiol oxidation. Endocrine 2016; 51:47-51.
  • 14. Kundi H, Ates I, Kızıltunc E, et al.A novel oxidative stress marker in acute myocardial infarction: thiol/disulphide homeostasis.Am J Emerg Med 2015; 33:1567-71.
  • 15. Özdemir A. Investıgatıon Of The Effects Of Mentha Spıcata Lamıaceae Mentha Extracts Prepared In Dıfferent Solvents Gıven To Rats Wıth Dry Powder On Blood, Β- Carotene, A,C Vıtamıns, Catalase, Glutathıone Peroxıdase, Glutathıone Reductase, Malondıaldehyde, Superoxıde Dısmutase Enzymes And Total Antı- Oxıdant Capacıty. phD Thesis,No:2010-003. Afyon Kocatepe University, Institute of Health Sciences.Departement of Biochemistery.Afyon;2010.
  • 16. Özdemir A, Sözbilir NB. The Effect of Mentha Spicata L. Dry Powder and its Different Typses Extracts on Certain Biochemical Parameters and Total Anti-oxidant Capacity. Afyon Kocatepe University Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 2016; 9[1]:12-18.
  • 17. Valko M, Rhodes CJ, Moncol J, Izakovic M, Mazur M. Free radicals, metals and antioxidants in oxidative stress-induced cancer. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 2006; 160 -1:40.
  • 18. Koçak S, Çelik L,Özbaş S, Dizbay Sak S, Tükün A, Yalçın B. Rısk Factors In Breast Cancer, Rısk Assessment And Preventıon:2010 Istanbul Consensus Meeetıng Report. The Journal of Breast Health 2011; 7: 2.
  • 19. Chianeh YR., Prabhu K. 2014, Protein Thiols as an Indicator of Oxidative Stress Oksidatif, Archives Medical Review Journal. 2014; 23[3] :443-456.
  • 20. Winther JR, Thorpe C. Quantification of thiols and disulfides.,Biochim Biophys Acta. 2014 Feb;1840[2]:838-46.
  • 21. Erel Ö. A new automated colorimetric method for measuring total oxidant status,Clinical Biochemistry. 2005; 38[12]: 1103–1111.
  • 22. Bektaş H, Vural G, Gümüşyayla Ş,Deniz O, Alışık M, Erel Ö. Akut İskemik İnmeli Hastalarda Tiyol-disülfid Dengesinin Araştırılması,Türk Beyin Damar Hast Dergisi.2015; 22 [1] :5.
  • 23. Dirican N, Dirican A, Şen O, Aynalı A, Atalay Ş, Bircan HA, Öztürk Ö, Erdoğan S, Çakır M, Akkaya A. Thiol/disulfide homeostasis: A prognostic biomarker for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer? Redox Rep. 2016;21[5]:197-203.
  • 24. Özkan S, Büyükdoğan M. Meme kanserinde prognostik faktörler: vakalarımızın retrospektif analizi, Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi 8 [1] :9-14.
  • 25. Ergin M, Cendek BD, Neselioglu S, Avsar AF and Erel Ö. Dynamic thiol-disulfide homeostasis in Hyperemesis gravidarum. Journal of Perinatology [2015], 1–5.
  • 26. Kilinc F,Sener S, Akbas A, Neselioglu S, Erel Ö. and Aktas A. Investigation of Dynamic Thiol-Disulfide Homeostasis in Alopecia Areata Patients. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research [2017], 21[6]: 1-7.
  • 27. Hazini A, Cemek M, Isıldak I, et al. Investigation of ischemia modified albumin, oxidant and antioxidant markers in acute myocardial infarction. Postepy Kardiol Interwencyjnej. 2015;11: 298–303.
  • 28. Eom JE, Lee E, Jeon KH, Sim J, Suh M, Jhon GJ, et al. Development of an albumin copper binding (ACuB) assay to detect ischemia modified albumin. Anal Sci 2014; 30:985-90.
  • 29. Beetham R, Monk C, Keating L, et al. Effects of storage at 20 degrees C on ischaemia-modified albumin results. Ann Clin Biochem. 2006;43:500–502.
  • 30. Yeh C-C, Hou MF, Tsai S-M et al. Superoxide anion radical, lipid peroxides and antioxidant status in the blood of patients with breast cancer. Clinica Chimica Acta, 2005;361(1–2): 104-111.
  • 31. Rajneesh C P, Manimaran A, Sasikala K R, Adaikappan P. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in patients with breast cancer. Singapore Med J 2008; 49(8) : 640.

Meme Kanseri Hastalarında Dinamik Tiyol, Disülfit Dengesi ile CA-15-3 Seviyeleri Arasındaki İlişki

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 70 - 75, 20.03.2020


Tiyol/disülfit dengesi birçok hastalıkda
önemli bir oksidatif belirteçtir. Kanserli olgularda  biyo-belirteç olması yönünde çalışmalar
yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı meme kanserli hastalarda oksidatif stres
belirteci [tiyol-disülfid homeostazis] ile CA 15-3 (kanser antijeni 15-3) ve
CEA [karsinoembriyojenik antijen], IMA[iskemik modifiye albümin], albümin
arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak ve literatürde ilk kez yapılan sağlıklı
kontrollerle karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışmaya 39 kanserli hasta ve 41 sağlıklı
toplamda 80 hasta dahil edildi. Deneye katılan hastaların CEA, CA 15-3
düzeyleri ve IMA, Albumin, Dinamik tiyol [-SH], Disülfit [-S-S] ve Total tiyol
[TT] düzeyleri incelendi. Hastalar kemoterapi altında çalışmaya katıldılar.
Çalışma prospektif bir çalışmadır. Kontrol -Meme CA grupları arasında IMA,
albumin ve CA-15-3 açısından istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark olduğu belirlendi
(p<0,05). CA 15-3 in yüksek olduğu grupta SH/TT değerlerinde azalma, SS/TT
değerlerinde artış görülmesine rağmen tiyol ve disülfid miktarlarında anlamlı
bir değişiklik olmadı. Tiyol-disülfid parametreleri ile Meme Ca grubunda tümör
biyo-belirteç değerleri arasında ilişki görülmedi. Tiyol-disülfid
homeostazisindeki değişikliklerin CA 15-3 ile etkileşmediği söylenebilir. 


  • 1. Özdemir A, Erel O. Thıol-Dısulphıde Balance: Could be a new marker for Thyroid Cancer? Journal of Cancer Therapy [JCT]. 2018; 9: 8.
  • 2. Kamińska M,Ciszewski T, Łopacka-Szatan C, Miotła P, Starosławska E. Breast cancer risk factors. Prz Menopauzalny 2015; 14: 196–202.
  • 3. Robert G. Allen. Oxidative stress and superoxide dismutase in development, aging and gene regulation , Age [Omaha], 1998; 21[2].
  • 4. Yalçın, GT. Flavonoidlerin kanser hücrelerine etkisi. Effect of Flavonoids on the Cancer Cells. phD Thesis, Institute Of Health Sciences, Selcuk University. Konya; 2013.
  • 5. Chianeh YR. Prabhu,K. Protein Thiols as an Indicator of Oxidative Stress, Archives Medical Review Journal.2014; 23[39]: 443-456.
  • 6. Cerutti PA. Prooxidant states and tumor promotion. Science. 1985; 227:375-81.
  • 7. Erel O, Neselioglu S. A novel and automated assay for thiol/disulphide homeostasis. Clinical Biochemistry.2014; 47[18]: 326-332.
  • 8. Hjerkind KV,Ellingjord-Dale M, Johansson AL. et al. Breast cancer risk factors and volumetric breast density in a national breast cancer screening program. Cancer Research. 2018; 78-13.
  • 9. Papadimitriou JP, Burchell JM, Plunkett, T, Graham R., Correa I, Miles D, Smith M. MUC1 and the Immunobiology of Cancer . Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia. 2002;7[2]: 209–221.
  • 10. Mohebtash M, Tsang KY, Madan al. A Pilot Study of MUC-1/CEA/TRICOM Poxviral-Based Vaccine in Patients with Metastatic Breast and Ovarian Cancer. Clin Cancer Res; 2011;17[22]; 1–10.
  • 11. Gürdöl F, Ademoglu, E.[Editors]. Biyokimya. 2. Baskı. Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 2010: 669.
  • 12. Gupta, RK, Patel AK, Shah N, et al. Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants in Disease and Cancer: A Review. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2014; l -15: 4405-4409.
  • 13. Ates I, Kaplan M, Yuksel M, et al. Determination of thiol/ disulphide homeostasis in type 1 diabetes mellitus and the factors associated with thiol oxidation. Endocrine 2016; 51:47-51.
  • 14. Kundi H, Ates I, Kızıltunc E, et al.A novel oxidative stress marker in acute myocardial infarction: thiol/disulphide homeostasis.Am J Emerg Med 2015; 33:1567-71.
  • 15. Özdemir A. Investıgatıon Of The Effects Of Mentha Spıcata Lamıaceae Mentha Extracts Prepared In Dıfferent Solvents Gıven To Rats Wıth Dry Powder On Blood, Β- Carotene, A,C Vıtamıns, Catalase, Glutathıone Peroxıdase, Glutathıone Reductase, Malondıaldehyde, Superoxıde Dısmutase Enzymes And Total Antı- Oxıdant Capacıty. phD Thesis,No:2010-003. Afyon Kocatepe University, Institute of Health Sciences.Departement of Biochemistery.Afyon;2010.
  • 16. Özdemir A, Sözbilir NB. The Effect of Mentha Spicata L. Dry Powder and its Different Typses Extracts on Certain Biochemical Parameters and Total Anti-oxidant Capacity. Afyon Kocatepe University Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 2016; 9[1]:12-18.
  • 17. Valko M, Rhodes CJ, Moncol J, Izakovic M, Mazur M. Free radicals, metals and antioxidants in oxidative stress-induced cancer. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 2006; 160 -1:40.
  • 18. Koçak S, Çelik L,Özbaş S, Dizbay Sak S, Tükün A, Yalçın B. Rısk Factors In Breast Cancer, Rısk Assessment And Preventıon:2010 Istanbul Consensus Meeetıng Report. The Journal of Breast Health 2011; 7: 2.
  • 19. Chianeh YR., Prabhu K. 2014, Protein Thiols as an Indicator of Oxidative Stress Oksidatif, Archives Medical Review Journal. 2014; 23[3] :443-456.
  • 20. Winther JR, Thorpe C. Quantification of thiols and disulfides.,Biochim Biophys Acta. 2014 Feb;1840[2]:838-46.
  • 21. Erel Ö. A new automated colorimetric method for measuring total oxidant status,Clinical Biochemistry. 2005; 38[12]: 1103–1111.
  • 22. Bektaş H, Vural G, Gümüşyayla Ş,Deniz O, Alışık M, Erel Ö. Akut İskemik İnmeli Hastalarda Tiyol-disülfid Dengesinin Araştırılması,Türk Beyin Damar Hast Dergisi.2015; 22 [1] :5.
  • 23. Dirican N, Dirican A, Şen O, Aynalı A, Atalay Ş, Bircan HA, Öztürk Ö, Erdoğan S, Çakır M, Akkaya A. Thiol/disulfide homeostasis: A prognostic biomarker for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer? Redox Rep. 2016;21[5]:197-203.
  • 24. Özkan S, Büyükdoğan M. Meme kanserinde prognostik faktörler: vakalarımızın retrospektif analizi, Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi 8 [1] :9-14.
  • 25. Ergin M, Cendek BD, Neselioglu S, Avsar AF and Erel Ö. Dynamic thiol-disulfide homeostasis in Hyperemesis gravidarum. Journal of Perinatology [2015], 1–5.
  • 26. Kilinc F,Sener S, Akbas A, Neselioglu S, Erel Ö. and Aktas A. Investigation of Dynamic Thiol-Disulfide Homeostasis in Alopecia Areata Patients. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research [2017], 21[6]: 1-7.
  • 27. Hazini A, Cemek M, Isıldak I, et al. Investigation of ischemia modified albumin, oxidant and antioxidant markers in acute myocardial infarction. Postepy Kardiol Interwencyjnej. 2015;11: 298–303.
  • 28. Eom JE, Lee E, Jeon KH, Sim J, Suh M, Jhon GJ, et al. Development of an albumin copper binding (ACuB) assay to detect ischemia modified albumin. Anal Sci 2014; 30:985-90.
  • 29. Beetham R, Monk C, Keating L, et al. Effects of storage at 20 degrees C on ischaemia-modified albumin results. Ann Clin Biochem. 2006;43:500–502.
  • 30. Yeh C-C, Hou MF, Tsai S-M et al. Superoxide anion radical, lipid peroxides and antioxidant status in the blood of patients with breast cancer. Clinica Chimica Acta, 2005;361(1–2): 104-111.
  • 31. Rajneesh C P, Manimaran A, Sasikala K R, Adaikappan P. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in patients with breast cancer. Singapore Med J 2008; 49(8) : 640.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Makaleler-Araştırma Yazıları

Ayşe Özdemir 0000-0003-2639-7344

Uttku Dönem Dilli Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5620-8466

Dalyan Özdemir Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9524-4352

Salim Neşelioğlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-0974-5717

Özcan Erel 0000-0002-2996-3236

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Mart 2020
Kabul Tarihi 8 Ağustos 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdemir, A., Dönem Dilli, U., Özdemir, D., Neşelioğlu, S., vd. (2020). The Association between Thiol-Disulphide Balance and CA-15-3 Levels in Patients with Breast Cancer. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi, 21(1), 70-75.
AMA Özdemir A, Dönem Dilli U, Özdemir D, Neşelioğlu S, Erel Ö. The Association between Thiol-Disulphide Balance and CA-15-3 Levels in Patients with Breast Cancer. KTD. Mart 2020;21(1):70-75. doi:10.18229/kocatepetip.560366
Chicago Özdemir, Ayşe, Uttku Dönem Dilli, Dalyan Özdemir, Salim Neşelioğlu, ve Özcan Erel. “The Association Between Thiol-Disulphide Balance and CA-15-3 Levels in Patients With Breast Cancer”. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 21, sy. 1 (Mart 2020): 70-75.
EndNote Özdemir A, Dönem Dilli U, Özdemir D, Neşelioğlu S, Erel Ö (01 Mart 2020) The Association between Thiol-Disulphide Balance and CA-15-3 Levels in Patients with Breast Cancer. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 21 1 70–75.
IEEE A. Özdemir, U. Dönem Dilli, D. Özdemir, S. Neşelioğlu, ve Ö. Erel, “The Association between Thiol-Disulphide Balance and CA-15-3 Levels in Patients with Breast Cancer”, KTD, c. 21, sy. 1, ss. 70–75, 2020, doi: 10.18229/kocatepetip.560366.
ISNAD Özdemir, Ayşe vd. “The Association Between Thiol-Disulphide Balance and CA-15-3 Levels in Patients With Breast Cancer”. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 21/1 (Mart 2020), 70-75.
JAMA Özdemir A, Dönem Dilli U, Özdemir D, Neşelioğlu S, Erel Ö. The Association between Thiol-Disulphide Balance and CA-15-3 Levels in Patients with Breast Cancer. KTD. 2020;21:70–75.
MLA Özdemir, Ayşe vd. “The Association Between Thiol-Disulphide Balance and CA-15-3 Levels in Patients With Breast Cancer”. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi, c. 21, sy. 1, 2020, ss. 70-75, doi:10.18229/kocatepetip.560366.
Vancouver Özdemir A, Dönem Dilli U, Özdemir D, Neşelioğlu S, Erel Ö. The Association between Thiol-Disulphide Balance and CA-15-3 Levels in Patients with Breast Cancer. KTD. 2020;21(1):70-5.

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